Fox News - News By Design


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Apr 5, 2009

12 most despicable things Fox News did in 2012 -
Mark Howard
Jan 5, 2013

The most heartbreaking news of 2012 was surely the massacre in Newtown, CT, where 20 schoolchildren and six adults were senselessly murdered by a deranged gunman. The resultant outcry from concerned Americans about the easy access to weapons that are capable of such carnage was met by Fox News as an attack on the Second Amendment and free enterprise. Its response was to slaughter the First Amendment by prohibiting any discussion of gun safety on the network.


12) Fox opposes ban on assault weapons but imposes ban on talking about it.

&#8630;It’s also worthwhile to note that while Fox has banned all talk of gun control, they have not similarly banished talk of other explanations for the atrocity in Connecticut. For instance, they had no problemn with laying the blame on movies and video games. And Fox host Mike Huckabee was permitted to go on the air and blame the killings on the absence of God in the classroom. That’s is a particularly idiotic theory when you consider that other mass killings have taken place in churches where there presumably was no shortage of Godliness.

News Corpse » Fox News Opposes Ban On Assault Weapons But Imposes Ban On Talking About It: Posted by Mark on December 17, 2012

Never mind that Rupert Murdoch, the CEO of the Fox News parent company, supports taking “bold leadership” to restrict access to assault weapons, executives at Fox News have dictated that the subject of gun control is forbidden on their network. Sources told Gabriel Sherman of New York Magazine that…
“David Clark, the executive producer in charge of Fox’s weekend coverage, gave producers instructions not to talk about gun-control policy on air. ‘This network is not going there,’ Clark wrote one producer on Saturday night, according to a source with knowledge of the exchange.”
This is the sort of overt bias that is practiced at Fox News on a regular basis. There is nothing new about Fox demanding that their anchors and contributors follow the marching orders from the executive suites. They receive a morning memo informing them on the topics of the day and what their positions will be. Even loyal Fox associates like pollster Frank Luntz have revealed that failing to “comport with the outlet’s orthodoxy” will result in getting you blacklisted. Sherman’s sources went on to say that…
“During the weekend, one frustrated producer went around Clark to lobby Michael Clemente, Fox’s executive vice-president for news editorial, but Clemente upheld the mandate. ‘We were expressly forbidden from discussing gun control,’ the source said.”

yeah, it's not nearly as mainstream (er commietastic) as the HuffPo or DailyKooks
You know...there are other forums than just the politics forum.
The one called "media" for instance...

Agreed but-----but Foxaganda designs it's "news" with a political agenda in mind.
Obviously you do not watch MSNBC also know as 2 X chromosomes and 1 Y !?
Leftist neo communist teeny boppers must believe the folks over at pmsnbc are objectively non political. Yes, they are that stupid.
Fox News, MSNBC, Huffington Post, The Drudge Report, The Blaze, The Daily Kos, and The Daily Caller are actually the living embodiment of the freedom of the press envisioned by our founders.

To wit:

In America there is scarcely a hamlet that has not its newspaper. It may readily be imagined that neither discipline nor unity of action can be established among so many combatants, and each one consequently fights under his own standard. All the political journals of the United States are, indeed, arrayed on the side of the administration or against it; but they attack and defend it in a thousand different ways.

"Fairness" was not the goal. Freedom of opinion was the goal.

Objectivity is a business model, not a legal requirement.

I look at these media outlets as just another version of political associations. They are not "news" outlets, though they call themselves that. They are political organs.

The journalists of the United States are generally in a very humble position, with a scanty education and a vulgar turn of mind.

Once you see them that way, you would be a damned fool to believe their propaganda without question. You'd be an idiot to be one of those people who just copies and pastes their highly spun bullshit.

The characteristics of the American journalist consist in an open and coarse appeal to the passions of his readers; he abandons principles to assail the characters of individuals, to track them into private life and disclose all their weaknesses and vices.

Wakey wakey!
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Man, the media during the 18th and 19th century would have really pissed you guys off.

