Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

Don't forget the story of the little girl who was told by a cop to 'go beg' for braces money. Gotta love Fox.
Don't forget the story where an MSNBC host suggested Palin be fed crap. Gotta love the NUTJOB leftie commie networks.
MSNBC is shit. However saying this does not negate the fact that FOX is shit as well.
Fox is biased, but still less biased than most of the other networks, including CNN.

So they're all shit.
Wow what a bunch of retarded idiots! Nobody is denying the existence of "women only" swimming. But not at the Y, and because of Islamic sensitivities!

Speaking of "retards", aren't you the one that claimed outsiders have a "right" to use someone else's private property in any manner they please?
Another irrelevant question that has nothing to do with a membership gym that charges dues for its use of its facilities.

Ruddy hell, hundreds of Muslim women have taken over this women only event.
Look at all the covered heads.

Danskin Triathlon takes over Genesee Park Sunday morning | Mercer Island | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News


You do know no one objects to them going to any women's swim class, right? We only object to having a class specifically for Muslims in an organization that is Christian. Like I said before, find me one Muslim organization that goes out of it's way to provide for Christians, or Jews. It's been how long and no one has found even one? Why do you think the Christians should bend over backwards for the Muslims but the Muslims should discriminate against the Christians?
Ruddy hell, hundreds of Muslim women have taken over this women only event.
Look at all the covered heads.

Danskin Triathlon takes over Genesee Park Sunday morning | Mercer Island | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News


You do know no one objects to them going to any women's swim class, right? We only object to having a class specifically for Muslims in an organization that is Christian. Like I said before, find me one Muslim organization that goes out of it's way to provide for Christians, or Jews. It's been how long and no one has found even one? Why do you think the Christians should bend over backwards for the Muslims but the Muslims should discriminate against the Christians?
Yes I asked this question too. Would Muslims have one hour swim sessions for Christian women who can wear NORMAL swimwear? Right after they kill kill them, of course. Ha ha.

They're always asking others to do things they do the exact opposite of.
OK, I'm going to let the cat out of the bag.

It's absolutely true we muslims are engaging in 'creeping sharia'.

All mosques have a master list of creeping sharia goals that are distributed to members weekly.

Having a muslim women swim hour at the YMCA is #426 on the list for total domination of America.

True story.......... :cool:

I knew it!!!!! I saw your manifesto posted on the Walmart bulletin board!!!!!
As far I remember, there was no movement for a women's only swimming at the Y or any gym I ever attended. As a matter of fact, gyms are a good place for single people to meet other single people with similar interests, so if anything, most members would be totally against this.

But of course, this is not about that at all is it? For you it's about defending everything and anything Islam, as it always has been. What you are infamous for on this board.
Not necessarily. A lot, a good proportion of women do no like working out where there are men. They are more than annoyed with men who think gyms are a good place to meet or pick up women. Women want to be able to workout without being watched and hit on. There are many, many gyms that have women's only sections as well a thousands of women's only gyms because so many women want a place to work out where men don't bother them. I think if you believe going to the gym means it is a good place to meet women, you might very well be considered a pest by those those women because they would prefer it if you just left them alone.

Where I lived in Austria, the gym I belonged to had a women's only workout room. You had to walk through the bigger, co-ed gym to get to it and it was like walking the plank or something, half the men in there would be watching you just walking from the entrance to the co-ed gym to the entrance to the women's locker room, which led to the women's only gym, and I wasn't even dressed down for a workout yet. How annoying is that? Also, while I lived there, someone built a women's only gym a few blocks from where I lived, but that was after I had joined the other gym and was on an inexpensive, year to year contract. Also, generally, women's only gyms are not as well fitted out as the co-ed gyms. The point is, gyms for women to be able to workout w/o men around are everywhere. This is true of the States too.

Where I live now, the building has a separate women's only gym and has 4 hours, 3 x a week in the indoor pool that is reserved for women and children. It isn't that men are going to do anything to you, it is that they watch you constantly and stare at you. Sometimes you just want to relax and not feel you are on show.

A woman's only hour one time a week at a YMCA pool seems like practically nothing to me. Why you people make such a huge deal about it says something really problematic about you, not about the restrictive beliefs Muslim women hold. I'm certain if it were not for Muslim women, but for women in general, no one would be making an issue about it. Three percent of the US population is Muslim. They are not taking over. It's just sick to think so.
Blah blah blah. The gyms you mentioned are women's only gyms NOT THE YMCA.

