Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

They probably thought the same thing in London, Paris, Oslo, Malmo and Stockholm too. What's an hour a week going to hurt?
Paranoid much?? ... :lol: :lol:
Apparently people in Germany and England are now fighting against the Islamification of their societies:

This exact argument has gone to court and they've lost. Muslims have also lost in France over with the no Burkas or Islamic headscarves in public.

German Muslim girls must join mixed-sex swimming lessons

BERLIN, Sept 12: A German court ruled on Wednesday that Muslim girls must take part in school swimming lessons with boys, in a landmark decision that touches on the sensitive relationship between religion and the state. The decision by Germany`s top court for public and administrative disputes signals that the state`s constitutional obligation to educate children can take precedence over customs and practices linked to an individual`s religious beliefs.
The difference is the limitation is not merely applied to the class. Men are excluded from the pool area for any reason. It could be an hour's senior aqua aerobics class. All seniors. Does that mean no one under 60 can enter the room. In England it started out with a muslim women's only class eventually leading to having all the windows blacked out.

Why would muslim women have to be limited to only one hour a week? Why can't they go any time they want? Build a separate pool for men. Maybe a separate building too.
Yeah, but they're not enjoying Jewish orthodox women's swimming at a Y pool, and forcing the establishment and it's members to follow or have to deal with their religious or cultural laws.

Oh man, what if you're a Christian and want to use the YMCA facility at the same time it's hosting a Bat Mitzvah?!!!

Berkshire Outdoor Center | B'nai Mitzvah

What discrimination!

People should be able to use private facilities WHENEVER they want, regardless of what the facility owners have scheduled.

During this Bar Mitzvah are they blocking non Jews from entering the facility?
I have enjoyed the YMCA's generosity, tolerance, programs, and it's facilities throughout many stages in my life. However, it is understood that the YMCA started as a Christian based organization, and to promote values consistent with Christianity and reaching out and helping people in the community. I would be just as upset if a bunch of orthodox Jews pulled the same bullshit. It is an embarrassment and invites hatred and anger and the last thing the members want to see when they come to the Y...a bunch of Muslim women with their CLOTHES on, splashing around in the pool and no access to anybody else.

But then again, what else can we expect from an Islam defender? Shariah law swimming at the Y? No problemo. Talk about "inconsistent". Ha ha ha.

Roudy - Is the YMCA a business that you run? Are you upset the YMCA made a business decision about the assets they own and operate? Are you suggesting that the business doesn't have a right to try and attract Muslim swimmers (and their money - yes they are paying customers) from this one hour class and build a positive, inclusive reputation within the community? Is that what you're trying to argue?

Maybe because ROUDY is afraid of a "muslim takeover" all private businesses in the US must abide by what HE THINKS they should do.

Here's some advice; go buy a pool and sell some memberships to it. Then you'll be able to decide whether or not there will be muslim swim hour. Plain and simple. Until then, quit bitchin'.
I am not afraid of anything. Muslims and Jews do currently enjoy many activities the Y offers, but this is the first time I've heard of Shariah swimming because a bunch of backwards ass Muslims with a 7th century mindset refuse to assimilate. They want to learn swimming at the Y? It's got to include men, and the pool has to be open to everybody. They can close certain "lanes" for the swimming class. If they don't like men walking around in shorts or swimming speedos, TOUGH SHIT. Find another place to learn swimming.

In the Y Basketball league, there are certain rules for the uniforms, top and bottom have to be same color, no bracelets or necklaces, shirts tucked in.

Like I said, somebody in that Y needs to get his ass thrown out.

What? Are you saying that you and the general public DESERVE to use the assets of the YMCA whenever YOU please?

If the YMCA decides to buy a pool and say it's "women only 24/7" they can do that. If the YMCA decides to buy a pool and say it's "open for one hour" they can do that. That is my point.

This facility made a business decision designed to attract a certain sort of customer and you're whining about it. It's ridiculous. You don't own the pool, and that's that. No one deserves to use it; it's up to the owners who gets to use the pool...
Yeah, but they're not enjoying Jewish orthodox women's swimming at a Y pool, and forcing the establishment and it's members to follow or have to deal with their religious or cultural laws.

