Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

It's true. Starting with the very smallest things, sharia law is insinuating itself throughout the US. It started the same way in the UK. An hour's swimming where men were not permitted. Now the windows into women's indoor pools have dark tinted glass.

Swimmers forced to exercise in darkness 'to protect dignity of Muslims' by council which blacked-out windows | Mail Online

On the one hand, the sight of a Christmas Tree once a year causes outrage among liberals, but the religious sensibilities of muslims must be protected at all times.

Sharia law is creeping across the country, apparently with the full approval of the left.

I remember the days before the Muslim scourge when (as a man) I could peer freely into the women's pool area with clear glass instead of tinted glass. And now, I can only swim 23 out of the 24 hours at this one specific YMCA...

It's almost like I have no freedom anymore.

And yet I remember the day when a father could put his little girl in swim lessons and stay to watch her progress.

There is absolutely no way you'd be able to take your daughter for a swim at that YMCA? I thought "girls swim" lasts only one hour.

Also, is the YMCA being forced to do this or are they choosing to do this? Are you against private institutions choosing to do certain things? Would you like all private institutions to cater only to you?
I remember the days before the Muslim scourge when (as a man) I could peer freely into the women's pool area with clear glass instead of tinted glass. And now, I can only swim 23 out of the 24 hours at this one specific YMCA...

It's almost like I have no freedom anymore.

And yet I remember the day when a father could put his little girl in swim lessons and stay to watch her progress.

There is absolutely no way you'd be able to take your daughter for a swim at that YMCA? I thought "girls swim" lasts only one hour.

Also, is the YMCA being forced to do this or are they choosing to do this? Are you against private institutions choosing to do certain things? Would you like all private institutions to cater only to you?

It's a Christian organization and I'm against Christian organizations that cater to Muslims, especially when children are involved. No father should be banned from watching his daughter learn to swim. And if you have children or have ever had children, you know that not being allowed in makes the possibility of problems much worse. The teacher could be a child molester, the other little girls could beat up on one little girl with the teacher cheering them on. It's open for all kinds of abuse when you can't watch them. I have always reserved the right to visit my children's classes without previous warning. Yeah, they hate that. Why do they hate it? Because then they have to be responsible ALL the time. In today's society there are a lot of single dads. They have the right to be there for their little girls!
What are they going to do about the transgendered little boys whose parents think they are girls?
And yet I remember the day when a father could put his little girl in swim lessons and stay to watch her progress.

There is absolutely no way you'd be able to take your daughter for a swim at that YMCA? I thought "girls swim" lasts only one hour.

Also, is the YMCA being forced to do this or are they choosing to do this? Are you against private institutions choosing to do certain things? Would you like all private institutions to cater only to you?

It's a Christian organization and I'm against Christian organizations that cater to Muslims, especially when children are involved. No father should be banned from watching his daughter learn to swim. And if you have children or have ever had children, you know that not being allowed in makes the possibility of problems much worse. The teacher could be a child molester, the other little girls could beat up on one little girl with the teacher cheering them on. It's open for all kinds of abuse when you can't watch them. I have always reserved the right to visit my children's classes without previous warning. Yeah, they hate that. Why do they hate it? Because then they have to be responsible ALL the time. In today's society there are a lot of single dads. They have the right to be there for their little girls!

:clap2: :clap2:
Again whats the big deal about guys just seeing them swimming? its not like men are getting access to the womens locker room to see them shower or something.
And yet I remember the day when a father could put his little girl in swim lessons and stay to watch her progress.

There is absolutely no way you'd be able to take your daughter for a swim at that YMCA? I thought "girls swim" lasts only one hour.

Also, is the YMCA being forced to do this or are they choosing to do this? Are you against private institutions choosing to do certain things? Would you like all private institutions to cater only to you?

It's a Christian organization and I'm against Christian organizations that cater to Muslims, especially when children are involved. No father should be banned from watching his daughter learn to swim. And if you have children or have ever had children, you know that not being allowed in makes the possibility of problems much worse. The teacher could be a child molester, the other little girls could beat up on one little girl with the teacher cheering them on. It's open for all kinds of abuse when you can't watch them. I have always reserved the right to visit my children's classes without previous warning. Yeah, they hate that. Why do they hate it? Because then they have to be responsible ALL the time. In today's society there are a lot of single dads. They have the right to be there for their little girls!

