Fox News Says Sharia Law Is Taking Over Because Of A Muslim Women's Swim Class

But for the Fox News host, this was a sign that Sharia law was creeping in “towns across the Midwest.”

“Well, the minority becoming the majority at one community pool,” Nauert pointed out on Monday. “Sharia law is now changing everything.”

Wrong, of course – and extremely irresponsible.
Remember, friends: The GOP has always been a friend to minorities. At least from 1860 - 1964. Everyone you see getting paranoid about Muslims and Sharia Law in this topic is therefore a leftie Democrat. And that includes Fox News.

The ones who want to kick the darkies out of the swimming pool are not Republicans.

Is it opposite day today?
It's true. Starting with the very smallest things, sharia law is insinuating itself throughout the US. It started the same way in the UK. An hour's swimming where men were not permitted. Now the windows into women's indoor pools have dark tinted glass.

Swimmers forced to exercise in darkness 'to protect dignity of Muslims' by council which blacked-out windows | Mail Online

On the one hand, the sight of a Christmas Tree once a year causes outrage among liberals, but the religious sensibilities of muslims must be protected at all times.

Sharia law is creeping across the country, apparently with the full approval of the left.

Do you realise this story was a lie?
They made it up and only idiots believe it.
It's true. Starting with the very smallest things, sharia law is insinuating itself throughout the US. It started the same way in the UK. An hour's swimming where men were not permitted. Now the windows into women's indoor pools have dark tinted glass.

Swimmers forced to exercise in darkness 'to protect dignity of Muslims' by council which blacked-out windows | Mail Online

On the one hand, the sight of a Christmas Tree once a year causes outrage among liberals, but the religious sensibilities of muslims must be protected at all times.

Sharia law is creeping across the country, apparently with the full approval of the left.

Do you realise this story was a lie?
They made it up and only idiots believe it.

Go to Montreal asshole :lol:
It's true. Starting with the very smallest things, sharia law is insinuating itself throughout the US. It started the same way in the UK. An hour's swimming where men were not permitted. Now the windows into women's indoor pools have dark tinted glass.

Swimmers forced to exercise in darkness 'to protect dignity of Muslims' by council which blacked-out windows | Mail Online

On the one hand, the sight of a Christmas Tree once a year causes outrage among liberals, but the religious sensibilities of muslims must be protected at all times.

Sharia law is creeping across the country, apparently with the full approval of the left.

Do you realise this story was a lie?
They made it up and only idiots believe it.

Go to Montreal asshole :lol:

Montreal is the best city in Canada, maybe because it is the least like the rest of Canada, which is a shittier version of America.
It's true. Starting with the very smallest things, sharia law is insinuating itself throughout the US. It started the same way in the UK. An hour's swimming where men were not permitted. Now the windows into women's indoor pools have dark tinted glass.

Swimmers forced to exercise in darkness 'to protect dignity of Muslims' by council which blacked-out windows | Mail Online

On the one hand, the sight of a Christmas Tree once a year causes outrage among liberals, but the religious sensibilities of muslims must be protected at all times.

Sharia law is creeping across the country, apparently with the full approval of the left.

Do you realise this story was a lie?
They made it up and only idiots believe it.

Go to Montreal asshole :lol:

[ame=]swimming pool - YouTube[/ame]
Muslims are using a Sharia Law religious requirement to accommodate themselves!!! They won't allow men to appease Muslims Sharia law tenents. How is this not a creeping Sharia Law story?

Just imagine it elderly white women state they didn't want any young N!!!!RS swimming in their pool at the same time? A hypocrite like you would be scream from the fences!
No, you need to read the story.

It is men who are being excluded, not non-Muslims.

This is an issue of the greater modesty of Muslims.

We've grown accustomed to the twerking and the commercialization of sex.

There are those who aren't totally excited about that. In fact, I've heard Christians say they, too, aren't thrilled with our nation's treatment of sexuality.

It seems more logical to me that Christians and Muslims would find common cause in moving our society in a direction of values that both these religions share - even if not to the same degree.
I wouldn't have a problem with it had the YMCA not been a Christian based organization.
The YMCA must require that men be allowed to watch women swim?

I really don't see your argument here.
No, you need to read the story.

It is men who are being excluded, not non-Muslims.

This is an issue of the greater modesty of Muslims.

We've grown accustomed to the twerking and the commercialization of sex.

There are those who aren't totally excited about that. In fact, I've heard Christians say they, too, aren't thrilled with our nation's treatment of sexuality.

It seems more logical to me that Christians and Muslims would find common cause in moving our society in a direction of values that both these religions share - even if not to the same degree.
I wouldn't have a problem with it had the YMCA not been a Christian based organization.
The YMCA must require that men be allowed to watch women swim?

I really don't see your argument here.