Oh man, what if you're a Christian and want to use the YMCA facility at the same time it's hosting a Bat Mitzvah?!!!

Berkshire Outdoor Center | B'nai Mitzvah

What discrimination!

People should be able to use private facilities WHENEVER they want, regardless of what the facility owners have scheduled.
That's like renting a hotel ballroom for a Jewish or Muslim wedding, idiot. Again, no men allowed and Shariah attire IS NOT consistent with the YMCA's mission statement. In fact, it is the OPPOSITE.
Yeah, but they're not enjoying Jewish orthodox women's swimming at a Y pool, and forcing the establishment and it's members to follow or have to deal with their religious or cultural laws.

Oh man, what if you're a Christian and want to use the YMCA facility at the same time it's hosting a Bat Mitzvah?!!!

Berkshire Outdoor Center | B'nai Mitzvah

What discrimination!

People should be able to use private facilities WHENEVER they want, regardless of what the facility owners have scheduled.

During this Bar Mitzvah are they blocking non Jews from entering the facility?

Are they blocking non-muslim women from attending the "women's only" swim class?
Ah so the Muslim fathers and husbands are allowed in the pool, but we are not?:doubt:
No muslim men would be allowed in the pool area either.

Just because they might be related to 1 of the girls/women.

They are forbidden to be around the other girls/women in the pool. . :cool:
Yeah, but they're not enjoying Jewish orthodox women's swimming at a Y pool, and forcing the establishment and it's members to follow or have to deal with their religious or cultural laws.

Oh man, what if you're a Christian and want to use the YMCA facility at the same time it's hosting a Bat Mitzvah?!!!

Berkshire Outdoor Center | B'nai Mitzvah

What discrimination!

People should be able to use private facilities WHENEVER they want, regardless of what the facility owners have scheduled.
That's like renting a hotel ballroom for a Jewish or Muslim wedding, idiot. Again, no men allowed and Shariah attire IS NOT consistent with the YMCA's mission statement. In fact, it is the OPPOSITE.

"Shariah attire" is not required. How many times do you need to be told this?
Yeah, but they're not enjoying Jewish orthodox women's swimming at a Y pool, and forcing the establishment and it's members to follow or have to deal with their religious or cultural laws.

Oh man, what if you're a Christian and want to use the YMCA facility at the same time it's hosting a Bat Mitzvah?!!!

Berkshire Outdoor Center | B'nai Mitzvah

What discrimination!

People should be able to use private facilities WHENEVER they want, regardless of what the facility owners have scheduled.
That's like renting a hotel ballroom for a Jewish or Muslim wedding, idiot. Again, no men allowed and Shariah attire IS NOT consistent with the YMCA's mission statement. In fact, it is the OPPOSITE.

Roudy - are you an owner of a YMCA? If the answer is no, then you have 0.00% authority on how they decided to conduct their business. It's not against the law to stray away from one's mission statement.

0.00% authority.

Go buy a YMCA if you don't like how that company is conducting itself.
Than whats the point? :dunno:
The only change was that men aren't allowed in the pool area.

What kind of swim wear the women choose is up to them.

So if a man is there with his daughter and she wants to swim, he's in the awkward position of just letting her go alone or they have to wait right?:doubt:
With these people, if a non Muslim man is even able to see a Muslim woman with her swimming attire, that is enough for the husband or father to freak out and attack the poor man. Let's just call it YMMA, how's that? Young mens Muslim association.
The only change was that men aren't allowed in the pool area.

What kind of swim wear the women choose is up to them.

So if a man is there with his daughter and she wants to swim, he's in the awkward position of just letting her go alone or they have to wait right?:doubt:
With these people, if a non Muslim man is even able to see a Muslim woman with her swimming attire, that is enough for the husband or father to freak out and attack the poor man. Let's just call it YMMA, how's that? Young mens Muslim association.

