Fox News Poll: Biden 54% approval. Guy is killing it

We'll see in 2022 and 2024 what's funny, it won't be Rasmussen.
I remember when Hillary had a 95% probability of winning in 2016.
Remember when Trump had absolutely no way to win?

Yes. That was Nov 2020. No way for trump to win.
The poll indicates Biden voters. Overall it seems like about 28% approval.
Thank God, because if 54% approve of a hair sniffing, back door dealing,cognitively impaired, career politician who's only real "accomplihment" was to give us disasterous mandatory minimums who in mere months has spiked gas prices and killed our energy independence: Well then things would be even worse than I thought.
Fox News loves traitor Joe.
W loves traitor Joe
Cheney loves traitor Joe

Everyone who loved 911 and selling out our troops over lies in Iraq loves traitor Joe.

The Atlanta Jewish times explained why 10 years ago.....

Have US based Mossad assets take out a president - homO - deemed unfriendly to Israel so that the current vp - traitor Joe, who like fellow Zionist Jew racist pretending to be Christian LBJ would lie about it - can forcefully dictate US foreign policy to help Israel exterminate all of its neighbors

Fox News is 100% about Israel.

The people who watch and trust fox and believe fox is for "conservatives" "Christians" and America are the dumbest sub human life forms on the planet.....
Fox News loves traitor Joe.
W loves traitor Joe
Cheney loves traitor Joe

Everyone who loved 911 and selling out our troops over lies in Iraq loves traitor Joe.

The Atlanta Jewish times explained why 10 years ago.....

Have US based Mossad assets take out a president - homO - deemed unfriendly to Israel so that the current vp - traitor Joe, who like fellow Zionist Jew racist pretending to be Christian LBJ would lie about it - can forcefully dictate US foreign policy to help Israel exterminate all of its neighbors

Fox News is 100% about Israel.

The people who watch and trust fox and believe fox is for "conservatives" "Christians" and America are the dumbest sub human life forms on the planet.....
Anti-semites are really sick MFers.
Real Clear Politics AVERAGE

52%. A TWO point drop from peak. Hardly a "cratering"

Of note...Trump NEVER topped 50%
Also noted....Trump NEVER had the support of the ass kissing legacy media either.
Or the sycophants in entertainment. Or academia.

And when it comes to polls this makes a major difference.
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Biden still tracking very high approvals in a divided electorate - and this is before his Infrastructure win. Majority of independents approve of his performance which is the best indication of his performance. Biden is on a runaway train!

It’s largely a function of three things. The first is overwhelming support from Democrats, 60 percent of whom approve of him strongly and more than 9-in-10 who approve at least somewhat. The second is that a majority of independents at least somewhat approve of his performance. The third, and perhaps most unexpected, is that a fifth of Republicans say they at least somewhat approve — including 13 percent of those who also say they voted for former president Donald Trump last year.

Well...let's be honest here, Gator..."Democrats" would support Elmer Fudd if he'd replaced Donald Trump! The test for Joe Biden's popularity will be how he handles the inflation that we're about to experience. The price of everything is going up and it's going up fast! Let's see how popular Joe and the far left are once people understand the price of their policies!
Biden still tracking very high approvals in a divided electorate - and this is before his Infrastructure win. Majority of independents approve of his performance which is the best indication of his performance. Biden is on a runaway train!

It’s largely a function of three things. The first is overwhelming support from Democrats, 60 percent of whom approve of him strongly and more than 9-in-10 who approve at least somewhat. The second is that a majority of independents at least somewhat approve of his performance. The third, and perhaps most unexpected, is that a fifth of Republicans say they at least somewhat approve — including 13 percent of those who also say they voted for former president Donald Trump last year.

Well...let's be honest here, Gator..."Democrats" would support Elmer Fudd if he'd replaced Donald Trump! The test for Joe Biden's popularity will be how he handles the inflation that we're about to experience. The price of everything is going up and it's going up fast! Let's see how popular Joe and the far left are once people understand the price of their policies!
And so far Joe’s doing great
Biden still tracking very high approvals in a divided electorate - and this is before his Infrastructure win. Majority of independents approve of his performance which is the best indication of his performance. Biden is on a runaway train!

It’s largely a function of three things. The first is overwhelming support from Democrats, 60 percent of whom approve of him strongly and more than 9-in-10 who approve at least somewhat. The second is that a majority of independents at least somewhat approve of his performance. The third, and perhaps most unexpected, is that a fifth of Republicans say they at least somewhat approve — including 13 percent of those who also say they voted for former president Donald Trump last year.

Well...let's be honest here, Gator..."Democrats" would support Elmer Fudd if he'd replaced Donald Trump! The test for Joe Biden's popularity will be how he handles the inflation that we're about to experience. The price of everything is going up and it's going up fast! Let's see how popular Joe and the far left are once people understand the price of their policies!
And so far Joe’s doing great
Is he really? Anyone that understands economies would have told you that ours was going to rebound once things were no longer shut down because of Covid. The question is how big will the rebound be? I see the rebound being hampered by the policies of Joe Biden as he tries to appease the left. We were poised to have the strongest recovery ever in the history of the country. What we've seen so far is a recovery that's underperformed expectations.
Not really. We've never had to "restart" an econ since the deflation of the 30s. it may turn out that the dems applied too much direct stimulus to non working workers, and the demand for goods and services will continue to outstrip demand. And we'll have the stagflation. We'll see.

