Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

I'm clapping because Sheila nailed it, she is right if the roles were reversed and Christians asked for special occomodations they would tell us to go fuck ourselves. Try going to a Muslim country and asking for special occomodations and see what happens.

You’re arguing that businesses in the United States should discriminate against religious groups just as businesses in Muslim countries do? I don’t think that’s very good logic.

At the end of the day – as I mentioned - you, Sheila, and others appear to be upset that a private company is doing what it wants to do with the assets it owns.

The YMCA purchased the pool, they run it, and they staff it. If they want to set aside 5 hours a day for swimming for “rich people only who earn more than $500k/year”, they have that right. They can do whatever they want to do.

You’re getting upset over nothing. This is one hour a week, lol. Here’s the math.

Let’s say the YMCA owns 2,000 pools nationwide (2,600 locations total) that each are open 12/hrs a day. That amounts to roughly 144,000 hours a week of swim time.

You’re upset that YMCA is setting aside 0.00068% of its total weekly pool hours to cater to a Muslim group? Really?!

Well, at least you are now admitting that this is about catering to a Muslim group.
I'm clapping because Sheila nailed it, she is right if the roles were reversed and Christians asked for special occomodations they would tell us to go fuck ourselves. Try going to a Muslim country and asking for special occomodations and see what happens.

We are talking about the US. Why should we emulate the discrimminatory practices of other countries?

So basically you are telling Muslim and Orthodox Jewish women in a community to go f themselves if they want to be able to exercise in a private establishment without abandoning their standards of modesty?

This isn't a class for women who are modest. This is a class for little girls who are Somali/Muslim. Did you read the article in the OP?

Yes, I did - but this thread has brought out the general issue of "Muslim only" swimming and the discussion has expanded beyond the OP.

And it IS about modesty - it's about their cultural standards of modesty. And it's about a PRIVATE organization deciding to do something to help these girls gain confidence and learn how to swim. They would not otherwise do so, and swimming, in addition to being beneficial - is a life saving skill. What's the big deal with allowing this? It's not public money.
Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

Without a doubt the West obsession with favoring the Muslims as a respected disadvantaged minority who therefore must be given preferential treatment is causing immense problems.
The lack of understanding and naivete regarding the true purpose of these mostly unwelcome immigrants is truly astounding!
Once these type of concessions are granted at the expense of the mayority of non-Muslims, then there is no stopping the flow which is exactly what the Muslims want.
They are striving initially for Sharia self-ruling. dominated enclaves (and they have largely succeeded at this in several countries already) ....the next ambitious step, of course, even if it takes centuries, is for fundamental Islam to take over more and more of the world.

Fox news is 100% correct in recognizing the danger and stupidity involved in this sort of action!
What if the white women wanted an hour to themselves with no blacks in the pool, is that ok now too?

Look, the YMCA can do whatever the hell it wants. I'm sure doing something like that would not be good for their image, and ultimately not a good decision for their business.

Perhaps there it is advantageous for the YMCA to set aside this hour for Muslim kids because without it they wouldn't have all those kids paying for a class. Again, who are you? Why is it up to you or Sheila to decide what the private business - YMCA - decides to do with their pools?

Do you own them? Do you operate them?

The YMCA is subsidized by donations. The kids are not paying for the entire cost of that class. To take donations given to a Christian organization and earmark them specifically for Muslims is wrong. Find me ONE Muslim organization that does the same for Christians, just one. I'll wait.
Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

Without a doubt the West obsession with favoring the Muslims as a respected disadvantaged minority who therefore must be given preferential treatment is causing immense problems.
The lack of understanding and naivete regarding the true purpose of these mostly unwelcome immigrants is truly astounding!
Once these type of concessions are granted at the expense of the mayority of non-Muslims, then there is no stopping the flow which is exactly what the Muslims want.
They are striving initially for Sharia self-ruling. dominated enclaves (and they have largely succeeded at this in several countries already) ....the next ambitious step, of course, even if it takes centuries, is for fundamental Islam to take over more and more of the world.

Fox news is 100% correct in recognizing the danger and stupidity involved in this sort of action!

You can't be this stupid, can you? :cuckoo:
Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

Without a doubt the West obsession with favoring the Muslims as a respected disadvantaged minority who therefore must be given preferential treatment is causing immense problems.
The lack of understanding and naivete regarding the true purpose of these mostly unwelcome immigrants is truly astounding!
Once these type of concessions are granted at the expense of the mayority of non-Muslims, then there is no stopping the flow which is exactly what the Muslims want.
They are striving initially for Sharia self-ruling. dominated enclaves (and they have largely succeeded at this in several countries already) ....the next ambitious step, of course, even if it takes centuries, is for fundamental Islam to take over more and more of the world.

