Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

I have a friend who until recently was a single Dad. He had his daughter in swim lessons at the Y and he went with her twice a week. Now you have no problem telling this man he's not welcome. That is discrimination and that is not what the Y is suppose to be about. BTW, he's been a member of the Y for years. Last year he stopped. Gee, I wonder why?

Sheila! We're talking ONE hour here. One freaking hour a WEEK, actually. You're unfairly making it out to be like the YMCA is banning all non-Muslims from ever using the pool. This man IS welcome; he just needs to choose a time that's not this one single hour.

Are you just as upset when your friend tries to use the pool and it's closed for "adult swim"? Think about that for a moment....

Do you see how ridiculous you're being?

You are comparing a children's swim lesson for Muslim little girls with an adult swim for all adults.....and you think I'm being ridiculous?

Any girl - Muslim or non-Muslim - can take part in the class.
you did read the "article", right?

YMCA had teamed up with the St. Paul police department to teach a group of Somali-American girls to swim. To respect the religious traditions and modesty of the girls — ages 5 to 17 — men were not allowed in the pool area during the one-hour class.

I can battle back and forth daily with Sunni Man and love the debate. :eusa_angel: And I'll hit anyone on how we get to the modesty.

But the bottom line, it's an adult political and religious discussion and we should not deprive these girls of their options.

And I'm glad I live in a place where I can talk about it and debate it.

I want those girls to have their class.

the ymca is I believe a private org., so I could care less, fine by me, but lets not use modesty as an excuse, at all, their modesty is the by product of religious tenet, so its a throw away term they threw in there, it is not germane imho.

I posted that for g5000, as to his post. ;)

I don't know where to go here but if I am to believe that I have to debate this on the balls to the walls here based on our laws...............

whoa geeze. I could go at FGM a million miles an hour a million miles a day I could hit this swarm the board and completely nuke anyone who came at me.

I dont want to do that.
If Sharia law takes hold, liberals will be the first ones hung from the lamp posts.

Liberals will be the first to convert to save their own lives. They will just have to give up things like free condoms, gay rights and twerking. Right now, liberals see muslims as allies in the battle to rid the country of Christianity. They aren't smart enough to think about what comes next.

An outright falsehood, as has been pointed out many, many times......:eusa_boohoo:

Most liberals do not side with intolerant religionist or zealots.

Most liberals are intolerant zealots.

Yep, just look at Europe, or a bigger example, Indonesia where there were more beheadings of Christians recently.

Which has nothing to do with this.

It has everything to do with this. We are talking about how the Muslims push their way in and take over an entire country. Do you think it all happened at once? No, it started this way.
Exactly. Now watch the Islam apologists scream and holler.
You just can't make this crap up,...

Fox News anchor Heather Nauert announced on Monday that a YMCA swim class that respected the religious traditions of Muslim girls was proof that “Sharia law is now changing everything.”

The Minneapolis StarTribune reported last week that the downtown St. Paul YMCA had teamed up with the St. Paul police department to teach a group of Somali-American girls to swim. To respect the religious traditions and modesty of the girls — ages 5 to 17 — men were not allowed in the pool area during the one-hour class.

But for the Fox News host, this was a sign that Sharia law was creeping in “towns across the Midwest.”

“Well, the minority becoming the majority at one community pool,” Nauert pointed out on Monday. “Sharia law is now changing everything.”

Fox News: YMCA swim class for Muslim girls proves Sharia law is ?changing everything? | The Raw Story

The Devil's Greatest Trick was to make the world believe he didn't exist!

Muslims are using a Sharia Law religious requirement to accommodate themselves!!! They won't allow men to appease Muslims Sharia law tenents. How is this not a creeping Sharia Law story?

Just imagine it elderly white women state they didn't want any young N!!!!RS swimming in their pool at the same time? A hypocrite like you would be scream from the fences!
Hey, if they don't like it, screw 'em. Of all places, they want special treatment at a CHRISTIAN based establishment?! The arrogance expecting people to tolerate the intolerants. This shit is going on every level of society where Muslims are in contact with non Muslims.

They want their barbaric Shariah law pool? Go do it in a mosque, or go rent a private pool for certain number of hours and do your Islamic Shariah crap there.
You just can't make this crap up,...

Fox News anchor Heather Nauert announced on Monday that a YMCA swim class that respected the religious traditions of Muslim girls was proof that “Sharia law is now changing everything.”

The Minneapolis StarTribune reported last week that the downtown St. Paul YMCA had teamed up with the St. Paul police department to teach a group of Somali-American girls to swim. To respect the religious traditions and modesty of the girls — ages 5 to 17 — men were not allowed in the pool area during the one-hour class.

But for the Fox News host, this was a sign that Sharia law was creeping in “towns across the Midwest.”

“Well, the minority becoming the majority at one community pool,” Nauert pointed out on Monday. “Sharia law is now changing everything.”

Fox News: YMCA swim class for Muslim girls proves Sharia law is ?changing everything? | The Raw Story

The Devil's Greatest Trick was to make the world believe he didn't exist!

Muslims are using a Sharia Law religious requirement to accommodate themselves!!! They won't allow men to appease Muslims Sharia law tenents. How is this not a creeping Sharia Law story?

