Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

Read the thread idiot.
There is nothing in this thread that says what women wear when there are no men around.

Nice ad hom, though!
There isn't. They are asking men to be forbidden, and Muslim women to be shariah compliant swimming attire. No, there isn't. These Muslim women are going to show up in see-through mesh bikinis. What a dumbkoff!

From what I have read and heard, traditional Muslim women dress very differently in their own households amongst their own family members - it's when they are under the eyes of non-family males in the public sphere, that they dress conservatively. Among women - it's very different. Am I wrong about this?

I seriously doubt they will be swimming in full body coverings in a class of only women unless it's their personal choice.
Yes, there will be an hour once in a while when you won't get to watch the women swim!

Is that going to change your day?
I don't use the Y, I'm an Equinox member, been one for a long time. Prefer the Equinox women wearing the tight Lulu-lemon outfits. Not only does my body get a workout, but so do my eye muscles.

But I used to use the Y frequently in my distant past. And since I used to be a swimmer, I remember that anytime of day I showed up, by law they would have at least three or four lanes open to the public. Sometimes certain lanes would be closed for swim lessons, or senior swimming, or even people with handicaps. And anytime I visited the Y, I knew that I am visiting a Christian based organization. Although I knew that people from all religions, races, and cultures frequented the Y, depending on the surrounding neighborhood the Y is located.

I know that if I showed up to swim one day, and they told me "pool is closed to men" it's women only today, and I peeked in and saw women dressed up in Islamic Shariah swimsuits flapping their fat butts displacing half the pool water, I would get enraged and asked for my membership to be canceled or complained to the manager. I would do the same if I saw a bunch of orthodox Jewish women as well, and I'm Jewish.

I grew up going to our local Y. I never had a clue it was "Christian" - it was simply a local youth organization that offered a variety of good, healthy activities for everyone in our neighborhood. I couldn't go and swim "any time I wanted" - there were classes held at certain times - usually segregated by age and ability. I have no idea if there were gender segregated classes as I was a kid, but I wouldn't have cared. Nor would I have cared if they were a group of fat women. Or Jewish. Or Muslim. The Y does good things for many people - they serve their communities and answer their unique needs.

What is so horrible about a women-only swim hour, in those communities where there is a substantial demographic - that the Y must be damned for offering something that they can participate in, that is beneficial to their health and offers something postive that you must be so vile about? Why shouldn't Orthodox Jewish women be allowed that? Why shouldn't traditional Muslim women be allowed that? Or even any women for whom an intimate aquaintenceship with spandex be a humiliating affair? There's room in our society for all of this and to meet everyone's needs.
For gosh sakes - it's a Christian (and I'm betting a Jewish and Muslim) value.

Why not? I don't get it :dunno:
YMCA - Young Men's Christian Association Established 1844

YWCA - Young Women's Christian Association Established 1855
It's true. Starting with the very smallest things, sharia law is insinuating itself throughout the US. It started the same way in the UK. An hour's swimming where men were not permitted. Now the windows into women's indoor pools have dark tinted glass.

Swimmers forced to exercise in darkness 'to protect dignity of Muslims' by council which blacked-out windows | Mail Online

On the one hand, the sight of a Christmas Tree once a year causes outrage among liberals, but the religious sensibilities of muslims must be protected at all times.

Sharia law is creeping across the country, apparently with the full approval of the left.

KatzenCreep is right.

We're seeing signs of it everywhere - trashing the First Amendment by religion radicals who are against the very core beliefs that our country was founded on - equal rights for all Americans.

Its disgusting the way these sneaks are working to take marriage equality away from Americans. And they way they peek in our bedroom windows to try to catch someone doing something completely normal and natural but that doesn't go along with their uptight and unnatural desires that no sex ever take place except for reproduction.

But they're sneaky about that too. They want women pregnant but they hate babies and children. Let those mewling little monsters go hungry, right? Just ask any of the religious right and they'll tell you that "she" should have kept her legs closed and that the father has no responsibility at all.

We need to keep a close watch on these sickos who want to end our Constitution, right, KatzenCreep?

(You're welcome to your xmas tree, twit but we'll never hear you agreeing that all Americans have Constitutionally-guaranteed equal rights, will we? Hypocrite.)

As to the OP, as always, its damn funny that Fox and its watchers bow down to a MUSLIM who controls the programming.
There is nothing in this thread that says what women wear when there are no men around.