Fox news is 100% correct in recognizing the danger and stupidity involved in this sort of action!

Yep, just look at Europe, or a bigger example, Indonesia where there were more beheadings of Christians recently.
Well, at least you are now admitting that this is about catering to a Muslim group.

It's obvious that they're catering to a Muslim group.

But they're catering in a very, very, very small way. One hour at one facility a week (YMCA owns 2,600 facilities nationwide). That's miniscule, and if you want to talk percentages it's going to be (statistically speaking) 0%.

Who are you to say that the YMCA shouldn't make more revenue by offering a class for Muslim kids? Perhaps this was advantageous from a business perspective? Perhaps this is advantageous for this YMCA to bolster credibility within its local community?

I feel like you're stepping somewhere you shouldn't be stepping, which is (as an outsider) demanding that a private business operate exactly how you want to. Not so. You do not own YMCA and they can do whatever they want, lol.
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Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

Without a doubt the West obsession with favoring the Muslims as a respected disadvantaged minority who therefore must be given preferential treatment is causing immense problems.
The lack of understanding and naivete regarding the true purpose of these mostly unwelcome immigrants is truly astounding!
Once these type of concessions are granted at the expense of the mayority of non-Muslims, then there is no stopping the flow which is exactly what the Muslims want.
They are striving initially for Sharia self-ruling. dominated enclaves (and they have largely succeeded at this in several countries already) ....the next ambitious step, of course, even if it takes centuries, is for fundamental Islam to take over more and more of the world.

Fox news is 100% correct in recognizing the danger and stupidity involved in this sort of action!

A private group (the Y) pairing with the local police department, to offer an hour swimming class to Somali immigrants (who are refugees from a war torn country) to learn how to swim (a life saving skill) - is an obsession causing IMMENSE problems?

I don't think so.
Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

Without a doubt the West obsession with favoring the Muslims as a respected disadvantaged minority who therefore must be given preferential treatment is causing immense problems.
The lack of understanding and naivete regarding the true purpose of these mostly unwelcome immigrants is truly astounding!
Once these type of concessions are granted at the expense of the mayority of non-Muslims, then there is no stopping the flow which is exactly what the Muslims want.
They are striving initially for Sharia self-ruling. dominated enclaves (and they have largely succeeded at this in several countries already) ....the next ambitious step, of course, even if it takes centuries, is for fundamental Islam to take over more and more of the world.

Fox news is 100% correct in recognizing the danger and stupidity involved in this sort of action!

Yep, just look at Europe, or a bigger example, Indonesia where there were more beheadings of Christians recently.

Which has nothing to do with this.
What if the white women wanted an hour to themselves with no blacks in the pool, is that ok now too?

Look, the YMCA can do whatever the hell it wants. I'm sure doing something like that would not be good for their image, and ultimately not a good decision for their business.

Perhaps there it is advantageous for the YMCA to set aside this hour for Muslim kids because without it they wouldn't have all those kids paying for a class. Again, who are you? Why is it up to you or Sheila to decide what the private business - YMCA - decides to do with their pools?

Do you own them? Do you operate them?

I have a friend who until recently was a single Dad. He had his daughter in swim lessons at the Y and he went with her twice a week. Now you have no problem telling this man he's not welcome. That is discrimination and that is not what the Y is suppose to be about. BTW, he's been a member of the Y for years. Last year he stopped. Gee, I wonder why?
Minnesota is pretty big on being PC. In this case it's our way of displaying freedom of choice and in this case respecting a specific religion. Having this type of attitude probably explain why Minnesota is always ranked in the Top 5 for being the happiest state.
On the serious side, this uproar by my right leaning friends is actually kind of funny. This thread belongs in the Rubber Room as it's getting more absurd with every page!
And by the way,,,my health club has water aerobics for women only. I know, I tried to join the class,,at least four times!:lol:
Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

Without a doubt the West obsession with favoring the Muslims as a respected disadvantaged minority who therefore must be given preferential treatment is causing immense problems.
The lack of understanding and naivete regarding the true purpose of these mostly unwelcome immigrants is truly astounding!
Once these type of concessions are granted at the expense of the mayority of non-Muslims, then there is no stopping the flow which is exactly what the Muslims want.
They are striving initially for Sharia self-ruling. dominated enclaves (and they have largely succeeded at this in several countries already) ....the next ambitious step, of course, even if it takes centuries, is for fundamental Islam to take over more and more of the world.

