Fox News trusted more than Obama on Obamacare info

Considering that no one really knows it is interesting that the liberal's best friend FOX news is the number one trusted source. Wow even the Republicans in congress beat the Democrats. Let the excuses begin.

Fox News: The Most Trusted Name in Health Care News?

Fox News: The Most Trusted Name in Health Care News?

Fox News is the most trusted source of information on the new health care law for 19% of Americans – ahead of President Obama and other major networks.
Could be because they actually report on what is going on... the MSM basically ignores all things bad related to Obama....
Considering that no one really knows it is interesting that the liberal's best friend FOX news is the number one trusted source. Wow even the Republicans in congress beat the Democrats. Let the excuses begin.

Fox News: The Most Trusted Name in Health Care News?

Fox News: The Most Trusted Name in Health Care News?

Fox News is the most trusted source of information on the new health care law for 19% of Americans – ahead of President Obama and other major networks.

First I would believe FOX more then the other networks because:
1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
An average contribution of $880.
By contrast, only 193 of the employees contributed to GOP candidates and campaign committees, for a total of $142,863.
An average Democrat contribution was $744.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

BUT even Fox continues the MYTH of "46 million" uninsured.. because they like almost EVERYONE can't believe such a BIG lie can exist...
BUT someone tell me where this math is wrong!!!

10 million of the "46 million" are not Americans ...according to the Census
14 million Don't know they need ONLY register with Medicaid...they are covered!
18 million under 34, make over $50k... don't WANT,DON"T NEED health insurance as they pay less out of pocket then what their employers health plans costs...
42 million not legal, don't know and don't want... leaves 4 million !
AND YET no one seems to understand ... that number was the single solitary cause for now MILLIONS of people losing THEIR existing insurance!
oh dear!!!
this should be good, I'm getting the popcorn and ear

no offense to you OP...
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Considering that no one really knows it is interesting that the liberal's best friend FOX news is the number one trusted source. Wow even the Republicans in congress beat the Democrats. Let the excuses begin.

Fox News: The Most Trusted Name in Health Care News?

Fox News: The Most Trusted Name in Health Care News?

Fox News is the most trusted source of information on the new health care law for 19% of Americans – ahead of President Obama and other major networks.

Considering that no one really knows it is interesting that the liberal's best friend FOX news is the number one trusted source. Wow even the Republicans in congress beat the Democrats. Let the excuses begin.

Fox News: The Most Trusted Name in Health Care News?

Fox News: The Most Trusted Name in Health Care News?

Fox News is the most trusted source of information on the new health care law for 19% of Americans – ahead of President Obama and other major networks.


I trust FOX news to report with the most accuracy, anything going on in the world, that influences the most people watching, which includes many Dems and independents. That is why they have been #1 in cable news for so many years. You don't stay on top for long if you break the trust of your viewers...:eusa_whistle:

Go you guys....:D
Considering that no one really knows it is interesting that the liberal's best friend FOX news is the number one trusted source. Wow even the Republicans in congress beat the Democrats. Let the excuses begin.

Fox News: The Most Trusted Name in Health Care News?

Fox News: The Most Trusted Name in Health Care News?

Fox News is the most trusted source of information on the new health care law for 19% of Americans – ahead of President Obama and other major networks.


I trust FOX news to report with the most accuracy, anything going on in the world, that influences the most people watching, which includes many Dems and independents. That is why they have been #1 in cable news for so many years. You don't stay on top for long if you break the trust of your viewers...:eusa_whistle:

Go you guys....:D

all true, but you'll never convince these Fox news haters of that...
I don't watch any of them, I get my information from the internet, but if I did it would be Fox news over any of the rest...
they should be congratulated...
Could be because they actually report on what is going on... the MSM basically ignores all things bad related to Obama....

That's it. Fox News in virtually every single time slot continues to pull more market share than all the other cable news channels combined. Why? Because they stick to a story like terriers and fully vet all the available information to be had. All the others may report something critical or embarrassing re Obama or the Democrats, but then they quickly move on and you don't get any more information.

Also Fox is equally critical of misconduct, ineptness, mistakes, or inappropriateness regardless of whether it is from the left or right. If Boehner's approval ratings are down, you hear it on Fox along with competent commentary of why they are down. If Obama's approval ratings are down, you hear it on Fox along with competent commentary of why they are down. If the GOP takes a hit in approval, Fox thoroughly explores that thoroughly without all the ad hominem and sometimes downright hateful rhetoric you get from MSNBC.

