Fox News viewers demand reporter Shepard Smith be fired for debunking 'Clinton uranium scandal'


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
"How dare you inject realism into our ignorant safe space!"

I wonder if any right winger here will actually address what Shepard said rather than calling him a leftie.

Fox News viewers want an anchor fired for the most ludicrous reason

Fox News viewers are calling for a TV anchor to be fired because he debunked an erroneous conspiracy theory about Hillary Clinton.

Shepard Smith, who has been at Fox for more than two decades, discredited the theory which his own network has branded the Clinton uranium “scandal” in a five-minute segment.
Shepard will now be called an Antifa liberal Soros bitch.

Just watch the proles and see.
"How dare you inject realism into our ignorant safe space!"

I wonder if any right winger here will actually address what Shepard said rather than calling him a leftie.

Fox News viewers want an anchor fired for the most ludicrous reason

Fox News viewers are calling for a TV anchor to be fired because he debunked an erroneous conspiracy theory about Hillary Clinton.

Shepard Smith, who has been at Fox for more than two decades, discredited the theory which his own network has branded the Clinton uranium “scandal” in a five-minute segment.
They don't like that "Fair and Balanced" meme either.
I love far left threads like this as it debunks all their false religious narratives about FOX..

More fair and balanced than any far left channel!
uranium one at this moment is not illegal, just unethical. and it is 180 degrees away from a russia russia gate that exists against trump. either the russians are evil and we stay away or they are not. hypocrisy yet again by the left. BTW, We will wait on the FBI guy to be interviewed and see what he brings up now that he can talk.
OMG - how stupid and pathetic is this story?
A small hand full of people say something stupid - and of course leave it up to the idiots to lump everyone together and say "fox viewers" as if that few people represent anyone but themselves.

Another non story for the sheep.
"How dare you inject realism into our ignorant safe space!"

I wonder if any right winger here will actually address what Shepard said rather than calling him a leftie.

Fox News viewers want an anchor fired for the most ludicrous reason

Fox News viewers are calling for a TV anchor to be fired because he debunked an erroneous conspiracy theory about Hillary Clinton.

Shepard Smith, who has been at Fox for more than two decades, discredited the theory which his own network has branded the Clinton uranium “scandal” in a five-minute segment.
Thanks for confirming Fox News provides balance unlike any other network. I've said as much for years but you're the first leftie to admit it.
Shep Smith provided an elementary school level "debunking" which was sufficient to fool those poor souls educated in a rotting city in the North run by corrupt Teachers Unions and Democrats for too many years. That is why intelligent educated people are slamming him.

He did not address Bill Clinton's prior relationship to a key conspirator, Guistra; nor his trip to Kazakhstan to salvage the deal when it was about to go sour; or the deposition testimony of the ex-president that he was pressured by the U. S. State Department to make the deal that so helped Russia to begin its effort to corner the uranium market.

Smith was too stupid to consider that the FBI and/or Justice Department was already investigating this Russian operation which bought the uranium---for bribery and other crimes; and that they did not alert the committee to the bribery it had already found; before the deal was approved.

Shep Smith made no effort to explain why this corrupt Russian operation decided to suddenly stop its criminal operations and turn into Santa Claus and donate millions and millions of dollars to charity---The Clinton Foundation---during the period that the deal was being arranged and was going down. Nor did Smith, an apparent fool, know to state that the Clinton hid these donations until caught years later.

The most specious of Smith's analysis is that Hillary, who was CHAIRMAN of the commission which had to approve the deal, "delegated" the matter to one of her assistants; that this assistant then claimed that she did not influence him----but that same assistant showed up on leaked Podesta e-mails saying that HE WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR HILLARY CLINTON!!!!!!!!!!! Does it matter that Obama appointed or controlled all the other members of the committee?

One of the original defenses to this scam which betrayed our country; was that the uranium would never leave the country, but in fact it did leave---some of it went to Asia and can be traced no further.

Another claim is made that the Russians didn't really need U.S. Uranium; but Shep Smith either was too stupid to know, or intentionally omitted the fact that this same corrupt Russian company---hired The Podesta Group and paid them a ton of money to lobby the State Department, for its approval of the deal! Does PODESTA ring a bell to you dumb-asses?

Shep Smith is either a dumbass himself or he thinks you clowns are. I think both are true, as this fraudulent, possibly TREASONOUS, scam cries out for investigation.

"How dare you inject realism into our ignorant safe space!"

I wonder if any right winger here will actually address what Shepard said rather than calling him a leftie.

Fox News viewers want an anchor fired for the most ludicrous reason

Fox News viewers are calling for a TV anchor to be fired because he debunked an erroneous conspiracy theory about Hillary Clinton.

Shepard Smith, who has been at Fox for more than two decades, discredited the theory which his own network has branded the Clinton uranium “scandal” in a five-minute segment.

Oh Yeah--they're trying to protect their politcal soap box opera shows. Here is the video.

The Young turks explain "why this Uranium One conspiracy in this in this video."

And this video--results in an RNC woman having to put a bag over her head and be lead out the back door over Uranium One.
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