Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

Sunni Man cannot show an example where Muslims showed tolerance and acceptance by letting women walk around Western style swimsuits in an Islamic or Muslim based establishment.

We have modesty attire standards.

So it ain't gonna happen. .... :cool:
So your standards cannot be violated, no flexibility there. But you demand flexibility from others. No more questions.
still, not specifically aimed at helping Christians, is it?
Actually, it was, because the Philippine people are mainly Catholic christians.

And Oklahoma is predominately Baptist and with barely any muslims. .... :cool:
Now tell us all the Islamic terrorism that Muslims in the Philippines do upon the Christians there. Be honest. Is the Philippines some Muslim ancestral homeland as well that they think they can go around slaughtering the Christians there? What's their excuse now?

Which has what to do with the local police department and the Y teaming up to give a group of Somali-American girls an hour of swim time? Did those little girls slaughter a bunch of Christians that you should hate them so?
Sunni Man cannot show an example where Muslims showed tolerance and acceptance by letting women walk around Western style swimsuits in an Islamic or Muslim based establishment.

We have modesty attire standards.

So it ain't gonna happen. .... :cool:
So your standards cannot be violated, no flexibility there. But you demand flexibility from others. No more questions.

I don't think he's demanding any flexability from others - merely that you respect the rights of private establishments to do what they wish with their business and on their property.
You really can't be that dumb. Maybe you're dumb enough to compare an apartment building to a nationwide gym with 2600 branches that sells monthly membership for usage of its gym, and even dumber to think that people will fall for your asinine comparison.

Roudy, a private enterprise is a private enterprise - whether it's a mom and pop institution or a multi-national franchise. :eusa_eh:
An apartment building is the same as a nationwide gym? Maybe in your Islam apologist mind. Hotels rent their ballrooms all the time for specific purposes. That's the same as the Y as well? IDIOT.

Are you claiming that some private enterprises are allowed to do what they want with their business and on their property and other's can't? On what basis?
Actually, it was, because the Philippine people are mainly Catholic christians.

And Oklahoma is predominately Baptist and with barely any muslims. .... :cool:
Shariah Sunni Shmuck cannot show an example where Muslims showed tolerance and acceptance by letting women walk around Western style swimsuits in an Islamic or Muslim based establishment, so he keeps bringing up a "Philippine disaster relief fund".

What kind of point are you trying to make Roudy? Grasping at straws here a bit?

What private religious groups do in their own facilities (as long as they aren't breaking the law) - is up to them. They can impose any sort of dress code they want - whether they are Muslim, Orthodox Jewish, Baptist, Amish etc. - and I am sure the more conservative groups DO have a dress code. So what?
No idiot, when a private Christian group sells access to its gym in exchange for membership dues and then forbids a group of members that access to appease ISLAMIC sensitivities, that is fraud, and violating the codes of the establishment.
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Actually, it was, because the Philippine people are mainly Catholic christians.

And Oklahoma is predominately Baptist and with barely any muslims. .... :cool:
Now tell us all the Islamic terrorism that Muslims in the Philippines do upon the Christians there. Be honest. Is the Philippines some Muslim ancestral homeland as well that they think they can go around slaughtering the Christians there? What's their excuse now?

Which has what to do with the local police department and the Y teaming up to give a group of Somali-American girls an hour of swim time? Did those little girls slaughter a bunch of Christians that you should hate them so?
The girls want to impose their values and their culture upon the y which is inconsistent with its values, policy, and takes away the rights of other members. It doesn't matter who they team up with. And as prior case law shown by Sheila, they are committing fraud.
Shariah Sunni Shmuck cannot show an example where Muslims showed tolerance and acceptance by letting women walk around Western style swimsuits in an Islamic or Muslim based establishment, so he keeps bringing up a "Philippine disaster relief fund".

What kind of point are you trying to make Roudy? Grasping at straws here a bit?

What private religious groups do in their own facilities (as long as they aren't breaking the law) - is up to them. They can impose any sort of dress code they want - whether they are Muslim, Orthodox Jewish, Baptist, Amish etc. - and I am sure the more conservative groups DO have a dress code. So what?
No idiot, when a private Christian group sells access to its gym in exchange for membership dues and then forbids a group of members that access to appease ISLAMIC sensitivities, that fraud, and violating the codes of the establishment.

A private group has decided to set aside one hour a week for a women-only swim. That's it. One hour a week.

They can do it.

