Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

Yes, those are possible in private establishments. When you become a member at the Y, as I have in the past, you want SOME access to the pool and gym areas during business hours for all members. That's what you're paying for. And that's how it was when I was a member. The pool was never entirely closed. If I showed up to swim, and there was some type of class, there was at least two lanes open. I know as a fact that people would complain if they had no access to the pool. Many times I witnessed people complaining to the lifeguard why so many lanes were closed to classes and why more lanes aren't open to regular members.

As I said this Y was clearly violating the rules, in order to appease Muslim sensitivities.

Just because the Y you happened to be a member of "always had pool access" doesn't mean all YMCAs - 2,600 nationwide - must abide by the same policy. This is not sound logic. It's perfectly lawful for the YMCA to run each of those 2,600 facilities in different ways if they want to.
No dipweed, people are paying pretty good money every month to have access to the pool and gym facilities whenever they show up. That's the nationwide policy, period. If I was there during peak hours, where there was also a class being held, and those open lanes were crowded, then I'd just wait my turn. This Y's management made decisions inconsistent with the Y general policy.
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The pool is owned by a nationwide company with thousands branches in cities and neighborhoods across the country. It is not an individual owner. This specific Y should not have closed the pool off to men in order to appease Muslim sensitivities. It is against the company policy and he / she should have gotten his ass fired.

SOMEBODY holds the final decision to how that pool is operated. Whether it's the President, CEO, or majority owner - I don't know - but someone ultimately has the final say on how that pool operates.

And second, I will politely ask again; WHICH LINE IN THE COMPANY POLICY does the "women's only" swim class for one hour a week violate? You say it violates the policy, so show us. That's a fair ask.
Yawn. Find someone your own intellect to argue with. I said what I said and it's true. Can you tell me one more activity the Y discriminates like this, over religious based belief? No. Instead you want to play petty gotcha games.

Show me it WHERE says they WON'T be showing up with Islamic swim attire. Logic would clearly dictate that they will. But not in the delusional mind of an Islam apologist. Here we go another thread with Coyote in it. It seems all you ever do is just scour the board just looking for ways to justify barbarism. Is there a thread where you're not defending Islamic behavior? CREEP.

Now watch the Islam defender squeal.

Now you're being ridiculous - you made a claim Roudy, you prove it. If you can't, well - be honest.

Thus far all you've done is demonstrate an ability to duck, weave, dodge and fling monkey poop hoping some of it will stick.

I'll repeat the question:

Again, Roudy - just provide an article or something that backs your claim up: "They are asking men to be forbidden, and Muslim women to be shariah compliant swimming attire. "
Can you prove they aren't? Of course not. Read the sentence again, ass kisser of Islamists:

They (as in Muslims) are asking men to be forbidden, <true statement>
and (they are asking ) Muslim women to be shariah compliant swimming attire <true again>

Get lost, mental midget. :lmao:


"They" - women - have been given women only swim session where men are excluded.

If you read the OP (you did right?) - it states that this was a cooperative enterprise between the local police department and the Y. Nowhere does it state they "asked" for anything.

Nowhere does it say anything about these Somali's "asking" for anything so let's get that straight.

Second, your statement: and (they are asking ) Muslim women to be shariah compliant swimming attire <true again>

There is no evidence they are asking this, please provide it. Or are you making this up?:doubt:
Yes, those are possible in private establishments. When you become a member at the Y, as I have in the past, you want SOME access to the pool and gym areas during business hours for all members. That's what you're paying for. And that's how it was when I was a member. The pool was never entirely closed. If I showed up to swim, and there was some type of class, there was at least two lanes open. I know as a fact that people would complain if they had no access to the pool. Many times I witnessed people complaining to the lifeguard why so many lanes were closed to classes and why more lanes aren't open to regular members.

As I said this Y was clearly violating the rules, in order to appease Muslim sensitivities.

Just because the Y you happened to be a member of "always had pool access" doesn't mean all YMCAs - 2,600 nationwide - must abide by the same policy. This is not sound logic. It's perfectly lawful for the YMCA to run each of those 2,600 facilities in different ways if they want to.
No dipweed, people are paying pretty good money every month to have access to the pool and gym facilities whenever they show up. That's the nationwide policy, period. If I was there during peak hours, where there was also a class being held, and those open lanes were crowded, then I'd just wait my turn.

So, you're saying there is ONE NATIONWIDE policy that specifies EXACTLY how each of the pools throughout the 2,600 facilities MUST operate?

