FOX "Newsification" of Trump and the new Republican Party

You really believe that because he was at a baseball game for one day that he could not have gone to Europe on another day? The Dossier doesn't give an exact date he was in Prague, fool, it gives a broad range.

Just relax, sit back and wait it out. Cohen is flipping. Mueller will be done soon enough.

Wait what out? A rather pathetic attempt by you on the left to come up with something that even remotely approaches what we KNOW Hillary Clinton DID? That's what I find hilarious about this entire Russian Collusion narrative that's been foisted on the American public by the Main Stream Media in an attempt to undermine Trump! You've spent two years unsuccessfully trying to come up with some kind of evidence that Trump's campaign used some kind of "underhanded" tactic to beat Hillary. At the same time a blind man couldn't help but see that Hillary Clinton's campaign DID use underhanded tactics against Trump...paying a foreign national to compile a series of phony dossiers and then having him leak those to her best friends in the Main Stream Media right before the election in what was obviously the biggest attempt to smear someone in the history of American politics! Relax? Not until the people who did THAT are given what they deserve!
A rather pathetic attempt by you on the left to come up with something that even remotely approaches what we KNOW Hillary Clinton DID? That's what I find hilarious about this entire Russian Collusion narrative that's been foisted on the American public by the Main Stream Media in an attempt to undermine Trump

^ The entire fox narrative.

Thank you for exemplifying the premise of the thread.

What. Can't stand the truth. LOL

You all deserve to be lied to.

It borders on embarrassing watching progressive shills like yourself pretend that Hillary Clinton and the DNC DIDN'T pay for a smear campaign against Donald Trump carried out by foreign entities to fool the American public as they went to the polls. That happened. It's not a "narrative". It's an undeniable fact.

Even if that were true (and it most definitely is not), The dossier has yet to have a single thing in it debunked. Whoever paid to get the dirt, got dirt (that was not disclosed until AFTER the election.

What we as Americans "deserve" are candidates who run on their ideas for making the country better...not by sleazy attempts to subvert the election process.

Oh the irony...
You really believe that because he was at a baseball game for one day that he could not have gone to Europe on another day? The Dossier doesn't give an exact date he was in Prague, fool, it gives a broad range.

Just relax, sit back and wait it out. Cohen is flipping. Mueller will be done soon enough.

Wait what out? A rather pathetic attempt by you on the left to come up with something that even remotely approaches what we KNOW Hillary Clinton DID? That's what I find hilarious about this entire Russian Collusion narrative that's been foisted on the American public by the Main Stream Media in an attempt to undermine Trump! You've spent two years unsuccessfully trying to come up with some kind of evidence that Trump's campaign used some kind of "underhanded" tactic to beat Hillary. At the same time a blind man couldn't help but see that Hillary Clinton's campaign DID use underhanded tactics against Trump...paying a foreign national to compile a series of phony dossiers and then having him leak those to her best friends in the Main Stream Media right before the election in what was obviously the biggest attempt to smear someone in the history of American politics! Relax? Not until the people who did THAT are given what they deserve!
A rather pathetic attempt by you on the left to come up with something that even remotely approaches what we KNOW Hillary Clinton DID? That's what I find hilarious about this entire Russian Collusion narrative that's been foisted on the American public by the Main Stream Media in an attempt to undermine Trump

^ The entire fox narrative.

Thank you for exemplifying the premise of the thread.

What. Can't stand the truth. LOL

You all deserve to be lied to.

It borders on embarrassing watching progressive shills like yourself pretend that Hillary Clinton and the DNC DIDN'T pay for a smear campaign against Donald Trump carried out by foreign entities to fool the American public as they went to the polls. That happened. It's not a "narrative". It's an undeniable fact.

What we as Americans "deserve" are candidates who run on their ideas for making the country better...not by sleazy attempts to subvert the election process.
Tell us about " lock her up", dope. Tell us about every sleazy attack by Trump.
It was opposition research. Nothing out of the ordinary. The Clinton campaign did not release it.

