Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

And on the other hand, I love the modesty. I respect the modesty.

I'm really torn on this. Ok I better get out of this thread right now or you guys will be calling me Sybil for hitting on so many different views...............

And on the other hand, I love the modesty. I respect the modesty.

I'm really torn on this. Ok I better get out of this thread right now or you guys will be calling me Sybil for hitting on so many different views...............
'Modesty' is the best operative word for gender segregated swimming.

The muslim women I know would rather jump off a tall bridge than to swim half dressed in a mixed gender pool with strange men.

And I am talking about educated American born muslimah's. .. :cool:
This is what I get off this too Kevin. Just gender specific. I'm willing to cave on this just so the girls can have some sort of life.

But I'm torn. Because if I and others give in to this it's like this endorsement of keeping women in the stone age.

Aye carumba!

An endorsement? This is an example of the YMCA willingly designing a class that will attract a certain cultural group; I would call that a business decision.

A grocery store can sell Kosher foods and not necessarily "endorse" Judaism - right?
Make no mistake about this. The men demand this. Not the women they put out there as controlled robots.
Totally incorrect.

The muslim women want gender segregated swim classes.

And are the one's who petitioned for them. ... :cool:

See my other post :eusa_angel:

You bettcha they want segregated swim classes. Why? Because that way they are allowed to go for a swim.

Come on you know darn well you weren't going to get a whole batch of dudes signing that petition.

But many are not like you Sunni Man. You think things through. But so do I. It's trying to make two worlds meet. :lol:

This is why I brought up the young lady in Quebec who found a way to meet modesty issues and took on the whole soccer federation. She rocked it and designed can you imagine this its so wonderful, she designed an acceptable hijab for soccer.

I mean it was a win win! I love this young lady. And FIFA approved it man. This was so cool.

FIFA Approves Hijab Wear For Muslim Female Soccer Players | NDJ World Mobile
Make no mistake about this. The men demand this. Not the women they put out there as controlled robots.
Totally incorrect.

The muslim women want gender segregated swim classes.

And are the one's who petitioned for them. ... :cool:

Are you going to find one muslim woman who would say they wished to swim in integrated pools? Come on man. I don't know one.

Come on let's be honest. Women of Islam would not be allowed to swim if the pools are integrated.

I understand that. And you know what I want to see the pools segregated so that they can swim.

One hour is not asking too much.

You have to remember though how this battle goes. Women here battled to knock off everything "male". Long story. Too sick to tell it. Crap this Daytime Q is weird. I cant believe people drive on this stuff.

Apologies. On medication reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallly bad flu.
From the link in the OP "The Minneapolis StarTribune reported last week that the downtown St. Paul YMCA had teamed up with the St. Paul police department to teach a group of Somali-American girls to swim. To respect the religious traditions and modesty of the girls — ages 5 to 17 — men were not allowed in the pool area during the one-hour class. "
Classes one hour a week.........definitely creeping sharia. ... :cuckoo: :lol:

Again, if it's your 6 year old daughter and you're the father, are you going to be okay with this?

Nice deflection though. The truth is that yes, it is creeping. It starts slow with things like this, check out what's happened in Europe if you don't believe it; or better yet, Indonesia.

Cut the shit....Now, explain how this should apply to public or neighborhood swimming pools?
Should these be forced have girls only swim, boys only swim, etc?
Watch this.
Make no mistake about this. The men demand this. Not the women they put out there as controlled robots.
Totally incorrect.

The muslim women want gender segregated swim classes.

And are the one's who petitioned for them. ... :cool:

Damn I missed this post. I think there would be a whole batch of non Islam women loving a place they could swim and work out in. But we know that there is a certain segment of hard core Islamist dads and uncles who demand this of their women. That they be constantly separated.

But you have to remember the 80's and how hard women's groups fought to desegragize is that even a word; am I pulling a Palin here? Mens clubs.
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Both muslims and orthodox jews have segregated seating at their houses of worship and social functions.

And this isn't going to change no matter how much the western secularists and feminists hate it. ... :cool:
Remember, friends: The GOP has always been a friend to minorities. At least from 1860 - 1964. Everyone you see getting paranoid about Muslims and Sharia Law in this topic is therefore a leftie Democrat. And that includes Fox News.

The ones who want to kick the darkies out of the swimming pool are not Republicans.

you did read the "article", right?

YMCA had teamed up with the St. Paul police department to teach a group of Somali-American girls to swim. To respect the religious traditions and modesty of the girls — ages 5 to 17 — men were not allowed in the pool area during the one-hour class.
Both muslims and orthodox jews have segregated seating at their houses of worship and social functions.

And this isn't going to change no matter how much the western secularists and feminists hate it. ... :cool:

I like to think of this as options presented. Oh cripes now I'm going to sound like Sylvia in the Golden Girls................

"Picture it 1993 fighting for the right to swim with men in YMCA swimming pools"

And don't shoot me here, trying to give the bigger picture

"Picture it 2013 fighting for the right to swim in women only pools".

How screwed up are we people?
Remember, friends: The GOP has always been a friend to minorities. At least from 1860 - 1964. Everyone you see getting paranoid about Muslims and Sharia Law in this topic is therefore a leftie Democrat. And that includes Fox News.

The ones who want to kick the darkies out of the swimming pool are not Republicans.

you did read the "article", right?

YMCA had teamed up with the St. Paul police department to teach a group of Somali-American girls to swim. To respect the religious traditions and modesty of the girls — ages 5 to 17 — men were not allowed in the pool area during the one-hour class.

I can battle back and forth daily with Sunni Man and love the debate. :eusa_angel: And I'll hit anyone on how we get to the modesty.

But the bottom line, it's an adult political and religious discussion and we should not deprive these girls of their options.

