Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

Ha ha ha. You are funny. I don't have to be an "owner" to make comments or have opinions on this matter, dipweed.

No you don't. I fully agree that it's your choice if you (as an outsider) chooses to whine, moan, bitch, and cry about the business decisions of a successful company.
Now tell me, in these Shariah swimming pools, would they allow a bunch of Christian women to hold "classes" wearing bikinis? How long would it take for the savages to turn the color of the pool water to BLOOD RED? Ha ha ha.

You Islamic freaks should first walk the walk before you talk the talk. Don't expect others to do what you yourselves would never do.
In the city where I live they already have womens only swim classes and men are not allowed in the pool area.

Some of the women are muslims and the hasn't been any problems. ... :cool:
Notice To all YMCA Members:
Starting next week Shariah Workouts in headscarfs and burka's at the Y, no men allowed, will start from 10 AM to 2 PM Mondays and Wednesdays. During these "women only workouts" <wink wink> men are not allowed in the gym / equipment area. Men who are traversing to other areas of the gym should be considerate of the Muslim women working out, and should not look at the women. Those who do, do so at your own peril.

The Minnesota YMCA thanks you for your cooperation and continued patronage.

Allah Akbar! :lmao:
That's like renting a hotel ballroom for a Jewish or Muslim wedding, idiot. Again, no men allowed and Shariah attire IS NOT consistent with the YMCA's mission statement. In fact, it is the OPPOSITE.

"Shariah attire" is not required. How many times do you need to be told this?
Men are forbidden and women are all Muslims wearing Shariah swimsuits, in a YMCA. Do you think a non Muslim woman wearing swimming speedos would join such a class? You are stupider than I thought.

The point is they can choose to join this class if they wish and wear whatever suits they want.

If you're upset about the gender discrimination then that's a different subject.
"Shariah attire" is not required. How many times do you need to be told this?
Men are forbidden and women are all Muslims wearing Shariah swimsuits, in a YMCA. Do you think a non Muslim woman wearing swimming speedos would join such a class? You are stupider than I thought.

The point is they can choose to join this class if they wish and wear whatever suits they want.

If you're upset about the gender discrimination then that's a different subject.
Yeah sure. They are stomping on other people's rights and the organization's protocols while appeasing the Muslims. That's what is clearly going on here.
Notice To all YMCA Members:
Starting next week Shariah Workouts in headscarfs and burka's at the Y, no men allowed, will start from 10 AM to 2 PM Mondays and Wednesdays. During these "women only workouts" <wink wink> men are not allowed in the gym / equipment area. Men who are traversing to other areas of the gym should be considerate of the Muslim women working out, and should not look at the women. Those who do, do so at your own peril.

The Minnesota YMCA thanks you for your cooperation and continued patronage.

Allah Akbar! :lmao:

Can see your argument is crumbling.

Instead of talking about the situation at hand logically and honestly (1 hour a week open to all women), lets completely exaggerate the example with absolutely zero evidence in a futile attempt to make it look like the YMCA is going to become some sort of a Mosque. Bullshit, Roudy. Complete bullshit.

And I'll tell you what, if the YMCA wanted to actually do that, it's their right to do so. Doubt it though, because it'd be a horrible business decision.
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Men are forbidden and women are all Muslims wearing Shariah swimsuits, in a YMCA. Do you think a non Muslim woman wearing swimming speedos would join such a class? You are stupider than I thought.

The point is they can choose to join this class if they wish and wear whatever suits they want.

If you're upset about the gender discrimination then that's a different subject.
Yeah sure. They are stomping on other people's rights and the organization's protocols while appeasing the Muslims. That's what is clearly going on here.

It will be like the Islamic swimming pools in England, people will be forced to don Islamic swimming gear.
The point is they can choose to join this class if they wish and wear whatever suits they want.

If you're upset about the gender discrimination then that's a different subject.
Yeah sure. They are stomping on other people's rights and the organization's protocols while appeasing the Muslims. That's what is clearly going on here.

It will be like the Islamic swimming pools in England, people will be forced to don Islamic swimming gear.

There are no swimming pools open to Non-Muslims in England?

Are you saying if you own a pool in England that you shouldn't be able to set the rules?
Men are forbidden and women are all Muslims wearing Shariah swimsuits, in a YMCA. Do you think a non Muslim woman wearing swimming speedos would join such a class? You are stupider than I thought.

The point is they can choose to join this class if they wish and wear whatever suits they want.

If you're upset about the gender discrimination then that's a different subject.
Yeah sure. They are stomping on other people's rights and the organization's protocols while appeasing the Muslims. That's what is clearly going on here.

