Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

I would be just as upset if a bunch of orthodox Jews pulled the same bullshit. It is an embarrassment and invites hatred and anger and the last thing the members want to see when they come to the Y...a bunch of Muslim women with their CLOTHES on, splashing around in the pool and no access to anybody else.

But then again, what else can we expect from an Islam defender? Shariah law swimming at the Y? No problemo. Talk about "inconsistent". Ha ha ha.

So, you think it's a Christian imperative that men watch women swim?
I'm assuming that you've been extremely upset for years about the YMCA freely allowing women, kids, and older people into their facilities - right?

Are you saying that the organization has NOT shifted into a more of a "general" facility for all people throughout the years, and that every time a 4 year old kid or 90 year old man was allowed to set foot in a YMCA (over the past 30 years) someone should have been fired?

Or are you just inconsistently focusing your rage to just this one single, recent example?

I'm thinking you're just being extremely inconsistent.
I have enjoyed the YMCA's generosity, tolerance, programs, and it's facilities throughout many stages in my life. However, it is understood that the YMCA started as a Christian based organization, and to promote values consistent with Christianity and reaching out and helping people in the community. I would be just as upset if a bunch of orthodox Jews pulled the same bullshit. It is an embarrassment and invites hatred and anger and the last thing the members want to see when they come to the Y...a bunch of Muslim women with their CLOTHES on, splashing around in the pool and no access to anybody else.

But then again, what else can we expect from an Islam defender? Shariah law swimming at the Y? No problemo. Talk about "inconsistent". Ha ha ha.

Except that is not true.

No one is "pulling" any bullshit. The program in the OP is a cooperative program between the Y and the local police department. The Y is a private group, and whatever their name meant originally "Christian Men" - it is no longer just that. In putting together this program, they are doing exactly what their organizational aims are, as you put it: to promote values consistent with Christianity and reaching out and helping people in the community.

I doubt they are "splashing around" in Muslim clothes - in fact, I doubt you can swim in that garb. Having a female only (not Muslim only) swim hour allows them to dress more appropriate to the venue. And frankly, a program that gives these women, or Orthodox Jewish women - or any women who don't like to bare themselves in front of men - a skill that is confidence building and life saving and fun certainly seems to be what the Y is about.

They have Islamic swimsuits that cover the body.

I have enjoyed the YMCA's generosity, tolerance, programs, and it's facilities throughout many stages in my life. However, it is understood that the YMCA started as a Christian based organization, and to promote values consistent with Christianity and reaching out and helping people in the community. I would be just as upset if a bunch of orthodox Jews pulled the same bullshit. It is an embarrassment and invites hatred and anger and the last thing the members want to see when they come to the Y...a bunch of Muslim women with their CLOTHES on, splashing around in the pool and no access to anybody else.

But then again, what else can we expect from an Islam defender? Shariah law swimming at the Y? No problemo. Talk about "inconsistent". Ha ha ha.

Except that is not true.

No one is "pulling" any bullshit. The program in the OP is a cooperative program between the Y and the local police department. The Y is a private group, and whatever their name meant originally "Christian Men" - it is no longer just that. In putting together this program, they are doing exactly what their organizational aims are, as you put it: to promote values consistent with Christianity and reaching out and helping people in the community.

I doubt they are "splashing around" in Muslim clothes - in fact, I doubt you can swim in that garb. Having a female only (not Muslim only) swim hour allows them to dress more appropriate to the venue. And frankly, a program that gives these women, or Orthodox Jewish women - or any women who don't like to bare themselves in front of men - a skill that is confidence building and life saving and fun certainly seems to be what the Y is about.

They have Islamic swimsuits that cover the body.


Ya, but it's still a swimsuit - it's not a burkha or the full garments that they would have to wear in sight of men. Seriously - is there a rational reason why it's a bad thing?

I used to go to a women-only gym. I liked it. Nice to be able to exercise without feeling self conscious or awkward. Is that bad?
How much longer until the YMCA alters their hours to accomodate Ramadan?

Going from a women-only swim hour (which accomodates women of all faiths) to Ramadan-style hours is quite a leap don't you think? Is there any evidence of this?
I have enjoyed the YMCA's generosity, tolerance, programs, and it's facilities throughout many stages in my life. However, it is understood that the YMCA started as a Christian based organization, and to promote values consistent with Christianity and reaching out and helping people in the community. I would be just as upset if a bunch of orthodox Jews pulled the same bullshit. It is an embarrassment and invites hatred and anger and the last thing the members want to see when they come to the Y...a bunch of Muslim women with their CLOTHES on, splashing around in the pool and no access to anybody else.

But then again, what else can we expect from an Islam defender? Shariah law swimming at the Y? No problemo. Talk about "inconsistent". Ha ha ha.

