Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

And neither can you whine about allowing Shariah to creep into a Christian based organization either.

HAHA, ok man. Worst counterpoint thus far by you.

My stance is that the YMCA - a private company - can do whatever it wants. I'm completely indifferent on their decision to host a one hour women's only class. That's been my stance all along. I'm not arguing for or against the class, I'm simply defending their right to do what they want with the property they own.

Where's the whine exactly in being indifferent?
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Low information lefties rely on the tax exempt Media Matters for their daily dose of hatred so much that they lost sight of the difference between news, news analysis, open discussion forums and even satire. Fox and Friends is not news. It isn't even news analysis. It's a free for all morning discussion and a favorite surveillance by the tax exempt Media Matters clone "News Hounds" "we watch Fox so you don't have to". What ever the Fox babe said is magnified by the left wing hate blogs.
Why does everyone think its about watching women swim? have you been to the Y? its mostly families with kids, this is not exactly Hedonism in Jamaica.
The whole issue here is that there are differing opinions on modesty, isn't it?

Your notion is quite popular in the US today. But, that doesn't make it outrageous for the YMCA to add the male-only restriction for an hour for those who appreciate that.

We have other exercise classes that are gender restricted.
Exactly...YMCA....Young MEN'S CHRISTIAN Association. How did they get to take both the Christianity and the Men out of it, just because of Shariah Shit law? Someone down there needs to get fired ASAP for violating the rules of the organization.

So Jewish women shouldn't be allowed to swim there either?
Wow, you are really dumb or playing dumb. Jewish men and women, as well as Muslim men and women current attend the Y and use it's various family programs in droves. But there is no Jewish Law Swimming for women only at the Y! Doy!

Shouldn't that be up for the YMCA, as a private organization to decide? If you don't like it, than go to another community center.
And anytime I visited the Y, I knew that I am visiting a Christian based organization. Although I knew that people from all religions, races, and cultures frequented the Y, depending on the surrounding neighborhood the Y is located.

I know that if I showed up to swim one day, and they told me "pool is closed to men" it's women only today, and I peeked in and saw women dressed up in Islamic Shariah swimsuits flapping their fat butts displacing half the pool water, I would get enraged and asked for my membership to be canceled or complained to the manager. I would do the same if I saw a bunch of orthodox Jewish women as well, and I'm Jewish.

Your faith is startlingly weak if it's actually important to you that the YMCA is Christian.

As for the rest, I'm not amused by how you spread your bigotry. And, it's time you take some anger management classes.
Men are forbidden and women are all Muslims wearing Shariah swimsuits, in a YMCA. Do you think a non Muslim woman wearing swimming speedos would join such a class? You are stupider than I thought.
So, you know for a fact what these women will be wearing when there are no men around?
Read the thread idiot.
There is nothing in this thread that says what women wear when there are no men around.

Nice ad hom, though!
This really screws me over because I am now about to fight as a feminist from waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when, the young girls rights to swim segregated from men.

Truly this fries my brain.
So Jewish women shouldn't be allowed to swim there either?
Wow, you are really dumb or playing dumb. Jewish men and women, as well as Muslim men and women current attend the Y and use it's various family programs in droves. But there is no Jewish Law Swimming for women only at the Y! Doy!

Shouldn't that be up for the YMCA, as a private organization to decide? If you don't like it, than go to another community center.

Actually Iceman, you're wrong and as I believe it's [MENTION=36154]Roudy[/MENTION]'s Constitutional right to be able to use private property that he doesn't own in any way he sees fit.

If the YMCA says the pool closes at 10pm and Roudy objects to this (as he would like it to be open until 12am because he enjoys late night swimming), then I think the YMCA would have no choice but to scramble to extend hours out to whatever is suitable for the outsider who wishes to use the property.

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So Jewish women shouldn't be allowed to swim there either?
Wow, you are really dumb or playing dumb. Jewish men and women, as well as Muslim men and women current attend the Y and use it's various family programs in droves. But there is no Jewish Law Swimming for women only at the Y! Doy!