An apartment building is not a gym only, it's a residential building WITH A GYM, and as such with the approval of the board or homeowners can create a schedule which caters to certain groups only.

Here you are fraudulently taking away access to the pool from a group of people that have clearly paid for said access without any restrictions.

What the hell Roudy - you are just digging yourself in deeper and deeper here.

YMCA is a PRIVATE - read - PRIVATE entity - like the gym of a residential unit. It has a board, a manager, a membership that reflects the community in much the same way a residential unit's gym reflects the residents. The Y serves the needs of it's membership, the community (through it's outreach efforts) and it's mission statement. It can cater to certain groups if it wants and if it feels it's in the best interest of it's business and mission.

The more you try to make it out to be different than any other private entity the more ridiculous your position becomes.

If this involved public money you'd have a better argument. If you were arguing about gender discrimmination in general - then you might have a stronger position, though then you'd have to look at gender discrimmination across the board.

But you are trying to make it about "Shariah" even though it's a women-only swim hour, open to any women and there is no requirement for "Shariah" style swimwear. The only requirements are what are posted in the general swimming rules for what can be worn etc. You keep insisting otherwise but post nothing to support your claim.

And in the end - it's a PRIVATE group. They can do what they want within the law.
Like I said before, find me one Muslim organization that goes out of it's way to provide for Christians, or Jews. It's been how long and no one has found even one? Why do you think the Christians should bend over backwards for the Muslims but the Muslims should discriminate against the Christians?
My local mosque is a member of Islamic Relief USA.

Which is a muslim national disaster relief organization that helped with the recovery efforts after Hurricane Sandy, the tornado's this summer in Oklahoma, and most recently the typhoon that destroyed much of the Philippines.

All of the funds are donations from the muslim community.

They help anyone regardless of race or religion. .... :cool:

Donation Funds ? Islamic Relief USA
Wow what a bunch of retarded idiots! Nobody is denying the existence of "women only" swimming. But not at the Y, and because of Islamic sensitivities!

Speaking of "retards", aren't you the one that claimed outsiders have a "right" to use someone else's private property in any manner they please?
Another irrelevant question that has nothing to do with a membership gym that charges dues for its use of its facilities.


Yes, it charges dues to use the facilities, but that doesn't necessarily mean that all areas will be available to all people at all times. At the gym I belong to there is a stationary bike room and a general stretching/yoga room. Both those areas are periodically "closed" to general members for women's only bike/yoga classes.

Are you saying my gym is breaking the law?
Yes I asked this question too. Would Muslims have one hour swim sessions for Christian women who can wear NORMAL swimwear? Right after they kill kill them, of course. Ha ha.

They're always asking others to do things they do the exact opposite of.

They might or they might not.

There are churches, synagogues and mosques that have community centers and access to pools. My guess is that since they are private religious organizations - who it is open to and who it isn't varies considerably. None of them are required to be open to non-members and each has the right to impose it's own standards of dress code. Are you insisting otherwise?

In addition, communities and groups have the right to schedule things in accordance to their memberships needs and the desires of their community.

Consider this for example: At Parkland, a mitzvah in the pool | Reach For The Wall

Nestled in a grove of trees off Arcola Avenue in Kemp Mill, Parkland Swim Club hosts one of the Montgomery County Swim League’s most distinctive summer swim teams.

Coach Erin Waller estimates that more than half of the 55-swimmer roster of the Parkland Whales, members of the MCSL since 1960 and among the oldest of the league’s 89 active teams, are Modern Orthodox Jews. The MCSL allows Parkland to schedule its A-meets for weekday evenings so that Jewish swimmers and parents may observe Sabbath on Saturday mornings. The team maintains a kosher grill for home meets and picnics.

The team is a product of its community. A relatively small, rectangular plot of land enclosed by a chain-link fence comprises the private swim club. Across the fence stands Kemp Mill Shopping Center, which includes a kosher pizzeria, bakery and market. Young Israel Shomrai Emunah Synagogue lies adjacent to the narrow driveway that leads to the pool, and a Hebrew college, high school, day school and community center also line Arcola Avenue.

At Parkland, religious bonds and education solidify friendships and help forge new ones. ”The unity between the people here, Jews and non-Jews, is something special,” team parent Debbie Hagger-Katz said.

