FOX News sees nothing wrong seperate lunch counters

No I'm arguing for the rights the owners have as United States citizens to run their business as they choose.

Yes I do think a vote for the democrats is a vote against their own interest. Fact is blacks are closer to conservatives on some key issues such as homosexual marriage, religion, they have an "America First" view on foreign policy, oppose mass immigration, they value tradition and are proud of their heritage unlike the "white guilt" exhibited by liberals.

and yet, black americans vote with democrats over 85%. must be because they are stupid and lazy, eh?

but take my word for it.... you start suggesting that the GOP is the party for them... tell them how you want to allow restaurant owners across America to deny people service based upon the color of their skin. I am sure that will be a big selling point for y'all.

That's possible I suppose.

I didn't say that exactly, what I did say is that it should be up to the owner to decide how to run their business. But if you feel better making shit up then go right ahead, it's more typical liberalist bullshit that I'm used to seeing on these boards. think that if the owner of a lunch counter doesn't want to serve black folks, it ought to be his decision and black folks should just go somewhere else for lunch. Have I got that right?
It's not in the business interests to exclude customers. Businesses like to have as many customers as possible, and most people don't mind encountering those of other races where they do business.

And yet...

In a neighborhood where blacks are forcibly injected by "civil rights" laws, they proceed to turn the place into a shit-hole of the first order, and property values drop fast and far. So there's an example of how forcing blacks in doesn't really promote good economics. A similar principle probably applies to other businesses.

Bottom line is that government never has to force a business to do anything that would be in its "bottom-line" interest... but that's what the lunch-counter laws did.

Whites probably won't say they hate eating with blacks, but it's kind of like having a pretty waitress over an ugly one... you'd PREFER the pretty one, just like you'd PREFER to eat with whites.
and yet, black americans vote with democrats over 85%. must be because they are stupid and lazy, eh?

but take my word for it.... you start suggesting that the GOP is the party for them... tell them how you want to allow restaurant owners across America to deny people service based upon the color of their skin. I am sure that will be a big selling point for y'all.

That's possible I suppose.

I didn't say that exactly, what I did say is that it should be up to the owner to decide how to run their business. But if you feel better making shit up then go right ahead, it's more typical liberalist bullshit that I'm used to seeing on these boards. think that if the owner of a lunch counter doesn't want to serve black folks, it ought to be his decision and black folks should just go somewhere else for lunch. Have I got that right?
and if the owner wants blacks only
it would be HIS/HER right

now how many would still walk into that establishment if there was a promenent sign stating this?
i know i wouldnt
i doubt YOU would(unless you are a hypocrite)
in fact, i dont know of anyone i could say for sure WOULD walk in
That's possible I suppose.

I didn't say that exactly, what I did say is that it should be up to the owner to decide how to run their business. But if you feel better making shit up then go right ahead, it's more typical liberalist bullshit that I'm used to seeing on these boards. think that if the owner of a lunch counter doesn't want to serve black folks, it ought to be his decision and black folks should just go somewhere else for lunch. Have I got that right?
and if the owner wants blacks only
it would be HIS/HER right

now how many would still walk into that establishment if there was a promenent sign stating this?
i know i wouldnt
i doubt YOU would(unless you are a hypocrite)
in fact, i dont know of anyone i could say for sure WOULD walk in

the point is: separate but equal is not constitutional. If you sell sandwiches to the public, then anyone has a right to buy a sandwich from you. Clearly, in the south, there WOULD be restaurants that would thrive today if they were "whites only" just like they thrived before the CRA was enacted. think that if the owner of a lunch counter doesn't want to serve black folks, it ought to be his decision and black folks should just go somewhere else for lunch. Have I got that right?
and if the owner wants blacks only
it would be HIS/HER right

now how many would still walk into that establishment if there was a promenent sign stating this?
i know i wouldnt
i doubt YOU would(unless you are a hypocrite)
in fact, i dont know of anyone i could say for sure WOULD walk in

the point is: separate but equal is not constitutional. If you sell sandwiches to the public, then anyone has a right to buy a sandwich from you. Clearly, in the south, there WOULD be restaurants that would thrive today if they were "whites only" just like they thrived before the CRA was enacted.
you are SERIOUSLY delusional if you actually believe that
no, you took out HIS name
and left mine

It sux, being new.


DONE! I'm almost Positive!