Just like a gym can close it's work out room for a women-only class should it choose.
Just like restaurants can require a dress code.

And there is nothing wrong with any of it.
Now tell us all the Islamic terrorism that Muslims in the Philippines do upon the Christians there. Be honest. Is the Philippines some Muslim ancestral homeland as well that they think they can go around slaughtering the Christians there? What's their excuse now?

Which has what to do with the local police department and the Y teaming up to give a group of Somali-American girls an hour of swim time? Did those little girls slaughter a bunch of Christians that you should hate them so?
The girls want to impose their values and their culture upon the y which is inconsistent with its values, policy, and takes away the rights of other members. It doesn't matter who they team up with. And as prior case law shown by Sheila, they are committing fraud.

Those little girls aren't imposing anything. Did you miss the part about the YMCA and the Police teaming up to put together this initiative?
Roudy, a private enterprise is a private enterprise - whether it's a mom and pop institution or a multi-national franchise. :eusa_eh:
An apartment building is the same as a nationwide gym? Maybe in your Islam apologist mind. Hotels rent their ballrooms all the time for specific purposes. That's the same as the Y as well? IDIOT.

Are you claiming that some private enterprises are allowed to do what they want with their business and on their property and other's can't? On what basis?
Private enterprises enter into agreements. Duh. This is not consistent with what the y is supposed to do.

Look, you think it's okay for men who are paying monthly fees to show up to use the pool in a Christian based establishment, to be turned away because some Muslims think their religious right to forbid said usage supersedes the rights of those members, and I don't.

In other words, you will defend Islam at all costs.
What kind of point are you trying to make Roudy? Grasping at straws here a bit?

What private religious groups do in their own facilities (as long as they aren't breaking the law) - is up to them. They can impose any sort of dress code they want - whether they are Muslim, Orthodox Jewish, Baptist, Amish etc. - and I am sure the more conservative groups DO have a dress code. So what?
No idiot, when a private Christian group sells access to its gym in exchange for membership dues and then forbids a group of members that access to appease ISLAMIC sensitivities, that fraud, and violating the codes of the establishment.

A private group has decided to set aside one hour a week for a women-only swim. That's it. One hour a week.

They can do it.

Just like a gym can close it's work out room for a women-only class should it choose.
Just like restaurants can require a dress code.

And there is nothing wrong with any of it.
No they can't do it. It violates their agreement with a group of people who are paying membership fees. Why do they have clear the entire pool? Why can't they use certain lanes like all other classes? Are they somehow special? They want their cake and they want to eat it too. You want swim classes? Swim with everybody else like all other members? You're too fucken fat or your religion forbids you? Too fucking bad. You don't get to kick the men members out because of that.
Which has what to do with the local police department and the Y teaming up to give a group of Somali-American girls an hour of swim time? Did those little girls slaughter a bunch of Christians that you should hate them so?
The girls want to impose their values and their culture upon the y which is inconsistent with its values, policy, and takes away the rights of other members. It doesn't matter who they team up with. And as prior case law shown by Sheila, they are committing fraud.

Those little girls aren't imposing anything. Did you miss the part about the YMCA and the Police teaming up to put together this initiative?
No they're not. They are causing the y to forbid all men entry and usage of the pool. How inconsiderate and selfish.

We have modesty attire standards.

So it ain't gonna happen. .... :cool:
So your standards cannot be violated, no flexibility there. But you demand flexibility from others. No more questions.

I don't think he's demanding any flexability from others - merely that you respect the rights of private establishments to do what they wish with their business and on their property.
So you also can't show any instance where Muslims have set aside their values to show tolerance towards other faiths.
No idiot, when a private Christian group sells access to its gym in exchange for membership dues and then forbids a group of members that access to appease ISLAMIC sensitivities, that fraud, and violating the codes of the establishment.

A private group has decided to set aside one hour a week for a women-only swim. That's it. One hour a week.

They can do it.

Just like a gym can close it's work out room for a women-only class should it choose.
Just like restaurants can require a dress code.

And there is nothing wrong with any of it.
No they can't do it. It violates their agreement with a group of people who are paying membership fees.

How does it violate their agreement Roudy? You keep saying that but you never provide a shred of evidence.

Why do they have clear the entire pool? Why can't they use certain lanes like all other classes? Are they somehow special?
1. because the owners of the enterprise choose to
2. because the owners of the enterprise choose not to
3. no

They want their cake and they want to eat it too. You want swim classes? Swim with everybody else like all other members? You're too fucken fat or your religion forbids you? Too fucking bad. You don't get to kick the men members out because of that.