Is this kind of thing so bad? Isn't it a good way to encourage a better understanding between people of different faiths and backgrounds? How is this different than setting aside a an hour of week so immigrant Somali girls can learn to swim, socialize freely with other girls, gain confidence and integrate better into their communities? It's not just traditional Muslims, but Orthodox Jews and quite a number of Christian sects that impose standards of modest dress and gender segregation on it's members. Ironically - the place in the article is around where I grew up, a very diverse community.
Like I said before, find me one Muslim organization that goes out of it's way to provide for Christians, or Jews. It's been how long and no one has found even one? Why do you think the Christians should bend over backwards for the Muslims but the Muslims should discriminate against the Christians?
My local mosque is a member of Islamic Relief USA.

Which is a muslim national disaster relief organization that helped with the recovery efforts after Hurricane Sandy, the tornado's this summer in Oklahoma, and most recently the typhoon that destroyed much of the Philippines.

All of the funds are donations from the muslim community.

They help anyone regardless of race or religion. .... :cool:

Donation Funds ? Islamic Relief USA

still, not specifically aimed at helping Christians, is it? Remember, no one is objecting to the Y having classes for everyone, just classes aimed specifically at Muslims.
Yes I asked this question too. Would Muslims have one hour swim sessions for Christian women who can wear NORMAL swimwear? Right after they kill kill them, of course. Ha ha.

They're always asking others to do things they do the exact opposite of.

They might or they might not.

There are churches, synagogues and mosques that have community centers and access to pools. My guess is that since they are private religious organizations - who it is open to and who it isn't varies considerably. None of them are required to be open to non-members and each has the right to impose it's own standards of dress code. Are you insisting otherwise?

In addition, communities and groups have the right to schedule things in accordance to their memberships needs and the desires of their community.

Consider this for example: At Parkland, a mitzvah in the pool | Reach For The Wall

Nestled in a grove of trees off Arcola Avenue in Kemp Mill, Parkland Swim Club hosts one of the Montgomery County Swim League’s most distinctive summer swim teams.

Coach Erin Waller estimates that more than half of the 55-swimmer roster of the Parkland Whales, members of the MCSL since 1960 and among the oldest of the league’s 89 active teams, are Modern Orthodox Jews. The MCSL allows Parkland to schedule its A-meets for weekday evenings so that Jewish swimmers and parents may observe Sabbath on Saturday mornings. The team maintains a kosher grill for home meets and picnics.

The team is a product of its community. A relatively small, rectangular plot of land enclosed by a chain-link fence comprises the private swim club. Across the fence stands Kemp Mill Shopping Center, which includes a kosher pizzeria, bakery and market. Young Israel Shomrai Emunah Synagogue lies adjacent to the narrow driveway that leads to the pool, and a Hebrew college, high school, day school and community center also line Arcola Avenue.

At Parkland, religious bonds and education solidify friendships and help forge new ones. ”The unity between the people here, Jews and non-Jews, is something special,” team parent Debbie Hagger-Katz said.

Is this kind of thing so bad? Isn't it a good way to encourage a better understanding between people of different faiths and backgrounds? How is this different than setting aside a an hour of week so immigrant Somali girls can learn to swim, socialize freely with other girls, gain confidence and integrate better into their communities? It's not just traditional Muslims, but Orthodox Jews and quite a number of Christian sects that impose standards of modest dress and gender segregation on it's members. Ironically - the place in the article is around where I grew up, a very diverse community.

Yes, it is so bad, because it's exclusion, not inclusion.
Like I said before, find me one Muslim organization that goes out of it's way to provide for Christians, or Jews. It's been how long and no one has found even one? Why do you think the Christians should bend over backwards for the Muslims but the Muslims should discriminate against the Christians?
My local mosque is a member of Islamic Relief USA.

Which is a muslim national disaster relief organization that helped with the recovery efforts after Hurricane Sandy, the tornado's this summer in Oklahoma, and most recently the typhoon that destroyed much of the Philippines.

All of the funds are donations from the muslim community.

They help anyone regardless of race or religion. .... :cool:

Donation Funds ? Islamic Relief USA

still, not specifically aimed at helping Christians, is it?
Actually, it was, because the Philippine people are mainly Catholic christians.

