Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

Ha ha ha. Funny stuff. Now you're squirming. The website your cohort Coyote posted was pretty clear about it's access to facilities as a selling point.

Why are you incapable of answering my question? Can you show me an example of the pool policy that St. Paul YMCA members agree to that would be in conflict with a one hour, once a week class for women only?
Incapable?! Seriously dude get a grip on yourself. What do you think a membership contract is, a real estate deal?

The Y website and on-site representatives that tour you, sell the club facilities and ACCESS to them as what the club offers, in exchange for monthly membership sues. Why else would someone pay monthly membership dues for...LIMITED ACCESS? You can't be that dense.

There are a thousand and one ways that a club or one of its members could violate club policies. Denying access, entirely, to men is one of them. You add a religious reason for it, and you're basically asking for a class action lawsuit. And that's exactly why the manager of that club should get fired.
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Yup. That's how it works. And hopefully they'll keep on doing it because it has the support of a portion of their membership who enjoy women-only swimming 1 hour a week. It would certainly be a pity if people who weren't even members of that Y drove the policy.
As far I remember, there was no movement for a women's only swimming at the Y or any gym I ever attended. As a matter of fact, gyms are a good place for single people to meet other single people with similar interests, so if anything, most members would be totally against this.

But of course, this is not about that at all is it? For you it's about defending everything and anything Islam, as it always has been. What you are infamous for on this board.
Not necessarily. A lot, a good proportion of women do no like working out where there are men. They are more than annoyed with men who think gyms are a good place to meet or pick up women. Women want to be able to workout without being watched and hit on. There are many, many gyms that have women's only sections as well a thousands of women's only gyms because so many women want a place to work out where men don't bother them. I think if you believe going to the gym means it is a good place to meet women, you might very well be considered a pest by those those women because they would prefer it if you just left them alone.

Where I lived in Austria, the gym I belonged to had a women's only workout room. You had to walk through the bigger, co-ed gym to get to it and it was like walking the plank or something, half the men in there would be watching you just walking from the entrance to the co-ed gym to the entrance to the women's locker room, which led to the women's only gym, and I wasn't even dressed down for a workout yet. How annoying is that? Also, while I lived there, someone built a women's only gym a few blocks from where I lived, but that was after I had joined the other gym and was on an inexpensive, year to year contract. Also, generally, women's only gyms are not as well fitted out as the co-ed gyms. The point is, gyms for women to be able to workout w/o men around are everywhere. This is true of the States too.

Where I live now, the building has a separate women's only gym and has 4 hours, 3 x a week in the indoor pool that is reserved for women and children. It isn't that men are going to do anything to you, it is that they watch you constantly and stare at you. Sometimes you just want to relax and not feel you are on show.

A woman's only hour one time a week at a YMCA pool seems like practically nothing to me. Why you people make such a huge deal about it says something really problematic about you, not about the restrictive beliefs Muslim women hold. I'm certain if it were not for Muslim women, but for women in general, no one would be making an issue about it. Three percent of the US population is Muslim. They are not taking over. It's just sick to think so.
Blah blah blah. The gyms you mentioned are women's only gyms NOT THE YMCA.

An apartment building is not a gym only, it's a residential building WITH A GYM, and as such with the approval of the board or homeowners can create a schedule which caters to certain groups only.

Here you are fraudulently taking away access to the pool from a group of people that have clearly paid for said access without any restrictions.
Blah blah blah. The gyms you mentioned are women's only gyms NOT THE YMCA.

An apartment building is not a gym only, it's a residential building WITH A GYM, and as such with the approval of the board or homeowners can create a schedule which caters to certain groups only.

Here you are fraudulently taking away access to the pool from a group of people that have clearly paid for said access without any restrictions.

Israel Easy: Swimming Lessons
Carmela also teaches groups of orthodox women

Group Fitness | Nutrition | Body360

The Body 360 program designed by women for women

Women's fitness and swimming is common all over the world, even in Roudy's Israel, or are Muslims forcing them to stick to strict Islamic law?
Blah blah blah. The gyms you mentioned are women's only gyms NOT THE YMCA.

An apartment building is not a gym only, it's a residential building WITH A GYM, and as such with the approval of the board or homeowners can create a schedule which caters to certain groups only.

Here you are fraudulently taking away access to the pool from a group of people that have clearly paid for said access without any restrictions.

Israel Easy: Swimming Lessons
Carmela also teaches groups of orthodox women

Group Fitness | Nutrition | Body360

The Body 360 program designed by women for women

Women's fitness and swimming is common all over the world, even in Roudy's Israel, or are Muslims forcing them to stick to strict Islamic law?