What "RIGHTS" are you talking about exactly Roudy? All of us would love to hear.

Is it your "right" to be able to use the YMCA's property any time you wish? Haha. Do you know how ridiculous you sound right now?
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Yeah sure. They are stomping on other people's rights and the organization's protocols while appeasing the Muslims. That's what is clearly going on here.

It will be like the Islamic swimming pools in England, people will be forced to don Islamic swimming gear.

There are no swimming pools open to Non-Muslims in England?

Are you saying if you own a pool in England that you shouldn't be able to set the rules?

What I'm saying is these things always start out small, than before you know it the YMCA is basically an Islamic organization. Nobody has ever made just one accomodation for Muslims and just left it at that its always more and more.
You just can't make this crap up,...

Fox News anchor Heather Nauert announced on Monday that a YMCA swim class that respected the religious traditions of Muslim girls was proof that “Sharia law is now changing everything.”

The Minneapolis StarTribune reported last week that the downtown St. Paul YMCA had teamed up with the St. Paul police department to teach a group of Somali-American girls to swim. To respect the religious traditions and modesty of the girls — ages 5 to 17 — men were not allowed in the pool area during the one-hour class.

But for the Fox News host, this was a sign that Sharia law was creeping in “towns across the Midwest.”

“Well, the minority becoming the majority at one community pool,” Nauert pointed out on Monday. “Sharia law is now changing everything.”

Fox News: YMCA swim class for Muslim girls proves Sharia law is ?changing everything? | The Raw Story

I beg to differ. You sure can make it up. Fox morning slot "Fox and Friends" is a favorite target for Media Matters surveillance because it is an open forum rather than "news" and anything they say might falsely promoted by the left as news. Nauert is hardly a Tea Party type. She used to work for ABC news and is married to an executive from a firm that is a big contributor to the Obama administration, Goldman Sachs. Let it go lefties. It ain't worth the effort.
What I'm saying is these things always start out small, than before you know it the YMCA is basically an Islamic organization. Nobody has ever made just one accomodation for Muslims and just left it at that its always more and more.

Sorry Gravity, it's America. If there is a Muslim population businesses will change and adapt to accommodate their culture (in order to make more money). It's how shit works. You can't fault someone for trying to attract customers.

Businesses did this for the Italians, the Irish, the Mexicans, and countless other groups that made their way into America.
What I'm saying is these things always start out small, than before you know it the YMCA is basically an Islamic organization. Nobody has ever made just one accomodation for Muslims and just left it at that its always more and more.

Sorry Gravity, it's America. If there is a Muslim population businesses will change and adapt to accommodate their culture (in order to make more money). It's how shit works. You can't fault someone for trying to attract customers.

Businesses did this for the Italians, the Irish, the Mexicans, and countless other groups that made their way into America.

The Italians, Irish and Mexicans are nationalities not religions and for the most part they have assimiliated into American culture. In this case, instead of assimiliating into America they have us changing for them.
The point is they can choose to join this class if they wish and wear whatever suits they want.

If you're upset about the gender discrimination then that's a different subject.
Yeah sure. They are stomping on other people's rights and the organization's protocols while appeasing the Muslims. That's what is clearly going on here.

What "RIGHTS" are you talking about exactly Roudy? All of us would love to hear.

Is it your "right" to be able to use the YMCA's property any time you wish? Haha. Do you know how ridiculous you sound right now?
The rights of the men and all other non Muslims who attend the Y. Duh.

You do realize that there are many secular Muslims who would be just as opposed as I am to this shit, don't you?
It will be like the Islamic swimming pools in England, people will be forced to don Islamic swimming gear.

There are no swimming pools open to Non-Muslims in England?

Are you saying if you own a pool in England that you shouldn't be able to set the rules?

What I'm saying is these things always start out small, than before you know it the YMCA is basically an Islamic organization. Nobody has ever made just one accomodation for Muslims and just left it at that its always more and more.

You're right. It is always a small concession. Then another one, and another one. No one decided on day one to black out the windows in the pools in the UK. It was a progression. Like boiling the frog.

How did the Norwegians lose Oslo? It didn't happen all at once. It happened because of a demand for muslim rights. Now at 10% of the population, muslims are bringing the entire nation down with the full approval of the Norwegian government. Celebrate diversity!

Oslo Police: We have lost the city. | Vlad Tepes

They call for an Islamic state where the Sharia is law, although less than 10% of the Norwegian population are Muslims. How will things be when they reach 20 percent or more?

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