Except that is not true.

No one is "pulling" any bullshit. The program in the OP is a cooperative program between the Y and the local police department. The Y is a private group, and whatever their name meant originally "Christian Men" - it is no longer just that. In putting together this program, they are doing exactly what their organizational aims are, as you put it: to promote values consistent with Christianity and reaching out and helping people in the community.

I doubt they are "splashing around" in Muslim clothes - in fact, I doubt you can swim in that garb. Having a female only (not Muslim only) swim hour allows them to dress more appropriate to the venue. And frankly, a program that gives these women, or Orthodox Jewish women - or any women who don't like to bare themselves in front of men - a skill that is confidence building and life saving and fun certainly seems to be what the Y is about.

They have Islamic swimsuits that cover the body.


These are very common out here.
As a note, I have yet to see an advert for a women only swim class out here but there may well be some around.
Exactly...YMCA....Young MEN'S CHRISTIAN Association. How did they get to take both the Christianity and the Men out of it, just because of Shariah Shit law? Someone down there needs to get fired ASAP for violating the rules of the organization.

So Jewish women shouldn't be allowed to swim there either?
Wow, you are really dumb or playing dumb. Jewish men and women, as well as Muslim men and women current attend the Y and use it's various family programs in droves. But there is no Jewish Law Swimming for women only at the Y! Doy!

Apparently you jumped into the thread without reading it through.

There is no Muslim "Law Swimming for women only at the Y" either.

If you read the article I linked to earlier in the thread (not that I would expect you too) - there are quite a number of Orthodox Jewish women, with similar religious standards of dress and gender segregation, that enjoy women-only excercise time at gyms and pools and if they represent a significant enough demographic in a neighborhood I don't see how it hurts for local facilities to provide an hour of woman-only activities. It's segregation based on gender, not religion.

If you have a problem with gender based segregation then you need to take a look at how it's applied across the countries and ask yourself why you're ok with it in those instances but not this. If you have a problem with segregation of any type then why are you ok with segregation by age - seniors only or kids only? Or how about special sessions for disabled kids and adults?
I'm assuming that you've been extremely upset for years about the YMCA freely allowing women, kids, and older people into their facilities - right?

Are you saying that the organization has NOT shifted into a more of a "general" facility for all people throughout the years, and that every time a 4 year old kid or 90 year old man was allowed to set foot in a YMCA (over the past 30 years) someone should have been fired?

Or are you just inconsistently focusing your rage to just this one single, recent example?

I'm thinking you're just being extremely inconsistent.
I have enjoyed the YMCA's generosity, tolerance, programs, and it's facilities throughout many stages in my life. However, it is understood that the YMCA started as a Christian based organization, and to promote values consistent with Christianity and reaching out and helping people in the community. I would be just as upset if a bunch of orthodox Jews pulled the same bullshit. It is an embarrassment and invites hatred and anger and the last thing the members want to see when they come to the Y...a bunch of Muslim women with their CLOTHES on, splashing around in the pool and no access to anybody else.

But then again, what else can we expect from an Islam defender? Shariah law swimming at the Y? No problemo. Talk about "inconsistent". Ha ha ha.

Except that is not true.

No one is "pulling" any bullshit. The program in the OP is a cooperative program between the Y and the local police department. The Y is a private group, and whatever their name meant originally "Christian Men" - it is no longer just that. In putting together this program, they are doing exactly what their organizational aims are, as you put it: to promote values consistent with Christianity and reaching out and helping people in the community.

I doubt they are "splashing around" in Muslim clothes - in fact, I doubt you can swim in that garb. Having a female only (not Muslim only) swim hour allows them to dress more appropriate to the venue. And frankly, a program that gives these women, or Orthodox Jewish women - or any women who don't like to bare themselves in front of men - a skill that is confidence building and life saving and fun certainly seems to be what the Y is about.
Are you an idiot? What do you think Shariah Swimming means? You are always spouting your total ignorance all over the place. Women cannot expose any part of their skin period. So most of them show up with tight clothes, or Islamic swimming suits, which is basically the same.

And yes, even though the Y is no longer pushing it's Christianity in people's faces, and many non Christians use their facilities, it is understood that it is still a Christian based organization, to promote values it considers consistent with Christianity, NOT Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Atheism, etc.

And, it still does promote Christian values:

For Social Responsibility in Washington County Indiana

YMCA to hold prayer in the square:

During the month of November, the Washington County Family YMCA has been leading Washington County in A Salute to our Soldiers campaign to honor our local service members and their families; recognizing the many sacrifices they and their families make to secure the nation’s freedom.

"In November, we all are reminded of the many things we have to be thankful for," says Rosie Morehous, the Youth First Director organizing the event, “Our soldiers, past and present, have done so much to make our blessings possible, and we look forward to honoring that with our Prayer on the Square Meeting.”