Fox news is 100% correct in recognizing the danger and stupidity involved in this sort of action!

Yep, just look at Europe, or a bigger example, Indonesia where there were more beheadings of Christians recently.

Which has nothing to do with this.

It has everything to do with this. We are talking about how the Muslims push their way in and take over an entire country. Do you think it all happened at once? No, it started this way.
What if the white women wanted an hour to themselves with no blacks in the pool, is that ok now too?

Look, the YMCA can do whatever the hell it wants. I'm sure doing something like that would not be good for their image, and ultimately not a good decision for their business.

Perhaps there it is advantageous for the YMCA to set aside this hour for Muslim kids because without it they wouldn't have all those kids paying for a class. Again, who are you? Why is it up to you or Sheila to decide what the private business - YMCA - decides to do with their pools?

Do you own them? Do you operate them?

Ah ok so a business can do whatever the hell it wants including racist and discriminatory practices, welcome to Mississipi 1951! :clap2:
I have a friend who until recently was a single Dad. He had his daughter in swim lessons at the Y and he went with her twice a week. Now you have no problem telling this man he's not welcome. That is discrimination and that is not what the Y is suppose to be about. BTW, he's been a member of the Y for years. Last year he stopped. Gee, I wonder why?

Sheila! We're talking ONE hour here. One freaking hour a WEEK, actually. You're unfairly making it out to be like the YMCA is banning all non-Muslims from ever using the pool. This man IS welcome; he just needs to choose a time that's not this one single hour.

Are you just as upset when your friend tries to use the pool and it's closed for "adult swim"? Think about that for a moment....

Do you see how ridiculous you're being?
What if the white women wanted an hour to themselves with no blacks in the pool, is that ok now too?

Nope. Again - it's not just one category of women swimming in this hour, it's any women.

But then again - we have women only, men only, seniors only and age divisions. that ok?

This is not for women only its for Muslim women only, if my girlfriend wanted to go and swim with them in her bikini they would not let her.
I have a friend who until recently was a single Dad. He had his daughter in swim lessons at the Y and he went with her twice a week. Now you have no problem telling this man he's not welcome. That is discrimination and that is not what the Y is suppose to be about. BTW, he's been a member of the Y for years. Last year he stopped. Gee, I wonder why?

Sheila! We're talking ONE hour here. One freaking hour a WEEK, actually. You're unfairly making it out to be like the YMCA is banning all non-Muslims from ever using the pool. This man IS welcome; he just needs to choose a time that's not this one single hour.

Are you just as upset when your friend tries to use the pool and it's closed for "adult swim"? Think about that for a moment....

Do you see how ridiculous you're being?

One hour is how it starts, than its a whole day, than its....well you get it.
So basically women like Orthodox Jewish women and tradtional Muslim women who have religious modesty requirements, can't be allowed any special time to exercise in private establishments because that constitutes an invasion.

I have some exclusive pictures from the Saint Paul YMCA!
The 1st one is the Muslim swimming class and the second one is a Baptist all-women's water aerobics class ( I wonder what law those Baptist women are following?). Does anyone see any men there? :lol::eusa_shifty::confused:


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What if the white women wanted an hour to themselves with no blacks in the pool, is that ok now too?

Look, the YMCA can do whatever the hell it wants. I'm sure doing something like that would not be good for their image, and ultimately not a good decision for their business.

Perhaps there it is advantageous for the YMCA to set aside this hour for Muslim kids because without it they wouldn't have all those kids paying for a class. Again, who are you? Why is it up to you or Sheila to decide what the private business - YMCA - decides to do with their pools?

Do you own them? Do you operate them?

Ah ok so a business can do whatever the hell it wants including racist and discriminatory practices, welcome to Mississipi 1951! :clap2:
No private business can break the law.
Ah ok so a business can do whatever the hell it wants including racist and discriminatory practices, welcome to Mississipi 1951! :clap2:

Let me rephrase. It's illegal for a businesses to refuse service to someone because they're black or because they're Christian, however in the YMCA case they're not discriminating against anyone.

Christians are allowed to be a part of this class; they just have to follow the rules laid out by the YMCA to participate for this single hour.

If you're upset about that, you should also be upset about "adult swim" or "men's swimming class".

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