Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

What happened with the airiports?

All muslims wanted were footbaths so they got them. All they wanted was a place to pray so they got it.

Airport?s garage now Muslim house of worship - Matier And Ross

All reasonable. Accommodate them. It doesn't hurt anyone.

Then muslim cab drivers had a new demand. The right to refuse fares with dogs or liquor.
Muslim Cab Drivers Refuse to Transport Alcohol, and Dogs - ABC News

It starts out small and just grows from there.

It's going to be really horrible for you in a few years when you are in the nursing home and it's controlled by Sharia law. Really awful. Better off dead, eh?
I am so mean I would be using my shotgun to divest them of their balls from my wheelchair and laughing when I did it.

Whoopsie another set gone.
Thats the thing it won't be soon, it will take time.

Disagree. You have no logical reason to assume that the YMCA will become overrun by conservative Muslims (ever - in 1 year or 100 years) due to the fact that one single location out of 2,600 (0.03% of locations) is setting aside a single hour out of the ENTIRE WEEK of pool time to a women's only swim class that is open to any women - Jewish, Christian, black, Chinese, etc - who would like to join.

The claim has zero validity.
That's not the point.
Disagree. You have no logical reason to assume that the YMCA will become overrun by conservative Muslims (ever - in 1 year or 100 years) due to the fact that one single location out of 2,600 (0.03% of locations) is setting aside a single hour out of the ENTIRE WEEK of pool time to a women's only swim class that is open to any women - Jewish, Christian, black, Chinese, etc - who would like to join.

The claim has zero validity.

Who would have though we'd have Muslim only swimming time though?

Orthodox Jews in New York have pools where there are separate gender swim times.

They have buses where the sexes are segregated.

There are Beth Din courts.

Where is FOXNews' outrage?

Why aren't they making claims of da' Jews creepin' up on us?

Seriously, who in their right mind really cares if a YMCA sets aside an hour a week for a woman only swim time?

At an organization like the Y that is open to all members of all races and religions, which charges them monthly fees for access to it's facilities?

Please try to stay relevant.
That girl needs to be defecated on. Who she think she is? Someone should call MSNBC and Martin Bashir. Hurry, he's crowning.
Fox hired her to make that report.

While she clearly is an idiot, I think the real lesson is about Fox.

Plus - how about lightening up on the crude ad hom? You're reflecting on the Paul family.
No men in the gym is fine too? Ha ha ha. I rest my case.

No more questions, your honor.

Roudy, private companies have a right to arrange things as they desire, within the law - they are privately owned, not publicaly owned. If you, as a member, object to one hour a week women's only swim, then you can withdraw your support as a customer.

That's kind of how private enterprise works.
Bingo! And that's exactly what happened in this case. People complained about this, and that's why the story became nationwide. I suppose the corporate office is deciding what actions if any to take, considering that whatever their decision, it will also have nationwide implications regarding this matter.

Yup. That's how it works. And hopefully they'll keep on doing it because it has the support of a portion of their membership who enjoy women-only swimming 1 hour a week. It would certainly be a pity if people who weren't even members of that Y drove the policy.
"If non-Muslims were to wear similar clothing, it would be considered unhygienic, and they would not be allowed in the pool. But the magic of Islam can perform many wonders, and one of them seems to be to reverse bad hygiene. Say the shahada, and presto! The bacteria flee from the scene."

It seems to me there is also a health issue...among all the other issues.
That as well.
That girl needs to be defecated on. Who she think she is? Someone should call MSNBC and Martin Bashir. Hurry, he's crowning.
Fox hired her to make that report.

While she clearly is an idiot, I think the real lesson is about Fox.

Plus - how about lightening up on the crude ad hom? You're reflecting on the Paul family.

Oh, i was talking about the girl at the pool. But don't let Martin Bashir near that pool. They'll have a Caddyshack situation to deal with. He so nasty.
Roudy, private companies have a right to arrange things as they desire, within the law - they are privately owned, not publicaly owned. If you, as a member, object to one hour a week women's only swim, then you can withdraw your support as a customer.