It is a narrative.
Wait what out? A rather pathetic attempt by you on the left to come up with something that even remotely approaches what we KNOW Hillary Clinton DID? That's what I find hilarious about this entire Russian Collusion narrative that's been foisted on the American public by the Main Stream Media in an attempt to undermine Trump! You've spent two years unsuccessfully trying to come up with some kind of evidence that Trump's campaign used some kind of "underhanded" tactic to beat Hillary. At the same time a blind man couldn't help but see that Hillary Clinton's campaign DID use underhanded tactics against Trump...paying a foreign national to compile a series of phony dossiers and then having him leak those to her best friends in the Main Stream Media right before the election in what was obviously the biggest attempt to smear someone in the history of American politics! Relax? Not until the people who did THAT are given what they deserve!
A rather pathetic attempt by you on the left to come up with something that even remotely approaches what we KNOW Hillary Clinton DID? That's what I find hilarious about this entire Russian Collusion narrative that's been foisted on the American public by the Main Stream Media in an attempt to undermine Trump

^ The entire fox narrative.

Thank you for exemplifying the premise of the thread.

What. Can't stand the truth. LOL

You all deserve to be lied to.

It borders on embarrassing watching progressive shills like yourself pretend that Hillary Clinton and the DNC DIDN'T pay for a smear campaign against Donald Trump carried out by foreign entities to fool the American public as they went to the polls. That happened. It's not a "narrative". It's an undeniable fact.

What we as Americans "deserve" are candidates who run on their ideas for making the country better...not by sleazy attempts to subvert the election process.
Tell us about " lock her up", dope. Tell us about every sleazy attack by Trump.
It was opposition research. Nothing out of the ordinary. The Clinton campaign did not release it.

It is a narrative.

Now THAT is a crock, Hutch and I think you KNOW it! Clinton didn't pay all that money to have Steele make up those dossiers then not use them! Oh...they did their level best to HIDE the fact that they were behind those dossiers...using a law firm to obscure the money trail and having Steele pretend that they were coming from Russian sources (and why would you need to do that if it really was simply opposition research?)...but there's no doubt that it wasn't ordinary "opposition research" or that it was paid for by the Clinton campaign! This was about as sleazy an attempted political hatchet job as I've ever seen in American politics! They sprung it on Trump at the eleventh hour of the campaign and just assumed that the electorate would buy it and turn on Trump. What Clinton didn't figure on was the voters being savvy enough to see through the smear or Trump winning the election and what they did then being revealed to the public.
Last edited:
Wait what out? A rather pathetic attempt by you on the left to come up with something that even remotely approaches what we KNOW Hillary Clinton DID? That's what I find hilarious about this entire Russian Collusion narrative that's been foisted on the American public by the Main Stream Media in an attempt to undermine Trump! You've spent two years unsuccessfully trying to come up with some kind of evidence that Trump's campaign used some kind of "underhanded" tactic to beat Hillary. At the same time a blind man couldn't help but see that Hillary Clinton's campaign DID use underhanded tactics against Trump...paying a foreign national to compile a series of phony dossiers and then having him leak those to her best friends in the Main Stream Media right before the election in what was obviously the biggest attempt to smear someone in the history of American politics! Relax? Not until the people who did THAT are given what they deserve!
A rather pathetic attempt by you on the left to come up with something that even remotely approaches what we KNOW Hillary Clinton DID? That's what I find hilarious about this entire Russian Collusion narrative that's been foisted on the American public by the Main Stream Media in an attempt to undermine Trump

^ The entire fox narrative.

Thank you for exemplifying the premise of the thread.

What. Can't stand the truth. LOL

You all deserve to be lied to.

It borders on embarrassing watching progressive shills like yourself pretend that Hillary Clinton and the DNC DIDN'T pay for a smear campaign against Donald Trump carried out by foreign entities to fool the American public as they went to the polls. That happened. It's not a "narrative". It's an undeniable fact.

Even if that were true (and it most definitely is not), The dossier has yet to have a single thing in it debunked. Whoever paid to get the dirt, got dirt (that was not disclosed until AFTER the election.

What we as Americans "deserve" are candidates who run on their ideas for making the country better...not by sleazy attempts to subvert the election process.

Oh the irony...

The dossiers were leaked to the media BEFORE the election, Seawytch! Right that Trump would have as little time as possible to refute what was being said. Are you really that ignorant about the time line on this or have you decided to just lie like Crepitus?
^ The entire fox narrative.

Thank you for exemplifying the premise of the thread.

What. Can't stand the truth. LOL

You all deserve to be lied to.

It borders on embarrassing watching progressive shills like yourself pretend that Hillary Clinton and the DNC DIDN'T pay for a smear campaign against Donald Trump carried out by foreign entities to fool the American public as they went to the polls. That happened. It's not a "narrative". It's an undeniable fact.

Even if that were true (and it most definitely is not), The dossier has yet to have a single thing in it debunked. Whoever paid to get the dirt, got dirt (that was not disclosed until AFTER the election.