Nice ad hom, though!
There isn't. They are asking men to be forbidden, and Muslim women to be shariah compliant swimming attire. No, there isn't. These Muslim women are going to show up in see-through mesh bikinis. What a dumbkoff!

From what I have read and heard, traditional Muslim women dress very differently in their own households amongst their own family members - it's when they are under the eyes of non-family males in the public sphere, that they dress conservatively. Among women - it's very different. Am I wrong about this?

I seriously doubt they will be swimming in full body coverings in a class of only women unless it's their personal choice.
Yes, suddenly these women that come from very religious families who follow Shariah law, will be showing up with Bikinis for their swim lessons at the local Y. Ha ha ha. Keep telling yourself that.
Low information lefties rely on the tax exempt Media Matters for their daily dose of hatred so much that they lost sight of the difference between news, news analysis, open discussion forums and even satire. Fox and Friends is not news. It isn't even news analysis. It's a free for all morning discussion and a favorite surveillance by the tax exempt Media Matters clone "News Hounds" "we watch Fox so you don't have to". What ever the Fox babe said is magnified by the left wing hate blogs.

The link is to a Raw Story link but I doubt anyone thinks Fox News has anything in common with "news". They're like lushbo, drudge, jones, beck - just hot air with no facts.

BTW, can anyone say why having a private hour at the swimming pool "proves Sharia law is ‘changing everything’?

Its not as though they would be the first to have private time in the pool. Indeed, most pool time is allotted to one group or another - kids, oldsters with arthritis and so on.

Is that proof that the Methodists are taking over?
There isn't. They are asking men to be forbidden, and Muslim women to be shariah compliant swimming attire. No, there isn't. These Muslim women are going to show up in see-through mesh bikinis. What a dumbkoff!

From what I have read and heard, traditional Muslim women dress very differently in their own households amongst their own family members - it's when they are under the eyes of non-family males in the public sphere, that they dress conservatively. Among women - it's very different. Am I wrong about this?

I seriously doubt they will be swimming in full body coverings in a class of only women unless it's their personal choice.
Yes, suddenly these women that come from very religious families who follow Shariah law, will be showing up with Bikinis for their swim lessons at the local Y. Ha ha ha. Keep telling yourself that.

Again, Roudy - just provide an article or something that backs your claim up: "They are asking men to be forbidden, and Muslim women to be shariah compliant swimming attire. "

Should be easy.
From what I have read and heard, traditional Muslim women dress very differently in their own households amongst their own family members - it's when they are under the eyes of non-family males in the public sphere, that they dress conservatively. Among women - it's very different. Am I wrong about this?

I seriously doubt they will be swimming in full body coverings in a class of only women unless it's their personal choice.
Yes, suddenly these women that come from very religious families who follow Shariah law, will be showing up with Bikinis for their swim lessons at the local Y. Ha ha ha. Keep telling yourself that.

Again, Roudy - just provide an article or something that backs your claim up: "They are asking men to be forbidden, and Muslim women to be shariah compliant swimming attire. "

Should be easy.
Yawn. Find someone your own intellect to argue with. I said what I said and it's true. Can you tell me one more activity the Y discriminates like this, over religious based belief? No. Instead you want to play petty gotcha games.

Show me it WHERE says they WON'T be showing up with Islamic swim attire. Logic would clearly dictate that they will. But not in the delusional mind of an Islam apologist. Here we go another thread with Coyote in it. It seems all you ever do is just scour the board just looking for ways to justify barbarism. Is there a thread where you're not defending Islamic behavior? CREEP.

Now watch the Islam defender squeal.
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Yes, suddenly these women that come from very religious families who follow Shariah law, will be showing up with Bikinis for their swim lessons at the local Y. Ha ha ha. Keep telling yourself that.

Again, Roudy - just provide an article or something that backs your claim up: "They are asking men to be forbidden, and Muslim women to be shariah compliant swimming attire. "

Should be easy.
Yawn. Find someone your own intellect to argue with. I said what I said and it's true. Can you tell me one more activity the Y discriminates like this, over religious based belief? No. Instead you want to play petty gotcha games.

Show me it WHERE says they WON'T be showing up with Islamic swim attire. Logic would clearly dictate that they will. But not in the delusional mind of an Islam apologist. Here we go another thread with Coyote in it. It seems all you ever do is just scour the board just looking for ways to justify barbarism. Is there a thread where you're not defending Islamic behavior? CREEP.

Now watch the Islam defender squeal.

Now you're being ridiculous - you made a claim Roudy, you prove it. If you can't, well - be honest.