Decent, good men don't complain about gyms for women only, though there are rarely, if ever, designated gyms for men only. Decent, good men don't complain about 1-2 hours a day or week being prohibited from using the pool so that women can have it to themselves. Decent, good men. Something Roudy and his ilk know nothing about.
Decent, good men don't complain about gyms for women only, though there are rarely, if ever, designated gyms for men only. Decent, good men don't complain about 1-2 hours a day or week being prohibited from using the pool so that women can have it to themselves. Decent, good men. Something Roudy and his ilk know nothing about.

I have to agree.

Some women may not be comfortable in swimwear with men around, regardless of religion.
Some women may be unhappy with men being around because of their religious beliefs.
Some women may just want to socialise with other women because they fancy a free environment where they can speak freely about subjects they dislike discussing when men are around.

Whatever their reason, up to them and I won't be moaning about it.
Blah blah blah. The gyms you mentioned are women's only gyms NOT THE YMCA.

An apartment building is not a gym only, it's a residential building WITH A GYM, and as such with the approval of the board or homeowners can create a schedule which caters to certain groups only.

Here you are fraudulently taking away access to the pool from a group of people that have clearly paid for said access without any restrictions.

Israel Easy: Swimming Lessons

Group Fitness | Nutrition | Body360

The Body 360 program designed by women for women

Women's fitness and swimming is common all over the world, even in Roudy's Israel, or are Muslims forcing them to stick to strict Islamic law?

Decent, good men don't complain about gyms for women only, though there are rarely, if ever, designated gyms for men only. Decent, good men don't complain about 1-2 hours a day or week being prohibited from using the pool so that women can have it to themselves. Decent, good men. Something Roudy and his ilk know nothing about.

And decent, good men don’t subscribe to the ignorance and hate exhibited by Nauert and her ilk.
And decent, good men don’t subscribe to the ignorance and hate exhibited by Nauert and her ilk.

If ignorance is a disease, education must be the cure.
Sadly, some people refuse their medicine.

If one refuses to be cured of stupidity, the disease spreads again.
As far I remember, there was no movement for a women's only swimming at the Y or any gym I ever attended. As a matter of fact, gyms are a good place for single people to meet other single people with similar interests, so if anything, most members would be totally against this.

But of course, this is not about that at all is it? For you it's about defending everything and anything Islam, as it always has been. What you are infamous for on this board.
Not necessarily. A lot, a good proportion of women do no like working out where there are men. They are more than annoyed with men who think gyms are a good place to meet or pick up women. Women want to be able to workout without being watched and hit on. There are many, many gyms that have women's only sections as well a thousands of women's only gyms because so many women want a place to work out where men don't bother them. I think if you believe going to the gym means it is a good place to meet women, you might very well be considered a pest by those those women because they would prefer it if you just left them alone.

Where I lived in Austria, the gym I belonged to had a women's only workout room. You had to walk through the bigger, co-ed gym to get to it and it was like walking the plank or something, half the men in there would be watching you just walking from the entrance to the co-ed gym to the entrance to the women's locker room, which led to the women's only gym, and I wasn't even dressed down for a workout yet. How annoying is that? Also, while I lived there, someone built a women's only gym a few blocks from where I lived, but that was after I had joined the other gym and was on an inexpensive, year to year contract. Also, generally, women's only gyms are not as well fitted out as the co-ed gyms. The point is, gyms for women to be able to workout w/o men around are everywhere. This is true of the States too.

Where I live now, the building has a separate women's only gym and has 4 hours, 3 x a week in the indoor pool that is reserved for women and children. It isn't that men are going to do anything to you, it is that they watch you constantly and stare at you. Sometimes you just want to relax and not feel you are on show.

A woman's only hour one time a week at a YMCA pool seems like practically nothing to me. Why you people make such a huge deal about it says something really problematic about you, not about the restrictive beliefs Muslim women hold. I'm certain if it were not for Muslim women, but for women in general, no one would be making an issue about it. Three percent of the US population is Muslim. They are not taking over. It's just sick to think so.
Blah blah blah. The gyms you mentioned are women's only gyms NOT THE YMCA.

An apartment building is not a gym only, it's a residential building WITH A GYM, and as such with the approval of the board or homeowners can create a schedule which caters to certain groups only.

Here you are fraudulently taking away access to the pool from a group of people that have clearly paid for said access without any restrictions.

Respond to this and do not dismiss it as you have done before, because this IS the crux of the matter:
I'm certain if it were not for Muslim women, but for women in general, no one would be making an issue about it.
And don't lie. The only reason you are complaining or would ever complain is because this is about Muslim women.
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Some women who want to swim without men are Muslims but some are not.

