Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

Except that is not true.

No one is "pulling" any bullshit. The program in the OP is a cooperative program between the Y and the local police department. The Y is a private group, and whatever their name meant originally "Christian Men" - it is no longer just that. In putting together this program, they are doing exactly what their organizational aims are, as you put it: to promote values consistent with Christianity and reaching out and helping people in the community.

I doubt they are "splashing around" in Muslim clothes - in fact, I doubt you can swim in that garb. Having a female only (not Muslim only) swim hour allows them to dress more appropriate to the venue. And frankly, a program that gives these women, or Orthodox Jewish women - or any women who don't like to bare themselves in front of men - a skill that is confidence building and life saving and fun certainly seems to be what the Y is about.

They have Islamic swimsuits that cover the body.


Ya, but it's still a swimsuit - it's not a burkha or the full garments that they would have to wear in sight of men. Seriously - is there a rational reason why it's a bad thing?

I used to go to a women-only gym. I liked it. Nice to be able to exercise without feeling self conscious or awkward. Is that bad?

Than why don't the Muslim females join a girls only gym?:confused:
They have Islamic swimsuits that cover the body.

But an Islamic swimsuit is not a requirement of the swim class.

Than whats the point? :dunno:

My point is that any women can choose to participate in the class and wear any suit they want. The time isn't strictly reserved for "muslims only". The only rule is that you "can't be a man" and like I said if you want to protest the unfairness of the policy with regards to gender - fine - that's a different discussion.

But it shouldn't be framed up as a "Muslim takeover", lol.
But an Islamic swimsuit is not a requirement of the swim class.

Than whats the point? :dunno:

My point is that any women can choose to participate in the class and wear any suit they want. The time isn't strictly reserved for "muslims only". The only rule is that you "can't be a man" and like I said if you want to protest the unfairness of the policy with regards to gender - fine - that's a different discussion.

But it shouldn't be framed up as a "Muslim takeover", lol.

If this is the case why not just swim with everyone else? :dunno:
Than why don't the Muslim females join a girls only gym?:confused:

They can. But how many "female only" gyms + pools do you know of? How many are in St. Paul?

Secondly, are you saying YMCA doesn't have the right to attract Muslim swimmers to earn additional income? Aren't they a business, lol?

My question is (in response to yours) why can't a business use a tactic to attract a certain type of customer?
They probably thought the same thing in London, Paris, Oslo, Malmo and Stockholm too. What's an hour a week going to hurt?
If this is the case why not just swim with everyone else? :dunno:

Do you ask "why do kids want toys" after a business builds a bunch of action figures to meet the demand of the Christmas season?

There's a group (muslim women) that has certain needs/likes and the YMCA decided it'd be advantageous to craft a class to attract them so they could earn more income.

Simple as that...
They have Islamic swimsuits that cover the body.


Ya, but it's still a swimsuit - it's not a burkha or the full garments that they would have to wear in sight of men. Seriously - is there a rational reason why it's a bad thing?

I used to go to a women-only gym. I liked it. Nice to be able to exercise without feeling self conscious or awkward. Is that bad?

Than why don't the Muslim females join a girls only gym?:confused:

I imagine some do, but it all depends on what's available in the community and of course the cost - gyms are much more expensive then the Y and they probably don't cater to children.
Than why don't the Muslim females join a girls only gym?:confused:

They can. But how many "female only" gyms + pools do you know of? How many are in St. Paul?

Secondly, are you saying YMCA doesn't have the right to attract Muslim swimmers to earn additional income? Aren't they a business, lol?

My question is (in response to yours) why can't a business use a tactic to attract a certain type of customer?

I'm just struggling with the concept why they need the whole pool to themselves, why can't they just swim with everyone else? now automatically every male in the pool is a pervert and peeping tom? its not like we're asking them shower with men.:confused:
Than why don't the Muslim females join a girls only gym?:confused:

They can. But how many "female only" gyms + pools do you know of? How many are in St. Paul?

Secondly, are you saying YMCA doesn't have the right to attract Muslim swimmers to earn additional income? Aren't they a business, lol?

My question is (in response to yours) why can't a business use a tactic to attract a certain type of customer?

I'm not familiar with the Minnesota area at all, so I don't know how many women only gyms are there. I'm just struggling with the concept of why everyone has to leave the pool when they want to swim.
I'm just struggling with the concept why they need the whole pool to themselves, why can't they just swim with everyone else? now automatically every male in the pool is a pervert and peeping tom? its not like we're asking them shower with men.:confused:

Hey, that's a whole different debate, and won't fault you for that view.

Quite frankly I have no idea why Catholics believe they are drinking the actual "blood of Jesus" and the actual "body of Jesus" at every mass, or why Jewish people will only eat food prepared in a very specific way, or why companies PAY rabbis to come to their factories for blessings so that they can obtain a “Kosher” stamp. Those things don’t make sense to me either. People are weird and have weird customs.

If a company chooses to cater to these customs to attract more customers – that’s their choice, right? Company A can choose to be Kosher or they can choose not to be Kosher; it’s entirely up to them.

What I can't understand though is why you folks are faulting a business for using tactics to attract customers.
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So Jewish women shouldn't be allowed to swim there either?
Wow, you are really dumb or playing dumb. Jewish men and women, as well as Muslim men and women current attend the Y and use it's various family programs in droves. But there is no Jewish Law Swimming for women only at the Y! Doy!

Apparently you jumped into the thread without reading it through.

There is no Muslim "Law Swimming for women only at the Y" either.