Thus far all you've done is demonstrate an ability to duck, weave, dodge and fling monkey poop hoping some of it will stick.

I'll repeat the question:

Again, Roudy - just provide an article or something that backs your claim up: "They are asking men to be forbidden, and Muslim women to be shariah compliant swimming attire. "
YMCA - Young Men's Christian Association Established 1844

YWCA - Young Women's Christian Association Established 1855

The YMCA says:
"The Y is made up of people of all ages and from every walk of life working side by side to strengthen communities. Together we work to ensure everyone, regardless of gender, income, faith, sexual orientation or cultural background, has the opportunity to live life to its fullest. We share the values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility—everything we do stems from it."

Your "Christians first" attitude is NOT a value shared by the YMCA.
Yes, suddenly these women that come from very religious families who follow Shariah law, will be showing up with Bikinis for their swim lessons at the local Y. Ha ha ha. Keep telling yourself that.

So, why are you so fixated on their swimwear and on being allowed to watch the girls swim?

You're sounding profoundly pervy.
YMCA - Young Men's Christian Association Established 1844

YWCA - Young Women's Christian Association Established 1855

The YMCA says:
"The Y is made up of people of all ages and from every walk of life working side by side to strengthen communities. Together we work to ensure everyone, regardless of gender, income, faith, sexual orientation or cultural background, has the opportunity to live life to its fullest. We share the values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility—everything we do stems from it."

Your "Christians first" attitude is NOT a value shared by the YMCA.
Oh really? Current YMCA website:

Our Impact is Felt Every Day

With a mission to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build a healthy spirit, mind and body for all, our impact is felt when an individual makes a healthy choice, when a mentor inspires a child and when a community comes together for the common good.
Yes, suddenly these women that come from very religious families who follow Shariah law, will be showing up with Bikinis for their swim lessons at the local Y. Ha ha ha. Keep telling yourself that.

So, why are you so fixated on their swimwear and on being allowed to watch the girls swim?

You're sounding profoundly pervy.
Do you think that stupid question deserves an answer?
Again, Roudy - just provide an article or something that backs your claim up: "They are asking men to be forbidden, and Muslim women to be shariah compliant swimming attire. "

Should be easy.
Yawn. Find someone your own intellect to argue with. I said what I said and it's true. Can you tell me one more activity the Y discriminates like this, over religious based belief? No. Instead you want to play petty gotcha games.

Show me it WHERE says they WON'T be showing up with Islamic swim attire. Logic would clearly dictate that they will. But not in the delusional mind of an Islam apologist. Here we go another thread with Coyote in it. It seems all you ever do is just scour the board just looking for ways to justify barbarism. Is there a thread where you're not defending Islamic behavior? CREEP.

Now watch the Islam defender squeal.

Now you're being ridiculous - you made a claim Roudy, you prove it. If you can't, well - be honest.

Thus far all you've done is demonstrate an ability to duck, weave, dodge and fling monkey poop hoping some of it will stick.

I'll repeat the question:

Again, Roudy - just provide an article or something that backs your claim up: "They are asking men to be forbidden, and Muslim women to be shariah compliant swimming attire. "
Can you prove they aren't? Of course not. Read the sentence again, ass kisser of Islamists:

They (as in Muslims) are asking men to be forbidden, <true statement>
and (they are asking ) Muslim women to be shariah compliant swimming attire <true again>

Get lost, mental midget. :lmao:
Latin Dance Fitness for Women (Bronxville , NY) - Meetup

and a million other women's groups that hold women only sessions.

and, just for the real idiots on the forum, the ones who tell us how Muslims want their laws for everyone and make out as if women's groups are just to pander to Muslims; have a Jewish women's group.

Fucking Jews, eh, Roudy - they're forcing their religious laws on everyone by having women's meetings.

NYC and Hamptons Jewish Single Professional Women 30-37 (New York , NY) - Meetup

The stupidity of this thread and the posters who are supporting that stupidity is astounding.
There are many women's groups of all flavours, for a lot of reasons.

One is seen to be Muslims and the idiots go stupid.
Give the girls their hour. Please. It's just one hour.

Why not a day? its just a day. Why not a week? its just a week.

Are there are any other groups of Americans you believe should not be allowed to swim, in private, at the Y?

Americans with arthritis?
American kids taking swimming lessons?
Americans doing post-op exercise?
Americans swimming for fun?
(oops the Muslim women would probably be in that category)

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