And Oklahoma is predominately Baptist and with barely any muslims. .... :cool:
Not necessarily. A lot, a good proportion of women do no like working out where there are men. They are more than annoyed with men who think gyms are a good place to meet or pick up women. Women want to be able to workout without being watched and hit on. There are many, many gyms that have women's only sections as well a thousands of women's only gyms because so many women want a place to work out where men don't bother them. I think if you believe going to the gym means it is a good place to meet women, you might very well be considered a pest by those those women because they would prefer it if you just left them alone.

Where I lived in Austria, the gym I belonged to had a women's only workout room. You had to walk through the bigger, co-ed gym to get to it and it was like walking the plank or something, half the men in there would be watching you just walking from the entrance to the co-ed gym to the entrance to the women's locker room, which led to the women's only gym, and I wasn't even dressed down for a workout yet. How annoying is that? Also, while I lived there, someone built a women's only gym a few blocks from where I lived, but that was after I had joined the other gym and was on an inexpensive, year to year contract. Also, generally, women's only gyms are not as well fitted out as the co-ed gyms. The point is, gyms for women to be able to workout w/o men around are everywhere. This is true of the States too.

Where I live now, the building has a separate women's only gym and has 4 hours, 3 x a week in the indoor pool that is reserved for women and children. It isn't that men are going to do anything to you, it is that they watch you constantly and stare at you. Sometimes you just want to relax and not feel you are on show.

A woman's only hour one time a week at a YMCA pool seems like practically nothing to me. Why you people make such a huge deal about it says something really problematic about you, not about the restrictive beliefs Muslim women hold. I'm certain if it were not for Muslim women, but for women in general, no one would be making an issue about it. Three percent of the US population is Muslim. They are not taking over. It's just sick to think so.
Blah blah blah. The gyms you mentioned are women's only gyms NOT THE YMCA.

An apartment building is not a gym only, it's a residential building WITH A GYM, and as such with the approval of the board or homeowners can create a schedule which caters to certain groups only.

Here you are fraudulently taking away access to the pool from a group of people that have clearly paid for said access without any restrictions.

What the hell Roudy - you are just digging yourself in deeper and deeper here.

YMCA is a PRIVATE - read - PRIVATE entity - like the gym of a residential unit. It has a board, a manager, a membership that reflects the community in much the same way a residential unit's gym reflects the residents. The Y serves the needs of it's membership, the community (through it's outreach efforts) and it's mission statement. It can cater to certain groups if it wants and if it feels it's in the best interest of it's business and mission.

The more you try to make it out to be different than any other private entity the more ridiculous your position becomes.

If this involved public money you'd have a better argument. If you were arguing about gender discrimmination in general - then you might have a stronger position, though then you'd have to look at gender discrimmination across the board.

But you are trying to make it about "Shariah" even though it's a women-only swim hour, open to any women and there is no requirement for "Shariah" style swimwear. The only requirements are what are posted in the general swimming rules for what can be worn etc. You keep insisting otherwise but post nothing to support your claim.

And in the end - it's a PRIVATE group. They can do what they want within the law.
You really can't be that dumb. Maybe you're dumb enough to compare an apartment building to a nationwide gym with 2600 branches that sells monthly membership for usage of its gym, and even dumber to think that people will fall for your asinine comparison.
My local mosque is a member of Islamic Relief USA.

Which is a muslim national disaster relief organization that helped with the recovery efforts after Hurricane Sandy, the tornado's this summer in Oklahoma, and most recently the typhoon that destroyed much of the Philippines.

All of the funds are donations from the muslim community.

They help anyone regardless of race or religion. .... :cool:

Donation Funds ? Islamic Relief USA

still, not specifically aimed at helping Christians, is it?
Actually, it was, because the Philippine people are mainly Catholic christians.

And Oklahoma is predominately Baptist and with barely any muslims. .... :cool:
Shariah Sunni Shmuck cannot show an example where Muslims showed tolerance and acceptance by letting women walk around Western style swimsuits in an Islamic or Muslim based establishment, so he keeps bringing up a "Philippine disaster relief fund".
Blah blah blah. The gyms you mentioned are women's only gyms NOT THE YMCA.

An apartment building is not a gym only, it's a residential building WITH A GYM, and as such with the approval of the board or homeowners can create a schedule which caters to certain groups only.

Here you are fraudulently taking away access to the pool from a group of people that have clearly paid for said access without any restrictions.