If you read the article I linked to earlier in the thread (not that I would expect you too) - there are quite a number of Orthodox Jewish women, with similar religious standards of dress and gender segregation, that enjoy women-only excercise time at gyms and pools and if they represent a significant enough demographic in a neighborhood I don't see how it hurts for local facilities to provide an hour of woman-only activities. It's segregation based on gender, not religion.

If you have a problem with gender based segregation then you need to take a look at how it's applied across the countries and ask yourself why you're ok with it in those instances but not this. If you have a problem with segregation of any type then why are you ok with segregation by age - seniors only or kids only? Or how about special sessions for disabled kids and adults?
Yeah, but they're not enjoying Jewish orthodox women's swimming at a Y pool, and forcing the establishment and it's members to follow or have to deal with their religious or cultural laws.
I have enjoyed the YMCA's generosity, tolerance, programs, and it's facilities throughout many stages in my life. However, it is understood that the YMCA started as a Christian based organization, and to promote values consistent with Christianity and reaching out and helping people in the community. I would be just as upset if a bunch of orthodox Jews pulled the same bullshit. It is an embarrassment and invites hatred and anger and the last thing the members want to see when they come to the Y...a bunch of Muslim women with their CLOTHES on, splashing around in the pool and no access to anybody else.

But then again, what else can we expect from an Islam defender? Shariah law swimming at the Y? No problemo. Talk about "inconsistent". Ha ha ha.

Roudy - Is the YMCA a business that you run? Are you upset the YMCA made a business decision about the assets they own and operate? Are you suggesting that the business doesn't have a right to try and attract Muslim swimmers (and their money - yes they are paying customers) from this one hour class and build a positive, inclusive reputation within the community? Is that what you're trying to argue?

Maybe because ROUDY is afraid of a "muslim takeover" all private businesses in the US must abide by what HE THINKS they should do.

Here's some advice; go buy a pool and sell some memberships to it. Then you'll be able to decide whether or not there will be muslim swim hour. Plain and simple. Until then, quit bitchin'.
I am not afraid of anything. Muslims and Jews do currently enjoy many activities the Y offers, but this is the first time I've heard of Shariah swimming because a bunch of backwards ass Muslims with a 7th century mindset refuse to assimilate. They want to learn swimming at the Y? It's got to include men, and the pool has to be open to everybody. They can close certain "lanes" for the swimming class. If they don't like men walking around in shorts or swimming speedos, TOUGH SHIT. Find another place to learn swimming.

In the Y Basketball league, there are certain rules for the uniforms, top and bottom have to be same color, no bracelets or necklaces, shirts tucked in.

Like I said, somebody in that Y needs to get his ass thrown out.
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Than why don't the Muslim females join a girls only gym?:confused:

They can. But how many "female only" gyms + pools do you know of? How many are in St. Paul?

Secondly, are you saying YMCA doesn't have the right to attract Muslim swimmers to earn additional income? Aren't they a business, lol?

My question is (in response to yours) why can't a business use a tactic to attract a certain type of customer?

I'm not familiar with the Minnesota area at all, so I don't know how many women only gyms are there. I'm just struggling with the concept of why everyone has to leave the pool when they want to swim.
Because if the Muslim husbands or fathers saw men walking around in "half naked" in swim shorts or speedos, and God forbid one of the males saw their "female properties" bodies underneath that Islamic swim suit, they might freak out and try to kill somebody. I'm not kidding.
They can. But how many "female only" gyms + pools do you know of? How many are in St. Paul?

Secondly, are you saying YMCA doesn't have the right to attract Muslim swimmers to earn additional income? Aren't they a business, lol?

My question is (in response to yours) why can't a business use a tactic to attract a certain type of customer?

I'm not familiar with the Minnesota area at all, so I don't know how many women only gyms are there. I'm just struggling with the concept of why everyone has to leave the pool when they want to swim.
Because if the Muslim husbands or fathers saw men walking around in "half naked" in swim shorts or speedos, and God forbid one of the males saw their "female properties" bodies underneath that Islamic swim suit, they might freak out and try to kill somebody. I'm not kidding.

Ah so the Muslim fathers and husbands are allowed in the pool, but we are not?:doubt:
Yeah, but they're not enjoying Jewish orthodox women's swimming at a Y pool, and forcing the establishment and it's members to follow or have to deal with their religious or cultural laws.

Oh man, what if you're a Christian and want to use the YMCA facility at the same time it's hosting a Bat Mitzvah?!!!

Berkshire Outdoor Center | B'nai Mitzvah

What discrimination!

People should be able to use private facilities WHENEVER they want, regardless of what the facility owners have scheduled.
Wow, you are really dumb or playing dumb. Jewish men and women, as well as Muslim men and women current attend the Y and use it's various family programs in droves. But there is no Jewish Law Swimming for women only at the Y! Doy!

There is no MUSLIM ONLY swimming class. Only conditions designed to attract Muslim patrons for one hour out of the week (at one facility of 2,600). Jewish, Christian, black, white, gay women can all attend if they want to swim in a male-less space for 1 hour.

They seem to keep missing that point, over and over and over...
No men allowed..Bunch of Muslim women flapping in Islamic Shariah, it's not Muslim women only swimming. Ha ha ha.

They think everybody is as stupid, ignorant, and blind as they are.
I'm not familiar with the Minnesota area at all, so I don't know how many women only gyms are there. I'm just struggling with the concept of why everyone has to leave the pool when they want to swim.
Because if the Muslim husbands or fathers saw men walking around in "half naked" in swim shorts or speedos, and God forbid one of the males saw their "female properties" bodies underneath that Islamic swim suit, they might freak out and try to kill somebody. I'm not kidding.

Ah so the Muslim fathers and husbands are allowed in the pool, but we are not?:doubt:

No. They aren't. Unless it's during the men's only or open swim hours :)

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