What we as Americans "deserve" are candidates who run on their ideas for making the country better...not by sleazy attempts to subvert the election process.

Oh the irony...

The dossiers were leaked to the media BEFORE the election, Seawytch! Right that Trump would have as little time as possible to refute what was being said. Are you really that ignorant about the time line on this or have you decided to just lie like Crepitus?

Tell us, Oldstyle, when was the Dossier published in the media? Go look since you won’t believe me.
I can sit and listen to Rush (for an hour, it hurts by the way) and he says nothing , not a darn thing.
Well, I'd disagree there.

I listen to talk radio when I can, pretty regularly, and on a big picture level, it does two things: First, it supplies random talking points and buzzwords for use in specific situations (as we see here daily). But far more importantly, it creates and reinforces literal thought processes that apply in situations across the spectrum.

Yes listening to the same words and phrases indoctrinates one. That is why Trump repeats himself endlessly.
His trumpanzees need things repeated often...they aren't very bright.
^ The entire fox narrative.

Thank you for exemplifying the premise of the thread.

What. Can't stand the truth. LOL

You all deserve to be lied to.

It borders on embarrassing watching progressive shills like yourself pretend that Hillary Clinton and the DNC DIDN'T pay for a smear campaign against Donald Trump carried out by foreign entities to fool the American public as they went to the polls. That happened. It's not a "narrative". It's an undeniable fact.

What we as Americans "deserve" are candidates who run on their ideas for making the country better...not by sleazy attempts to subvert the election process.
Tell us about " lock her up", dope. Tell us about every sleazy attack by Trump.
It was opposition research. Nothing out of the ordinary. The Clinton campaign did not release it.

It is a narrative.

Now THAT is a crock, Hutch and I think you KNOW it! Clinton didn't pay all that money to have Steele make up those dossiers then not use them! Oh...they did their level best to HIDE the fact that they were behind those dossiers...using a law firm to obscure the money trail and having Steele pretend that they were coming from Russian sources (and why would you need to do that if it really was simply opposition research?)...but there's no doubt that it wasn't ordinary "opposition research" or that it was paid for by the Clinton campaign! This was about as sleazy an attempted political hatchet job as I've ever seen in American politics! They sprung it on Trump at the eleventh hour of the campaign and just assumed that the electorate would buy it and turn on Trump. What Clinton didn't figure on was the voters being savvy enough to see through the smear or Trump winning the election and what they did then being revealed to the public.
Now THAT is a crock, Hutch and I think you KNOW it! Clinton didn't pay all that money to have Steele make up those dossiers then not use them!

Prove it!
^ The entire fox narrative.

Thank you for exemplifying the premise of the thread.

What. Can't stand the truth. LOL

You all deserve to be lied to.

It borders on embarrassing watching progressive shills like yourself pretend that Hillary Clinton and the DNC DIDN'T pay for a smear campaign against Donald Trump carried out by foreign entities to fool the American public as they went to the polls. That happened. It's not a "narrative". It's an undeniable fact.

Even if that were true (and it most definitely is not), The dossier has yet to have a single thing in it debunked. Whoever paid to get the dirt, got dirt (that was not disclosed until AFTER the election.

What we as Americans "deserve" are candidates who run on their ideas for making the country better...not by sleazy attempts to subvert the election process.

Oh the irony...

The dossiers were leaked to the media BEFORE the election, Seawytch! Right that Trump would have as little time as possible to refute what was being said. Are you really that ignorant about the time line on this or have you decided to just lie like Crepitus?

By whom?
What. Can't stand the truth. LOL

You all deserve to be lied to.

It borders on embarrassing watching progressive shills like yourself pretend that Hillary Clinton and the DNC DIDN'T pay for a smear campaign against Donald Trump carried out by foreign entities to fool the American public as they went to the polls. That happened. It's not a "narrative". It's an undeniable fact.

Even if that were true (and it most definitely is not), The dossier has yet to have a single thing in it debunked. Whoever paid to get the dirt, got dirt (that was not disclosed until AFTER the election.

What we as Americans "deserve" are candidates who run on their ideas for making the country better...not by sleazy attempts to subvert the election process.

Oh the irony...

The dossiers were leaked to the media BEFORE the election, Seawytch! Right that Trump would have as little time as possible to refute what was being said. Are you really that ignorant about the time line on this or have you decided to just lie like Crepitus?

Tell us, Oldstyle, when was the Dossier published in the media? Go look since you won’t believe me.