Just imagine it elderly white women state they didn't want any young N!!!!RS swimming in their pool at the same time? A hypocrite like you would be scream from the fences!
Hey, if they don't like it, screw 'em. Of all places, they want special treatment at a CHRISTIAN based establishment?! The arrogance expecting people to tolerate the intolerants. This shit is going on every level of society where Muslims are in contact with non Muslims.

They want their barbaric Shariah law pool? Go do it in a mosque, or go rent a private pool for certain number of hours and do your Islamic Shariah crap there.

Their chutzpah! Kind of reminds of another religious/ethnic minority that pushed their way in where they don't belong, lol, just kidding not really.
It has everything to do with this. We are talking about how the Muslims push their way in and take over an entire country. Do you think it all happened at once? No, it started this way.
Exactly. Now watch the Islam apologists scream and holler.

Jews let Muslims into America to begin with. Let's attack the real culprits here.

Sooner or later the Nazi Fargen Icehole will find a way to blame Jews for everything. I wouldn't even use that Neo Nazi article you posted as toilet paper.
Muslims are using a Sharia Law religious requirement to accommodate themselves!!! They won't allow men to appease Muslims Sharia law tenents. How is this not a creeping Sharia Law story?

Just imagine it elderly white women state they didn't want any young N!!!!RS swimming in their pool at the same time? A hypocrite like you would be scream from the fences!
No, you need to read the story.

It is men who are being excluded, not non-Muslims.

This is an issue of the greater modesty of Muslims.

We've grown accustomed to the twerking and the commercialization of sex.

There are those who aren't totally excited about that. In fact, I've heard Christians say they, too, aren't thrilled with our nation's treatment of sexuality.

It seems more logical to me that Christians and Muslims would find common cause in moving our society in a direction of values that both these religions share - even if not to the same degree.
I wouldn't have a problem with it had the YMCA not been a Christian based organization.
Did you read the passage from the book Roudy?

It is a good book. You should take the time to read it. It is called a Culture of Critique.
Did you read the passage from the book Roudy?

It is a good book. You should take the time to read it. It is called a Culture of Critique.
Really now? Why do you Nazis post articles from career anti Semites like flies circling around shit?
Here is the author of your "immigration" link, your beloved Kevin Mc Donald, moron:

John Hartung, an anesthetist at first interested in his work, said MacDonald's The Culture of Critique was "quite disturbing, seriously misinformed about evolutionary genetics, and suffering from a huge blind spot about the nature of Christianity."

MacDonald has also been accused of employing scapegoating techniques that resemble classical Nazism.

Reviewing MacDonald's Separation and Its Discontents in 2000, Zev Garber writes that MacDonald works from the assumption that the dual Torah is the blueprint of the eventual Jewish dominion over the world, and that he sees contemporary antisemitism, the Holocaust, and attacks against Israel as "provoked by Jews themselves." Garber concludes that MacDonald's "rambling who-is-who-isn't roundup of Jews responsible for the 'Jewish Problem' borders on the irrational and is conducive to misrepresentation."

MacDonald even dishonestly made up lines from the work of British Holocaust denier David Irving. Citing Irving's Uprising which was published in 1981 for the twenty-fifth anniversary of Hungary's failed anti-Communist revolution in 1956, MacDonald asserted in the Culture of Critique, "The domination of the Hungarian communist Jewish bureaucracy thus appears to have had overtones of sexual and reproductive domination of gentiles in which Jewish males were able to have disproportionate sexual access to gentile females." Lieberman, who also noted that MacDonald is not a historian, debunked those assertions.

Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an institute that monitors neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups, has said of MacDonald that "he put the anti-Semitism under the guise of scholarly work... Kevin MacDonald’s work is nothing but gussied-up anti-Semitism. At base it says that Jews are out to get us through their agenda ... His work is bandied about by just about every neo-Nazi group in America."
The Anti-Defamation League has included MacDonald in its list of American extremists, Extremism in America, and written a report on MacDonald's views and ties. According to the ADL, MacDonald's views on Jews mimic those of anti-Semites from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
LOL, Jews and far left communists like the SPLC are offended by it, lol. What a surprise!
LOL, Jews and far left communists like the SPLC are offended by it, lol. What a surprise!
What's surprising is you continually get humiliated and owned by me, yet you keep coming back to eat more poop. The only explanation for that would be that you do indeed enjoy eating poop.

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It's true. Starting with the very smallest things, sharia law is insinuating itself throughout the US. It started the same way in the UK. An hour's swimming where men were not permitted. Now the windows into women's indoor pools have dark tinted glass.

On the one hand, the sight of a Christmas Tree once a year causes outrage among liberals, but the religious sensibilities of muslims must be protected at all times.

Sharia law is creeping across the country, apparently with the full approval of the left.
This was the first person to reply to this thread. It just shows how blinded the right is. The guy you were agreeing with was being sarcastic! Did you not see the photo of the GOP with their head up their ass? I think you just explained the photo...
LOL, you are a GIF Machine! A Jewish GIF machine. A JIF!

Just for fun for me. You are female. Age mid twenties. You have dark brown hair.But it is streaked. Hazel eyes. I bet on your eyes. Hazel. Would you like me to continue? I'm an empath.

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