The prayer on the Square will be held on Monday, November 25th, from 12:00-1:00pm. Special singing by David Brown, a Special address from Sid Dye, and Prayer led by Bob Holler will outline the service to thank our brave men and women.

“I hope to see the entire community out to pray for the safety of our soldiers,” says Morehous. “We have such a wonderful sense of unity here in Washington County, and pulling together to show our support is something I look forward to being a part of on Monday.”

If you would like your active duty service member to be recognized by either prayer list, letters of support, thank you cards, or care packages please contact Rosie Morehous at the YMCA at 812-883-9622 or by email to [email protected].
Except that is not true.

No one is "pulling" any bullshit. The program in the OP is a cooperative program between the Y and the local police department. The Y is a private group, and whatever their name meant originally "Christian Men" - it is no longer just that. In putting together this program, they are doing exactly what their organizational aims are, as you put it: to promote values consistent with Christianity and reaching out and helping people in the community.

I doubt they are "splashing around" in Muslim clothes - in fact, I doubt you can swim in that garb. Having a female only (not Muslim only) swim hour allows them to dress more appropriate to the venue. And frankly, a program that gives these women, or Orthodox Jewish women - or any women who don't like to bare themselves in front of men - a skill that is confidence building and life saving and fun certainly seems to be what the Y is about.

They have Islamic swimsuits that cover the body.


Ya, but it's still a swimsuit - it's not a burkha or the full garments that they would have to wear in sight of men. Seriously - is there a rational reason why it's a bad thing?

I used to go to a women-only gym. I liked it. Nice to be able to exercise without feeling self conscious or awkward. Is that bad?
So, let's get this straight, you are for pushing this garbage at the Y, where people of all races and religions come. Wow, such a women's right activist you are. But then again, when it comes to defending Islam, you will step over anything and everything.

What next? Shariah Workouts in headscarfs and burka's at the Y, no men allowed? You truly make me vomit.



I have enjoyed the YMCA's generosity, tolerance, programs, and it's facilities throughout many stages in my life. However, it is understood that the YMCA started as a Christian based organization, and to promote values consistent with Christianity and reaching out and helping people in the community. I would be just as upset if a bunch of orthodox Jews pulled the same bullshit. It is an embarrassment and invites hatred and anger and the last thing the members want to see when they come to the Y...a bunch of Muslim women with their CLOTHES on, splashing around in the pool and no access to anybody else.

But then again, what else can we expect from an Islam defender? Shariah law swimming at the Y? No problemo. Talk about "inconsistent". Ha ha ha.

Roudy - Is the YMCA a business that you run? Are you upset the YMCA made a business decision about the assets they own and operate? Are you suggesting that the business doesn't have a right to try and attract Muslim swimmers (and their money - yes they are paying customers) from this one hour class and build a positive, inclusive reputation within the community? Is that what you're trying to argue?

Maybe because ROUDY is afraid of a "muslim takeover" all private businesses in the US must abide by what HE THINKS they should do.

Here's some advice; go buy a pool and sell some memberships to it. Then you'll be able to decide whether or not there will be muslim swim hour. Plain and simple. Until then, quit bitchin'.
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I have enjoyed the YMCA's generosity, tolerance, programs, and it's facilities throughout many stages in my life. However, it is understood that the YMCA started as a Christian based organization, and to promote values consistent with Christianity and reaching out and helping people in the community. I would be just as upset if a bunch of orthodox Jews pulled the same bullshit. It is an embarrassment and invites hatred and anger and the last thing the members want to see when they come to the Y...a bunch of Muslim women with their CLOTHES on, splashing around in the pool and no access to anybody else.

But then again, what else can we expect from an Islam defender? Shariah law swimming at the Y? No problemo. Talk about "inconsistent". Ha ha ha.

Except that is not true.

No one is "pulling" any bullshit. The program in the OP is a cooperative program between the Y and the local police department. The Y is a private group, and whatever their name meant originally "Christian Men" - it is no longer just that. In putting together this program, they are doing exactly what their organizational aims are, as you put it: to promote values consistent with Christianity and reaching out and helping people in the community.

I doubt they are "splashing around" in Muslim clothes - in fact, I doubt you can swim in that garb. Having a female only (not Muslim only) swim hour allows them to dress more appropriate to the venue. And frankly, a program that gives these women, or Orthodox Jewish women - or any women who don't like to bare themselves in front of men - a skill that is confidence building and life saving and fun certainly seems to be what the Y is about.
Are you an idiot? What do you think Shariah Swimming means? You are always spouting your total ignorance all over the place. Women cannot expose any part of their skin period. So most of them show up with tight clothes, or Islamic swimming suits, which is basically the same.