Yahoo news first broke the story in September. It was further reported on by Mother Jones in October. The election was in November. Duh?
What. Can't stand the truth. LOL

You all deserve to be lied to.

It borders on embarrassing watching progressive shills like yourself pretend that Hillary Clinton and the DNC DIDN'T pay for a smear campaign against Donald Trump carried out by foreign entities to fool the American public as they went to the polls. That happened. It's not a "narrative". It's an undeniable fact.

What we as Americans "deserve" are candidates who run on their ideas for making the country better...not by sleazy attempts to subvert the election process.
Tell us about " lock her up", dope. Tell us about every sleazy attack by Trump.
It was opposition research. Nothing out of the ordinary. The Clinton campaign did not release it.

It is a narrative.

Now THAT is a crock, Hutch and I think you KNOW it! Clinton didn't pay all that money to have Steele make up those dossiers then not use them! Oh...they did their level best to HIDE the fact that they were behind those dossiers...using a law firm to obscure the money trail and having Steele pretend that they were coming from Russian sources (and why would you need to do that if it really was simply opposition research?)...but there's no doubt that it wasn't ordinary "opposition research" or that it was paid for by the Clinton campaign! This was about as sleazy an attempted political hatchet job as I've ever seen in American politics! They sprung it on Trump at the eleventh hour of the campaign and just assumed that the electorate would buy it and turn on Trump. What Clinton didn't figure on was the voters being savvy enough to see through the smear or Trump winning the election and what they did then being revealed to the public.
Now THAT is a crock, Hutch and I think you KNOW it! Clinton didn't pay all that money to have Steele make up those dossiers then not use them!

Prove it!

Prove what? That Hillary Clinton's campaign paid Steele to compile the dossiers? It's laughable that anyone would have to "prove" that took place at this juncture, Hutch!

The Clinton campaign did...and they hid their involvement in the smear campaign...working through a law firm to keep their being the money behind the "investigation" secret. Kindly explain why they felt the need to do THAT if this was simply "opposition research" as you claim!
You all deserve to be lied to.

It borders on embarrassing watching progressive shills like yourself pretend that Hillary Clinton and the DNC DIDN'T pay for a smear campaign against Donald Trump carried out by foreign entities to fool the American public as they went to the polls. That happened. It's not a "narrative". It's an undeniable fact.

Even if that were true (and it most definitely is not), The dossier has yet to have a single thing in it debunked. Whoever paid to get the dirt, got dirt (that was not disclosed until AFTER the election.

What we as Americans "deserve" are candidates who run on their ideas for making the country better...not by sleazy attempts to subvert the election process.

Oh the irony...

The dossiers were leaked to the media BEFORE the election, Seawytch! Right that Trump would have as little time as possible to refute what was being said. Are you really that ignorant about the time line on this or have you decided to just lie like Crepitus?

Tell us, Oldstyle, when was the Dossier published in the media? Go look since you won’t believe me.

Yahoo news first broke the story in September. It was further reported on by Mother Jones in October. The election was in November. Duh?

I'm sorry, Yahoo and MJ broke what news? How about you give us that Yahoo and MJ link regarding the Steele dossier prior to Buzzfeed publishing it in January of 2017.
You all deserve to be lied to.

It borders on embarrassing watching progressive shills like yourself pretend that Hillary Clinton and the DNC DIDN'T pay for a smear campaign against Donald Trump carried out by foreign entities to fool the American public as they went to the polls. That happened. It's not a "narrative". It's an undeniable fact.

What we as Americans "deserve" are candidates who run on their ideas for making the country better...not by sleazy attempts to subvert the election process.
Tell us about " lock her up", dope. Tell us about every sleazy attack by Trump.
It was opposition research. Nothing out of the ordinary. The Clinton campaign did not release it.

It is a narrative.

Now THAT is a crock, Hutch and I think you KNOW it! Clinton didn't pay all that money to have Steele make up those dossiers then not use them! Oh...they did their level best to HIDE the fact that they were behind those dossiers...using a law firm to obscure the money trail and having Steele pretend that they were coming from Russian sources (and why would you need to do that if it really was simply opposition research?)...but there's no doubt that it wasn't ordinary "opposition research" or that it was paid for by the Clinton campaign! This was about as sleazy an attempted political hatchet job as I've ever seen in American politics! They sprung it on Trump at the eleventh hour of the campaign and just assumed that the electorate would buy it and turn on Trump. What Clinton didn't figure on was the voters being savvy enough to see through the smear or Trump winning the election and what they did then being revealed to the public.
Now THAT is a crock, Hutch and I think you KNOW it! Clinton didn't pay all that money to have Steele make up those dossiers then not use them!