Are you discriminating against me??? :evil:

If any business person is idiotically racist enough to exclude paying customers from his business, his competition will enjoy getting the profits for themselves. Let the morons die an economic death if they wish.
If any business person is idiotically racist enough to exclude paying customers from his business, his competition will enjoy getting the profits for themselves. Let the morons die an economic death if they wish.
Denny's is still around and doing just fine.
If any business person is idiotically racist enough to exclude paying customers from his business, his competition will enjoy getting the profits for themselves. Let the morons die an economic death if they wish.
Denny's is still around and doing just fine.
and Denny's is refusing service?

if i remember correctly, there were some isolated instances where LOCAL Denny's franchises had done so, but it wasnt a company policy
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If any business person is idiotically racist enough to exclude paying customers from his business, his competition will enjoy getting the profits for themselves. Let the morons die an economic death if they wish.
Denny's is still around and doing just fine.
and Denny's is refusing service?

if i remember correctly, there were some isolated instances where LOCAL Denny's franchises had done so, but it wasnt a company policy
They paid out claims totaling 54 Million to over 300,000 people.

It may not have been 'company policy' - but those kinds of numbers really reek.
Denny's is still around and doing just fine.
and Denny's is refusing service?

if i remember correctly, there were some isolated instances where LOCAL Denny's franchises had done so, but it wasnt a company policy
They paid out claims totaling 54 Million to over 300,000 people.

It may not have been 'company policy' - but those kinds of numbers really reek.
yes, that IS obscene
however, how many were actually cases of discrimination and how many were faked for cash in on an opportunity and settled to get rid of the nuisance ?

that is something we will never know
again, was it in the companies BEST interest? NO, and that proves it
thanks for proving the point i have been making 100% correct
Well the folks at Denny's didn't "die an economic death," as you stated (though they did suffer) even WITH the Civil Rights Laws which gave compensation to those who were discriminated against.

I'm having a hard time understanding how taking away the right to petition and seek legal remedy would be the answer to the problem.

As to your frivolous charge:

42 U.S.C. § 2000a-6(a)
Whenever the Attorney General has reasonable cause to believe that any person or group of persons is engaged in a pattern or practice of resistance to the full enjoyment of any of the rights granted by this title, and that the pattern or practice is of such a nature and is intended to deny the full exercise of the rights herein described, the Attorney General may bring a civil action in the appropriate district court of the United States by filing with it a complaint (1) signed by him (or in his absence the Acting Attorney General), (2) setting forth facts pertaining to such pattern or practice, and (3) requesting such preventive relief, including an application for a permanent or temporary injunction, restraining order or other order against the person or persons responsible for such pattern or practice, as he deems necessary to insure the full enjoyment of the rights herein described.
Civil Rights Division Home Page

Well the folks at Denny's didn't "die an economic death," as you stated (though they did suffer) even WITH the Civil Rights Laws which gave compensation to those who were discriminated against.

I'm having a hard time understanding how taking away the right to petition and seek legal remedy would be the answer to the problem.

As to your frivolous charge:
this is why you are a dishonest bitch
i NEVER made such a charge
i ASKED a fucking question
Well the folks at Denny's didn't "die an economic death," as you stated (though they did suffer) even WITH the Civil Rights Laws which gave compensation to those who were discriminated against.

I'm having a hard time understanding how taking away the right to petition and seek legal remedy would be the answer to the problem.

As to your frivolous charge:
this is why you are a dishonest bitch
i NEVER made such a charge
i ASKED a fucking question
No, you certainly didn't imply there were frivolous charges with this:

"how many were faked for cash in on an opportunity and settled to get rid of the nuisance ?"

Let me guess... that was not a rhetorical question? :lol:
Well the folks at Denny's didn't "die an economic death," as you stated (though they did suffer) even WITH the Civil Rights Laws which gave compensation to those who were discriminated against.

I'm having a hard time understanding how taking away the right to petition and seek legal remedy would be the answer to the problem.

As to your frivolous charge:
this is why you are a dishonest bitch
i NEVER made such a charge
i ASKED a fucking question
No, you certainly didn't imply there were frivolous charges with this:

"how many were faked for cash in on an opportunity and settled to get rid of the nuisance ?"

Let me guess... that was not a rhetorical question? :lol:
dishonest to the end
look at the NEXT line
How many underage girls has Glenn Beck raped?

That is something we will never know.

Hey...I was just asking a fucking question!

Hey. I like it. Innuendo is fun! lol.
How many underage girls has Glenn Beck raped?

That is something we will never know.

Hey...I was just asking a fucking question!

Hey. I like it. Innuendo is fun! lol.
still a dishonest bitch
a leopard doesn't change it's spots

yeah, 300,000 claim discrimination and not ONE could have been false :rolleyes:

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