What is interesting is we seem to be seeing the uptick in wages the gop sought with their failed 2017 taxcuts. We lack something like 1000 gas truck drivers. WE had a shortage of long haul drivers before, but its exacerbated. And one reason is we better track DUIs and felonies now, plus it appears some ex-drivers found better ways to make money. Waiters are demanding more. I don't think anyone really predicted that. We knew that some workers who got laid off would never go back to work, because they took early retirement, qualified for disability ... or joined the cash economy.
Biden still tracking very high approvals in a divided electorate - and this is before his Infrastructure win. Majority of independents approve of his performance which is the best indication of his performance. Biden is on a runaway train!

It’s largely a function of three things. The first is overwhelming support from Democrats, 60 percent of whom approve of him strongly and more than 9-in-10 who approve at least somewhat. The second is that a majority of independents at least somewhat approve of his performance. The third, and perhaps most unexpected, is that a fifth of Republicans say they at least somewhat approve — including 13 percent of those who also say they voted for former president Donald Trump last year.

As he reverts back to using Trump's proven policies and agenda's, well of course he's stealing the lightening just like he's done with the many alledgedly plagiarized speeches and etc he's been involved with in the past. That's who the man is, and it has been shown countless times on the talk shows and documentaries attributed to his political career over the years.

Attempting to whitewash his record is hilarious.
No. Trump was a failure. He never even hit 50%. Most hated president of all time. But nice troll by
Tell that to Biden, because he sure reverted back to Trumps failure's (the border for example), in hopes to fix what Biden's handlers quickly began breaking. The man isn't in charge of his own mind, much less the nation's business. He has to revert back, because he quickly saw the devastation coming from his handler's action's, and he knew to the best of his cognitive declining ability that something was wrong. It's amazing that he can still function to some degree, but he's fading fast. Even if he improves by reverting to a moderate, time is unfortunately catching up with him quickly.
Whine, piss & moan. Rinse, repeat.
Fox News loves traitor Joe.
W loves traitor Joe
Cheney loves traitor Joe

Everyone who loved 911 and selling out our troops over lies in Iraq loves traitor Joe.

The Atlanta Jewish times explained why 10 years ago.....

Have US based Mossad assets take out a president - homO - deemed unfriendly to Israel so that the current vp - traitor Joe, who like fellow Zionist Jew racist pretending to be Christian LBJ would lie about it - can forcefully dictate US foreign policy to help Israel exterminate all of its neighbors

Fox News is 100% about Israel.

The people who watch and trust fox and believe fox is for "conservatives" "Christians" and America are the dumbest sub human life forms on the planet.....
Anti-semites are really sick MFers.

Again identical to BLM, Zionism responds to documented truth with a card toss.....

The real truth is that the Zionist fascist is the world's #1 coward, always hate hoaxing and trying to get others to fight wars for them....
Biden’s approval will be going up after these economic numbers.
Biden still tracking very high approvals in a divided electorate - and this is before his Infrastructure win. Majority of independents approve of his performance which is the best indication of his performance. Biden is on a runaway train!

It’s largely a function of three things. The first is overwhelming support from Democrats, 60 percent of whom approve of him strongly and more than 9-in-10 who approve at least somewhat. The second is that a majority of independents at least somewhat approve of his performance. The third, and perhaps most unexpected, is that a fifth of Republicans say they at least somewhat approve — including 13 percent of those who also say they voted for former president Donald Trump last year.

Well...let's be honest here, Gator..."Democrats" would support Elmer Fudd if he'd replaced Donald Trump! The test for Joe Biden's popularity will be how he handles the inflation that we're about to experience. The price of everything is going up and it's going up fast! Let's see how popular Joe and the far left are once people understand the price of their policies!
Well if the government under sliden pays everyone (Democrat loyalist), in order that they endure those prices, then the ones that will suffer the most are the (proud hard working American's that never take a government hand out), and who are mostly the medium income working class that pays for everything.

It's time that the Federal government stops being the "union" for citizen's against the capitalist system, and the Republic. It's time, just like it's time that the Federal government stop playing social experiment on this country, and it's time that it stops taking a stand against the majority who believe in the constitution, and in morals and values that balanced this nation out forever. It's time the Federal government stop doing a lot of it's unnecessary bullcrap that is causing huge negativity in this nation. It's time.
Fox News loves traitor Joe.
W loves traitor Joe
Cheney loves traitor Joe

Everyone who loved 911 and selling out our troops over lies in Iraq loves traitor Joe.

The Atlanta Jewish times explained why 10 years ago.....

Have US based Mossad assets take out a president - homO - deemed unfriendly to Israel so that the current vp - traitor Joe, who like fellow Zionist Jew racist pretending to be Christian LBJ would lie about it - can forcefully dictate US foreign policy to help Israel exterminate all of its neighbors

Fox News is 100% about Israel.

The people who watch and trust fox and believe fox is for "conservatives" "Christians" and America are the dumbest sub human life forms on the planet.....
Anti-semites are really sick MFers.

Again identical to BLM, Zionism responds to documented truth with a card toss.....

The real truth is that the Zionist fascist is the world's #1 coward, always hate hoaxing and trying to get others to fight wars for them....
Are you Elhan Omar's husband I mean brother? :cuckoo:
Sub knows best.

Sub parrots fox and Jew fraud of Christian preacher.

Sub not read Einstein's 1948 warning, preacher did not tell sub to do that.

Sub knows about Jesus. Sub parrots book. Jews know nothing about Jesus, they were just there, he was one of

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