12 most despicable things Fox News did in 2012 -
Mark Howard
Jan 5, 2013

The most heartbreaking news of 2012 was surely the massacre in Newtown, CT, where 20 schoolchildren and six adults were senselessly murdered by a deranged gunman. The resultant outcry from concerned Americans about the easy access to weapons that are capable of such carnage was met by Fox News as an attack on the Second Amendment and free enterprise. Its response was to slaughter the First Amendment by prohibiting any discussion of gun safety on the network.


12) Fox opposes ban on assault weapons but imposes ban on talking about it.

&#8630;It&#8217;s also worthwhile to note that while Fox has banned all talk of gun control, they have not similarly banished talk of other explanations for the atrocity in Connecticut. For instance, they had no problemn with laying the blame on movies and video games. And Fox host Mike Huckabee was permitted to go on the air and blame the killings on the absence of God in the classroom. That&#8217;s is a particularly idiotic theory when you consider that other mass killings have taken place in churches where there presumably was no shortage of Godliness.

News Corpse » Fox News Opposes Ban On Assault Weapons But Imposes Ban On Talking About It: Posted by Mark on December 17, 2012

Never mind that Rupert Murdoch, the CEO of the Fox News parent company, supports taking &#8220;bold leadership&#8221; to restrict access to assault weapons, executives at Fox News have dictated that the subject of gun control is forbidden on their network. Sources told Gabriel Sherman of New York Magazine that&#8230;
&#8220;David Clark, the executive producer in charge of Fox&#8217;s weekend coverage, gave producers instructions not to talk about gun-control policy on air. &#8216;This network is not going there,&#8217; Clark wrote one producer on Saturday night, according to a source with knowledge of the exchange.&#8221;
This is the sort of overt bias that is practiced at Fox News on a regular basis. There is nothing new about Fox demanding that their anchors and contributors follow the marching orders from the executive suites. They receive a morning memo informing them on the topics of the day and what their positions will be. Even loyal Fox associates like pollster Frank Luntz have revealed that failing to &#8220;comport with the outlet&#8217;s orthodoxy&#8221; will result in getting you blacklisted. Sherman&#8217;s sources went on to say that&#8230;
&#8220;During the weekend, one frustrated producer went around Clark to lobby Michael Clemente, Fox&#8217;s executive vice-president for news editorial, but Clemente upheld the mandate. &#8216;We were expressly forbidden from discussing gun control,&#8217; the source said.&#8221;


You mean like when the NBC producer altered the 911 tapes to make Zimmerman look like a racist, or like when Rather broadcast a story on Bush he knew to be false? That kind of news by design?

[...access to weapons that are capable of such carnage was met by Fox News as an attack on the Second Amendment and free enterprise.

Any chance that could be because restricting access only put law abiding citizens at a disadvantage when facing armed criminals that don't give a shit about your regulations?

Naw, couldn't be...:doubt:

12 most despicable things Fox News did in 2012 -
Mark Howard
Jan 5, 2013

The most heartbreaking news of 2012 was surely the massacre in Newtown, CT, where 20 schoolchildren and six adults were senselessly murdered by a deranged gunman. The resultant outcry from concerned Americans about the easy access to weapons that are capable of such carnage was met by Fox News as an attack on the Second Amendment and free enterprise. Its response was to slaughter the First Amendment by prohibiting any discussion of gun safety on the network.


12) Fox opposes ban on assault weapons but imposes ban on talking about it.

&#8630;It’s also worthwhile to note that while Fox has banned all talk of gun control, they have not similarly banished talk of other explanations for the atrocity in Connecticut. For instance, they had no problemn with laying the blame on movies and video games. And Fox host Mike Huckabee was permitted to go on the air and blame the killings on the absence of God in the classroom. That’s is a particularly idiotic theory when you consider that other mass killings have taken place in churches where there presumably was no shortage of Godliness.