Shouldn't that be up for the YMCA, as a private organization to decide? If you don't like it, than go to another community center.
Oh OK. Thanks for the advice. Do they have a gym at your trailer park? Heh heh heh.
Wow, you are really dumb or playing dumb. Jewish men and women, as well as Muslim men and women current attend the Y and use it's various family programs in droves. But there is no Jewish Law Swimming for women only at the Y! Doy!

Shouldn't that be up for the YMCA, as a private organization to decide? If you don't like it, than go to another community center.

Actually Iceman, you're wrong and as I believe it's [MENTION=36154]Roudy[/MENTION]'s Constitutional right to be able to use private property that he doesn't own in any way he sees fit.

If the YMCA says the pool closes at 10pm and Roudy objects to this (as he would like it to be open until 12am because he enjoys late night swimming), then I think the YMCA would have no choice but to scramble to extend hours out to whatever is suitable for the outsider who wishes to use the property.

Did you read what I said? There are always at least two to three lanes open to ALL members in the swimming pool, regardless.

This policy of segregating the Y pool into a Shariah law womens only pool, for even one hour a day, violates the YMCA's own policies. This is not the "company policy" of the YMCA, it's ONE Y with bad management acting independently, like all YMCA's do. Which is why their asses need to be fired.
So, you know for a fact what these women will be wearing when there are no men around?
Read the thread idiot.
There is nothing in this thread that says what women wear when there are no men around.

Nice ad hom, though!
There isn't. They are asking men to be forbidden, and Muslim women to be shariah compliant swimming attire. No, there isn't. These Muslim women are going to show up in see-through mesh bikinis. What a dumbkoff!
There isn't. They are asking men to be forbidden, and Muslim women to be shariah compliant swimming attire. No, there isn't. These Muslim women are going to show up in see-through mesh bikinis. What a dumbkoff!
No post here says anything about what they are going to wear.

Muslims aren't all identical in their dress restrictions when in private. Covering to the degree of the swimsuit depicted in this thread is more covering than is required when no men are present.

More ad hom - indicating a certain all around weakness of character as well as confidence.
Did you read what I said? There are always at least two to three lanes open to ALL members in the swimming pool, regardless.

What do you mean, is this the law that "all private swimming pools must have 2-3 lanes open at all times"? Don't understand your point.

The owners of the pool are free to modify the rules at any point in time. Not your call.

This policy of segregating the Y pool into a Shariah law womens only pool, for even one hour a day, violates the YMCA's own policies.
You seem to be an expert on the Y's policies; if you want please provide us with the exact policy a "female-only swim" violates and we can go from there. Regardless, companies are free to change their policy at any time they want (in case you were unaware).

This is not the "company policy" of the YMCA, it's ONE Y with bad management acting independently, like all YMCA's do. Which is why their asses need to be fired.

Once again, it's not your call whether anyone should be fired. I'm sure with all the hooplah the CEO of YMCA is well aware of the situation and if he/she is as outraged as you are over a location dedicating a single hour a week to a "women's only swim" than he/she can fire the management staff and spend money looking for new people to run the facility.
You just can't make this crap up,...

Fox News anchor Heather Nauert announced on Monday that a YMCA swim class that respected the religious traditions of Muslim girls was proof that “Sharia law is now changing everything.”

The Minneapolis StarTribune reported last week that the downtown St. Paul YMCA had teamed up with the St. Paul police department to teach a group of Somali-American girls to swim. To respect the religious traditions and modesty of the girls — ages 5 to 17 — men were not allowed in the pool area during the one-hour class.

But for the Fox News host, this was a sign that Sharia law was creeping in “towns across the Midwest.”

“Well, the minority becoming the majority at one community pool,” Nauert pointed out on Monday. “Sharia law is now changing everything.”

Fox News: YMCA swim class for Muslim girls proves Sharia law is ?changing everything? | The Raw Story

Could Fox get more stupid? Well I suppose the answer is "absolutely".