Yes. It is the job of anyone with the capacity to provide a place for potential rapists to get their jollies without the available anonymity provided by less public forums. Essentially, the more creepers strokin in the bleechers next to the olympic swimming pool where the little muslim girls are swimming, the less of these same creepers there'll be stalking the shadier and more obscure crosswalks adjacent to the local middle school.
It's funny people hate it so much that there is some accommodation for Muslim women to swim. Who does it hurt?
Anyone who wants to swim at the pool!

Imagine if the KKK (which Islam is basically equivalent to) said to uphold their religious and spiritual beliefs they don't want any N####RS, Wetbacks, Kikes or Slant-Eyes swimming in their pool while their white women take swim lessons! Toss that argument back at you, who does it really hurt? Are you going to take your same Neville Chamberlian pussy liberal stance? Didn't think so!

Many traditional Muslim women never learn to swim, or have enough oppertunity to get healthy excersize.
Not in Western society you lying cock sucker. I always see hijab wearing women in clothed head to toe at the public pools, health club and on the jogging trails every day. So go take your useless argument and shove it!

Their traditions prevent them from doing it in sight of men. Recently there was a horrible capsize of a boat carrying refugees/immigrants from a Muslim African country - many of them women and children. Many of them drowned. The women couldn't swim.
That is the ignorant cock-sucking muslims fault. Westerns shouldn't be punished to accommodate their bull shit!

Why is this such a bad thing? It's not Sharia. We've always had segments of time for just certain groups to swim - teens, elderly, women. Any women can participate - not just Muslims. Why make it so difficult for Muslim women to enjoy swimming?
Fine let them discriminate, but then when Christian and Jews swim at the pool, those towel headed camel fuckers better stay home. Would you say that is a bad thing also?

Muslims always cry about discrimination and other bullshit, yet they discriminate against everyone and are hypocritical assholes.

Again radical Islam isn't the problem, Islam itself is the problem!
It's funny people hate it so much that there is some accommodation for Muslim women to swim. Who does it hurt?
Anyone who wants to swim at the pool!

Imagine if the KKK (which Islam is basically equivalent to) said to uphold their religious and spiritual beliefs they don't want any N####RS, Wetbacks, Kikes or Slant-Eyes swimming in their pool while their white women take swim lessons! Toss that argument back at you, who does it really hurt? Are you going to take your same Neville Chamberlian pussy liberal stance? Didn't think so!

Thats what I was thinking about too.
It's funny people hate it so much that there is some accommodation for Muslim women to swim. Who does it hurt?
Anyone who wants to swim at the pool!

But it doesn't - any females can swim. Not just Muslims.

Imagine if the KKK (which Islam is basically equivalent to) said to uphold their religious and spiritual beliefs they don't want any N####RS, Wetbacks, Kikes or Slant-Eyes swimming in their pool while their white women take swim lessons! Toss that argument back at you, who does it really hurt? Are you going to take your same Neville Chamberlian pussy liberal stance? Didn't think so!

The only segregation is male/female, so you are really stretching it to try and say it's discrimminatory. If you go that route, then you need to force private groups to cease having divisions based on gender and age as well - and remember, this is a private group. Now, go further - what about other religious who have similar prohibitions on modesty - should they too be prevented from having a gender-only hour of swimming in a private institution? At what point does dividing become discrimmination GHook?

Many traditional Muslim women never learn to swim, or have enough oppertunity to get healthy excersize.
Not in Western society you lying cock sucker. I always see hijab wearing women in clothed head to toe at the public pools, health club and on the jogging trails every day. So go take your useless argument and shove it!

As usual, you eloquence brings me to my knees, but not to suck any male appendages, just because I can't stop laughing. Now that we're past that, consider your statement and ask yourself how difficult it must be for these women to exercise or even swim in a pool in full garb and why do you feel the need to force them to do that rather than grant an hour a week for a women-only swim in a private institution? How about jogging in 90 degree heat? And, regardless of what you "see" (and I find your claim that you "always" see fully garbed Muslim women swimming debatable becuase that garb would drown them - floating or wading is more likely and that is not much excersize) - most Muslim women never learn to swim. Drowning is listed as a major cause of death amongst Muslim immigrant women.

This article makes some good points on the issue. Lawsuits HAVE been brought but not because of religious discrimminiation - because there is no religious discrimmination, but rather gender discrimmination. It makes some good points and there are some differences, for example the program in question in this article was not privately funded - unlike the YMCA in the OP. One point is the statement that when you seperate men and women, it tends to make women less of a person. This is certainly true in many countries that publically restrict and seperate women from men, and restrict women's access to equal education and public spaces. That is not the case in the US where we have strict laws preventing this. However we still have private girls only schools, for example and gender-segrated locker rooms and PE classes for example.

Entire article: Women-only swim in Tukwila faces discrimination complaints | Seattle Globalist
On November 7th those sentiments were taken further when Tukwila couple Robert and Christine Neuffer filed a formal complaint with the Washington Human Rights Commission citing gender-based discrimination, based on Robert being denied entry into the pool during the women-only swim hours.