What the hell Roudy - you are just digging yourself in deeper and deeper here.

YMCA is a PRIVATE - read - PRIVATE entity - like the gym of a residential unit. It has a board, a manager, a membership that reflects the community in much the same way a residential unit's gym reflects the residents. The Y serves the needs of it's membership, the community (through it's outreach efforts) and it's mission statement. It can cater to certain groups if it wants and if it feels it's in the best interest of it's business and mission.

The more you try to make it out to be different than any other private entity the more ridiculous your position becomes.

If this involved public money you'd have a better argument. If you were arguing about gender discrimmination in general - then you might have a stronger position, though then you'd have to look at gender discrimmination across the board.

But you are trying to make it about "Shariah" even though it's a women-only swim hour, open to any women and there is no requirement for "Shariah" style swimwear. The only requirements are what are posted in the general swimming rules for what can be worn etc. You keep insisting otherwise but post nothing to support your claim.

And in the end - it's a PRIVATE group. They can do what they want within the law.
You really can't be that dumb. Maybe you're dumb enough to compare an apartment building to a nationwide gym with 2600 branches that sells monthly membership for usage of its gym, and even dumber to think that people will fall for your asinine comparison.

Roudy, a private enterprise is a private enterprise - whether it's a mom and pop institution or a multi-national franchise. :eusa_eh:
My local mosque is a member of Islamic Relief USA.

Which is a muslim national disaster relief organization that helped with the recovery efforts after Hurricane Sandy, the tornado's this summer in Oklahoma, and most recently the typhoon that destroyed much of the Philippines.

All of the funds are donations from the muslim community.

They help anyone regardless of race or religion. .... :cool:

Donation Funds ? Islamic Relief USA

still, not specifically aimed at helping Christians, is it?
Actually, it was, because the Philippine people are mainly Catholic christians.

And Oklahoma is predominately Baptist and with barely any muslims. .... :cool:
Now tell us all the Islamic terrorism that Muslims in the Philippines do upon the Christians there. Be honest. Is the Philippines some Muslim ancestral homeland as well that they think they can go around slaughtering the Christians there? What's their excuse now?
still, not specifically aimed at helping Christians, is it?
Actually, it was, because the Philippine people are mainly Catholic christians.

And Oklahoma is predominately Baptist and with barely any muslims. .... :cool:
Shariah Sunni Shmuck cannot show an example where Muslims showed tolerance and acceptance by letting women walk around Western style swimsuits in an Islamic or Muslim based establishment, so he keeps bringing up a "Philippine disaster relief fund".

What kind of point are you trying to make Roudy? Grasping at straws here a bit?

What private religious groups do in their own facilities (as long as they aren't breaking the law) - is up to them. They can impose any sort of dress code they want - whether they are Muslim, Orthodox Jewish, Baptist, Amish etc. - and I am sure the more conservative groups DO have a dress code. So what?
What the hell Roudy - you are just digging yourself in deeper and deeper here.

YMCA is a PRIVATE - read - PRIVATE entity - like the gym of a residential unit. It has a board, a manager, a membership that reflects the community in much the same way a residential unit's gym reflects the residents. The Y serves the needs of it's membership, the community (through it's outreach efforts) and it's mission statement. It can cater to certain groups if it wants and if it feels it's in the best interest of it's business and mission.

The more you try to make it out to be different than any other private entity the more ridiculous your position becomes.

If this involved public money you'd have a better argument. If you were arguing about gender discrimmination in general - then you might have a stronger position, though then you'd have to look at gender discrimmination across the board.

But you are trying to make it about "Shariah" even though it's a women-only swim hour, open to any women and there is no requirement for "Shariah" style swimwear. The only requirements are what are posted in the general swimming rules for what can be worn etc. You keep insisting otherwise but post nothing to support your claim.

And in the end - it's a PRIVATE group. They can do what they want within the law.
You really can't be that dumb. Maybe you're dumb enough to compare an apartment building to a nationwide gym with 2600 branches that sells monthly membership for usage of its gym, and even dumber to think that people will fall for your asinine comparison.

Roudy, a private enterprise is a private enterprise - whether it's a mom and pop institution or a multi-national franchise. :eusa_eh:
An apartment building is the same as a nationwide gym? Maybe in your Islam apologist mind. Hotels rent their ballrooms all the time for specific purposes. That's the same as the Y as well? IDIOT.
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