That's kind of how private enterprise works.
Bingo! And that's exactly what happened in this case. People complained about this, and that's why the story became nationwide. I suppose the corporate office is deciding what actions if any to take, considering that whatever their decision, it will also have nationwide implications regarding this matter.

Yup. That's how it works. And hopefully they'll keep on doing it because it has the support of a portion of their membership who enjoy women-only swimming 1 hour a week. It would certainly be a pity if people who weren't even members of that Y drove the policy.

Hopefully, their membership will abandon them for a time and leave them with 23 women to pay all the bills until such time as they decide that everyone who pays for that pool should have equal access.


Note just using the 23 as an example. I do not know how many participants there actually are.
Yes, all members should have access (not complete) to portions of gym and pool areas. As I said, at times when I would swim, I recall one or two lanes had private lessons, or they had a seniors class, or pool conditioning for handicapped individuals.

"All members should have access to portions of gym and pool areas".

Was it specifically written into the contract that members agree to when they pay that they "will always have some access to the pool"?

Is this a legal obligation the YMCA must adhere to?
Are you saying that a gym that sells access to it's facilities during business hours, in exchange for membership dues, will win in a court of law if it then refuses said access? If so, then not only are you not familiar with the way gyms work you are also legally illiterate as well.

Why do you guys create this fictional la la world in order to appease Islamic behavior? You do understand that as I said before, many secular Muslims who frequent the Y would be just as upset over this bullshit, as would other members. In other words, all you are promoting is more hatred and anger towards Muslims.

If that's what you want then you guys are doing a great job. :clap:
Bingo! And that's exactly what happened in this case. People complained about this, and that's why the story became nationwide. I suppose the corporate office is deciding what actions if any to take, considering that whatever their decision, it will also have nationwide implications regarding this matter.

Yup. That's how it works. And hopefully they'll keep on doing it because it has the support of a portion of their membership who enjoy women-only swimming 1 hour a week. It would certainly be a pity if people who weren't even members of that Y drove the policy.

Hopefully, their membership will abandon them for a time and leave them with 23 women to pay all the bills until such time as they decide that everyone who pays for that pool should have equal access.


Note just using the 23 as an example. I do not know how many participants there actually are.

I certainly hope not. It would be pretty petty wouldn't it? 1 hour a week, women only, so these Somali girls can how to swim - a skill that could end up saving their lives.

Seems to me the Y is living up to it's Christian philosophy :)
Such pious condemnation coming from nutters who love watching a douche rant about how he would like to defecate on a woman for merely holding different political views. Yeah, you loony MSNBC viewers have so much credibility. We'll all listen to you guys.
Roudy, private companies have a right to arrange things as they desire, within the law - they are privately owned, not publicaly owned. If you, as a member, object to one hour a week women's only swim, then you can withdraw your support as a customer.

That's kind of how private enterprise works.
Bingo! And that's exactly what happened in this case. People complained about this, and that's why the story became nationwide. I suppose the corporate office is deciding what actions if any to take, considering that whatever their decision, it will also have nationwide implications regarding this matter.

Yup. That's how it works. And hopefully they'll keep on doing it because it has the support of a portion of their membership who enjoy women-only swimming 1 hour a week. It would certainly be a pity if people who weren't even members of that Y drove the policy.
As far I remember, there was no movement for a women's only swimming at the Y or any gym I ever attended. As a matter of fact, gyms are a good place for single people to meet other single people with similar interests, so if anything, most members would be totally against this.

But of course, this is not about that at all is it? For you it's about defending everything and anything Islam, as it always has been. What you are infamous for on this board.
And why not the weight and machine area as well. Give these Muslim women their space! It's the Y's business how they run it. During those hours the men can just show up for showers and the basketball courts, if any.