Show us, please.
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No - your example is completely exaggerated and not realistic (and you know this).

One hour of the week is currently reserved for a "women's only" swim class. There is no dress requirement during that swim time. That's all the information you and I know, and nothing (absolutely nothing) has hinted that the owners of the Y are planning on enforcing an overall dress code (or dress code at all), or will extend this out to different areas of the Y in significant fashion (ie 4-6 hr blocks of time). No evidence at all, Roudy.

One thing I hate is a deliberately dishonest poster.

If you're not just making up things than put your money where your mouth is and show us the backup! Maybe a transcript of a conversation where the owner said "yes, I'm thinking of making the entire facility bow to the rules of sharia law on an expansive scale, despite it being bad for business", etc.

Show us and I'll shut up. Otherwise you're just making up sh$t.
No men at the pool is okay but no men at the gym area is not? Why the pool and not the gym area?

No men in the gym area is fine too if the company decides that's what they want to do. Heck, they could make an "aliens only" gym for extraterrestrial life only if they wanted to. However...

My point is, there is absolutely not a shred of evidence - anywhere - suggesting the YMCA in St. Paul (or any of the other 2,600 locations) is planning to install a "women's only workout hours" to cater to the Muslim community.

Zero evidence. I'm just telling you to quit exaggerating and making things up.
No men in the gym is fine too? Ha ha ha. I rest my case.

No more questions, your honor.
Now you're being ridiculous - you made a claim Roudy, you prove it. If you can't, well - be honest.

Thus far all you've done is demonstrate an ability to duck, weave, dodge and fling monkey poop hoping some of it will stick.

I'll repeat the question:

Again, Roudy - just provide an article or something that backs your claim up: "They are asking men to be forbidden, and Muslim women to be shariah compliant swimming attire. "
Can you prove they aren't? Of course not. Read the sentence again, ass kisser of Islamists:

They (as in Muslims) are asking men to be forbidden, <true statement>
and (they are asking ) Muslim women to be shariah compliant swimming attire <true again>

Get lost, mental midget. :lmao:


"They" - women - have been given women only swim session where men are excluded.

If you read the OP (you did right?) - it states that this was a cooperative enterprise between the local police department and the Y. Nowhere does it state they "asked" for anything.

Nowhere does it say anything about these Somali's "asking" for anything so let's get that straight.

Second, your statement: and (they are asking ) Muslim women to be shariah compliant swimming attire <true again>

There is no evidence they are asking this, please provide it. Or are you making this up?:doubt:
They haven't been given no men allowed lessons at the Y in the past.

As far as the rest of your question re attire asked and answered ten times.

Rest assured, some members at the Y must have gotten pretty pissed off and complained, for it to have gotten national media attention like this. And this is not the only country this bullshit is happening.
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Why not a day? its just a day. Why not a week? its just a week.

Are there are any other groups of Americans you believe should not be allowed to swim, in private, at the Y?

Americans with arthritis?
American kids taking swimming lessons?
Americans doing post-op exercise?
Americans swimming for fun?
(oops the Muslim women would probably be in that category)

Nice try.

But no answer.
No men in the gym is fine too? Ha ha ha. I rest my case.

No more questions, your honor.

I don't normally call people morons, but when I do... it's when I'm talking with Roudy.

I said that IF THE COMPANY wants to setup a policy where no men are allowed in the gym then so be it; I have absolutely no say about what they do with the property they own. IF THE COMPANY wants to have a gym area where only snails can access they can do that too.

Would I run my gym that way? Probably not; it'd be horrible for business (snails don't lift). But if the YMCA wants to do that, then I have no objections because it's not my place to object.

YOU CAN'T make decisions about things YOU DON'T OWN.

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[MENTION=36154]Roudy[/MENTION] - You keep mentioning that a "one hour women's swim class" violates the company's policy and (therefore) someone should be fired.

Please show us what line of policy this is in violation of and we can go from there.
No men in the gym is fine too? Ha ha ha. I rest my case.

No more questions, your honor.

I don't normally call people morons, but when I do... it's when I'm talking with Roudy.

I said that IF THE COMPANY wants to setup a policy where no men are allowed in the gym then so be it; I have absolutely no say about what they do with the property they own.

Would I run my gym that way? Probably not; it'd be horrible for business. But if the YMCA wants to do that, then I have no objections because it's not my place to object.