Seattle News and Events | Seattle Covers Its Windows for Women-Only Swims; Is


The idiots try to make out it's just Muslims.
Some women who want to swim without men are Muslims but some are not.

Seattle News and Events | Seattle Covers Its Windows for Women-Only Swims; Is


The idiots try to make out it's just Muslims.

Ironically, I'm from Seattle and the article made me cry: homesickness I guess. I think it's great Seattle pools are doing this. From the article:

The Seattle Office for Civil Rights has received no complaints to date, says spokesperson Elliott Bronstein. And Hammerstad, of the parks department, couches the women-only session in terms of preventing discrimination. “The reason we began offering women-only swims is because the women who requested it could not avail themselves of the city’s amenities due to their religion,” she says in a statement. The city was therefore required to make “reasonable accommodations.”

What’s more, she points out, encouraging women to swim is a “public health issue” because drowning is a big problem in ethnic communities—one reason Seattle Children’s Hospital used to give a grant to facilitate women-only swims. For a decade, the hospital and other organizations provided the money that allowed women to rent out the public pools for this purpose. In April, after one of the funders indicated it could no longer afford to do so, the city made the gender-specific swims part of its regular schedules at its Rainier Beach, Medgar Evers, Meadowbrook and Southwest pools.
Don't forget the story of the little girl who was told by a cop to 'go beg' for braces money. Gotta love Fox.
Communists/Progressives are such dishonest hypocrites. They're the same wingnuts who are always pushing for Co-Ed Bathrooms in our Schools. So make no mistake about it, they could care less about this Muslim girl. It's really all about their FNDS (Fox News Derangement Syndrome). Fox News is their dreaded Boogeyman. It's one of the very few Media Outlets that doesn't push their Communist/Progressive Party-Line. And that drives them batshit crazy. So don't buy into their phony outrage on this one. They're so full of shite.
Blah blah blah. The gyms you mentioned are women's only gyms NOT THE YMCA.

An apartment building is not a gym only, it's a residential building WITH A GYM, and as such with the approval of the board or homeowners can create a schedule which caters to certain groups only.

Here you are fraudulently taking away access to the pool from a group of people that have clearly paid for said access without any restrictions.

Israel Easy: Swimming Lessons
Carmela also teaches groups of orthodox women

Group Fitness | Nutrition | Body360

The Body 360 program designed by women for women

Women's fitness and swimming is common all over the world, even in Roudy's Israel, or are Muslims forcing them to stick to strict Islamic law?
What's your fucking point? I am against any religious based women's only at an establishment like the Y. Including Orthodox Jewish Women. However it appears the Jewish women have enough common sense and consideration not to impose like that.

Another totally irrelevant post!
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Some women who want to swim without men are Muslims but some are not.

Seattle News and Events | Seattle Covers Its Windows for Women-Only Swims; Is


The idiots try to make out it's just Muslims.

Ironically, I'm from Seattle and the article made me cry: homesickness I guess. I think it's great Seattle pools are doing this. From the article:

The Seattle Office for Civil Rights has received no complaints to date, says spokesperson Elliott Bronstein. And Hammerstad, of the parks department, couches the women-only session in terms of preventing discrimination. “The reason we began offering women-only swims is because the women who requested it could not avail themselves of the city’s amenities due to their religion,” she says in a statement. The city was therefore required to make “reasonable accommodations.”

What’s more, she points out, encouraging women to swim is a “public health issue” because drowning is a big problem in ethnic communities—one reason Seattle Children’s Hospital used to give a grant to facilitate women-only swims. For a decade, the hospital and other organizations provided the money that allowed women to rent out the public pools for this purpose. In April, after one of the funders indicated it could no longer afford to do so, the city made the gender-specific swims part of its regular schedules at its Rainier Beach, Medgar Evers, Meadowbrook and Southwest pools.
Wow what a bunch of retarded idiots! Nobody is denying the existence of "women only" swimming. But not at the Y, and because of Islamic sensitivities!

Don't forget the story of the little girl who was told by a cop to 'go beg' for braces money. Gotta love Fox.
Don't forget the story where an MSNBC host suggested Palin be fed crap. Gotta love the NUTJOB leftie commie networks.
Wow what a bunch of retarded idiots! Nobody is denying the existence of "women only" swimming. But not at the Y, and because of Islamic sensitivities!

Speaking of "retards", aren't you the one that claimed outsiders have a "right" to use someone else's private property in any manner they please?

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