Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

Look, if we're talking a community swim pool run by the Federal Gov't (and paid by tax dollars) I would be able to understand why people would get upset.

But a private company? Are you saying that they shouldn't be able to do what they please with the assets they purchase and operate with money earned by the company?

I'm saying they're a Christian organization and they shouldn't be catering to the Muslims, not after what happened in Indonesia, which used to be a Christian country.

Yeah, not all Muslims are fanatical but the beheadings in Indonesia didn't start right away. They started with Muslims going to Catholic schools. They started with allowances for the Muslims which the Muslims then used to take over those schools and the country. This is the start of our country going that way. Do you really want that? I don't think we should act like Putin and destroy all the mosques, but they sure as hell aren't going to help the Christians, why should the Christian organizations make special arrangements just for them?

As a Christian, I won't be giving to the YMCA anymore, not until they stop having "Muslim" swimming classes. Hell, they don't even have "Christian" swimming classes and you think they should have classes just for the Muslims?

Are you against the YMCA catering to women in the same way you're against the YMCA catering to non-Christians? Or perhaps when an older fellow hangs out at the YMCA, are you also upset about that too (given the organization is clearly called the Young Men's Christian Association)?

I just feel like you're being inconsistent with your belief.


Let's just say I believe in a reciprocal arrangement and there will never be one with the Muslims.
Look, if we're talking a community swim pool run by the Federal Gov't (and paid by tax dollars) I would be able to understand why people would get upset.

But a private company? Are you saying that they shouldn't be able to do what they please with the assets they purchase and operate with money earned by the company?

I'm saying they're a Christian organization and they shouldn't be catering to the Muslims, not after what happened in Indonesia, which used to be a Christian country.

Yeah, not all Muslims are fanatical but the beheadings in Indonesia didn't start right away. They started with Muslims going to Catholic schools. They started with allowances for the Muslims which the Muslims then used to take over those schools and the country. This is the start of our country going that way. Do you really want that? I don't think we should act like Putin and destroy all the mosques, but they sure as hell aren't going to help the Christians, why should the Christian organizations make special arrangements just for them?

As a Christian, I won't be giving to the YMCA anymore, not until they stop having "Muslim" swimming classes. Hell, they don't even have "Christian" swimming classes and you think they should have classes just for the Muslims?

They are not just for Muslims. They're for any woman who wishes not to be viewed by men. They are a good group, it's a shame you make this a reason to forgo giving to them.

If they don't want to be "viewed" by men why even go to the Y in the first place?:confused:
It's a Christian organization and I'm against Christian organizations that cater to Muslims, especially when children are involved. No father should be banned from watching his daughter learn to swim. And if you have children or have ever had children, you know that not being allowed in makes the possibility of problems much worse. The teacher could be a child molester, the other little girls could beat up on one little girl with the teacher cheering them on. It's open for all kinds of abuse when you can't watch them. I have always reserved the right to visit my children's classes without previous warning. Yeah, they hate that. Why do they hate it? Because then they have to be responsible ALL the time. In today's society there are a lot of single dads. They have the right to be there for their little girls!

:clap2: :clap2:

What's there to clap about? Againsheila is apparently upset that a private company is doing what they want to do with the assets they own.

On top of it all, we're talking one hour from A SINGLE pool out of probably thousands that it owns across the country. Lol, you guys are being absolutely ridiculous.

I'm clapping because Sheila nailed it, she is right if the roles were reversed and Christians asked for special occomodations they would tell us to go fuck ourselves. Try going to a Muslim country and asking for special occomodations and see what happens.
Indiana Democratic Rep. Andre Carson claimed in late May that America’s schools should be modeled after Islamic madrassas in video that recently surfaced.

“America will never tap into educational innovation and ingenuity without looking at the model that we have in our madrassas, in our schools, where innovation is encouraged, where the foundation is the Quran,” Carson said in the speech. “And that model that we are pushing in some of our schools meets the multiple needs of students.”
Indiana Democratic Rep. Andre Carson claimed in late May that America’s schools should be modeled after Islamic madrassas in video that recently surfaced.