YOU CAN'T make decisions about things YOU DON'T OWN.

THIS COMPANY cannot setup no men allowed hours at the pool or the gym, under its current policy guidelines, and for which it is receiving monthly membership for, moron. Sure it could do that, and the. Face a class action lawsuit for fraud and criminal for discrimination.
THIS COMPANY cannot setup no men allowed hours at the pool or the gym, under its current policy guidelines, and for which it is receiving monthly membership for, moron. Sure it could do that, and the. Face a class action lawsuit for fraud and criminal for discrimination.

WHAT POLICY line are you speaking of exactly, lol???
[MENTION=36154]Roudy[/MENTION] - You keep mentioning that a "one hour women's swim class" violates the company's policy and (therefore) someone should be fired.

Please show us what line of policy this is in violation of and we can go from there.
Ya right. People are paying monthly fees up to $100 or more in order to use their facilities such as the pool or gym whoever they want to. That's what they advertise in order to entice people to become members. That is logical and goes with any health club.

Talk about "moron".
THIS COMPANY cannot setup no men allowed hours at the pool or the gym, under its current policy guidelines, and for which it is receiving monthly membership for, moron. Sure it could do that, and the. Face a class action lawsuit for fraud and criminal for discrimination.

WHAT POLICY line are you speaking of exactly, lol???
Easy use and access to their facilities at business hours for which they are getting membership dues for. You want to see it in writing? Wow you are dumber than I thought.
[MENTION=36154]Roudy[/MENTION] - You keep mentioning that a "one hour women's swim class" violates the company's policy and (therefore) someone should be fired.

Please show us what line of policy this is in violation of and we can go from there.
Ya right. People are paying monthly fees up to $100 or more in order to use their facilities such as the pool or gym whoever they want to. That's what they advertise in order to entice people to become members. That is logical and goes with any health club.

Talk about "moron".

Doesn't matter the least if people pay $100 or $100,000/month for the YMCA membership in St. Paul, what matters is whether or not the YMCA is violating a contractual agreement that states something along the lines "ALL MEMBERS will have complete and absolute access to the pool during business hours".

Do you have a copy of the contract people at the St. Paul's YMCA has people sign when they sign up?
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No men at the pool is okay but no men at the gym area is not? Why the pool and not the gym area?

No men in the gym area is fine too if the company decides that's what they want to do. Heck, they could make an "aliens only" gym for extraterrestrial life only if they wanted to. However...

My point is, there is absolutely not a shred of evidence - anywhere - suggesting the YMCA in St. Paul (or any of the other 2,600 locations) is planning to install a "women's only workout hours" to cater to the Muslim community.

Zero evidence. I'm just telling you to quit exaggerating and making things up.
No men in the gym is fine too? Ha ha ha. I rest my case.

No more questions, your honor.

Roudy, private companies have a right to arrange things as they desire, within the law - they are privately owned, not publicaly owned. If you, as a member, object to one hour a week women's only swim, then you can withdraw your support as a customer.

That's kind of how private enterprise works.
THIS COMPANY cannot setup no men allowed hours at the pool or the gym, under its current policy guidelines, and for which it is receiving monthly membership for, moron. Sure it could do that, and the. Face a class action lawsuit for fraud and criminal for discrimination.

WHAT POLICY line are you speaking of exactly, lol???
Easy use and access to their facilities at business hours for which they are getting membership dues for. You want to see it in writing? Wow you are dumber than I thought.

Yes, I do want to see that in writing. And since you're making the claim I'd need to see specifically what the contract at St. Paul's YMCA says. They're all going to be different.

Finally, one hour a week for a women's only swim class doesn't violate "easy use and access to their facilities" at business hours any more than a "senior's swim" would.
Give the girls their hour. Please. It's just one hour.

Why not a day? its just a day. Why not a week? its just a week.
And why not the weight and machine area as well. Give these Muslim women their space! It's the Y's business how they run it. During those hours the men can just show up for showers and the basketball courts, if any.

Why not just a separate section for men and one for women? men are dirty trolling perverts and shouldn't be trusted.
Why not just a separate section for men and one for women? men are dirty trolling perverts and shouldn't be trusted.

Here's the thing High_Gravity and Roudy, at the end of the day you guys are upset that a private company is doing something with the property they own that you don't like. Tough luck. Go buy your own pool.

I mean, none of you (to my knowledge) are even members at this specific St. Paul's club! Lol.

To whine or not to whine, that is the question.......
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