Or, you can decide, as a member, that it's no effing big deal to let this program helping these Somali girls continue with their 1 hour a week swim session because it doesn't affect your access, it's in line with the companies mission to serve, and it's within their rights to do so.

Or, you can decide to quit your membership and find yourself another gym because that one hour a week that you aren't allowed there is so onerous and discrimminatory that you can't stay.
So your standards cannot be violated, no flexibility there. But you demand flexibility from others. No more questions.

I don't think he's demanding any flexability from others - merely that you respect the rights of private establishments to do what they wish with their business and on their property.
So you also can't show any instance where Muslims have set aside their values to show tolerance towards other faiths.

Which has what to do with what private establishments do with their property?
The girls want to impose their values and their culture upon the y which is inconsistent with its values, policy, and takes away the rights of other members. It doesn't matter who they team up with. And as prior case law shown by Sheila, they are committing fraud.

Those little girls aren't imposing anything. Did you miss the part about the YMCA and the Police teaming up to put together this initiative?
No they're not. They are causing the y to forbid all men entry and usage of the pool. How inconsiderate and selfish.

Isn't it just! 1 hour a week that's just women and girls in a privately run establishment. God forbid!

Speaking of "retards", aren't you the one that claimed outsiders have a "right" to use someone else's private property in any manner they please?
Another irrelevant question that has nothing to do with a membership gym that charges dues for its use of its facilities.


Yes, it charges dues to use the facilities, but that doesn't necessarily mean that all areas will be available to all people at all times. At the gym I belong to there is a stationary bike room and a general stretching/yoga room. Both those areas are periodically "closed" to general members for women's only bike/yoga classes.

Are you saying my gym is breaking the law?
Never seen a gym have women's only anything. Other than sports leagues. Which is for a different reason.
An apartment building is the same as a nationwide gym? Maybe in your Islam apologist mind. Hotels rent their ballrooms all the time for specific purposes. That's the same as the Y as well? IDIOT.

Are you claiming that some private enterprises are allowed to do what they want with their business and on their property and other's can't? On what basis?
Private enterprises enter into agreements. Duh. This is not consistent with what the y is supposed to do.

According to what exactly?

Look, you think it's okay for men who are paying monthly fees to show up to use the pool in a Christian based establishment, to be turned away because some Muslims think their religious right to forbid said usage supersedes the rights of those members, and I don't.

Paying a fee does not guarantee 24/7 access to all facilities unless it's expressly stated in your membership plan.

So yes, I think it's ok. I'd feel the same way for a mens only hour, children only hour, whatever.

You have yet to show how it is that the Y can not do this but it's ok for an apartment gym complex to do so. You're position is wildly inconsistent to say the least.

In other words, you will defend Islam at all costs.

In other words, you have yet to make a logical argument :lol:
An apartment building is the same as a nationwide gym? Maybe in your Islam apologist mind. Hotels rent their ballrooms all the time for specific purposes. That's the same as the Y as well? IDIOT.

Are you claiming that some private enterprises are allowed to do what they want with their business and on their property and other's can't? On what basis?
Private enterprises enter into agreements. Duh. This is not consistent with what the y is supposed to do.

Look, you think it's okay for men who are paying monthly fees to show up to use the pool in a Christian based establishment, to be turned away because some Muslims think their religious right to forbid said usage supersedes the rights of those members, and I don't.

In other words, you will defend Islam at all costs.

That’s a ridiculous conclusion.

‘Religious rights’ apply only to government restrictions, not private entities such as the YMCA.

And as a private entity the Y is at liberty to have whomever it wishes as members. See: BSA v. Dale (2000). It is at liberty to be open whatever hours it wishes and to allocate resources to whomever it wishes in whatever fashion.

This as nothing to do with ‘defending Islam,’ as, again, there are no religious rights issues in play; this is a contrived controversy and a non-issue.
Wow, are people still feeding the Communist/Progressive Trolls on this one? Look it's real simple, it's not about this Muslim girl. It's really all about their FNDS (Fox News Derangement Syndrome). And i'm pretty sure if it were a Christian girl requesting this, these same Communists/Progressives would be outraged over her request. You can bet they would not support her. Because we all know Communists/Progressives have a bizarre 'Hate Christian' fetish. They're not very honest people. Stop feeding the Trolls.

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