And I'm glad I live in a place where I can talk about it and debate it.

I want those girls to have their class.
Remember, friends: The GOP has always been a friend to minorities. At least from 1860 - 1964. Everyone you see getting paranoid about Muslims and Sharia Law in this topic is therefore a leftie Democrat. And that includes Fox News.

The ones who want to kick the darkies out of the swimming pool are not Republicans.

you did read the "article", right?

YMCA had teamed up with the St. Paul police department to teach a group of Somali-American girls to swim. To respect the religious traditions and modesty of the girls — ages 5 to 17 — men were not allowed in the pool area during the one-hour class.

I can battle back and forth daily with Sunni Man and love the debate. :eusa_angel: And I'll hit anyone on how we get to the modesty.

But the bottom line, it's an adult political and religious discussion and we should not deprive these girls of their options.

And I'm glad I live in a place where I can talk about it and debate it.

I want those girls to have their class.

the ymca is I believe a private org., so I could care less, fine by me, but lets not use modesty as an excuse, at all, their modesty is the by product of religious tenet, so its a throw away term they threw in there, it is not germane imho.

I posted that for g5000, as to his post. ;)
Its not the gender thing that bothers me but the religious aspect, Muslim only swimming class is discriminating, are we not good enough to share a pool with Muslims?

Are Christian or Jewish children not allowed to join the class? Did I miss that in the article?

I thought this was only for Muslim women in Islamic dress? are they letting women join them in western bathing suits?

My impression - correct me if I'm wrong - is that not having men there allows them to dress more freely - like in a bathing suit so they can actually swim.
Jewish women are not in the article and I don't remember hearing them wanting to be segregated, why do you mention them?

Because I posted a related article, that refers to the problem of religious women being able to exercise - the two main groups are Muslim and Orthodox Jews who's religious codes require them to dress a certain way when around men and that makes it hard to exercise. None of them are "demanding" anything - they are asking.

So are Jewish women welcome in the water with the Somalis in Minnesota?

I would think so - just no men.
That's my question. Is this Muslim women only or just women only? If it's women only, no problem. If it's Muslim only it's bullshit.

It's not "Muslim women only", it's "whoever wants to follow the rules of that particular class". The rules are set by the owners of the pool (obviously).

What is so crazy about a private company setting rules on how their patrons use the assets they own?

This isn't really about just being "modest", this was started with religious purposes favoring Muslims.

I don't think so - I think it was started to give a group of people who couldn't ordinarily participate a chance to do so. These are women and girls who are refugees from one of the most war torn countries where attitudes towards women are very backwards. It takes a generation or more to change those attitudes and in the mean time, these girls are shy, isolated, and have limited social opportunities. From what I read - the cooperative effort between the police and the Y have increased their confidence and brought them out of their shells. This is not a bad thing.
It's true. Starting with the very smallest things, sharia law is insinuating itself throughout the US. It started the same way in the UK. An hour's swimming where men were not permitted. Now the windows into women's indoor pools have dark tinted glass.

Swimmers forced to exercise in darkness 'to protect dignity of Muslims' by council which blacked-out windows | Mail Online

On the one hand, the sight of a Christmas Tree once a year causes outrage among liberals, but the religious sensibilities of muslims must be protected at all times.

Sharia law is creeping across the country, apparently with the full approval of the left.

If Sharia law takes hold, liberals will be the first ones hung from the lamp posts.

Liberals will be the first to convert to save their own lives. They will just have to give up things like free condoms, gay rights and twerking. Right now, liberals see muslims as allies in the battle to rid the country of Christianity. They aren't smart enough to think about what comes next.

I'm right leaning, but God damn it not twerking. I don't know if there's a God, but if there is, and He created the human form, I'd imagine He'd be HOLY SHIT offended by anyone who doesn't appreciate something as singularly beautiful as a good twerk.

Not that Miley Cyrus style, shake my hips from side to side while bent over "twerking" (generally reserved for girls who can't twerk due to deficiencies in coordination), and not that individually twisting each thigh back and forth shit that strippers do when they wanna lay down and still look like they're shaking ass, but actual, true-to-life, real-deal twerking.

I'm a fan. You don't gotta be a leftist to appreciate something that awesome.
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I have a friend who until recently was a single Dad. He had his daughter in swim lessons at the Y and he went with her twice a week. Now you have no problem telling this man he's not welcome. That is discrimination and that is not what the Y is suppose to be about. BTW, he's been a member of the Y for years. Last year he stopped. Gee, I wonder why?

Sheila! We're talking ONE hour here. One freaking hour a WEEK, actually. You're unfairly making it out to be like the YMCA is banning all non-Muslims from ever using the pool. This man IS welcome; he just needs to choose a time that's not this one single hour.

Are you just as upset when your friend tries to use the pool and it's closed for "adult swim"? Think about that for a moment....

Do you see how ridiculous you're being?

You are comparing a children's swim lesson for Muslim little girls with an adult swim for all adults.....and you think I'm being ridiculous?
Muslims are using a Sharia Law religious requirement to accommodate themselves!!! They won't allow men to appease Muslims Sharia law tenents. How is this not a creeping Sharia Law story?

Just imagine it elderly white women state they didn't want any young N!!!!RS swimming in their pool at the same time? A hypocrite like you would be scream from the fences!
No, you need to read the story.

It is men who are being excluded, not non-Muslims.

This is an issue of the greater modesty of Muslims.

We've grown accustomed to the twerking and the commercialization of sex.

There are those who aren't totally excited about that. In fact, I've heard Christians say they, too, aren't thrilled with our nation's treatment of sexuality.

It seems more logical to me that Christians and Muslims would find common cause in moving our society in a direction of values that both these religions share - even if not to the same degree.

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