Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

Paranoid much?? ... :lol: :lol:

I'm a realist and what's more, you know it!
We already have a dedicated muslim in the White House.

So making America an Islamic sharia nation will be a piece of cake. ... :cool:


There are no swimming pools open to Non-Muslims in England?

Are you saying if you own a pool in England that you shouldn't be able to set the rules?

What I'm saying is these things always start out small, than before you know it the YMCA is basically an Islamic organization. Nobody has ever made just one accomodation for Muslims and just left it at that its always more and more.

You're right. It is always a small concession. Then another one, and another one. No one decided on day one to black out the windows in the pools in the UK. It was a progression. Like boiling the frog.

How did the Norwegians lose Oslo? It didn't happen all at once. It happened because of a demand for muslim rights. Now at 10% of the population, muslims are bringing the entire nation down with the full approval of the Norwegian government. Celebrate diversity!

Oslo Police: We have lost the city. | Vlad Tepes

They call for an Islamic state where the Sharia is law, although less than 10% of the Norwegian population are Muslims. How will things be when they reach 20 percent or more?

Well it sounds like Osloistan will have some fine chicken shawarma and dajaj.:eusa_shifty:
Yeah sure. They are stomping on other people's rights and the organization's protocols while appeasing the Muslims. That's what is clearly going on here.

What "RIGHTS" are you talking about exactly Roudy? All of us would love to hear.

Is it your "right" to be able to use the YMCA's property any time you wish? Haha. Do you know how ridiculous you sound right now?
The rights of the men and all other non Muslims who attend the Y. Duh.

You do realize that there are many secular Muslims who would be just as opposed as I am to this shit, don't you?

Don't backtread into nonsense. You said the YMCA is "stomping on other people's rights" (quote) by choosing to set aside 1 hour of pool time to women only.

That implies that outsiders have a "right" to enjoy the pool whenever they wish. That is incredibly untrue. The only "right" outsiders have is to use the pool under the guidelines set by the pool owners.

Doesn't matter if you or secular Muslims object; all that matters is what the owners decide to do in the best interest of their business. Whine all you want about it, but at the end of the day you own nothing and therefore have no say on the matter.
What "RIGHTS" are you talking about exactly Roudy? All of us would love to hear.

Is it your "right" to be able to use the YMCA's property any time you wish? Haha. Do you know how ridiculous you sound right now?
The rights of the men and all other non Muslims who attend the Y. Duh.

You do realize that there are many secular Muslims who would be just as opposed as I am to this shit, don't you?

Don't backtread into nonsense. You said the YMCA is "stomping on other people's rights" (quote) by choosing to set aside 1 hour of pool time to women only.

That implies that outsiders have a "right" to enjoy the pool whenever they wish. That is incredibly untrue. The only "right" outsiders have is to use the pool under the guidelines set by the pool owners.

Doesn't matter if you or secular Muslims object; all that matters is what the owners decide to do in the best interest of their business. Whine all you want about it, but at the end of the day you own nothing and therefore have no say on the matter.

So we can't discuss something unless we own it?:confused:
That's like renting a hotel ballroom for a Jewish or Muslim wedding, idiot. Again, no men allowed and Shariah attire IS NOT consistent with the YMCA's mission statement. In fact, it is the OPPOSITE.

"Shariah attire" is not required. How many times do you need to be told this?
Men are forbidden and women are all Muslims wearing Shariah swimsuits, in a YMCA. Do you think a non Muslim woman wearing swimming speedos would join such a class? You are stupider than I thought.

Well Roudy, I'm sure you will be able to show me an article or something stating that all the women must be Muslims, non-Muslims are barred and they must wear Shariah swimsuits in their YMCA class. Easy right, since you're so smart and all. :)

Funny - the article and video I posted showed women and girls wearing everything from "modest" swimsuits to bikinis. Must have been faked ;)
Than whats the point? :dunno:
The only change was that men aren't allowed in the pool area.

What kind of swim wear the women choose is up to them.

So if a man is there with his daughter and she wants to swim, he's in the awkward position of just letting her go alone or they have to wait right?:doubt:
Have you seen their schedule?

There are lots of time slots during which his daughter can't swim.
The rights of the men and all other non Muslims who attend the Y. Duh.

You do realize that there are many secular Muslims who would be just as opposed as I am to this shit, don't you?

Don't backtread into nonsense. You said the YMCA is "stomping on other people's rights" (quote) by choosing to set aside 1 hour of pool time to women only.

That implies that outsiders have a "right" to enjoy the pool whenever they wish. That is incredibly untrue. The only "right" outsiders have is to use the pool under the guidelines set by the pool owners.

Doesn't matter if you or secular Muslims object; all that matters is what the owners decide to do in the best interest of their business. Whine all you want about it, but at the end of the day you own nothing and therefore have no say on the matter.

So we can't discuss something unless we own it?:confused:

You most certainly can discuss it, but unless you're an owner you're really doing nothing more than whining about the business decisions of entities you neither own nor hold stake in which is... not very productive to say the least.

In Roudy's case, he was claiming that outsiders have a "right" to use the pool whenever they want and I quickly shut down that false assumption. No one has a Constitutional right to use someone else's private property.

What "RIGHTS" are you talking about exactly Roudy? All of us would love to hear.

Is it your "right" to be able to use the YMCA's property any time you wish? Haha. Do you know how ridiculous you sound right now?
The rights of the men and all other non Muslims who attend the Y. Duh.

