Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

You do understand that men aren't just prohibited from being in the class but being at the pool for any reason.

I want to see what happens when a transgendered boy wants to take the girl's swim class.
How transgendered people will fit in is an issue that has yet to be crossed in many aspects of our culture - this situation is the least of it.
You do understand that men aren't just prohibited from being in the class but being at the pool for any reason.

I want to see what happens when a transgendered boy wants to take the girl's swim class.

You do understand that men aren't just prohibited from being in the class but being at the pool for any reason.

Again, if you're upset about gender discrimination than you should start another thread. I can understand that angle, and think it may draw some interesting debate.

However, the thread is about "Fox saying Sharia Law is Taking over because of a Women's Swim Class" (LOL - laughing at Fox, not you).
It's funny people hate it so much that there is some accommodation for Muslim women to swim. Who does it hurt?
Anyone who wants to swim at the pool!

Imagine if the KKK (which Islam is basically equivalent to) said to uphold their religious and spiritual beliefs they don't want any N####RS, Wetbacks, Kikes or Slant-Eyes swimming in their pool while their white women take swim lessons! Toss that argument back at you, who does it really hurt? Are you going to take your same Neville Chamberlian pussy liberal stance? Didn't think so!

Many traditional Muslim women never learn to swim, or have enough oppertunity to get healthy excersize.
Not in Western society you lying cock sucker. I always see hijab wearing women in clothed head to toe at the public pools, health club and on the jogging trails every day. So go take your useless argument and shove it!

Their traditions prevent them from doing it in sight of men. Recently there was a horrible capsize of a boat carrying refugees/immigrants from a Muslim African country - many of them women and children. Many of them drowned. The women couldn't swim.
That is the ignorant cock-sucking muslims fault. Westerns shouldn't be punished to accommodate their bull shit!

Why is this such a bad thing? It's not Sharia. We've always had segments of time for just certain groups to swim - teens, elderly, women. Any women can participate - not just Muslims. Why make it so difficult for Muslim women to enjoy swimming?
Fine let them discriminate, but then when Christian and Jews swim at the pool, those towel headed camel fuckers better stay home. Would you say that is a bad thing also?

Muslims always cry about discrimination and other bullshit, yet they discriminate against everyone and are hypocritical assholes.

Again radical Islam isn't the problem, Islam itself is the problem!
:clap: :clap:
Is Fox & Friends still pushing this? :eusa_doh: Gov Christie already called these people who perpetuate this fear & hate as "crazies" :lol: We have more serious issues to address.
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You do understand that men aren't just prohibited from being in the class but being at the pool for any reason.

I want to see what happens when a transgendered boy wants to take the girl's swim class.
Exactly...YMCA....Young MEN'S CHRISTIAN Association. How did they get to take both the Christianity and the Men out of it, just because of Shariah Shit law? Someone down there needs to get fired ASAP for violating the rules of the organization.
You do understand that men aren't just prohibited from being in the class but being at the pool for any reason.

I want to see what happens when a transgendered boy wants to take the girl's swim class.
Exactly...YMCA....Young MEN'S CHRISTIAN Association. How did they get to take both the Christianity and the Men out of it, just because of Shariah Shit law? Someone down there needs to get fired ASAP for violating the rules of the organization.

This is happening more and more, didn't Muslims get their own prayer room in Catholic schools too?
I've been to the YMCA before, what are they worried about exactly? its mostly families swimming with their kids in that pool, its not exactly spring break with college females in dental floss bikinis doing keg stands. :dunno:
Exactly...YMCA....Young MEN'S CHRISTIAN Association. How did they get to take both the Christianity and the Men out of it, just because of Shariah Shit law? Someone down there needs to get fired ASAP for violating the rules of the organization.
The YMCA has been open to individuals and families of all races and religions for decades.

Besides Roudy, why should a Juden like you care about what a Christian organization does?? ... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:
You do understand that men aren't just prohibited from being in the class but being at the pool for any reason.

I want to see what happens when a transgendered boy wants to take the girl's swim class.
Exactly...YMCA....Young MEN'S CHRISTIAN Association. How did they get to take both the Christianity and the Men out of it, just because of Shariah Shit law? Someone down there needs to get fired ASAP for violating the rules of the organization.

I'm assuming that you've been extremely upset for years about the YMCA freely allowing women, kids, and older people into their facilities - right?

Are you saying that the organization has NOT shifted into a more of a "general" facility for all people throughout the years, and that every time a 4 year old kid or 90 year old man was allowed to set foot in a YMCA (over the past 30 years) someone should have been fired?

Or are you just inconsistently focusing your rage to just this one single, recent example?

I'm thinking you're just being extremely inconsistent.
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You do understand that men aren't just prohibited from being in the class but being at the pool for any reason.