News Corpse » Fox News Opposes Ban On Assault Weapons But Imposes Ban On Talking About It: Posted by Mark on December 17, 2012

Never mind that Rupert Murdoch, the CEO of the Fox News parent company, supports taking “bold leadership” to restrict access to assault weapons, executives at Fox News have dictated that the subject of gun control is forbidden on their network. Sources told Gabriel Sherman of New York Magazine that…
“David Clark, the executive producer in charge of Fox’s weekend coverage, gave producers instructions not to talk about gun-control policy on air. ‘This network is not going there,’ Clark wrote one producer on Saturday night, according to a source with knowledge of the exchange.”
This is the sort of overt bias that is practiced at Fox News on a regular basis. There is nothing new about Fox demanding that their anchors and contributors follow the marching orders from the executive suites. They receive a morning memo informing them on the topics of the day and what their positions will be. Even loyal Fox associates like pollster Frank Luntz have revealed that failing to “comport with the outlet’s orthodoxy” will result in getting you blacklisted. Sherman’s sources went on to say that…
“During the weekend, one frustrated producer went around Clark to lobby Michael Clemente, Fox’s executive vice-president for news editorial, but Clemente upheld the mandate. ‘We were expressly forbidden from discussing gun control,’ the source said.”


You mean like when the NBC producer altered the 911 tapes to make Zimmerman look like a racist, or like when Rather broadcast a story on Bush he knew to be false? That kind of news by design?


Good on MSNBC for immediately firing the producer that Breitbarted the tape. OTOH, when Fox got busted for essentially the same thing...

News Corpse » Graphic Evidence Of The Racism Of Fox News: Racial Photoshopping:

...uh, well that's just Fox being "Fair and Balanced"?

12 most despicable things Fox News did in 2012 -
Mark Howard
Jan 5, 2013

The most heartbreaking news of 2012 was surely the massacre in Newtown, CT, where 20 schoolchildren and six adults were senselessly murdered by a deranged gunman. The resultant outcry from concerned Americans about the easy access to weapons that are capable of such carnage was met by Fox News as an attack on the Second Amendment and free enterprise. Its response was to slaughter the First Amendment by prohibiting any discussion of gun safety on the network.


12) Fox opposes ban on assault weapons but imposes ban on talking about it.

&#8630;It’s also worthwhile to note that while Fox has banned all talk of gun control, they have not similarly banished talk of other explanations for the atrocity in Connecticut. For instance, they had no problemn with laying the blame on movies and video games. And Fox host Mike Huckabee was permitted to go on the air and blame the killings on the absence of God in the classroom. That’s is a particularly idiotic theory when you consider that other mass killings have taken place in churches where there presumably was no shortage of Godliness.

News Corpse » Fox News Opposes Ban On Assault Weapons But Imposes Ban On Talking About It: Posted by Mark on December 17, 2012

Never mind that Rupert Murdoch, the CEO of the Fox News parent company, supports taking “bold leadership” to restrict access to assault weapons, executives at Fox News have dictated that the subject of gun control is forbidden on their network. Sources told Gabriel Sherman of New York Magazine that…
“David Clark, the executive producer in charge of Fox’s weekend coverage, gave producers instructions not to talk about gun-control policy on air. ‘This network is not going there,’ Clark wrote one producer on Saturday night, according to a source with knowledge of the exchange.”
This is the sort of overt bias that is practiced at Fox News on a regular basis. There is nothing new about Fox demanding that their anchors and contributors follow the marching orders from the executive suites. They receive a morning memo informing them on the topics of the day and what their positions will be. Even loyal Fox associates like pollster Frank Luntz have revealed that failing to “comport with the outlet’s orthodoxy” will result in getting you blacklisted. Sherman’s sources went on to say that…
“During the weekend, one frustrated producer went around Clark to lobby Michael Clemente, Fox’s executive vice-president for news editorial, but Clemente upheld the mandate. ‘We were expressly forbidden from discussing gun control,’ the source said.”


You mean like when the NBC producer altered the 911 tapes to make Zimmerman look like a racist, or like when Rather broadcast a story on Bush he knew to be false? That kind of news by design?


Good on MSNBC for immediately firing the producer that Breitbarted the tape. OTOH, when Fox got busted for essentially the same thing...

News Corpse » Graphic Evidence Of The Racism Of Fox News: Racial Photoshopping:

...uh, well that's just Fox being "Fair and Balanced"?