“America will never tap into educational innovation and ingenuity without looking at the model that we have in our madrassas, in our schools, where innovation is encouraged, where the foundation is the Quran,” Carson said in the speech. “And that model that we are pushing in some of our schools meets the multiple needs of students.”

What the hell is that guy smoking? all they do in Madrassas is recite Quranic verses all day, no thanks.:eusa_hand:
Muslim countries are the bottom of the barrell when it comes to technology, science and development, we should emulate them why? :dunno:
That's one more hour that isn't allowed for girls to learn to swim unless they are Muslim or don't have a single dad. That's not inclusion, that's EXCLUSION and not what our country is suppose to be working toward.

They don't have to be Muslim.
Any girl can.

If they have a single Dad and they absolutely must have that one hour in addition to all the others they have, then their father's can lobby for a daughter/dad swim hour.

There are hours devoted to kids only, special age groups, etc - should they be suspended as well?

Nope, just those devoted to a specific religion.


First - assuming it's devoted only to Muslims (which it isn't by the way - ANY females can participate regardless of religion) - then why is it ok to devote hours to just one sex or one age group?

Why can't private groups do what they want?

They don't have to be Muslim.
Any girl can.

If they have a single Dad and they absolutely must have that one hour in addition to all the others they have, then their father's can lobby for a daughter/dad swim hour.

There are hours devoted to kids only, special age groups, etc - should they be suspended as well?

Nope, just those devoted to a specific religion.


First - assuming it's devoted only to Muslims (which it isn't by the way - ANY females can participate regardless of religion) - then why is it ok to devote hours to just one sex or one age group?

Why can't private groups do what they want?

You're really stretching it, aren't you? Did you read the original article? Of course you didn't you thought this was a class for women instead of girls.

What's there to clap about? Againsheila is apparently upset that a private company is doing what they want to do with the assets they own.

On top of it all, we're talking one hour from A SINGLE pool out of probably thousands that it owns across the country. Lol, you guys are being absolutely ridiculous.

I'm clapping because Sheila nailed it, she is right if the roles were reversed and Christians asked for special occomodations they would tell us to go fuck ourselves. Try going to a Muslim country and asking for special occomodations and see what happens.

We are talking about the US. Why should we emulate the discrimminatory practices of other countries?

So basically you are telling Muslim and Orthodox Jewish women in a community to go f themselves if they want to be able to exercise in a private establishment without abandoning their standards of modesty?
What's there to clap about? Againsheila is apparently upset that a private company is doing what they want to do with the assets they own.

On top of it all, we're talking one hour from A SINGLE pool out of probably thousands that it owns across the country. Lol, you guys are being absolutely ridiculous.

I'm clapping because Sheila nailed it, she is right if the roles were reversed and Christians asked for special occomodations they would tell us to go fuck ourselves. Try going to a Muslim country and asking for special occomodations and see what happens.

We are talking about the US. Why should we emulate the discrimminatory practices of other countries?

So basically you are telling Muslim and Orthodox Jewish women in a community to go f themselves if they want to be able to exercise in a private establishment without abandoning their standards of modesty?

If this were simply about "modesty" they wouldn't be having a class targeted specifically for Somali-Muslim women.
Nope, just those devoted to a specific religion.


First - assuming it's devoted only to Muslims (which it isn't by the way - ANY females can participate regardless of religion) - then why is it ok to devote hours to just one sex or one age group?

Why can't private groups do what they want?

You're really stretching it, aren't you? Did you read the original article? Of course you didn't you thought this was a class for women instead of girls.

Actually the topic has long since expanded into more than just children and, you avoided the question.
Let's just say I believe in a reciprocal arrangement and there will never be one with the Muslims.

That's fine, you don't have to like Muslims. In fact, you can hate them all (that’s your right as an American).