You do realize that there are many secular Muslims who would be just as opposed as I am to this shit, don't you?

Don't backtread into nonsense. You said the YMCA is "stomping on other people's rights" (quote) by choosing to set aside 1 hour of pool time to women only.

That implies that outsiders have a "right" to enjoy the pool whenever they wish. That is incredibly untrue. The only "right" outsiders have is to use the pool under the guidelines set by the pool owners.

Doesn't matter if you or secular Muslims object; all that matters is what the owners decide to do in the best interest of their business. Whine all you want about it, but at the end of the day you own nothing and therefore have no say on the matter.
Wow, the ignorance just oozes right out of you. I just told you that men are not allowed, and that this "class" will comprise of Muslim women in Islamic swimsuits, all, at the YMCA. And you are wondering what if anything is wrong with this picture?
With these people, if a non Muslim man is even able to see a Muslim woman with her swimming attire, that is enough for the husband or father to freak out and attack the poor man. Let's just call it YMMA, how's that? Young mens Muslim association.
Yes, there will be an hour once in a while when you won't get to watch the women swim!

Is that going to change your day?
The rights of the men and all other non Muslims who attend the Y. Duh.

You do realize that there are many secular Muslims who would be just as opposed as I am to this shit, don't you?

Don't backtread into nonsense. You said the YMCA is "stomping on other people's rights" (quote) by choosing to set aside 1 hour of pool time to women only.

That implies that outsiders have a "right" to enjoy the pool whenever they wish. That is incredibly untrue. The only "right" outsiders have is to use the pool under the guidelines set by the pool owners.

Doesn't matter if you or secular Muslims object; all that matters is what the owners decide to do in the best interest of their business. Whine all you want about it, but at the end of the day you own nothing and therefore have no say on the matter.

So we can't discuss something unless we own it?:confused:
Do you own a Starbucks? Then you should shut up and not saying anything about the policies of Starbucks. :cuckoo: Ha ha ha.
With these people, if a non Muslim man is even able to see a Muslim woman with her swimming attire, that is enough for the husband or father to freak out and attack the poor man. Let's just call it YMMA, how's that? Young mens Muslim association.
Yes, there will be an hour once in a while when you won't get to watch the women swim!

Is that going to change your day?

Why does everyone think its about watching women swim? have you been to the Y? its mostly families with kids, this is not exactly Hedonism in Jamaica.
Men are forbidden and women are all Muslims wearing Shariah swimsuits, in a YMCA. Do you think a non Muslim woman wearing swimming speedos would join such a class? You are stupider than I thought.
So, you know for a fact what these women will be wearing when there are no men around?
Wow, the ignorance just oozes right out of you. I just told you that men are not allowed, and that this "class" will comprise of Muslim women in Islamic swimsuits, all, at the YMCA. And you are wondering what if anything is wrong with this picture?

The guy who thinks that private citizens have a "right" to use a business's private property whenever they wish is calling ME ignorant? Has this world gone mad?

Any woman can use the class, and can wear whatever they want (but assuming they can't be naked, of course). If you're upset about the gender discrimination let me know and we can go from there.
Do you own a Starbucks? Then you should shut up and not saying anything about the policies of Starbucks. :cuckoo: Ha ha ha.

As I mentioned before, I never said you couldn't whine about a business deciding to do something with the property it owns. But just want to point out you'll only be whining.

Go get em tiger.
With these people, if a non Muslim man is even able to see a Muslim woman with her swimming attire, that is enough for the husband or father to freak out and attack the poor man. Let's just call it YMMA, how's that? Young mens Muslim association.
Yes, there will be an hour once in a while when you won't get to watch the women swim!

Is that going to change your day?
I don't use the Y, I'm an Equinox member, been one for a long time. Prefer the Equinox women wearing the tight Lulu-lemon outfits. Not only does my body get a workout, but so do my eye muscles.

But I used to use the Y frequently in my distant past. And since I used to be a swimmer, I remember that anytime of day I showed up, by law they would have at least three or four lanes open to the public. Sometimes certain lanes would be closed for swim lessons, or senior swimming, or even people with handicaps. And anytime I visited the Y, I knew that I am visiting a Christian based organization. Although I knew that people from all religions, races, and cultures frequented the Y, depending on the surrounding neighborhood the Y is located.

I know that if I showed up to swim one day, and they told me "pool is closed to men" it's women only today, and I peeked in and saw women dressed up in Islamic Shariah swimsuits flapping their fat butts displacing half the pool water, I would get enraged and asked for my membership to be canceled or complained to the manager. I would do the same if I saw a bunch of orthodox Jewish women as well, and I'm Jewish.
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Do you own a Starbucks? Then you should shut up and not saying anything about the policies of Starbucks. :cuckoo: Ha ha ha.

As I mentioned before, I never said you couldn't whine about a business deciding to do something with the property it owns. But just want to point out you'll only be whining.

Go get em tiger.
And neither can you whine about allowing Shariah to creep into a Christian based organization either.
I know that if I showed up to swim one day, and they told me "pool is closed to men" it's women only today, and I peeked in and saw women dressed up in Islamic Shariah swimsuits flapping their fat butts displacing half the pool water, I would get enraged and asked for my membership to be canceled or complained to the manager.
I have no doubt that the management would be happy to see a loon like you cancel your membership. ...... :lol: :lol:

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