Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

I confess! I check out hot women in tight yoga outfits while at the gym! Ha ha .

How dare you! thats haram!
Sometimes my eyeballs plop out in the middle of a set, and I have to quickly put them back in. Especially after a Lulu-lemon girl walks by. I swear they should give the Nobel Peace Prize to the inventor of those pants. Instead they gave it to that dumbass Obama.

Hey now, y'all nuttter Communists/Progressives sposed to be all about thems Co-Ed Bathrooms and such. Why so hypocritical on this? Is it y'alls FNDS (Fox News Derangement Syndrome) or somethin?
I certainly hope not. It would be pretty petty wouldn't it? 1 hour a week, women only, so these Somali girls can how to swim - a skill that could end up saving their lives.

Seems to me the Y is living up to it's Christian philosophy :)
Maybe THEY can drop their no men only Shariah shit, in order to save their lives? Or choose another facility that doesn't have other members that would also want to use the pool. It's not like there is a shortage of pools in the neighborhood.

Is being inconsiderate, selfish, and imposition a "Christian value"? Sounds closer to Shariah values to me.

It's not like there's a shortage of open hours available Roudy. Sounds closer to *your* values ;)
Eh? What are you dense? People have volatile schedules. They want to show up at a gym whenever they feel like, and the facilities to be available for them. It also doesn't look like you are familiar with the way a health club works either, plumpy.
Maybe THEY can drop their no men only Shariah shit, in order to save their lives? Or choose another facility that doesn't have other members that would also want to use the pool. It's not like there is a shortage of pools in the neighborhood.

Is being inconsiderate, selfish, and imposition a "Christian value"? Sounds closer to Shariah values to me.

It's not like there's a shortage of open hours available Roudy. Sounds closer to *your* values ;)
Eh? What are you dense? People have volatile schedules. They want to show up at a gym whenever they feel like, and the facilities to be available for them. It also doesn't look like you are familiar with the way a health club works either, plumpy.

I don't know how many 24 hour gyms there are where you are, but their aren't any here.

Selfish. mmh hmmm.....

1 hour a week.

Such a horrible thing to do!
Yup. That's how it works. And hopefully they'll keep on doing it because it has the support of a portion of their membership who enjoy women-only swimming 1 hour a week. It would certainly be a pity if people who weren't even members of that Y drove the policy.

Hopefully, their membership will abandon them for a time and leave them with 23 women to pay all the bills until such time as they decide that everyone who pays for that pool should have equal access.


Note just using the 23 as an example. I do not know how many participants there actually are.

I certainly hope not. It would be pretty petty wouldn't it? 1 hour a week, women only, so these Somali girls can how to swim - a skill that could end up saving their lives.

Seems to me the Y is living up to it's Christian philosophy :)

First, you will not see anywhere where I have suggested they should exclude anyone based on faith or anything else.

Second, these women can learn how to swim just like everyone else without interfering with the rights of other members.

The board at the Y needs to be taught the lesson that discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated.

Petty? I think not. Exclusion of people based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation etc. is wrong whether or not the reasons are based on good intentions. You cannot justify it.

So, it is only one hour. Big deal you say. I say that it doesn't matter if it is one hour or five minutes. Policies that promote any kind of segregation should be protested against.

OK, I'm going to let the cat out of the bag.

It's absolutely true we muslims are engaging in 'creeping sharia'.

All mosques have a master list of creeping sharia goals that are distributed to members weekly.

Having a muslim women swim hour at the YMCA is #426 on the list for total domination of America.

True story.......... :cool:
OK, I'm going to let the cat out of the bag.

It's absolutely true we muslims are engaging in 'creeping sharia'.

All mosques have a master list of creeping sharia goals that are distributed to members weekly.

Having a muslim women swim hour at the YMCA is #426 on the list for total domination of America.

True story.......... :cool:

Well if your going to do that at least lay out a spread of shawarma, hummus and kababs for us to enjoy, sheesh.
OK, I'm going to let the cat out of the bag.

It's absolutely true we muslims are engaging in 'creeping sharia'.

All mosques have a master list of creeping sharia goals that are distributed to members weekly.

Having a muslim women swim hour at the YMCA is #426 on the list for total domination of America.

True story.......... :cool:

Well if your going to do that at least lay out a spread of shawarma, hummus and kababs for us to enjoy, sheesh.
Convert to Islam and I'll make sure you get all you want. ... :eusa_angel:
Easy use and access to their facilities at business hours for which they are getting membership dues for. You want to see it in writing? Wow you are dumber than I thought.

Yes, I do want to see that in writing. And since you're making the claim I'd need to see specifically what the contract at St. Paul's YMCA says. They're all going to be different.

Finally, one hour a week for a women's only swim class doesn't violate "easy use and access to their facilities" at business hours any more than a "senior's swim" would.
Yes, it does buddy, yes it does. The pool cannot be entirely closed off to ANYBODY. Many people, such as myself, come there just for the pool, as swimming is an all encompassing aerobic and anaerobic workout, and they hit the showers from there. They HAVE TO have a few lanes open to those who wish to use the pool, PERIOD.

Show us, please, a link/scan, etc of the policy that having men blocked from the pool 1 hour a week violates.
It's not like there's a shortage of open hours available Roudy. Sounds closer to *your* values ;)
Eh? What are you dense? People have volatile schedules. They want to show up at a gym whenever they feel like, and the facilities to be available for them. It also doesn't look like you are familiar with the way a health club works either, plumpy.