Prove it!

Prove what? That Hillary Clinton's campaign paid Steele to compile the dossiers? It's laughable that anyone would have to "prove" that took place at this juncture, Hutch!

The Clinton campaign did...and they hid their involvement in the smear campaign...working through a law firm to keep their being the money behind the "investigation" secret. Kindly explain why they felt the need to do THAT if this was simply "opposition research" as you claim!

No, that's not what happened. A Republican hired Fusion GPS to do opposition research on Trump then the Clinton campaign hired the same company. Again, what does it matter who hired him to find dirt? He found dirt after all.

I highly recommend that you read the testimony of the Fusion GPS CEO.
It borders on embarrassing watching progressive shills like yourself pretend that Hillary Clinton and the DNC DIDN'T pay for a smear campaign against Donald Trump carried out by foreign entities to fool the American public as they went to the polls. That happened. It's not a "narrative". It's an undeniable fact.

Even if that were true (and it most definitely is not), The dossier has yet to have a single thing in it debunked. Whoever paid to get the dirt, got dirt (that was not disclosed until AFTER the election.

What we as Americans "deserve" are candidates who run on their ideas for making the country better...not by sleazy attempts to subvert the election process.

Oh the irony...

The dossiers were leaked to the media BEFORE the election, Seawytch! Right that Trump would have as little time as possible to refute what was being said. Are you really that ignorant about the time line on this or have you decided to just lie like Crepitus?

Tell us, Oldstyle, when was the Dossier published in the media? Go look since you won’t believe me.

Yahoo news first broke the story in September. It was further reported on by Mother Jones in October. The election was in November. Duh?

I'm sorry, Yahoo and MJ broke what news? How about you give us that Yahoo and MJ link regarding the Steele dossier prior to Buzzfeed publishing it in January of 2017.

Yahoo News and Mother Jones broke the story about Steele's "dossiers"! Steele had been pedaling those stories all Fall but couldn't get anyone to go with the story until that point because nobody could verify it's veracity! He'd also contacted the FBI...telling THEM that the Russians had material on Trump to black mail him! He also contacted Harry Reid and John McCain getting them to demand that the FBI investigate and (most importantly!!!) inform the public that they were investigating Trump! Doing all of those things is what Steele got paid the big bucks for...not to compile "opposition research"! He was paid that money to smear Trump and make sure it went public BEFORE the election!
It borders on embarrassing watching progressive shills like yourself pretend that Hillary Clinton and the DNC DIDN'T pay for a smear campaign against Donald Trump carried out by foreign entities to fool the American public as they went to the polls. That happened. It's not a "narrative". It's an undeniable fact.

Even if that were true (and it most definitely is not), The dossier has yet to have a single thing in it debunked. Whoever paid to get the dirt, got dirt (that was not disclosed until AFTER the election.

What we as Americans "deserve" are candidates who run on their ideas for making the country better...not by sleazy attempts to subvert the election process.

Oh the irony...

The dossiers were leaked to the media BEFORE the election, Seawytch! Right that Trump would have as little time as possible to refute what was being said. Are you really that ignorant about the time line on this or have you decided to just lie like Crepitus?

Tell us, Oldstyle, when was the Dossier published in the media? Go look since you won’t believe me.

Yahoo news first broke the story in September. It was further reported on by Mother Jones in October. The election was in November. Duh?

I'm sorry, Yahoo and MJ broke what news? How about you give us that Yahoo and MJ link regarding the Steele dossier prior to Buzzfeed publishing it in January of 2017.
A veteran spy has given the FBI information alleging a Russian operation to cultivate Donald Trump
Even if that were true (and it most definitely is not), The dossier has yet to have a single thing in it debunked. Whoever paid to get the dirt, got dirt (that was not disclosed until AFTER the election.

Oh the irony...

The dossiers were leaked to the media BEFORE the election, Seawytch! Right that Trump would have as little time as possible to refute what was being said. Are you really that ignorant about the time line on this or have you decided to just lie like Crepitus?

Tell us, Oldstyle, when was the Dossier published in the media? Go look since you won’t believe me.

Yahoo news first broke the story in September. It was further reported on by Mother Jones in October. The election was in November. Duh?

I'm sorry, Yahoo and MJ broke what news? How about you give us that Yahoo and MJ link regarding the Steele dossier prior to Buzzfeed publishing it in January of 2017.
A veteran spy has given the FBI information alleging a Russian operation to cultivate Donald Trump

You are wasting your breath my friend.

