Fox News Poll: Biden 54% approval. Guy is killing it

By this point in his term Trump had our economy humming, was securing the border, had gas headed towards two dollars a gallon, had our NATO allies living up to their commitments and had gotten us out of the total "joke" that was the Paris Accord!
Contrast that to what Biden has done! We've got runaway inflation because of his fiscal policies! Gas is 1/3rd higher than it was when he was elected! The Taliban and ISIS are once more in power in the Middle East! The border is a complete disaster with tens of thousands of illegals pouring across it and being released into the country! He's got us back into the Paris Accord which hamstrings our economy while letting the world's greatest polluters continue to pollute for another decade before they MIGHT cut back!
Biden's numbers will continue to drop because Joe Biden is the dumbest man in Washington and people are only now beginning to realize HOW dumb he really is!
You obviously can’t read a chart. Biden’s approval is 10% higher than Trumps at this point despite the challenge of cleaning up the economy (which Trump sank), vaccine distribution (which Trump punted), and Afghan withdrawal (which Trump pushed off).

If you took your mouth of his pp you could look around and see some sense.
By this point in his term Trump had our economy humming, was securing the border, had gas headed towards two dollars a gallon, had our NATO allies living up to their commitments and had gotten us out of the total "joke" that was the Paris Accord!
Contrast that to what Biden has done! We've got runaway inflation because of his fiscal policies! Gas is 1/3rd higher than it was when he was elected! The Taliban and ISIS are once more in power in the Middle East! The border is a complete disaster with tens of thousands of illegals pouring across it and being released into the country! He's got us back into the Paris Accord which hamstrings our economy while letting the world's greatest polluters continue to pollute for another decade before they MIGHT cut back!
Biden's numbers will continue to drop because Joe Biden is the dumbest man in Washington and people are only now beginning to realize HOW dumb he really is!
see, that poster likes to pay five dollars a gallon, he doesn't drive. He also likes to live in his basement and doesn't eat. He's a do nothing, he likes all others to suffer for his pleasure. Fk, the low black unemployment numbers under trump must have made him made as fking hell. Help blacks, ba--humbug.
see, that poster likes to pay five dollars a gallon, he doesn't drive. He also likes to live in his basement and doesn't eat. He's a do nothing, he likes all others to suffer for his pleasure. Fk, the low black unemployment numbers under trump must have made him made as fking hell. Help blacks, ba--humbug.
Your memory is dank. Trump is the only president in 20 years to leave with more unemployment than when he took over. Gas was low cuz 600,000 people died with Trump virus and demand to travel using gas plummeted, and black unemployment was higher than ever since the Great Depression under Trump. You crack me up.
Your memory is dank. Trump is the only president in 20 years to leave with more unemployment than when he took over. Gas was low cuz 600,000 people died with Trump virus and demand to travel using gas plummeted, and black unemployment was higher than ever since the Great Depression under Trump. You crack me up.
there you go!! Can't make it up.

Hey, I got an idea, how about you all send the Wuhan Delta over to the Taliban and get them infected. That would end them right? No bullets needed, just a virus. go get em slim.
there you go!! Can't make it up.

Hey, I got an idea, how about you all send the Wuhan Delta over to the Taliban and get them infected. That would end them right? No bullets needed, just a virus. go get em slim.
Deflection. Your stats were wrong. I corrected you. You’re welcome.
Biden still tracking very high approvals in a divided electorate - and this is before his Infrastructure win. Majority of independents approve of his performance which is the best indication of his performance. Biden is on a runaway train!

It’s largely a function of three things. The first is overwhelming support from Democrats, 60 percent of whom approve of him strongly and more than 9-in-10 who approve at least somewhat. The second is that a majority of independents at least somewhat approve of his performance. The third, and perhaps most unexpected, is that a fifth of Republicans say they at least somewhat approve — including 13 percent of those who also say they voted for former president Donald Trump last year.

What a difference a couple of months and abject incompetence make, eh?
you can't be an honest poster, any data I provide are facts. Feel free to simply link to your nonsense and back up your claims.