I want to see what happens when a transgendered boy wants to take the girl's swim class.
Exactly...YMCA....Young MEN'S CHRISTIAN Association. How did they get to take both the Christianity and the Men out of it, just because of Shariah Shit law? Someone down there needs to get fired ASAP for violating the rules of the organization.

So Jewish women shouldn't be allowed to swim there either?
You do understand that men aren't just prohibited from being in the class but being at the pool for any reason.

I want to see what happens when a transgendered boy wants to take the girl's swim class.
Exactly...YMCA....Young MEN'S CHRISTIAN Association. How did they get to take both the Christianity and the Men out of it, just because of Shariah Shit law? Someone down there needs to get fired ASAP for violating the rules of the organization.

I'm assuming that you've been extremely upset for years about the YMCA freely allowing women, kids, and older people into their facilities - right?

Are you saying that the organization has NOT shifted into a more of a "general" facility for all people throughout the years, and that every time a 4 year old kid or 90 year old man was allowed to set foot in a YMCA (over the past 30 years) someone should have been fired?

Or are you just inconsistently focusing your rage to just this one single, recent example?

I'm thinking you're just being extremely inconsistent.
I have enjoyed the YMCA's generosity, tolerance, programs, and it's facilities throughout many stages in my life. However, it is understood that the YMCA started as a Christian based organization, and to promote values consistent with Christianity and reaching out and helping people in the community. I would be just as upset if a bunch of orthodox Jews pulled the same bullshit. It is an embarrassment and invites hatred and anger and the last thing the members want to see when they come to the Y...a bunch of Muslim women with their CLOTHES on, splashing around in the pool and no access to anybody else.

But then again, what else can we expect from an Islam defender? Shariah law swimming at the Y? No problemo. Talk about "inconsistent". Ha ha ha.
You do understand that men aren't just prohibited from being in the class but being at the pool for any reason.

I want to see what happens when a transgendered boy wants to take the girl's swim class.
Exactly...YMCA....Young MEN'S CHRISTIAN Association. How did they get to take both the Christianity and the Men out of it, just because of Shariah Shit law? Someone down there needs to get fired ASAP for violating the rules of the organization.

So Jewish women shouldn't be allowed to swim there either?
Wow, you are really dumb or playing dumb. Jewish men and women, as well as Muslim men and women current attend the Y and use it's various family programs in droves. But there is no Jewish Law Swimming for women only at the Y! Doy!
Exactly...YMCA....Young MEN'S CHRISTIAN Association. How did they get to take both the Christianity and the Men out of it, just because of Shariah Shit law? Someone down there needs to get fired ASAP for violating the rules of the organization.

I'm assuming that you've been extremely upset for years about the YMCA freely allowing women, kids, and older people into their facilities - right?

Are you saying that the organization has NOT shifted into a more of a "general" facility for all people throughout the years, and that every time a 4 year old kid or 90 year old man was allowed to set foot in a YMCA (over the past 30 years) someone should have been fired?

Or are you just inconsistently focusing your rage to just this one single, recent example?

I'm thinking you're just being extremely inconsistent.
I have enjoyed the YMCA's generosity, tolerance, programs, and it's facilities throughout many stages in my life. However, it is understood that the YMCA started as a Christian based organization, and to promote values consistent with Christianity and reaching out and helping people in the community. I would be just as upset if a bunch of orthodox Jews pulled the same bullshit. It is an embarrassment and invites hatred and anger and the last thing the members want to see when they come to the Y...a bunch of Muslim women with their CLOTHES on, splashing around in the pool and no access to anybody else.

But then again, what else can we expect from an Islam defender? Shariah law swimming at the Y? No problemo. Talk about "inconsistent". Ha ha ha.

Why can't they just swim with everyone else? I have to ask again, I have been to the YMCA and was a member for many years in Virginia, all I ever saw at the pool were families with their kids, this is not a pool during Mardi Gras with naked women splashing around and men doing keg stands. Its not like the YMCA pool is chalk full of horny men in speedos and young college women in dental floss bikinis.
I've been to the YMCA before, what are they worried about exactly? its mostly families swimming with their kids in that pool, its not exactly spring break with college females in dental floss bikinis doing keg stands. :dunno:
Islam will always find a way to take away the fun of everything, while to impose itself and taking away basic rights.
Exactly...YMCA....Young MEN'S CHRISTIAN Association. How did they get to take both the Christianity and the Men out of it, just because of Shariah Shit law? Someone down there needs to get fired ASAP for violating the rules of the organization.
The YMCA has been open to individuals and families of all races and religions for decades.

Besides Roudy, why should a Juden like you care about what a Christian organization does?? ... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:
Yeah, and Moooslim like you want to close it to other races, genders, and families because of your shit Shariah law. Like I said before, take your Shariah shit somewhere else.
You do understand that men aren't just prohibited from being in the class but being at the pool for any reason.