Why not just a separate section for men and one for women? men are dirty trolling perverts and shouldn't be trusted.
I confess! I check out hot women in tight yoga outfits while at the gym! Ha ha .

How dare you! thats haram!
Why not just a separate section for men and one for women? men are dirty trolling perverts and shouldn't be trusted.

So...what are you saying locker rooms?
Considering the kind of women that usually attend the Y? YUK! Ha ha ha.

Thats what I'm saying, people are acting like there are look alikes of Shakira and Jennifer Love Hewitt walking around at the Y was in string bikinis.
Bingo! And that's exactly what happened in this case. People complained about this, and that's why the story became nationwide. I suppose the corporate office is deciding what actions if any to take, considering that whatever their decision, it will also have nationwide implications regarding this matter.

Yup. That's how it works. And hopefully they'll keep on doing it because it has the support of a portion of their membership who enjoy women-only swimming 1 hour a week. It would certainly be a pity if people who weren't even members of that Y drove the policy.
As far I remember, there was no movement for a women's only swimming at the Y or any gym I ever attended. As a matter of fact, gyms are a good place for single people to meet other single people with similar interests, so if anything, most members would be totally against this.

But of course, this is not about that at all is it? For you it's about defending everything and anything Islam, as it always has been. What you are infamous for on this board.

1 hour a week, so Somali refugee girls can learn how to swim. Open to any women. Such a big deal, with all the hours available there you can not bring yourself to let them have their hour. Sheesh. You really are petty.

It's a private business and if they want to do this, it's their choice - not yours. They serve a community - not *you*. You can go to the Y or Gym you belong and make sure they don't institute a "women only" time and you'll be well within your rights, but why don't you leave these girls alone to enjoy their hour of fun.
Yup. That's how it works. And hopefully they'll keep on doing it because it has the support of a portion of their membership who enjoy women-only swimming 1 hour a week. It would certainly be a pity if people who weren't even members of that Y drove the policy.

Hopefully, their membership will abandon them for a time and leave them with 23 women to pay all the bills until such time as they decide that everyone who pays for that pool should have equal access.


Note just using the 23 as an example. I do not know how many participants there actually are.

I certainly hope not. It would be pretty petty wouldn't it? 1 hour a week, women only, so these Somali girls can how to swim - a skill that could end up saving their lives.

Seems to me the Y is living up to it's Christian philosophy :)
Maybe THEY can drop their no men only Shariah shit, in order to save their lives? Or choose another facility that doesn't have other members that would also want to use the pool. It's not like there is a shortage of pools in the neighborhood.

Is being inconsiderate, selfish, and imposing a "Christian value"? Sounds closer to Shariah values to me.
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Hopefully, their membership will abandon them for a time and leave them with 23 women to pay all the bills until such time as they decide that everyone who pays for that pool should have equal access.


Note just using the 23 as an example. I do not know how many participants there actually are.

I certainly hope not. It would be pretty petty wouldn't it? 1 hour a week, women only, so these Somali girls can how to swim - a skill that could end up saving their lives.

Seems to me the Y is living up to it's Christian philosophy :)
Maybe THEY can drop their no men only Shariah shit, in order to save their lives? Or choose another facility that doesn't have other members that would also want to use the pool. It's not like there is a shortage of pools in the neighborhood.

Is being inconsiderate, selfish, and imposition a "Christian value"? Sounds closer to Shariah values to me.

It's not like there's a shortage of open hours available Roudy. Sounds closer to *your* values ;)
Why not just a separate section for men and one for women? men are dirty trolling perverts and shouldn't be trusted.
I confess! I check out hot women in tight yoga outfits while at the gym! Ha ha .

How dare you! thats haram!
Sometimes my eyeballs plop out in the middle of a set, and I have to quickly put them back in. Especially after a Lulu-lemon girl walks by. I swear they should give the Nobel Peace Prize to the inventor of those pants. Instead they gave it to that dumbass Obama.

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