FOX News debunks Trump's Clinton scandal

What does his being gay have anything to do with the story? Please describe how megankelly stabbed her viewers in the back.
Being gay apparently has alot to do with it.
Being gay means you have to support Hillary or all of your gay friends will shut you out. Peer-pressure.
And Megan Kelly was the primary accuser against Trump during the debates. She actually stood up for Rosie O'Donnell, who is a despicable human being, who tricked America into thinking she was straight years making up some kind of Tom Cruise crush scenerio that was a total fraud. Rosie was on The View insulting Trump over his defense of beauty contestants, while the girl on the View called them "Crack Whores". Trump we think on David Letterman and called Rosie a degenerate for doing such a thing and he was right. Megan Kelly thinks that nasty women cannot be called what they are because of some PC unwritten rule.
What party is in power imposing their PC rules on US?
No particular party has complete control. The Washington Establishment controls everything regardless who is in the majority. The fact you don't know this is telling to say the least.

However, Democrats own the media and pretty much call the shots in every media source in America.
When you have control of the media, which is one of the pillars of our society, then you control the debate.
LOL - Democrats own Fox News? - Not!

Repubtards are the PC establishment assholes that control everything.
Suuuuuuuuuuure they are.
Look at the current ownership at FOX.
A couple of liberals born in the UK.
This is why O'Reilly and Eric Bolling are gone.
How did they get rid of them?
Accusations of sexual-harassment.
Donald Trump has been screaming about Hillary Clinton’s State Department approved the transfer of 20 percent of America’s uranium holdings to Russia, demanding an investigation. Well....FOX News' own Shepard Smith called the statement “inaccurate in a number of ways,” noting that “the Clinton State Department had no power to veto or approve that transaction.” Rather, it must be approved by an interagency committee of the government consisting of nine department heads, including the Secretary of State.

Most of the Clinton Foundation donations in question, he pointed out, came from Frank Giustra, the founder of the uranium company in Canada. But Giustra, Smith noted, “says he sold his stake in the company back in 2007,” three years before the uranium/Russia deal and “a year and a half before Hillary Clinton became secretary of state.

Now that FOX News has chosen not to perpetuate this lie for political gain, and noted Conservatives such as George Will and former RNC head Michael Steele see this as just another "shiny object" Trump is using to deflect from his own dire legal situation at the hands of Robert Mueller, this begs 2 questions:

How much longer will Shepard Smith last at FOX News?

How much longer will Donald Trump last as President?

Fox News's Shepard Smith hits Trump for 'inaccurate' claims on Uranium One deal
Shepard Smith is a closeted gay
He's a liar.
Nuff said.

Not so, Shep holds the source of all truthiness.

We have no need of courts and investigators, to hell with them all!

All we have need of is Shep.

All hail king Shep!
What a pity you can’t find fault with anything Smith said.

How could I? He never tells a lie.
Certainly seems so in this case as you can’t find fault with anything he said.

Let Shep filter his way through this movie and get back to me.

Shepard Smith is a closeted gay
He's a liar.
Nuff said.

Not so, Shep holds the source of all truthiness.

We have no need of courts and investigators, to hell with them all!

All we have need of is Shep.

All hail king Shep!
What a pity you can’t find fault with anything Smith said.

How could I? He never tells a lie.
Certainly seems so in this case as you can’t find fault with anything he said.

Let Shep filter his way through this movie and get back to me.

I see you’re easily distracted by shiney objects. Too bad nothing in there refutes anything Smith said.
Not so, Shep holds the source of all truthiness.

We have no need of courts and investigators, to hell with them all!

All we have need of is Shep.

All hail king Shep!
What a pity you can’t find fault with anything Smith said.

How could I? He never tells a lie.
Certainly seems so in this case as you can’t find fault with anything he said.

Let Shep filter his way through this movie and get back to me.

I see you’re easily distracted by shiney objects. Too bad nothing in there refutes anything Smith said.

Gotta link?
What a pity you can’t find fault with anything Smith said.