But that's the point - he ISN'T banned from it - he can choose to have his daughter swim during a session that is open to men. The Y serves a community and it's needs and in this community, there was a need and the Y chose to provide them a service. No one is forced to do anything - I don't get why it should create such an issue or called "catering to".
I think that a lot of people don't realize that these swim sessions, and similar accommodations at other types of excercise facilities aren't just "catering to Muslims" even though it's presented that way.

Orthodox Jews and Muslim women face the same problem when it comes to gender, attire, and exposure:

Working out religiously: How Muslim and Orthodox Jewish women must find rare female-only classes or face the gym in heavy 'appropriate' attire

Muslim and Orthodox Jewish women must find female-only classes or face gym in heavy attire | Mail Online
As if working didn't require enough effort, for Muslims and Orthodox Jews, the biggest challenge is finding a place to swim, run or do yoga without the burden of having to cover up in front of men.

Facilities that offer private classes for women only where observant followers of either religion can exercise without the worry of 'immodesty', are few and far between.

And since the alternatives are forbidden, women have in the past been forced to either sweat it out under the hijabs and customary Orthodox clothing, or forego exercise altogether.

But he added: 'Not everyone throughout the world believes that being physically fit requires a person to be half-naked.'

More and more, community centres are beginning to acknowledge the issue and the importance of women's right to exercise by providing single-sex classes while others are finding the solution with workout videos in the basement of their own homes.

...Within Orthodox Jewish circles, a variety of community centres are offering male-free classes as well as all-female swimming pools.

The point is, these communities are recognizing that exercise is beneficial for everyone, and working to find positive ways to provide to all it's members and frankly, I think that is a good thing whether it's an Orthodox Jewish woman or a Muslim woman.
There is absolutely no way you'd be able to take your daughter for a swim at that YMCA? I thought "girls swim" lasts only one hour.

Also, is the YMCA being forced to do this or are they choosing to do this? Are you against private institutions choosing to do certain things? Would you like all private institutions to cater only to you?

It's a Christian organization and I'm against Christian organizations that cater to Muslims, especially when children are involved. No father should be banned from watching his daughter learn to swim. And if you have children or have ever had children, you know that not being allowed in makes the possibility of problems much worse. The teacher could be a child molester, the other little girls could beat up on one little girl with the teacher cheering them on. It's open for all kinds of abuse when you can't watch them. I have always reserved the right to visit my children's classes without previous warning. Yeah, they hate that. Why do they hate it? Because then they have to be responsible ALL the time. In today's society there are a lot of single dads. They have the right to be there for their little girls!

But that's the point - he ISN'T banned from it - he can choose to have his daughter swim during a session that is open to men. The Y serves a community and it's needs and in this community, there was a need and the Y chose to provide them a service. No one is forced to do anything - I don't get why it should create such an issue or called "catering to".

That's one more hour that isn't allowed for girls to learn to swim unless they are Muslim or don't have a single dad. That's not inclusion, that's EXCLUSION and not what our country is suppose to be working toward.
I think that a lot of people don't realize that these swim sessions, and similar accommodations at other types of excercise facilities aren't just "catering to Muslims" even though it's presented that way.

Orthodox Jews and Muslim women face the same problem when it comes to gender, attire, and exposure:

Working out religiously: How Muslim and Orthodox Jewish women must find rare female-only classes or face the gym in heavy 'appropriate' attire

Muslim and Orthodox Jewish women must find female-only classes or face gym in heavy attire | Mail Online
As if working didn't require enough effort, for Muslims and Orthodox Jews, the biggest challenge is finding a place to swim, run or do yoga without the burden of having to cover up in front of men.

Facilities that offer private classes for women only where observant followers of either religion can exercise without the worry of 'immodesty', are few and far between.

And since the alternatives are forbidden, women have in the past been forced to either sweat it out under the hijabs and customary Orthodox clothing, or forego exercise altogether.

But he added: 'Not everyone throughout the world believes that being physically fit requires a person to be half-naked.'

More and more, community centres are beginning to acknowledge the issue and the importance of women's right to exercise by providing single-sex classes while others are finding the solution with workout videos in the basement of their own homes.

...Within Orthodox Jewish circles, a variety of community centres are offering male-free classes as well as all-female swimming pools.