Might as well.:mad:
Ah so the Muslim fathers and husbands are allowed in the pool, but we are not?:doubt:
No muslim men would be allowed in the pool area either.

Just because they might be related to 1 of the girls/women.

They are forbidden to be around the other girls/women in the pool. . :cool:
Take this forbidden shit back to your Shariah mosque or Islamic health spa. Suicide bombing classes start this winter.
The difference is the limitation is not merely applied to the class. Men are excluded from the pool area for any reason. It could be an hour's senior aqua aerobics class. All seniors. Does that mean no one under 60 can enter the room. In England it started out with a muslim women's only class eventually leading to having all the windows blacked out.

Why would muslim women have to be limited to only one hour a week? Why can't they go any time they want? Build a separate pool for men. Maybe a separate building too.

Katz, do you own this YMCA in St. Paul?

What special authority have you been granted that allows you to have any say in the business decisions of that organization?
Oh man, what if you're a Christian and want to use the YMCA facility at the same time it's hosting a Bat Mitzvah?!!!

Berkshire Outdoor Center | B'nai Mitzvah

What discrimination!

People should be able to use private facilities WHENEVER they want, regardless of what the facility owners have scheduled.
That's like renting a hotel ballroom for a Jewish or Muslim wedding, idiot. Again, no men allowed and Shariah attire IS NOT consistent with the YMCA's mission statement. In fact, it is the OPPOSITE.

Roudy - are you an owner of a YMCA? If the answer is no, then you have 0.00% authority on how they decided to conduct their business. It's not against the law to stray away from one's mission statement.

0.00% authority.

Go buy a YMCA if you don't like how that company is conducting itself.
Ha ha ha. You are funny. I don't have to be an "owner" to make comments or have opinions on this matter, dipweed.
With these people, if a non Muslim man is even able to see a Muslim woman with her swimming attire, that is enough for the husband or father to freak out and attack the poor man. Let's just call it YMMA, how's that? Young mens Muslim association.
Sounds good to me!! .... :thup:
Oh man, what if you're a Christian and want to use the YMCA facility at the same time it's hosting a Bat Mitzvah?!!!

Berkshire Outdoor Center | B'nai Mitzvah

What discrimination!

People should be able to use private facilities WHENEVER they want, regardless of what the facility owners have scheduled.
That's like renting a hotel ballroom for a Jewish or Muslim wedding, idiot. Again, no men allowed and Shariah attire IS NOT consistent with the YMCA's mission statement. In fact, it is the OPPOSITE.

"Shariah attire" is not required. How many times do you need to be told this?
Men are forbidden and women are all Muslims wearing Shariah swimsuits, in a YMCA. Do you think a non Muslim woman wearing swimming speedos would join such a class? You are stupider than I thought.
With these people, if a non Muslim man is even able to see a Muslim woman with her swimming attire, that is enough for the husband or father to freak out and attack the poor man. Let's just call it YMMA, how's that? Young mens Muslim association.
Sounds good to me!! .... :thup:
Now tell me, in these Shariah swimming pools, would they allow a bunch of Christian women to hold "classes" wearing bikinis? How long would it take for the savages to turn the color of the pool water to BLOOD RED? Ha ha ha.

You Islamic freaks should first walk the walk before you talk the talk. Don't expect others to do what you yourselves would never do.
That's like renting a hotel ballroom for a Jewish or Muslim wedding, idiot. Again, no men allowed and Shariah attire IS NOT consistent with the YMCA's mission statement. In fact, it is the OPPOSITE.

"Shariah attire" is not required. How many times do you need to be told this?
Men are forbidden and women are all Muslims wearing Shariah swimsuits, in a YMCA. Do you think a non Muslim woman wearing swimming speedos would join such a class? You are stupider than I thought.

Roudy is right, these women are not going to be in there wearing string bikinis or even a one piece, it will be Islamic swimming wear.

This is what they wear in Islamic swimming pools in London.

Swimmers are told to wear burkinis - Telegraph

Just like in England soon everyone who enters the pool will have to don Islamic swimming gear, I guess I'll go brush up on my Arabic.

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