Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

Why not a day? its just a day. Why not a week? its just a week.
And why not the weight and machine area as well. Give these Muslim women their space! It's the Y's business how they run it. During those hours the men can just show up for showers and the basketball courts, if any.

Why not just a separate section for men and one for women? men are dirty trolling perverts and shouldn't be trusted.

So...what are you saying locker rooms?
The company, for whatever reason, has decided to give in to muslim demands. It has the right to do that, thinking it will benefit them. Once having gotten this demand met, there will be a new demand. There will be new demands after that. The company will slowly and incrementally make itself a company under full islamic control.

Then they will try and look back and wonder at what point would it have been appropriate to say no.
Why not just a separate section for men and one for women? men are dirty trolling perverts and shouldn't be trusted.

Here's the thing High_Gravity and Roudy, at the end of the day you guys are upset that a private company is doing something with the property they own that you don't like. Tough luck. Go buy your own pool.

I mean, none of you (to my knowledge) are even members at this specific St. Paul's club! Lol.

To whine or not to whine, that is the question.......

Whats wrong with discussing an issue? should this whole forum be shut down because we're all wining? :dunno:
And why not the weight and machine area as well. Give these Muslim women their space! It's the Y's business how they run it. During those hours the men can just show up for showers and the basketball courts, if any.

Why not just a separate section for men and one for women? men are dirty trolling perverts and shouldn't be trusted.

So...what are you saying locker rooms?

I wouldn't mind that.
The company, for whatever reason, has decided to give in to muslim demands. It has the right to do that, thinking it will benefit them. Once having gotten this demand met, there will be a new demand. There will be new demands after that. The company will slowly and incrementally make itself a company under full islamic control.

Then they will try and look back and wonder at what point would it have been appropriate to say no.

Yep, it's completely logical to assume that all 2,600 YMCA locations will soon be "under FULL Islamic control" due to the fact that one location is setting aside one hour a week of swim time to "women only", open to women of all colors, shapes, and religions.

Completely logical.
The company, for whatever reason, has decided to give in to muslim demands. It has the right to do that, thinking it will benefit them. Once having gotten this demand met, there will be a new demand. There will be new demands after that. The company will slowly and incrementally make itself a company under full islamic control.

Then they will try and look back and wonder at what point would it have been appropriate to say no.

Yep, it's completely logical to assume that all 2,600 YMCA locations will soon be "under FULL Islamic control" due to the fact that one location is setting aside one hour a week of swim time to "women only", open to women of all colors, shapes, and religions.

Completely logical.

Thats the thing it won't be soon, it will take time.
The company, for whatever reason, has decided to give in to muslim demands. It has the right to do that, thinking it will benefit them. Once having gotten this demand met, there will be a new demand. There will be new demands after that. The company will slowly and incrementally make itself a company under full islamic control.

Then they will try and look back and wonder at what point would it have been appropriate to say no.

Yep, it's completely logical to assume that all 2,600 YMCA locations will soon be "under FULL Islamic control" due to the fact that one location is setting aside one hour a week of swim time to "women only", open to women of all colors, shapes, and religions.

Completely logical.

I never said that all 2,600 YMCA locations will be under FULL islamic control. Some will be. Some will not until and unless there is some further action.

Who would have thought that London, Paris, Oslo, Malmo and Stockholm would become what they are when all the women wanted was some accommodation for their religious sensibilities? Just let them wear their veil, that's all they want.
Thats the thing it won't be soon, it will take time.

Disagree. You have no logical reason to assume that the YMCA will become overrun by conservative Muslims (ever - in 1 year or 100 years) due to the fact that one single location out of 2,600 (0.03% of locations) is setting aside a single hour out of the ENTIRE WEEK of pool time to a women's only swim class that is open to any women - Jewish, Christian, black, Chinese, etc - who would like to join.

The claim has zero validity.
What happened with the airiports?

All muslims wanted were footbaths so they got them. All they wanted was a place to pray so they got it.

Airport?s garage now Muslim house of worship - Matier And Ross

All reasonable. Accommodate them. It doesn't hurt anyone.

Then muslim cab drivers had a new demand. The right to refuse fares with dogs or liquor.
Muslim Cab Drivers Refuse to Transport Alcohol, and Dogs - ABC News

It starts out small and just grows from there.

It's going to be really horrible for you in a few years when you are in the nursing home and it's controlled by Sharia law. Really awful. Better off dead, eh?
I never said that all 2,600 YMCA locations will be under FULL islamic control. Some will be. Some will not until and unless there is some further action.

Who would have thought that London, Paris, Oslo, Malmo and Stockholm would become what they are when all the women wanted was some accommodation for their religious sensibilities? Just let them wear their veil, that's all they want.

Muslim population is about 3% in the US. That's ALL Muslims (not just the extremely conservative ones). Why would businesses curtail their operations on a large scale just to attract such a small percentage of highly religious people?

Doesn't make sense.
What happened with the airiports?

All muslims wanted were footbaths so they got them. All they wanted was a place to pray so they got it.

Airport?s garage now Muslim house of worship - Matier And Ross

All reasonable. Accommodate them. It doesn't hurt anyone.

