Fox News - The Lies Revealed

George Costanza

A Friendly Liberal
Mar 10, 2009
Los Angeles area.
From Media Matters:

There is a disaster unfolding in America. The Gulf coast has become the scene of one of the greatest tragedies this country has ever seen. Innocent, hard-working people who were guilty of nothing except trying to earn their keep are up against it, their lives and livelihoods threatened by a growing, toxic mess that -- with a malignance that seems almost purposeful -- destroys everything it touches.

Oh, and there's an oil spill too.

That, of course, is the posture Fox News has taken towards the Gulf oil disaster,

Stuff like this needs to be said and needs to be publicized much more often. Don't let Fox News get away with this crap.

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Well, I for one believe that Owe Bama and crew have done a terrible job of managing this oil spill crisis in the Gulf and I don't need Fox News to tell me that. Owe Bama harped on Bush because of the hurricaine problem well, when's it going to be Owe Bama's turn in the pickle barrel? He's getting a free pass from the news media. Owe Bama couldn't even manage his wardrobe, let alone the country. Thank God these one-term Presidents are so easy to spot in a crowd.
Didn't a Fox reporter tell another reporter off for saying exactly what the OP said?
Well, I for one believe that Owe Bama and crew have done a terrible job of managing this oil spill crisis in the Gulf and I don't need Fox News to tell me that. Owe Bama harped on Bush because of the hurricaine problem well, when's it going to be Owe Bama's turn in the pickle barrel? He's getting a free pass from the news media. Owe Bama couldn't even manage his wardrobe, let alone the country. Thank God these one-term Presidents are so easy to spot in a crowd.

"Owe BAMA"...I see what you did there. OMFG, thats fucking funny. Wow. funny stuff right there. Wow. Hilarious. Seriously, i just spit coffee on my keyboard. Funny stuff.

I know you guys hate media matters because they use actual quotes from fucking idiot righty's.

Suck it up right wing nuts.
You like MM because they tell lies you desperately want to believe. And for a leftist, that's what makes reality: When you really, really, really want it to be true. That's what happens when you're driven solely by emotion.

You want a claim refuted, bring a factual claim. You won't find one at MM.

And tell George to put a link in when he quotes an article. You may mindlessly and unquestioningly believe what he writes, but that doesn't mean anyone else will.
The question that remains is: Why? Why would Fox News so vociferously and ardently defend BP

Are you beginning to get the answer George?

Because THAT is what the pea brains eat...:lol::lol::lol:


OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism

[ame=]YouTube - OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism -- Trailer[/ame]
Shouldn't that be titled "OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch's War on the Stranglehold the Left Has on the Media"?

And that's why Fox sends you bozos into paroxysms of rage: You want complete control over the information presented to America. And you can't have it.
They are wierd over there at Fox.
[ame=]YouTube - Fox News Pushes Obama Oil Spill Conspiracy[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Rush Limbaugh Busted On Crazy Obama Oil Spill Conspiracy[/ame]
Shouldn't that be titled "OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch's War on the Stranglehold the Left Has on the Media"?

And that's why Fox sends you bozos into paroxysms of rage: You want complete control over the information presented to America. And you can't have it.

We don't want control. In my opinion, I just want the Fair and Balanced icon taken down.
Shouldn't that be titled "OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch's War on the Stranglehold the Left Has on the Media"?

And that's why Fox sends you bozos into paroxysms of rage: You want complete control over the information presented to America. And you can't have it.

Stranglehold the LEFT has on the media? Which one of these corporations do all these 'leftists' reside?


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