Fox News says Tucker Carlson breached his contract

FOX fired him so as long as he is not bad-mouthing FOX by name he causes them no harm thus they can't show any harm.....Nothing to sue over that will hold up past the first hearing.

He has no particular time slot on Twitter so FOX can't gig him on hurting their ratings either. They did that to themselves when they fired him.

In fact FOX would likely end-up paying any legal expenses Tucker incurs in a likely counter suit.
That is a bold statement without knowing what is actually in the contract.

How the hell would anyone know what FOX can or cannot do under a contract without knowing what is actually in the contract. Is it public? Do you have the contract details?
This is interesting.

So, we all know that the Murdoch's, Fox Corp. and Tucker had a falling out. Every pundit and their brother has had a theory as to why the most popular news commentary show was cancelled at the height of its popularity.

. . . and of course, Tucker is still under contract, so, technically, he can't go to work for anyone else. Yet.

So? Is Tucker, by making videos on twitter, just making personal content to espouse his views on public events? Or has he breached his contract and become a subcontracting, "employee," for twitter? Bringing in revenue for that platform?

Scoop: Fox News says Tucker Carlson breached his contract​

Is this a corporate, contractual issue, that has only to do with money and business?

Or is the a free speech issue, and a battle of the populists and a defense of liberty against the man?


Fox News can go fuck themselves. Their ratings are going down every week.
Looks like a show to me. That's not just his views but he's bringing on guests so they can share their's as well.

View attachment 793078
I believe that this;

Is more than likely run by Fox News Corp.

See where it says, "" See how it only has 173 thousand followers?

I believe that this is old content.

This is not what we are talking about.

It is this twitter account here;


This is Tucker's personal twitter account, and his 8.1 million followers, and THIS is what Fox is suing him over. . .

They HATE this sort of thing, (look at how many watch this, more than a CNN, Fox, or MSNBC show);

And yes, it might be a news show, or it might just be his punditry and free speech, I can't say. But he claims to be reaching out, peer to peer. Is that the same as a national broadcast? I am no lawyer, I can't say. That is what this thread is about. Is it competition, or a free speech issue? :dunno:
aka Tucker in deep trouble for breaking the contract Carlson who cost Fox News $700 million for lying about Dominion Carlson
Tucker is fine. The deal with fox only stipulates that Tucker can’t go over to traditional news programs. Social media is not included in the fox deal.

This is such a great thing. Tucker Carlson is the best thing we have on the news. It’s amazing how a few pundits on CNN and MSNBC and probably soon on fox are trying to denounce Tucker while the overwhelming majority of Americans watch him. Americans of all different backgrounds. Tucker Carlson brings on guests of diverse backgrounds. He talks about a plethora of different topics.

The interesting thing is 20 years ago I think todays Tucker Carlson would’ve been popular among a pretty good portion of Democrats. I don’t know what happened to Democrats how they’ve gone to the far left or at least those on this form. I think that there are other Democrats in America that watch Tucker Carlson.

Tucker is disliked by the Neo cons , the establishment and the far left
I believe that this;

Is more than likely run by Fox News Corp.
View attachment 793081
See where it says, "" See how it only has 173 thousand followers?

I believe that this is old content.

This is not what we are talking about.

It is this twitter account here;

View attachment 793083
This is Tucker's personal twitter account, and his 8.1 million followers, and THIS is what Fox is suing him over. . .

They HATE this sort of thing, (look at how many watch this, more than a CNN, Fox, or MSNBC show);

And yes, it might be a news show, or it might just be his punditry and free speech, I can't say. But he claims to be reaching out, peer to peer. Is that the same as a national broadcast? I am no lawyer, I can't say. That is what this thread is about. Is it competition, or a free speech issue? :dunno:

Hell yes episode two is out !
I believe that this;

Is more than likely run by Fox News Corp.
View attachment 793081
See where it says, "" See how it only has 173 thousand followers?

I believe that this is old content.

This is not what we are talking about.

It is this twitter account here;

View attachment 793083
This is Tucker's personal twitter account, and his 8.1 million followers, and THIS is what Fox is suing him over. . .

They HATE this sort of thing, (look at how many watch this, more than a CNN, Fox, or MSNBC show);

And yes, it might be a news show, or it might just be his punditry and free speech, I can't say. But he claims to be reaching out, peer to peer. Is that the same as a national broadcast? I am no lawyer, I can't say. That is what this thread is about. Is it competition, or a free speech issue? :dunno:

Thanks, that is very different.
This is interesting.

So, we all know that the Murdoch's, Fox Corp. and Tucker had a falling out. Every pundit and their brother has had a theory as to why the most popular news commentary show was cancelled at the height of its popularity.

. . . and of course, Tucker is still under contract, so, technically, he can't go to work for anyone else. Yet.

So? Is Tucker, by making videos on twitter, just making personal content to espouse his views on public events? Or has he breached his contract and become a subcontracting, "employee," for twitter? Bringing in revenue for that platform?