I want to see what happens when a transgendered boy wants to take the girl's swim class.
Exactly...YMCA....Young MEN'S CHRISTIAN Association. How did they get to take both the Christianity and the Men out of it, just because of Shariah Shit law? Someone down there needs to get fired ASAP for violating the rules of the organization.

I'm assuming that you've been extremely upset for years about the YMCA freely allowing women, kids, and older people into their facilities - right?

Are you saying that the organization has NOT shifted into a more of a "general" facility for all people throughout the years, and that every time a 4 year old kid or 90 year old man was allowed to set foot in a YMCA (over the past 30 years) someone should have been fired?

Or are you just inconsistently focusing your rage to just this one single, recent example?

I'm thinking you're just being extremely inconsistent.
I think you have reading comprehension problems or need to have your head examined. Shariah Swimming for Women Only, does NOT fall within the YMCA's mission statement, and whoever permitted this, needs to have their ass kicked out on the sidewalk:

Washington County Indiana Family YMCA!

YMCA Mission:

"To put Christian principles into practice through programs that help healthy spirit, mind and body for all."

Core Values:

Caring: to demonstrate a sincere concern for others, for their needs and well-being. Related values: compassion, forgiveness, generosity, and kindness.

Honesty: to tell the truth, to demonstrate reliability and trustworthiness through actions that are in keeping with my stated positions and beliefs. Related values: integrity and fairness.

Respect: to treat others as I would want them to treat me, to value the worth of every person, including myself. Related values: acceptance, empathy, self-respect and tolerance.

Responsibility: to do what is right--what I ought to do, to be accountable for my choices of behavior and actions and my promises. Related values: commitment, courage, good health, service and citizenship.
I've been to the YMCA before, what are they worried about exactly? its mostly families swimming with their kids in that pool, its not exactly spring break with college females in dental floss bikinis doing keg stands. :dunno:
Islam will always find a way to take away the fun of everything, while to impose itself and taking away basic rights.

And everyone is just standing around? I guess I should go brush up on my Arabic. Kayf halik habibi?
Exactly...YMCA....Young MEN'S CHRISTIAN Association. How did they get to take both the Christianity and the Men out of it, just because of Shariah Shit law? Someone down there needs to get fired ASAP for violating the rules of the organization.

I'm assuming that you've been extremely upset for years about the YMCA freely allowing women, kids, and older people into their facilities - right?

Are you saying that the organization has NOT shifted into a more of a "general" facility for all people throughout the years, and that every time a 4 year old kid or 90 year old man was allowed to set foot in a YMCA (over the past 30 years) someone should have been fired?

Or are you just inconsistently focusing your rage to just this one single, recent example?

I'm thinking you're just being extremely inconsistent.
I have enjoyed the YMCA's generosity, tolerance, programs, and it's facilities throughout many stages in my life. However, it is understood that the YMCA started as a Christian based organization, and to promote values consistent with Christianity and reaching out and helping people in the community. I would be just as upset if a bunch of orthodox Jews pulled the same bullshit. It is an embarrassment and invites hatred and anger and the last thing the members want to see when they come to the Y...a bunch of Muslim women with their CLOTHES on, splashing around in the pool and no access to anybody else.

But then again, what else can we expect from an Islam defender? Shariah law swimming at the Y? No problemo. Talk about "inconsistent". Ha ha ha.

Except that is not true.

No one is "pulling" any bullshit. The program in the OP is a cooperative program between the Y and the local police department. The Y is a private group, and whatever their name meant originally "Christian Men" - it is no longer just that. In putting together this program, they are doing exactly what their organizational aims are, as you put it: to promote values consistent with Christianity and reaching out and helping people in the community.

I doubt they are "splashing around" in Muslim clothes - in fact, I doubt you can swim in that garb. Having a female only (not Muslim only) swim hour allows them to dress more appropriate to the venue. And frankly, a program that gives these women, or Orthodox Jewish women - or any women who don't like to bare themselves in front of men - a skill that is confidence building and life saving and fun certainly seems to be what the Y is about.
It's true. Starting with the very smallest things, sharia law is insinuating itself throughout the US. It started the same way in the UK. An hour's swimming where men were not permitted. Now the windows into women's indoor pools have dark tinted glass.

Swimmers forced to exercise in darkness 'to protect dignity of Muslims' by council which blacked-out windows | Mail Online

On the one hand, the sight of a Christmas Tree once a year causes outrage among liberals, but the religious sensibilities of muslims must be protected at all times.

Sharia law is creeping across the country, apparently with the full approval of the left.

Do you realise this story was a lie?
They made it up and only idiots believe it.

One poster, in a rep comment, suggested I should go and suck Mohammad dick, further suggesting I'm a faggot!".
I know the poster concerned is gay but he shouldn't assume everyone else is.
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