The point is, these communities are recognizing that exercise is beneficial for everyone, and working to find positive ways to provide to all it's members and frankly, I think that is a good thing whether it's an Orthodox Jewish woman or a Muslim woman.

Why would an orthodox Jewish woman or a Muslim woman be a member of the Young Men's Christian Association????!!!??? Why would they even have an issue if they are denied?
It's a Christian organization and I'm against Christian organizations that cater to Muslims, especially when children are involved. No father should be banned from watching his daughter learn to swim. And if you have children or have ever had children, you know that not being allowed in makes the possibility of problems much worse. The teacher could be a child molester, the other little girls could beat up on one little girl with the teacher cheering them on. It's open for all kinds of abuse when you can't watch them. I have always reserved the right to visit my children's classes without previous warning. Yeah, they hate that. Why do they hate it? Because then they have to be responsible ALL the time. In today's society there are a lot of single dads. They have the right to be there for their little girls!

Look, if we're talking a community swim pool run by the Federal Gov't (and paid by tax dollars) I would be able to understand why people would get upset.

But a private company? Are you saying that they shouldn't be able to do what they please with the assets they purchase and operate with money earned by the company?
There is absolutely no way you'd be able to take your daughter for a swim at that YMCA? I thought "girls swim" lasts only one hour.

Also, is the YMCA being forced to do this or are they choosing to do this? Are you against private institutions choosing to do certain things? Would you like all private institutions to cater only to you?

It's a Christian organization and I'm against Christian organizations that cater to Muslims, especially when children are involved. No father should be banned from watching his daughter learn to swim. And if you have children or have ever had children, you know that not being allowed in makes the possibility of problems much worse. The teacher could be a child molester, the other little girls could beat up on one little girl with the teacher cheering them on. It's open for all kinds of abuse when you can't watch them. I have always reserved the right to visit my children's classes without previous warning. Yeah, they hate that. Why do they hate it? Because then they have to be responsible ALL the time. In today's society there are a lot of single dads. They have the right to be there for their little girls!

:clap2: :clap2:

What's there to clap about? Againsheila is apparently upset that a private company is doing what they want to do with the assets they own.

On top of it all, we're talking one hour from A SINGLE pool out of probably thousands that it owns across the country. Lol, you guys are being absolutely ridiculous.
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Why would an orthodox Jewish woman or a Muslim woman be a member of the Young Men's Christian Association????!!!??? Why would they even have an issue if they are denied?

Although the YMCA might have began as a Christian organization for young men, throughout the years it has sort of morphed into an all-encompassing sort of place.

As an example, women now freely use the YMCA facilities, despite the fact "Young Men" is clearly pointed out in the original acronym. Surely you're not mad about this too, are you?
It's a Christian organization and I'm against Christian organizations that cater to Muslims, especially when children are involved. No father should be banned from watching his daughter learn to swim. And if you have children or have ever had children, you know that not being allowed in makes the possibility of problems much worse. The teacher could be a child molester, the other little girls could beat up on one little girl with the teacher cheering them on. It's open for all kinds of abuse when you can't watch them. I have always reserved the right to visit my children's classes without previous warning. Yeah, they hate that. Why do they hate it? Because then they have to be responsible ALL the time. In today's society there are a lot of single dads. They have the right to be there for their little girls!

Look, if we're talking a community swim pool run by the Federal Gov't (and paid by tax dollars) I would be able to understand why people would get upset.

But a private company? Are you saying that they shouldn't be able to do what they please with the assets they purchase and operate with money earned by the company?

I'm saying they're a Christian organization and they shouldn't be catering to the Muslims, not after what happened in Indonesia, which used to be a Christian country.

Yeah, not all Muslims are fanatical but the beheadings in Indonesia didn't start right away. They started with Muslims going to Catholic schools. They started with allowances for the Muslims which the Muslims then used to take over those schools and the country. This is the start of our country going that way. Do you really want that? I don't think we should act like Putin and destroy all the mosques, but they sure as hell aren't going to help the Christians, why should the Christian organizations make special arrangements just for them?

As a Christian, I won't be giving to the YMCA anymore, not until they stop having "Muslim" swimming classes. Hell, they don't even have "Christian" swimming classes and you think they should have classes just for the Muslims?
I think that a lot of people don't realize that these swim sessions, and similar accommodations at other types of excercise facilities aren't just "catering to Muslims" even though it's presented that way.