But I think it’s illogical to badmouth the YMCA for letting in Muslims while completely ignoring the fact they’re also letting in women and old people as well.
What's there to clap about? Againsheila is apparently upset that a private company is doing what they want to do with the assets they own.

On top of it all, we're talking one hour from A SINGLE pool out of probably thousands that it owns across the country. Lol, you guys are being absolutely ridiculous.

I'm clapping because Sheila nailed it, she is right if the roles were reversed and Christians asked for special occomodations they would tell us to go fuck ourselves. Try going to a Muslim country and asking for special occomodations and see what happens.

We are talking about the US. Why should we emulate the discrimminatory practices of other countries?

So basically you are telling Muslim and Orthodox Jewish women in a community to go f themselves if they want to be able to exercise in a private establishment without abandoning their standards of modesty?

They can dress however they please but no men around automatically equals modesty in what world? This is specifically a time for Muslims to be alone with other Muslims, isn't that discriminatory?
What if the white women wanted an hour to themselves with no blacks in the pool, is that ok now too?
I'm clapping because Sheila nailed it, she is right if the roles were reversed and Christians asked for special occomodations they would tell us to go fuck ourselves. Try going to a Muslim country and asking for special occomodations and see what happens.

We are talking about the US. Why should we emulate the discrimminatory practices of other countries?

So basically you are telling Muslim and Orthodox Jewish women in a community to go f themselves if they want to be able to exercise in a private establishment without abandoning their standards of modesty?

If this were simply about "modesty" they wouldn't be having a class targeted specifically for Somali-Muslim women.

If it's what I'm thinking of, it's targeted to a group which is a large demographic in that community, has a high percentage of health problems that could helped by increased exercise, and as an ethnic group, they are very conservative in dress and will not otherwise be able to exercise very well. Offering these classes is one way to increase wellness in that group and it's a means of being compassionate to women who also happen to be US citizens like you and I.
What if the white women wanted an hour to themselves with no blacks in the pool, is that ok now too?

Nope. Again - it's not just one category of women swimming in this hour, it's any women.

But then again - we have women only, men only, seniors only and age divisions. that ok?
I'm clapping because Sheila nailed it, she is right if the roles were reversed and Christians asked for special occomodations they would tell us to go fuck ourselves. Try going to a Muslim country and asking for special occomodations and see what happens.

Let’s say the YMCA owns 2,000 pools nationwide (2,600 locations total) that each are open 12/hrs a day. That amounts to roughly 144,000 hours a week of swim time.

You’re upset that YMCA is setting aside 1 hour out of a hundred thousand+ a week? That's evidence of a "creeping" Muslim takeover?

Give me a f'cking break, man.
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What's there to clap about? Againsheila is apparently upset that a private company is doing what they want to do with the assets they own.

On top of it all, we're talking one hour from A SINGLE pool out of probably thousands that it owns across the country. Lol, you guys are being absolutely ridiculous.

I'm clapping because Sheila nailed it, she is right if the roles were reversed and Christians asked for special occomodations they would tell us to go fuck ourselves. Try going to a Muslim country and asking for special occomodations and see what happens.

We are talking about the US. Why should we emulate the discrimminatory practices of other countries?

So basically you are telling Muslim and Orthodox Jewish women in a community to go f themselves if they want to be able to exercise in a private establishment without abandoning their standards of modesty?

This isn't a class for women who are modest. This is a class for little girls who are Somali/Muslim. Did you read the article in the OP?
What if the white women wanted an hour to themselves with no blacks in the pool, is that ok now too?

Look, the YMCA can do whatever the hell it wants. I'm sure doing something like that would not be good for their image, and ultimately not a good decision for their business.

Perhaps there it is advantageous for the YMCA to set aside this hour for Muslim kids because without it they wouldn't have all those kids paying for a class. Again, who are you? Why is it up to you or Sheila to decide what the private business - YMCA - decides to do with their pools?

Do you own them? Do you operate them?

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