How could I? He never tells a lie.
Certainly seems so in this case as you can’t find fault with anything he said.

Let Shep filter his way through this movie and get back to me.

I see you’re easily distracted by shiney objects. Too bad nothing in there refutes anything Smith said.

Gotta link?

Sure. Here’s one of the aspects of this Smith touched on ... the claims of “quid pro quo”... $131 million of it came before Hillary was even Secretary of State...

...and other where Smith points out Hillary didn’t even sign off on the deal — someone else in the State Department did...

Trump's AG Jeff Sessions refusing to appoint special council on Clinton Uranium One as Trump wanted.

Trumptards have again been proven stupid!!!!
I watched the vedio fucktard. And I’ll say it again, shep left out all the parts that folks hang up on and that’s who gave who money and why. The ONLY reason you even pay attention is because Smith says fuck Trump. Don’t be so fucking stupid.
Umm.... Smith went over that... $141 million of the $145 million was donated to the Clinton foundation before the sale and before Hillary was Secretary of State.

Thank you. I suppose he(?) feels an ad hominem is a rebuttal, most right wingers when caught lying default to personal attacks and more lies.

Lefties just deny, deny, and make counter-accusations.
Then when all is lost they scream racist and slink away.

You're ridiculous.

Your a lemming.

LOL, hardly. BTW YOU'RE ridiculous.
Umm.... Smith went over that... $141 million of the $145 million was donated to the Clinton foundation before the sale and before Hillary was Secretary of State.

Thank you. I suppose he(?) feels an ad hominem is a rebuttal, most right wingers when caught lying default to personal attacks and more lies.

Lefties just deny, deny, and make counter-accusations.
Then when all is lost they scream racist and slink away.

You're ridiculous.

Your a lemming.

LOL, hardly. BTW YOU'RE ridiculous.

Na, Lemming.
Donald Trump has been screaming about Hillary Clinton’s State Department approved the transfer of 20 percent of America’s uranium holdings to Russia, demanding an investigation. Well....FOX News' own Shepard Smith called the statement “inaccurate in a number of ways,” noting that “the Clinton State Department had no power to veto or approve that transaction.” Rather, it must be approved by an interagency committee of the government consisting of nine department heads, including the Secretary of State.

Most of the Clinton Foundation donations in question, he pointed out, came from Frank Giustra, the founder of the uranium company in Canada. But Giustra, Smith noted, “says he sold his stake in the company back in 2007,” three years before the uranium/Russia deal and “a year and a half before Hillary Clinton became secretary of state.

Now that FOX News has chosen not to perpetuate this lie for political gain, and noted Conservatives such as George Will and former RNC head Michael Steele see this as just another "shiny object" Trump is using to deflect from his own dire legal situation at the hands of Robert Mueller, this begs 2 questions:

How much longer will Shepard Smith last at FOX News?

How much longer will Donald Trump last as President?

Fox News's Shepard Smith hits Trump for 'inaccurate' claims on Uranium One deal
Shepard Smith is a closeted gay
He's a liar.
Nuff said.

Na, Sheps out. He has come a long way since his days of covering car chases and Hollyweird sex tapes. Smith offered an opinion and glossed over the biggest part of the whole thing which was weather or not a Clinton made any money on the deal. Smith hopped on the never trump train when the token negro had to leave Washington at the same time Megan Kelly did. He needs to carefully follow Mars.Kelly’s career path when she did what she did.
Shep did not gloss over the money, that was the most important part!
Trump's AG Jeff Sessions refusing to appoint special council on Clinton Uranium One as Trump wanted.

Trumptards have again been proven stupid!!!!
No, dickhead. What exactly did you think the swamp would do, let Trump make America Great again?

Fuck no.
Donald Trump has been screaming about Hillary Clinton’s State Department approved the transfer of 20 percent of America’s uranium holdings to Russia, demanding an investigation. Well....FOX News' own Shepard Smith called the statement “inaccurate in a number of ways,” noting that “the Clinton State Department had no power to veto or approve that transaction.” Rather, it must be approved by an interagency committee of the government consisting of nine department heads, including the Secretary of State.