Scoop: Fox News says Tucker Carlson breached his contract​

Is this a corporate, contractual issue, that has only to do with money and business?

Or is the a free speech issue, and a battle of the populists and a defense of liberty against the man?


Fox News is reaching.
This is interesting.

So, we all know that the Murdoch's, Fox Corp. and Tucker had a falling out. Every pundit and their brother has had a theory as to why the most popular news commentary show was cancelled at the height of its popularity.

. . . and of course, Tucker is still under contract, so, technically, he can't go to work for anyone else. Yet.

So? Is Tucker, by making videos on twitter, just making personal content to espouse his views on public events? Or has he breached his contract and become a subcontracting, "employee," for twitter? Bringing in revenue for that platform?

Scoop: Fox News says Tucker Carlson breached his contract​

Is this a corporate, contractual issue, that has only to do with money and business?

Or is the a free speech issue, and a battle of the populists and a defense of liberty against the man?


Fox has been paid off to keep Tucker quiet until after the election.

If he is lying…..SUE HIM!

He is not, so they just want him silent until 2025.

So scummy.
Just using common sense.....Of course folks like you would not know common sense if it reached-up and bit you in the ass.

I stand by by synopsis of the situation.
'Common sense' is only invoked in people that have none of it but want to use it as cover for refusing to defend asinine takes. It is a nice comfort blanket for the delusional but those with actual common sense just give actual facts and reason rather than use it to avoid doing so.
Fox has been paid off to keep Tucker quiet until after the election.

If he is lying…..SUE HIM!

He is not, so they just want him silent until 2025.

So scummy.
What do they gain by silencing him until after the election? The Dominion lawsuit already revealed that he secretly hates Trump with a passion as he shillled for him on TV every night. Who is he going to pretend to support this election cycle, and why would FOX care?
'Common sense' is only invoked in people that have none of it but want to use it as cover for refusing to defend asinine takes. It is a nice comfort blanket for the delusional but those with actual common sense just give actual facts and reason rather than use it to avoid doing so.
Meh, if I am incorrect then you can remind me.
What do they gain by silencing him until after the election? The Dominion lawsuit already revealed that he secretly hates Trump with a passion as he shillled for him on TV every night. Who is he going to pretend to support this election cycle, and why would FOX care?

He slams the left nightly. Have you ever watched him?
What do they gain by silencing him until after the election? The Dominion lawsuit already revealed that he secretly hates Trump with a passion as he shillled for him on TV every night. Who is he going to pretend to support this election cycle, and why would FOX care?
Perhaps the establishment would like to purposely ensure that Trump gets the nomination so Biden will win, and Tucker might prevent that? This could eventuate a GOP win in the general election possible?
Unelected news analyst Tucker Carlson must be pretty important if his employment status is the subject of a political forum post.
I would have put it in media, but this seems like a politicized free speech issue.

It almost seems to me, that the interlocking directorate & revolving door, are trying to silence him, in an untoward attempt to suppress the first amendment and influence the election, does it not?


Fox has been paid off to keep Tucker quiet until after the election.

If he is lying…..SUE HIM!

He is not, so they just want him silent until 2025.

So scummy.
I'm not sure they need to be paid off.

Fox News is a corporate member of the CFR & the WEF.

I have no doubt that Black-Rock and Vanguard are major shareholders.

They only reason they cater to conservative POV? Is because it is profitable, not because they actually care about the politics of it all, as we saw with the Domion lawsuit, they don't, it is just about the money. Just like CNN & MSNBC don't actually give a rats ass about lefty causes either, they too are just gatekeepers for the left. All of them, only care about controlling folks thoughts & behavior, by creating a narrative and reality for them. Even if that narrative and reality is bogus is not true? All the better.

The FCC give monopolistic powers to cable companies like Comcast, Charter Communications, and AT&T. These types of providers, in turn, decide who is allowed to have a channel on their systems, whether it is Fox News, CNN, etc.

IN the past, this was a relatively easy endeavor, the owners and investors just had to be part of the interlocking directorate, and had to know the, "correct," people. Thus, they would know, that they would preform the role of, "gatekeeper," and the public would by pacified, and manipulated into thinking and believing in the, "correct," manner. No matter if they leaned right or left, all significant thought, on issues that affect the ruling oligarchy, the corporations, or the nation would be watered down, and controlled in just the right manner.

It is a bit more complicated now with the internet and search engines, but, for the most part, things continue on the same. Folks with all the money and power, will control the information. They have been doing so, for thousands of years. Or trying to at least. This is why, ostensibly, we have a First Amendment.

I find it interesting, that Corporations, in modern America, are the tools the ruling elites are using to try to make the First Amendment obsolete, much like they used the pandemic to make it obsolete. IMO.

I heard a terrific gas-lighting piece on NPR yesterday, advocating for limitations and restrictions on the first Amendment. Very interesting.


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