Then muslim cab drivers had a new demand. The right to refuse fares with dogs or liquor.
Muslim Cab Drivers Refuse to Transport Alcohol, and Dogs - ABC News

It starts out small and just grows from there.

Cabs are private companies. Unfortunately - many (not just Muslim) won't transport animals. If it's service animals - then they might be breaking the law, and that's another issue. Otherwise, it's entirely up to them. As to liquor - again, it is up to them. If enough people don't like it, they'll lose business to other cab services.

So giving Muslims a small area where they can meet their religious requirements is unreasonable and "creeping Sharia"?

How about these?
Airport Chapels: 'Flying On A Wing And A Prayer' : NPR
Inter-Faith Chapel - Richmond International Airport
Airport Chapels: 'Flying On A Wing And A Prayer' : NPR
The pool in my building has ladies only hours 3 times a week and a ladies only gym. Has nothing to do with anything except that a lot of women prefer to swim and workout without men oogling or staring at them. The gym I belonged to in Austria also had a ladies' only workout room. This is typical in many places, many countries, and has nothing to do with any religion. It is because the business wants to attract female customers who do not want to work out or swim with men 'watching' every move they make. I was in the elevator yesterday, and a female resident was there with her girlfriend telling her about the attributes of the building. She told her about the pool having ladies' hours, and they were both obviously impressed by that. This is two young women who happened to be black. It is something a lot of women want, and business owners cater to what customers want.
Yes, those are possible in private establishments. When you become a member at the Y, as I have in the past, you want SOME access to the pool and gym areas during business hours for all members. That's what you're paying for. And that's how it was when I was a member. The pool was never entirely closed. If I showed to to swim, and there was some type of class, there was at least two lanes open. I know as a fact that people would complain if they had no access to the pool. Many times I witnessed people complaining to the lifeguard why so many lanes were closed to classes and why more lanes aren't open to regular members.

The YMCA is not a public institution. It is a private 'establishment.' Not part of the government, not supported by tax dollars. Private. The YMCA is a private, non-profit, international Christian organization. It is not a 'public' organization and not owned or controlled by the US government.

I despise segregation and things like this women's only hour. This policy by the Y sucks and I think if I were a member of that particular Y I would demand my annual fees be returned to me.

If this were a men's group asking for just one hour I suspect there would be hell to pay from women's organizations.

However, the Y has the right to do what they want with their property. If they choose to discriminate during this hour, or all hours for that matter they are welcome to do so.

Thats the thing it won't be soon, it will take time.

Disagree. You have no logical reason to assume that the YMCA will become overrun by conservative Muslims (ever - in 1 year or 100 years) due to the fact that one single location out of 2,600 (0.03% of locations) is setting aside a single hour out of the ENTIRE WEEK of pool time to a women's only swim class that is open to any women - Jewish, Christian, black, Chinese, etc - who would like to join.

The claim has zero validity.

Who would have though we'd have Muslim only swimming time though?
[MENTION=36154]Roudy[/MENTION] - You keep mentioning that a "one hour women's swim class" violates the company's policy and (therefore) someone should be fired.

Please show us what line of policy this is in violation of and we can go from there.
Ya right. People are paying monthly fees up to $100 or more in order to use their facilities such as the pool or gym whoever they want to. That's what they advertise in order to entice people to become members. That is logical and goes with any health club.

Talk about "moron".

Doesn't matter the least if people pay $100 or $100,000/month for the YMCA membership in St. Paul, what matters is whether or not the YMCA is violating a contractual agreement that states something along the lines "ALL MEMBERS will have complete and absolute access to the pool during business hours".

Do you have a copy of the contract people at the St. Paul's YMCA has people sign when they sign up?
Yes, all members should have access (not complete) to portions of gym and pool areas. As I said, at times when I would swim, I recall one or two lanes had private lessons, or they had a seniors class, or pool conditioning for handicapped individuals.
Yes, those are possible in private establishments. When you become a member at the Y, as I have in the past, you want SOME access to the pool and gym areas during business hours for all members. That's what you're paying for. And that's how it was when I was a member. The pool was never entirely closed. If I showed to to swim, and there was some type of class, there was at least two lanes open. I know as a fact that people would complain if they had no access to the pool. Many times I witnessed people complaining to the lifeguard why so many lanes were closed to classes and why more lanes aren't open to regular members.

The YMCA is not a public institution. It is a private 'establishment.' Not part of the government, not supported by tax dollars. Private. The YMCA is a private, non-profit, international Christian organization. It is not a 'public' organization and not owned or controlled by the US government.

I despise segregation and things like this women's only hour. This policy by the Y sucks and I think if I were a member of that particular Y I would demand my annual fees be returned to me.

If this were a men's group asking for just one hour I suspect there would be hell to pay from women's organizations.

However, the Y has the right to do what they want with their property. If they choose to discriminate during this hour, or all hours for that matter they are welcome to do so.

I don't have a problem with women's hour, as long as they allow other non members limited access to the pool as well. However, if this "women's hour" is religious based, and I start seeing a bunch of Muslim women flapping around the pool in their clothes, I will be very disappointed, and try to avoid those hours that these activity is going on. If they closed the pool entirely, I would ask to speak to the manager or whoever is in charge to complain about this bullshit.

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