All the news sources do that. Time magazine did it on their cover with OJ. So what? You're singling out Fox as something extraordinary only points to YOUR bias. The grown ups understand the biases from various news sources, consider what each side has to say, and make up their own minds. You might try it sometime.
Leftist neo communist teeny boppers must believe the folks over at pmsnbc are objectively non political. Yes, they are that stupid.

Ahhh but MSNBC doesn't describe itself as MSNBC "news", does it?

Fox -ehem- News OTOH, in their rush to skew the dialogue about Sandy Hook and other heinous gun crimes pisses on their own anchors and contributors 1st Amendment right to free speech and-----and America is starting to notice.

Dec 06 2012


The frequency with which MSNBC is topping Fox dispels any notion that this is an anomaly. In fact, from election day through November 30, Maddow and O’Donnell beat Hannity and Van Susteren by 13% and 20% respectively. The full primetime averages for this period for Fox and MSNBC are separated by only 2% with O’Reilly lifting Fox barely into the lead.

Fox News can no longer boast that they are the runaway leader in cable news. Before long they may not be the leader at all. Their audience may be tiring of being lied to and they might not appreciate the filters that Fox has put between them and the real world. There can be only so many times that someone can discover that what they thought they knew for sure was not even close to correct. And people who get their news from Fox have been in that situation too many times already.

Fox News can no longer boast that they are the runaway leader in cable news.


Top 10 cable news ratings Q3, 2012:

1. The O'Reilly Factor
Fox News -- 2.831 million total viewers

2. Hannity
Fox News -- 2.35 million total viewers

3. Special Report with Bret Baier
Fox News -- 1.96 million total viewers

4. The Five
Fox News -- 1.86 million total viewers

5. On the Record with Greta van Susteren
Fox News -- 1.828 million total viewers

6. Fox Report with Shepard Smith
Fox News -- 1.734 million total viewers

7. America's Newsroom
Fox News -- 1.405 million total viewers

8. Your World with Neil Cavuto
Fox News -- 1.377 million total viewers

9. America Live
Fox News -- 1.234 million total viewers

10. O'Reilly Factor (11PM)
Fox News -- 1.191 million total viewers

Fucking liar.
Fox News can no longer boast that they are the runaway leader in cable news.


Top 10 cable news ratings Q3, 2012:

1. The O'Reilly Factor
Fox News -- 2.831 million total viewers

2. Hannity
Fox News -- 2.35 million total viewers

3. Special Report with Bret Baier
Fox News -- 1.96 million total viewers

4. The Five
Fox News -- 1.86 million total viewers

5. On the Record with Greta van Susteren
Fox News -- 1.828 million total viewers

6. Fox Report with Shepard Smith
Fox News -- 1.734 million total viewers

7. America's Newsroom
Fox News -- 1.405 million total viewers

8. Your World with Neil Cavuto
Fox News -- 1.377 million total viewers

9. America Live
Fox News -- 1.234 million total viewers

10. O'Reilly Factor (11PM)
Fox News -- 1.191 million total viewers

Fucking liar.

Puhhhleeze, posting Q3 numbers in response to Q4 information then-----then calling my C&P a lie? What's your excuse for missing the gist this time?

Maddow and O&#8217;Donnell Jingle Fox&#8217;s Bells:
For the month of December, two-thirds of the Fox News primetime lineup came in second to MSNBC (in the critical 25-54 year old demographic). The Rachel Maddow Show&#8217;s monthly average came in 4% above the formidable Fox fixture, Sean Hannity. Lawrence O&#8217;Donnell had an even better advantage of 11% over his weaker competition, Greta Van Susteren.

This was a stark difference from last year when Hannity comfortably led Maddow by 46% and Van Susteren outpaced O&#8217;Donnell by the same amount. Those leads have now completely evaporated. Only Bill O&#8217;Reilly has managed to keep his fat head above water, although his 69% December 2011 lead over Ed Schultz was cut nearly in half in 2012 to 40%.

