Fox News Poll: Biden 54% approval. Guy is killing it

I don't see any incompetence from the Biden Administration.

I see you opinion that it's there, but considering your support for the former president...
So you think that Biden has handled the border well, Otto? Really?
You think he's handled the withdrawal from Afghanistan well? Really?
But you don't see any incompetence? REALLY?????????
Add at least 15 points to any Democrat politician including Biden considering the backup they get from the fake media and the skewed fake polls. Not a single thing coming out of the left can be believed at this point. They are the fifth column enemy within. Biden was just caught lying on tape and asking the Afghan president to lie as well, then ended up abandoning Americans and our allies to Islamic terrorists . If these slimeballs on the Left had an ounce of patriotism or a basic spine that most humans have, they would be impeaching Biden by now.
I don't see any incompetence from the Biden Administration.

I see you opinion that it's there, but considering your support for the former president...

That's because you are stupid.
That's because you are stupid.
he likes stupid.
So you think that Biden has handled the border well, Otto? Really?
You think he's handled the withdrawal from Afghanistan well? Really?
But you don't see any incompetence? REALLY?????????
he doesn't know what incompetence is. He's been submerged in it as a demofk for so long, it all looks the same to him. When competence is back in DC like Trump laid out, he becomes enraged that success is actually occurring and can't stand progress.
So you think that Biden has handled the border well, Otto? Really?
You think he's handled the withdrawal from Afghanistan well? Really?
But you don't see any incompetence? REALLY?????????
The border? Yes.

The end of the Afganistan occupation was going to be mess, but the decision to end was correct.

Yes, everywhere.

I do also see conservative crybabies everywhere.
How's that look now?
Like he’s 10 points ahead of Trump who was handed a silver platter of a job wile passing Biden a shit sandwich.

52% of Voters Think Biden Should Resign Over Afghanistan Withdrawal - 52% of Voters Think Biden Should Resign Over Afghanistan Withdrawal

The U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan was so badly handled that President Joe Biden should resign because of it, according to a majority of voters. However, most don’t think Vice President Kamala Harris is qualified to replace Biden if he leaves office.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Biden should resign because of the way the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan was handled. Thirty-nine percent (39%) disagree, and nine percent (9%) are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
The border? Yes.

The end of the Afganistan occupation was going to be mess, but the decision to end was correct.

Yes, everywhere.

I do also see conservative crybabies everywhere.
Dude, even Biden's own man in charge of the border says that what's happening is unsustainable! How can you claim it's not a disaster?

There is a difference between wanting to get out of Afghanistan and how you handle that withdrawal! Most Americans agree that it was time for us to leave that country. The issue isn't's how you DO that withdrawal!
Someone with a modicum of common sense would pull out during the winter season when the Taliban retreats to it's strongholds in Pakistan. Only an idiot would pull out during the height of the "fighting season" when the largest number of Taliban were in the field! That's what Joe Biden chose to do!
Someone with that same modicum of common sense would have kept Bagram Air Base open until AFTER all the Americans and our Afghan allies were out of the country. Only an idiot would abandon that secured airfield and try and run evacuation efforts from an airport totally surrounded by Taliban forces that was the only means out of the country for those trapped there! That was what Joe Biden chose to do!
I'm sorry - I must have missed it.
How far had Biden's approval rating fallen since your OP?
It has fallen. It’s a result of Afghanistan. Executing a pullout has its challenges. It wasn’t flawless so he has lost some swing voters approval but where do you think they are gonna turn to? The Florida or Texas dipshits? I doubt it.
It has fallen. It’s a result of Afghanistan. Executing a pullout has its challenges. It wasn’t flawless so he has lost some swing voters approval but where do you think they are gonna turn to? The Florida or Texas dipshits? I doubt it.
Wasn't flawless? It was a debacle, Gator! Saying it wasn't "flawless" is like saying Ted Bundy wasn't a bad first date or OJ wasn't a bad ex-husband! (eye roll)

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