“When you separate males and females, it is usually designed to make females less of a person,” said Neuffer, who hopes that the program will return to being privately funded. “This whole concept here is that when women and men are separated, we lose touch with each other, eventually. It is bad for the women, and then it is bad for the men.”

Neuffer points to the religious nature of the program, but says he’s not against Islam.

“I’m a first amendment nut,” he asserted, “but I do not have to defend beliefs that make women less than human beings. I’ve seen it abroad, and I don’t want it here”.

“We had people from the Ethiopian community, the Latino community, even the Caucasian community coming to swim with us… There are a lot of women who want this service,” said Jamila reflecting on the controversy. “It’s not like we are trying to bring Sharia law into a secular society.”

If it goes through, the Neuffers’ claim will be unprecedented. According to Brian Snure, a lawyer for the Tukwila Metropolitan Park District, there is no previous example of any such human rights complaint around gender-specific programs in public pools across the country. A case in Pennsylvania concerning a private women’s only gym was overturned, on the basis that men and women have differences that might require different health facilities.

Indeed, Kindell didn’t seem concerned about restricting certain people from a class, since it mirrored many of the other specific classes offered for teens, or families. A men’s-only swim is currently also offered, though less attended.

When asked about the concerns regarding gender-specific swim, Faisa and Jamila said they couldn’t understand the opposition.

“It’s nonsensical,” said Faisa. “It makes you think, this is more than about just a gender-specific swim.”

The move toward gender-specific swim hours, and exercise in general, is hardly unique to Muslims — or Tukwila. Similar programs are already popular in places in Seattle where Somali refugee populations live, though some have had to navigate anti-discrimination policies that require that all gender-specific programs be private rentals.

Last March, Childrens Hospital released a statement advocating for gender-specific swims, citing drowning as a leading cause of death in ethnic communities.

Outgoing Mayor Mike McGinn recently announced that the City of Seattle will begin offering gender-specific swim opportunities at four public swimming pools to serve women who, because of cultural, personal or religious reasons, cannot swim in a co-ed environment. Similar programs have been established in pools across the country.

In Seward Park, women from the Orthodox Jewish community organized to request a similar swim at the Rainier Beach pool, which for a time was privately funded. During construction of the new pool and community center in 2010, however, focus groups conducted by the City of Seattle brought in a “unanimous” sentiment from the Jewish, African-American, Asian, and Latino communities to offer regular programming for gender-specific swim, according to Sarah Gortler, a Seward Park resident.

Their traditions prevent them from doing it in sight of men. Recently there was a horrible capsize of a boat carrying refugees/immigrants from a Muslim African country - many of them women and children. Many of them drowned. The women couldn't swim.
That is the ignorant cock-sucking muslims fault. Westerns shouldn't be punished to accommodate their bull shit!

Who's really being punished - men who like to gawk at women? These programs seem to be popular among women.

Why is this such a bad thing? It's not Sharia. We've always had segments of time for just certain groups to swim - teens, elderly, women. Any women can participate - not just Muslims. Why make it so difficult for Muslim women to enjoy swimming?
Fine let them discriminate, but then when Christian and Jews swim at the pool, those towel headed camel fuckers better stay home. Would you say that is a bad thing also?

Well, let's stick to facts - Christian and Jewish women can swim in a gender specific swim hour, just as Muslims can. Are you suggesting segretating this by religion?

Muslims always cry about discrimination and other bullshit, yet they discriminate against everyone and are hypocritical assholes.

Again radical Islam isn't the problem, Islam itself is the problem!

What happens in other countries, is not our problem. We're the US.
It's funny people hate it so much that there is some accommodation for Muslim women to swim. Who does it hurt?
Anyone who wants to swim at the pool!

Imagine if the KKK (which Islam is basically equivalent to) said to uphold their religious and spiritual beliefs they don't want any N####RS, Wetbacks, Kikes or Slant-Eyes swimming in their pool while their white women take swim lessons! Toss that argument back at you, who does it really hurt? Are you going to take your same Neville Chamberlian pussy liberal stance? Didn't think so!

Thats what I was thinking about too.

It's NOT legal to turn someone away "because they're black" or "because they're Jewish". That's clearly against the law.

In the case of the Muslim swim class, the only rule is that you "can't be a man in the pool area" at the time of the class. Christian women, Hindu women, Jewish women, black women, gay women, etc, are all allowed to participate if they want to. I've seen no evidence showing that this YMCA turned a woman away "because she's likely a Christian or black". There is no race discrimination here, which is (again) strictly prohibited.

The worst you could possibly call this is gender discrimination (because there's no men allowed). If you're upset about that then perhaps we can have a conversation about it.
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You do understand that men aren't just prohibited from being in the class but being at the pool for any reason.

I want to see what happens when a transgendered boy wants to take the girl's swim class.

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