Fox News was voted the most trusted in news..

numbers don't lie.

Theres more idiots than intelligent thinking people
“Is this just math that you do as a Republican to make yourself feel better or is this real?"

- Megyn Kelly to Karl Rove on election night 2012
numbers don't lie.

Theres more idiots than intelligent thinking people

YOU are one of many on these boards that has ZERO room to talk.:eusa_hand:

Glenn Beck: Less than 10 percent of Obama's Cabinet appointees "have any experience in the private sector." — False (December 2, 2009)

Steve Doocy: White House Political Director Patrick Gaspard once served as the "right-hand man" for Bertha Lewis, who heads up ACORN. — False (September 30, 2009)

Gretchen Carlson: Says the Texas State Board of Education is considering eliminating references to Christmas and the Constitution in textbooks. — Pants on Fire! (March 12, 2010)

PolitiFact's Lie of the Year: 'A government takeover of health care' (December 16, 2010)

Glenn Beck: The Muslim Brotherhood has "openly stated they want to declare war on Israel." — False (February 15, 2011)

Karl Rove: "American troops have never been under the formal control of another nation." — False (March 29, 2011)

Brian Kilmeade: Says Gov. Rick Scott's approval ratings are up. — False (April 15, 2011)

Laura Ingraham: The Massachusetts health care plan is "wildly unpopular" among state residents. — False (May 16, 2011)

Sarah Palin: "Look at the debt that has been accumulated in the last two years. It's more debt under this president than all those other presidents combined." — False (June 1, 2011)

PolitiFact's Lie of the Year: 'Death panels' (December 18, 2009)

Kimberly Guilfoyle: If you log into the government's Cash for Clunkers Web site ( from your home computer, the government can "seize all of your personal and private" information, and track your computer activity. — False (August 3, 2009)

Sarah Palin: "We're going to be looking at $8 billion a day that we're going to be pouring into foreign countries in order to import that make-up fuel that we're going to need to take the place of what we could have gotten out of the gulf." — Pants on Fire! (June 3, 2011)

Sarah Palin: "Democrats are poised now to cause this largest tax increase in U.S. history." — Pants on Fire! (August 4, 2010)

Bill O'Reilly: "Attorney General Eric Holder is involved in the dismissal of the criminal charges" against the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation — False (July 23, 2010)

Sarah Palin: "Barack Obama had 150 days in the U.S. Senate where he was able to vote quite often 'present.' " — False (February 8, 2010)

Glenn Beck: John Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, "has proposed forcing abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population." — Pants on Fire! (July 29, 2009)

Glenn Beck: Labor union president Andy Stern is "the most frequent visitor" at the White House. — False (December 7, 2009)

Glenn Beck: "Why do we have automatic citizenship upon birth? We're the only country in the world that has it." — False (June 19, 2009)

Bill O'Reilly: Says he didn't call Dr. George Tiller a baby killer, as liberal groups charge, but was merely reporting what "some prolifers branded him." — False (June 5, 2009)

Bill O'Reilly: When White House communications director Anita Dunn said that Mao Tse-tung was "one of her favorite philosophers, only Fox News picked that up." — False (October 27, 2009)

Bill O'Reilly: "We researched to find out if anybody on Fox News had ever said you're going to jail if you don't buy health insurance. Nobody's ever said it." — Pants on Fire! (April 27, 2010)


That poll tells me that moderates and those on the left do not take their propaganda news stations at face value. They actually research the issues rather than blindly following what some news program tells them. Look at the righties threads, they are pretty much ripped straight from the headlines of Fox News.
That poll tells me that moderates and those on the left do not take their propaganda news stations at face value. They actually research the issues rather than blindly following what some news program tells them. Look at the righties threads, they are pretty much ripped straight from the headlines of Fox News.

that poll tells me more Americans trust Fox News; and that libs are ignorant and brainwashed losers wallowing in group think; coming to the wrong conclusions bout everything because the truth hurts to much; and doesn't go along with their internal narrative about almost everything the Left holds near and dear
the pendulum is swinging back

all the Left can do is cry and insult the very people they claimed or claim to have the support of
That poll tells me that moderates and those on the left do not take their propaganda news stations at face value. They actually research the issues rather than blindly following what some news program tells them. Look at the righties threads, they are pretty much ripped straight from the headlines of Fox News.

that poll tells me more Americans trust Fox News; and that libs are ignorant and brainwashed losers wallowing in group think; coming to the wrong conclusions bout everything because the truth hurts to much; and doesn't go along with their internal narrative about almost everything the Left holds near and dear
They prefer to keep themselves under the covers in the fetal position with one thumb in the mouths and the other up their ass.
the left is trying to portray people they disagree with as being ignorant and out of touch; even as their own falling popularity shows many are disgusted with the Left's own narrow worldview

but nobody expects the arrogant left to ever admit they are wrong
Fox gives equal time to both sides-----------that is what really scares the liberals.

They know that when both sides are heard, they always lose, liberalism always loses, always fails.

But their defective liberal gene will not allow them to accept that historically proven reality.

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