Most of the Clinton Foundation donations in question, he pointed out, came from Frank Giustra, the founder of the uranium company in Canada. But Giustra, Smith noted, “says he sold his stake in the company back in 2007,” three years before the uranium/Russia deal and “a year and a half before Hillary Clinton became secretary of state.

Now that FOX News has chosen not to perpetuate this lie for political gain, and noted Conservatives such as George Will and former RNC head Michael Steele see this as just another "shiny object" Trump is using to deflect from his own dire legal situation at the hands of Robert Mueller, this begs 2 questions:

How much longer will Shepard Smith last at FOX News?

How much longer will Donald Trump last as President?

Fox News's Shepard Smith hits Trump for 'inaccurate' claims on Uranium One deal
Shepard Smith is a closeted gay
He's a liar.
Nuff said.
Because he's gay?

Don't your kind want to murder his people? Like millions of them?
Donald Trump has been screaming about Hillary Clinton’s State Department approved the transfer of 20 percent of America’s uranium holdings to Russia, demanding an investigation. Well....FOX News' own Shepard Smith called the statement “inaccurate in a number of ways,” noting that “the Clinton State Department had no power to veto or approve that transaction.” Rather, it must be approved by an interagency committee of the government consisting of nine department heads, including the Secretary of State.

Most of the Clinton Foundation donations in question, he pointed out, came from Frank Giustra, the founder of the uranium company in Canada. But Giustra, Smith noted, “says he sold his stake in the company back in 2007,” three years before the uranium/Russia deal and “a year and a half before Hillary Clinton became secretary of state.

Now that FOX News has chosen not to perpetuate this lie for political gain, and noted Conservatives such as George Will and former RNC head Michael Steele see this as just another "shiny object" Trump is using to deflect from his own dire legal situation at the hands of Robert Mueller, this begs 2 questions:

How much longer will Shepard Smith last at FOX News?

How much longer will Donald Trump last as President?

Fox News's Shepard Smith hits Trump for 'inaccurate' claims on Uranium One deal
Shepard Smith is a closeted gay
He's a liar.
Nuff said.
Because he's gay?

Don't your kind want to murder his people? Like millions of them?
Why would "MY KIND" want to murder "HIS PEOPLE"?????????
My sister's one of "HIS PEOPLE"!!!
My oldest sister is Gay.
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Fox News’ Shep Smith Methodically Debunks Uranium One Conspiracy Theories

After Sessions shut it down and then Fox came out against it, it's over. It won't happen. It will be ignored.
Sessions didn't shut anything down.
And Shepard Smith didn't debunk squat. All he did was read from Hillary's prepared talking points.
Shepard Smith related a prepared text of the rules and regulations involved with the deal. The problem is the Clintons never follow the rules and regulations. They go around them. This was all covered up by Hillary using a private server, outside of the servers she was supposed to be using. Secure servers in the US government that are on hundreds of government installations around the world. This was an attempt to hide her activities. She covered her tracks by bribing anyone who was supposed to carry out oversight of her activities. So I'm not impressed by Shepard Smith's speech on how things are supposed to work because it's clear that criminals in our government aren't doing what they're supposed to do. The rules that apply to the rest of us don't apply to the Clintons.

Jeff Sessions is following the rule of law to the letter on Hillary but he allowed his DoJ to start an investigation on Trump simply by using a faked dossier provide by Hillary from her paid opposition-research and nothing but a accusation from James Comey that still hasn't been proved. Magical memos that they never produced to be examined.
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I wonder why she waited nearly 40 years to bring it up?
Oh, I don't know . . .

Alabama state rep: Moore’s accusers should be prosecuted

Repubtards logic! Prosecutor & the police he protects will not charge himself for crimes he committed against women, So Repubtrds want to charge victims because they could not get him to charge himself.
How can you charge or indict yourself? Not only is that a conflict but totally asinine.

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