Orthodox Jews and Muslim women face the same problem when it comes to gender, attire, and exposure:

Working out religiously: How Muslim and Orthodox Jewish women must find rare female-only classes or face the gym in heavy 'appropriate' attire

Muslim and Orthodox Jewish women must find female-only classes or face gym in heavy attire | Mail Online
As if working didn't require enough effort, for Muslims and Orthodox Jews, the biggest challenge is finding a place to swim, run or do yoga without the burden of having to cover up in front of men.

Facilities that offer private classes for women only where observant followers of either religion can exercise without the worry of 'immodesty', are few and far between.

And since the alternatives are forbidden, women have in the past been forced to either sweat it out under the hijabs and customary Orthodox clothing, or forego exercise altogether.

But he added: 'Not everyone throughout the world believes that being physically fit requires a person to be half-naked.'

More and more, community centres are beginning to acknowledge the issue and the importance of women's right to exercise by providing single-sex classes while others are finding the solution with workout videos in the basement of their own homes.

...Within Orthodox Jewish circles, a variety of community centres are offering male-free classes as well as all-female swimming pools.

The point is, these communities are recognizing that exercise is beneficial for everyone, and working to find positive ways to provide to all it's members and frankly, I think that is a good thing whether it's an Orthodox Jewish woman or a Muslim woman.

Why would an orthodox Jewish woman or a Muslim woman be a member of the Young Men's Christian Association????!!!??? Why would they even have an issue if they are denied?

Because this isn't the 1800's anymore and the YMCA is no longer just for Christian men.
It's a Christian organization and I'm against Christian organizations that cater to Muslims, especially when children are involved. No father should be banned from watching his daughter learn to swim. And if you have children or have ever had children, you know that not being allowed in makes the possibility of problems much worse. The teacher could be a child molester, the other little girls could beat up on one little girl with the teacher cheering them on. It's open for all kinds of abuse when you can't watch them. I have always reserved the right to visit my children's classes without previous warning. Yeah, they hate that. Why do they hate it? Because then they have to be responsible ALL the time. In today's society there are a lot of single dads. They have the right to be there for their little girls!

Look, if we're talking a community swim pool run by the Federal Gov't (and paid by tax dollars) I would be able to understand why people would get upset.

But a private company? Are you saying that they shouldn't be able to do what they please with the assets they purchase and operate with money earned by the company?

I'm saying they're a Christian organization and they shouldn't be catering to the Muslims, not after what happened in Indonesia, which used to be a Christian country.

Yeah, not all Muslims are fanatical but the beheadings in Indonesia didn't start right away. They started with Muslims going to Catholic schools. They started with allowances for the Muslims which the Muslims then used to take over those schools and the country. This is the start of our country going that way. Do you really want that? I don't think we should act like Putin and destroy all the mosques, but they sure as hell aren't going to help the Christians, why should the Christian organizations make special arrangements just for them?

As a Christian, I won't be giving to the YMCA anymore, not until they stop having "Muslim" swimming classes. Hell, they don't even have "Christian" swimming classes and you think they should have classes just for the Muslims?

They are not just for Muslims. They're for any woman who wishes not to be viewed by men. They are a good group, it's a shame you make this a reason to forgo giving to them.
I think that a lot of people don't realize that these swim sessions, and similar accommodations at other types of excercise facilities aren't just "catering to Muslims" even though it's presented that way.

Orthodox Jews and Muslim women face the same problem when it comes to gender, attire, and exposure:

Working out religiously: How Muslim and Orthodox Jewish women must find rare female-only classes or face the gym in heavy 'appropriate' attire

Muslim and Orthodox Jewish women must find female-only classes or face gym in heavy attire | Mail Online

The point is, these communities are recognizing that exercise is beneficial for everyone, and working to find positive ways to provide to all it's members and frankly, I think that is a good thing whether it's an Orthodox Jewish woman or a Muslim woman.

Why would an orthodox Jewish woman or a Muslim woman be a member of the Young Men's Christian Association????!!!??? Why would they even have an issue if they are denied?

Because this isn't the 1800's anymore and the YMCA is no longer just for Christian men.