Where in the OP is it referred to as "Shariah Swimming"? Article after article refers to "women only" swim periods.

Where does it say women can't expose any part of their skin period or must where certain clothes?

Here is another article, with some video and it's clear that a wide range of dress codes apply:

And yes, even though the Y is no longer pushing it's Christianity in people's faces, and many non Christians use their facilities, it is understood that it is still a Christian based organization, to promote values it considers consistent with Christianity, NOT Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Atheism, etc.

And, it still does promote Christian values:

For Social Responsibility in Washington County Indiana

YMCA to hold prayer in the square:

During the month of November, the Washington County Family YMCA has been leading Washington County in A Salute to our Soldiers campaign to honor our local service members and their families; recognizing the many sacrifices they and their families make to secure the nation’s freedom.

"In November, we all are reminded of the many things we have to be thankful for," says Rosie Morehous, the Youth First Director organizing the event, “Our soldiers, past and present, have done so much to make our blessings possible, and we look forward to honoring that with our Prayer on the Square Meeting.”

The prayer on the Square will be held on Monday, November 25th, from 12:00-1:00pm. Special singing by David Brown, a Special address from Sid Dye, and Prayer led by Bob Holler will outline the service to thank our brave men and women.

“I hope to see the entire community out to pray for the safety of our soldiers,” says Morehous. “We have such a wonderful sense of unity here in Washington County, and pulling together to show our support is something I look forward to being a part of on Monday.”

If you would like your active duty service member to be recognized by either prayer list, letters of support, thank you cards, or care packages please contact Rosie Morehous at the YMCA at 812-883-9622 or by email to [email protected].

Exactly - and that is what it is doing in having these swim periods for women (as I already pointed out to you). However it is not an organization limited anymore to just Christians and men.
Exactly...YMCA....Young MEN'S CHRISTIAN Association. How did they get to take both the Christianity and the Men out of it, just because of Shariah Shit law? Someone down there needs to get fired ASAP for violating the rules of the organization.

So Jewish women shouldn't be allowed to swim there either?
Wow, you are really dumb or playing dumb. Jewish men and women, as well as Muslim men and women current attend the Y and use it's various family programs in droves. But there is no Jewish Law Swimming for women only at the Y! Doy!

There is no MUSLIM ONLY swimming class. Only conditions designed to attract Muslim patrons for one hour out of the week (at one facility of 2,600). Jewish, Christian, black, white, gay women can all attend if they want to swim in a male-less space for 1 hour.
How much longer until the YMCA alters their hours to accomodate Ramadan?

If the owners of the YMCA decide that altering the hours of operation to accommodate Ramadan is a good decision for the organization and its business partners, it's their right to do so.

Heck, a business can operate 1 hour a week if it wants. Chick fil As are closed on Sunday, while McDonalds, Burger King, and Long John Silver's remain open. It's up to the business to decide - right?

There is absolutely no sliver of fact - to any stretch of the imagination - that the YMCA is seriously considering "altering its hours to accommodate Ramadan" (and you know this). But I bet you money they're altering their hours for Christmas :)

So quit whinin' dude, it's unbecoming.
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They have Islamic swimsuits that cover the body.


Ya, but it's still a swimsuit - it's not a burkha or the full garments that they would have to wear in sight of men. Seriously - is there a rational reason why it's a bad thing?

I used to go to a women-only gym. I liked it. Nice to be able to exercise without feeling self conscious or awkward. Is that bad?

So, let's get this straight, you are for pushing this garbage at the Y, where people of all races and religions come.

Roudy, do you even know how to "get this straight"? Seriously?

My position is simple, but you are incapable of grasping it.
1. I have no problem with a women-only (or men-only) swim hour - especially at a private facility.
2. People can wear what ever they want swimming as long as it doesn't effect safety.

Wow, such a women's right activist you are. But then again, when it comes to defending Islam, you will step over anything and everything.

Sorry but, I fail to understand how allowing women to have a free choice in what they choose to wear is somehow against women's rights.

What next? Shariah Workouts in headscarfs and burka's at the Y, no men allowed? You truly make me vomit.

They can wear what they want when they work out and, to once again hit on the pertinant point - it's not "Shariah" it's women only (or men only or kids only get the picture).

Please clean up your vomit.
So Jewish women shouldn't be allowed to swim there either?
Wow, you are really dumb or playing dumb. Jewish men and women, as well as Muslim men and women current attend the Y and use it's various family programs in droves. But there is no Jewish Law Swimming for women only at the Y! Doy!

There is no MUSLIM ONLY swimming class. Only conditions designed to attract Muslim patrons for one hour out of the week (at one facility of 2,600). Jewish, Christian, black, white, gay women can all attend if they want to swim in a male-less space for 1 hour.

They seem to keep missing that point, over and over and over...

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