I don't know how many 24 hour gyms there are where you are, but their aren't any here.

Selfish. mmh hmmm.....

1 hour a week.

Such a horrible thing to do!
It is isn't it? A member packs his stuff and treks up to swim after to work his anxiety out, and a bunch of Shariah appeasing assholes tell you it's closed to men. Inconsiderate, selfish, and imposing. Shows lack of class.
Yes, I do want to see that in writing. And since you're making the claim I'd need to see specifically what the contract at St. Paul's YMCA says. They're all going to be different.

Finally, one hour a week for a women's only swim class doesn't violate "easy use and access to their facilities" at business hours any more than a "senior's swim" would.
Yes, it does buddy, yes it does. The pool cannot be entirely closed off to ANYBODY. Many people, such as myself, come there just for the pool, as swimming is an all encompassing aerobic and anaerobic workout, and they hit the showers from there. They HAVE TO have a few lanes open to those who wish to use the pool, PERIOD.

Show us, please, a link/scan, etc of the policy that having men blocked from the pool 1 hour a week violates.
Ha ha ha. Funny stuff. Now you're squirming. The website your cohort Coyote posted was pretty clear about it's access to facilities as a selling point.
OK, I'm going to let the cat out of the bag.

It's absolutely true we muslims are engaging in 'creeping sharia'.

All mosques have a master list of creeping sharia goals that are distributed to members weekly.

Having a muslim women swim hour at the YMCA is #426 on the list for total domination of America.

True story.......... :cool:
Yeah, that's really funny, but...why don't you tell everybody here that you already admitted you want the US to be under Shariah law and men to be allowed to marry four wives?

Now watch him disappear.
So...what are you saying locker rooms?
Considering the kind of women that usually attend the Y? YUK! Ha ha ha.

Thats what I'm saying, people are acting like there are look alikes of Shakira and Jennifer Love Hewitt walking around at the Y was in string bikinis.
It also depends on how many drinks you've had. At some point anything with a pulse can look like Jennifer Love Hewitt.
I had kebobs and hummus on Thanksgiving. Kebabs, hummus and Yorkshire pudding.

Kebab on Yorkshire puddings. Mmmmmmmm, lovely.

Pity I'm fucked for the black pudding since I did the Islam thing.
OK, I'm going to let the cat out of the bag.

It's absolutely true we muslims are engaging in 'creeping sharia'.

All mosques have a master list of creeping sharia goals that are distributed to members weekly.

Having a muslim women swim hour at the YMCA is #426 on the list for total domination of America.

True story.......... :cool:
Yeah, that's really funny, but...why don't you tell everybody here that you already admitted you want the US to be under Shariah law and men to be allowed to marry four wives?

Now watch him disappear.

The four wives thing is a bit of a lie.
We are allowed more than one wife but who the fuck would want to listen to the nagging?
Ha ha ha. Funny stuff. Now you're squirming. The website your cohort Coyote posted was pretty clear about it's access to facilities as a selling point.

Why are you incapable of answering my question? Can you show me an example of the pool policy that St. Paul YMCA members agree to that would be in conflict with a one hour, once a week class for women only?
Bingo! And that's exactly what happened in this case. People complained about this, and that's why the story became nationwide. I suppose the corporate office is deciding what actions if any to take, considering that whatever their decision, it will also have nationwide implications regarding this matter.

Yup. That's how it works. And hopefully they'll keep on doing it because it has the support of a portion of their membership who enjoy women-only swimming 1 hour a week. It would certainly be a pity if people who weren't even members of that Y drove the policy.
As far I remember, there was no movement for a women's only swimming at the Y or any gym I ever attended. As a matter of fact, gyms are a good place for single people to meet other single people with similar interests, so if anything, most members would be totally against this.

But of course, this is not about that at all is it? For you it's about defending everything and anything Islam, as it always has been. What you are infamous for on this board.
Not necessarily. A lot, a good proportion of women do no like working out where there are men. They are more than annoyed with men who think gyms are a good place to meet or pick up women. Women want to be able to workout without being watched and hit on. There are many, many gyms that have women's only sections as well a thousands of women's only gyms because so many women want a place to work out where men don't bother them. I think if you believe going to the gym means it is a good place to meet women, you might very well be considered a pest by those those women because they would prefer it if you just left them alone.

Where I lived in Austria, the gym I belonged to had a women's only workout room. You had to walk through the bigger, co-ed gym to get to it and it was like walking the plank or something, half the men in there would be watching you just walking from the entrance to the co-ed gym to the entrance to the women's locker room, which led to the women's only gym, and I wasn't even dressed down for a workout yet. How annoying is that? Also, while I lived there, someone built a women's only gym a few blocks from where I lived, but that was after I had joined the other gym and was on an inexpensive, year to year contract. Also, generally, women's only gyms are not as well fitted out as the co-ed gyms. The point is, gyms for women to be able to workout w/o men around are everywhere. This is true of the States too.

Where I live now, the building has a separate women's only gym and has 4 hours, 3 x a week in the indoor pool that is reserved for women and children. It isn't that men are going to do anything to you, it is that they watch you constantly and stare at you. Sometimes you just want to relax and not feel you are on show.

A woman's only hour one time a week at a YMCA pool seems like practically nothing to me. Why you people make such a huge deal about it says something really problematic about you, not about the restrictive beliefs Muslim women hold. I'm certain if it were not for Muslim women, but for women in general, no one would be making an issue about it. Three percent of the US population is Muslim. They are not taking over. It's just sick to think so.
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