But it is still a Christian organization and has no business providing a swimming class only for Muslims. Do you think any Muslim organization would provide swimming classes only for Christians? Or Jews?
It's a Christian organization and I'm against Christian organizations that cater to Muslims, especially when children are involved. No father should be banned from watching his daughter learn to swim. And if you have children or have ever had children, you know that not being allowed in makes the possibility of problems much worse. The teacher could be a child molester, the other little girls could beat up on one little girl with the teacher cheering them on. It's open for all kinds of abuse when you can't watch them. I have always reserved the right to visit my children's classes without previous warning. Yeah, they hate that. Why do they hate it? Because then they have to be responsible ALL the time. In today's society there are a lot of single dads. They have the right to be there for their little girls!

Look, if we're talking a community swim pool run by the Federal Gov't (and paid by tax dollars) I would be able to understand why people would get upset.

But a private company? Are you saying that they shouldn't be able to do what they please with the assets they purchase and operate with money earned by the company?

I'm saying they're a Christian organization and they shouldn't be catering to the Muslims, not after what happened in Indonesia, which used to be a Christian country.

Yeah, not all Muslims are fanatical but the beheadings in Indonesia didn't start right away. They started with Muslims going to Catholic schools. They started with allowances for the Muslims which the Muslims then used to take over those schools and the country. This is the start of our country going that way. Do you really want that? I don't think we should act like Putin and destroy all the mosques, but they sure as hell aren't going to help the Christians, why should the Christian organizations make special arrangements just for them?

As a Christian, I won't be giving to the YMCA anymore, not until they stop having "Muslim" swimming classes. Hell, they don't even have "Christian" swimming classes and you think they should have classes just for the Muslims?

Are you against the YMCA catering to women in the same way you're against the YMCA catering to non-Christians? Or perhaps when an older fellow hangs out at the YMCA, are you also upset about that too (given the organization is clearly called the Young Men's Christian Association)?

I just feel like you're being inconsistent with your belief.

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It's a Christian organization and I'm against Christian organizations that cater to Muslims, especially when children are involved. No father should be banned from watching his daughter learn to swim. And if you have children or have ever had children, you know that not being allowed in makes the possibility of problems much worse. The teacher could be a child molester, the other little girls could beat up on one little girl with the teacher cheering them on. It's open for all kinds of abuse when you can't watch them. I have always reserved the right to visit my children's classes without previous warning. Yeah, they hate that. Why do they hate it? Because then they have to be responsible ALL the time. In today's society there are a lot of single dads. They have the right to be there for their little girls!

But that's the point - he ISN'T banned from it - he can choose to have his daughter swim during a session that is open to men. The Y serves a community and it's needs and in this community, there was a need and the Y chose to provide them a service. No one is forced to do anything - I don't get why it should create such an issue or called "catering to".

That's one more hour that isn't allowed for girls to learn to swim unless they are Muslim or don't have a single dad. That's not inclusion, that's EXCLUSION and not what our country is suppose to be working toward.

They don't have to be Muslim.
Any girl can.

If they have a single Dad and they absolutely must have that one hour in addition to all the others they have, then their father's can lobby for a daughter/dad swim hour.

There are hours devoted to kids only, special age groups, etc - should they be suspended as well?
Why would an orthodox Jewish woman or a Muslim woman be a member of the Young Men's Christian Association????!!!??? Why would they even have an issue if they are denied?

Because this isn't the 1800's anymore and the YMCA is no longer just for Christian men.

But it is still a Christian organization and has no business providing a swimming class only for Muslims. Do you think any Muslim organization would provide swimming classes only for Christians? Or Jews?

It depends on the organization - private and church organizations can do what ever they want. As has been pointed out, the Y is no longer just a "Christian" or "Men's" organization. Do you have a problem with women being there at all? Or children?
But that's the point - he ISN'T banned from it - he can choose to have his daughter swim during a session that is open to men. The Y serves a community and it's needs and in this community, there was a need and the Y chose to provide them a service. No one is forced to do anything - I don't get why it should create such an issue or called "catering to".

That's one more hour that isn't allowed for girls to learn to swim unless they are Muslim or don't have a single dad. That's not inclusion, that's EXCLUSION and not what our country is suppose to be working toward.

They don't have to be Muslim.
Any girl can.

If they have a single Dad and they absolutely must have that one hour in addition to all the others they have, then their father's can lobby for a daughter/dad swim hour.

There are hours devoted to kids only, special age groups, etc - should they be suspended as well?

Nope, just those devoted to a specific religion.

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