Fox simply does better research and analysis than CNN does though CNN has been really trying to clean up its act lately. I figure the better folks do try to get on at Fox where they are much less restricted or muzzled by station policy than they would be at any of the other cable news organizations.
Fox and RW INTERNET ARE ABSOLUTELY fos. RWers love them and Rush etc because they're the only sources of their bs propaganda...

The LSM have SOME journalism, since they present the truth as well as the Pubcrappe, but make few actual judgements...

The truth is Pubs and insurers are trying to make ACA look as bad as possible with cancellations and not cooperating in red states, AND make a killing, or ruin it and keep their giant profits from the present bs ''system''...

Enjoy this bs until the site works and the facts come out. REAL journalism takes time, especially with this loudmouth hateful brainwashed bs ugly American rw culture scaring people...
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The GOP are like Capt. Stern and Faux News is like Hanover Fist......

[ame=]Heavy Metal Captain Stern & Hanover Fist - YouTube[/ame]

Well until........
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Considering that no one really knows it is interesting that the liberal's best friend FOX news is the number one trusted source. Wow even the Republicans in congress beat the Democrats. Let the excuses begin.

Fox News: The Most Trusted Name in Health Care News?

Fox News: The Most Trusted Name in Health Care News?

Fox News is the most trusted source of information on the new health care law for 19% of Americans – ahead of President Obama and other major networks.


I trust FOX news to report with the most accuracy, anything going on in the world, that influences the most people watching, which includes many Dems and independents. That is why they have been #1 in cable news for so many years. You don't stay on top for long if you break the trust of your viewers...:eusa_whistle:

Go you guys....:D

all true, but you'll never convince these Fox news haters of that...
I don't watch any of them, I get my information from the internet, but if I did it would be Fox news over any of the rest...
they should be congratulated...

Its not that they do not recognize the truth, they ignore it because the truth destroys their liberal philosophy and shows that liberalism always fails.

libs denigrate fox because they cannot deal with the truth.

sallow, rightwinger, and jake snarky are but 3 examples of this that we see on this board every day..
Fox and RW INTERNET ARE ABSOLUTELY fos. RWers love them and Rush etc because they're the only sources of their bs propaganda...

The LSM have SOME journalism, since they present the truth as well as the Pubcrappe, but make few actual judgements...

The truth is Pubs and insurers are trying to make ACA look as bad as possible with cancellations and not cooperating in red states, AND make a killing, or ruin it and keep their giant profits from the present bs ''system''...

Enjoy this bs until the site works and the facts come out. REAL journalism takes time, especially with this loudmouth hateful brainwashed bs ugly American rw culture scaring people...

Frank and Beans, have you ever written a complete and coherent sentence with complete words in your life? Negged for being an annoying, immature nuisance.
Oh yeah, trust Fox.

MMMMMMM??? Lemmesee?

I wonder if "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it guaranteed!" had anything to do with this recent falling out?

Or mebbe it was"The attack on the American Mission in Benghazi Libya that resulted in the deaths of the American Ambassador to Libya and three other Americans was all the result of a spontaneous demonstration over some hideous anti Muslim internet video"

Or mebbe it was Jay Carney up on the podium dancing and weaving like Baghdad Bob "Floating like a butterfly".

Or mebbe it was all that stuff stashed away in their browser cache?

Have no fear Obamafolk, Comrade Barack will soon appear with more new and shiny "Free stuff" for you to peruse, hold, fondle, and toy with enabling you all to rekindle that undying love you 47 per centers originally felt, no matter how egregious the lies since.
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Could be because they actually report on what is going on... the MSM basically ignores all things bad related to Obama....

That's it. Fox News in virtually every single time slot continues to pull more market share than all the other cable news channels combined. Why? Because they stick to a story like terriers and fully vet all the available information to be had. All the others may report something critical or embarrassing re Obama or the Democrats, but then they quickly move on and you don't get any more information.

Also Fox is equally critical of misconduct, ineptness, mistakes, or inappropriateness regardless of whether it is from the left or right. If Boehner's approval ratings are down, you hear it on Fox along with competent commentary of why they are down. If Obama's approval ratings are down, you hear it on Fox along with competent commentary of why they are down. If the GOP takes a hit in approval, Fox thoroughly explores that thoroughly without all the ad hominem and sometimes downright hateful rhetoric you get from MSNBC.

Fox simply does better research and analysis than CNN does though CNN has been really trying to clean up its act lately. I figure the better folks do try to get on at Fox where they are much less restricted or muzzled by station policy than they would be at any of the other cable news organizations.

Why Because RWrs eat that shit up.
Only MSNBC and PBS and MM tell the truth...AND EVEN THEY evade the Pub/corporate greed cooperation as much as they can...thank god Dems are cutting their cronyIsm and corruption SLOWLY...

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