Gator is so stupid and dishonest I think they are a ryecatcher sock.
You obviously can’t read a chart. Biden’s approval is 10% higher than Trumps at this point despite the challenge of cleaning up the economy (which Trump sank), vaccine distribution (which Trump punted), and Afghan withdrawal (which Trump pushed off).

If you took your mouth of his pp you could look around and see some sense.
What that tells me, that people like YOU will support Biden regardless of how incompetent he is because you know that you're responsible for him being in the Oval Office and you don't want to admit that you did a great disservice to the country!

Trump didn't sink the economy...before Covid our economy was absolutely roaring along!
Trump is the guy who fast tracked the's Biden who hasn't been able to handle the distribution!
Don't even bring up the Afghan withdrawal! That fuck up is TOTALLY on Joe Biden! His leaked telephone call to the Afghan President shows quite clearly that Biden knew the Afghan Army wasn't doing well against the Taliban and also shows that Biden was more than willing to LIE to the American people about that fact!
Biden still tracking very high approvals in a divided electorate - and this is before his Infrastructure win. Majority of independents approve of his performance which is the best indication of his performance. Biden is on a runaway train!

It’s largely a function of three things. The first is overwhelming support from Democrats, 60 percent of whom approve of him strongly and more than 9-in-10 who approve at least somewhat. The second is that a majority of independents at least somewhat approve of his performance. The third, and perhaps most unexpected, is that a fifth of Republicans say they at least somewhat approve — including 13 percent of those who also say they voted for former president Donald Trump last year.

What that tells me, that people like YOU will support Biden regardless of how incompetent he is because you know that you're responsible for him being in the Oval Office and you don't want to admit that you did a great disservice to the country!

Trump didn't sink the economy...before Covid our economy was absolutely roaring along!
Trump is the guy who fast tracked the's Biden who hasn't been able to handle the distribution!
Don't even bring up the Afghan withdrawal! That fuck up is TOTALLY on Joe Biden! His leaked telephone call to the Afghan President shows quite clearly that Biden knew the Afghan Army wasn't doing well against the Taliban and also shows that Biden was more than willing to LIE to the American people about that fact!
I don't see any incompetence from the Biden Administration.

I see you opinion that it's there, but considering your support for the former president...
And this is where we're at today. 40% of Democrats, yes, Democrats want him impeached. At the same time 33% of Democrats think Harris isn't qualified to be President.

We're in deep shit folks.
And this is where we're at today. 40% of Democrats, yes, Democrats want him impeached. At the same time 33% of Democrats think Harris isn't qualified to be President.

We're in deep shit folks.
Sure, sure, what poll are your sourcing?
Only the most idiotic still support this Potatohead dufus.

You know, like this citygator clown. Only a the most stupid people in the US thought that Potatohead was going to do a good job given his record of 40 years of failure.

He/she/it is going to have a real bad time come the mid terms next year when the Democrats lose 75 or more seats in the House a few seats in the Senate all because of the disastrous record of this Potatohead's administration.
You obviously can’t read a chart. Biden’s approval is 10% higher than Trumps at this point despite the challenge of cleaning up the economy (which Trump sank), vaccine distribution (which Trump punted), and Afghan withdrawal (which Trump pushed off).

If you took your mouth of his pp you could look around and see some sense.
Trump sank the economy?

Interesting seeing it was China going offline that caused the markets to crash, and the entire World suffering from Covid but it was Trump who sank the markets according to you?
From FoxNews today...

[Resident Biden] "stands at 43% approval and 51% disapproval among Americans in a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist national survey that was released on Thursday. Biden’s approval rating is down 6 points from July, and it’s the president’s lowest approval in Marist polling since taking office in January."

you can't be an honest poster, any data I provide are facts. Feel free to simply link to your nonsense and back up your claims.
You posted random date data. Picking the high of everything. By the end Trump had the worst numbers in a lifetime. A lifetime.
You posted random date data. Picking the high of everything. By the end Trump had the worst numbers in a lifetime. A lifetime.
nope, I posted what the government put out, not Trump. You're still confused. Black unemployment was at it's lowest in 50 or 60 years. PERIOD.. That's on Trump. And you all ensured the blacks all lost out. demofks are still racist bigots.

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