December 2012 was an affirmation of the superior performance MSNBC has shown since the election in November. Maddow and O&#8217;Donnell have consistently defeated Hannity and Van Susteren since President Obama did the same thing to Mitt Romney. This can no longer be explained away by Fox defenders as mere depression on the part of conservative viewers who tuned out after an electoral spanking. That excuse may have made sense for a week or two, but not a full two months later with high profile news events like the &#8220;fiscal cliff,&#8221; new cabinet appointments, Benghazi hearings, the Petraeus scandal, and the Newtown school shooting dominating news coverage.

Like I said America is starting to notice that Fox skews the news.
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Fox News can no longer boast that they are the runaway leader in cable news.


Top 10 cable news ratings Q3, 2012:

1. The O'Reilly Factor
Fox News -- 2.831 million total viewers

2. Hannity
Fox News -- 2.35 million total viewers

3. Special Report with Bret Baier
Fox News -- 1.96 million total viewers

4. The Five
Fox News -- 1.86 million total viewers

5. On the Record with Greta van Susteren
Fox News -- 1.828 million total viewers

6. Fox Report with Shepard Smith
Fox News -- 1.734 million total viewers

7. America's Newsroom
Fox News -- 1.405 million total viewers

8. Your World with Neil Cavuto
Fox News -- 1.377 million total viewers

9. America Live
Fox News -- 1.234 million total viewers

10. O'Reilly Factor (11PM)
Fox News -- 1.191 million total viewers

Fucking liar.

Puhhhleeze, posting Q3 numbers in response to Q4 information then-----then calling my C&P a lie? What's your excuse for missing the gist this time?

Maddow and O’Donnell Jingle Fox’s Bells:
For the month of December, two-thirds of the Fox News primetime lineup came in second to MSNBC (in the critical 25-54 year old demographic). The Rachel Maddow Show’s monthly average came in 4% above the formidable Fox fixture, Sean Hannity. Lawrence O’Donnell had an even better advantage of 11% over his weaker competition, Greta Van Susteren.

This was a stark difference from last year when Hannity comfortably led Maddow by 46% and Van Susteren outpaced O’Donnell by the same amount. Those leads have now completely evaporated. Only Bill O’Reilly has managed to keep his fat head above water, although his 69% December 2011 lead over Ed Schultz was cut nearly in half in 2012 to 40%.

December 2012 was an affirmation of the superior performance MSNBC has shown since the election in November. Maddow and O’Donnell have consistently defeated Hannity and Van Susteren since President Obama did the same thing to Mitt Romney. This can no longer be explained away by Fox defenders as mere depression on the part of conservative viewers who tuned out after an electoral spanking. That excuse may have made sense for a week or two, but not a full two months later with high profile news events like the “fiscal cliff,” new cabinet appointments, Benghazi hearings, the Petraeus scandal, and the Newtown school shooting dominating news coverage.

Like I said America is starting to notice that Fox skews the news.

Bullshit. You did not post Q4 numbers, only the CHANGE in ONE demographic between Dec '11 and Dec '12, you dis-ingenious piece of shit.

I have not seen Q4 numbers FOR ALL DEMOGRAPHICS yet posted, but I assure you, Fox will still dominate.

Your bias is overwhelming.
While I haven't seen the figures for Q4, 2012, we do have the top 10 rankings for November of 2012:

1. The O'Reilly Factor
Fox News -- 3.522 million total viewers

2. Hannity
Fox News -- 2.785 million total viewers

3. Special Report with Bret Baier
Fox News -- 2.607 million total viewers

4. The Five
Fox News -- 2.536 million total viewers

5. Fox Report with Shepard Smith
Fox News -- 2.335 million total viewers

6. On the Record with Greta van Susteren
Fox News -- 2.287 million total viewers

7. Your World with Neil Cavuto
Fox News -- 1.904 million total viewers

8. America's Newsroom
Fox News -- 1.736 million total viewers

9. The Rachel Maddow Show
MSNBC -- 1.691 million total viewers

10. Studio B
Fox News -- 1.594 million total viewers

More evidence of just how full of shit you are. Or is it because Mr Maddow managed to slip into the top 10 that, how did you say it..."Fox News can no longer boast that they are the runaway leader in cable news"?

No, 9 out of the 10 top spots is in no way dominating...:cuckoo:

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