But, the idea that having men excluded for one hour "changes everything"??? Who is that nut case women they hired to say that nonsense?
Paranoid much?? ... :lol: :lol:

I'm a realist and what's more, you know it!
We already have a dedicated muslim in the White House.

So making America an Islamic sharia nation will be a piece of cake. ... :cool:

All except for that opposition stuff. While I don't doubt that muslims will use the same tactic here as they have in Europe, the outcome might be very different.

Europe has been mostly wussified. They are horrified at the thought of fighting back. America is a much more violent country. Muslims will have to keep their activities confined to liberalland.
The rights of the men and all other non Muslims who attend the Y. Duh.

You do realize that there are many secular Muslims who would be just as opposed as I am to this shit, don't you?

Don't backtread into nonsense. You said the YMCA is "stomping on other people's rights" (quote) by choosing to set aside 1 hour of pool time to women only.

That implies that outsiders have a "right" to enjoy the pool whenever they wish. That is incredibly untrue. The only "right" outsiders have is to use the pool under the guidelines set by the pool owners.

Doesn't matter if you or secular Muslims object; all that matters is what the owners decide to do in the best interest of their business. Whine all you want about it, but at the end of the day you own nothing and therefore have no say on the matter.
Wow, the ignorance just oozes right out of you. I just told you that men are not allowed, and that this "class" will comprise of Muslim women in Islamic swimsuits, all, at the YMCA. And you are wondering what if anything is wrong with this picture?

Yes. You said. But, to quote Suzie Ormond - show me the money. Where does it say they *must* wear Islamic swimsuits? Where does it say they can *only* be Muslim women?

Or are you making all this up?
With these people, if a non Muslim man is even able to see a Muslim woman with her swimming attire, that is enough for the husband or father to freak out and attack the poor man. Let's just call it YMMA, how's that? Young mens Muslim association.
Yes, there will be an hour once in a while when you won't get to watch the women swim!

Is that going to change your day?
I don't use the Y, I'm an Equinox member, been one for a long time. Prefer the Equinox women wearing the tight Lulu-lemon outfits. Not only does my body get a workout, but so do my eye muscles.

But I used to use the Y frequently in my distant past. And since I used to be a swimmer, I remember that anytime of day I showed up, by law they would have at least three or four lanes open to the public. Sometimes certain lanes would be closed for swim lessons, or senior swimming, or even people with handicaps. And anytime I visited the Y, I knew that I am visiting a Christian based organization. Although I knew that people from all religions, races, and cultures frequented the Y, depending on the surrounding neighborhood the Y is located.

I know that if I showed up to swim one day, and they told me "pool is closed to men" it's women only today, and I peeked in and saw women dressed up in Islamic Shariah swimsuits flapping their fat butts displacing half the pool water, I would get enraged and asked for my membership to be canceled or complained to the manager. I would do the same if I saw a bunch of orthodox Jewish women as well, and I'm Jewish.

I grew up going to our local Y. I never had a clue it was "Christian" - it was simply a local youth organization that offered a variety of good, healthy activities for everyone in our neighborhood. I couldn't go and swim "any time I wanted" - there were classes held at certain times - usually segregated by age and ability. I have no idea if there were gender segregated classes as I was a kid, but I wouldn't have cared. Nor would I have cared if they were a group of fat women. Or Jewish. Or Muslim. The Y does good things for many people - they serve their communities and answer their unique needs.

What is so horrible about a women-only swim hour, in those communities where there is a substantial demographic - that the Y must be damned for offering something that they can participate in, that is beneficial to their health and offers something postive that you must be so vile about? Why shouldn't Orthodox Jewish women be allowed that? Why shouldn't traditional Muslim women be allowed that? Or even any women for whom an intimate aquaintenceship with spandex be a humiliating affair? There's room in our society for all of this and to meet everyone's needs.
For gosh sakes - it's a Christian (and I'm betting a Jewish and Muslim) value.

Why not? I don't get it :dunno:

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