None of these left idiots want the truth. They are content with anything they think makes Trump look guilty of something.

They are all a waste of air and gullible idiots to boot.
Even if that were true (and it most definitely is not), The dossier has yet to have a single thing in it debunked. Whoever paid to get the dirt, got dirt (that was not disclosed until AFTER the election.

Oh the irony...

The dossiers were leaked to the media BEFORE the election, Seawytch! Right that Trump would have as little time as possible to refute what was being said. Are you really that ignorant about the time line on this or have you decided to just lie like Crepitus?

Tell us, Oldstyle, when was the Dossier published in the media? Go look since you won’t believe me.

Yahoo news first broke the story in September. It was further reported on by Mother Jones in October. The election was in November. Duh?

I'm sorry, Yahoo and MJ broke what news? How about you give us that Yahoo and MJ link regarding the Steele dossier prior to Buzzfeed publishing it in January of 2017.

Yahoo News and Mother Jones broke the story about Steele's "dossiers"! Steele had been pedaling those stories all Fall but couldn't get anyone to go with the story until that point because nobody could verify it's veracity! He'd also contacted the FBI...telling THEM that the Russians had material on Trump to black mail him! He also contacted Harry Reid and John McCain getting them to demand that the FBI investigate and (most importantly!!!) inform the public that they were investigating Trump! Doing all of those things is what Steele got paid the big bucks for...not to compile "opposition research"! He was paid that money to smear Trump and make sure it went public BEFORE the election!

Do you not know how to provide links?

The public wasn't informed that the Trump campaign was under FBI investigation until after the election. The Steele Dossier was not released to the public until after the election.

Mother Jones published their article October 16th. Headlines for the 16th...

10 things you need to know today: October 16, 2016

The 17th...

10 things you need to know today: October 17, 2016


10 things you need to know today: October 18, 2016


And still not one thing in the dossier has been debunked while much has been verified.
Even if that were true (and it most definitely is not), The dossier has yet to have a single thing in it debunked. Whoever paid to get the dirt, got dirt (that was not disclosed until AFTER the election.

Oh the irony...

The dossiers were leaked to the media BEFORE the election, Seawytch! Right that Trump would have as little time as possible to refute what was being said. Are you really that ignorant about the time line on this or have you decided to just lie like Crepitus?

Tell us, Oldstyle, when was the Dossier published in the media? Go look since you won’t believe me.

Yahoo news first broke the story in September. It was further reported on by Mother Jones in October. The election was in November. Duh?

I'm sorry, Yahoo and MJ broke what news? How about you give us that Yahoo and MJ link regarding the Steele dossier prior to Buzzfeed publishing it in January of 2017.
A veteran spy has given the FBI information alleging a Russian operation to cultivate Donald Trump

October 31st

10 things you need to know today: October 31, 2016

November 1st

10 things you need to know today: November 1, 2016

Still nothing about the Mother Jones piece. There is a little something about the FBI conducting a preliminary investigation into Pauly Walnuts, but nothing having to do with the dossier.
The dossiers were leaked to the media BEFORE the election, Seawytch! Right that Trump would have as little time as possible to refute what was being said. Are you really that ignorant about the time line on this or have you decided to just lie like Crepitus?

Tell us, Oldstyle, when was the Dossier published in the media? Go look since you won’t believe me.

Yahoo news first broke the story in September. It was further reported on by Mother Jones in October. The election was in November. Duh?

I'm sorry, Yahoo and MJ broke what news? How about you give us that Yahoo and MJ link regarding the Steele dossier prior to Buzzfeed publishing it in January of 2017.
A veteran spy has given the FBI information alleging a Russian operation to cultivate Donald Trump

You are wasting your breath my friend.

None of these left idiots want the truth. They are content with anything they think makes Trump look guilty of something.

They are all a waste of air and gullible idiots to boot.

What "truth"? That the Steele Dossier isn't "fake"? That nothing in it has been debunked and much has been verified? That truth?

In a noteworthy aside, Burr also suggested that Senate investigators had corroborated some parts of a dossier written by a former British intelligence agent that makes damaging allegations against President Donald Trump and his campaign. Burr did not say which aspects of the dossier the committee may have verified or how much.
Senators: Collusion between Trump team and Russia still open question.
Tell us, Oldstyle, when was the Dossier published in the media? Go look since you won’t believe me.

Yahoo news first broke the story in September. It was further reported on by Mother Jones in October. The election was in November. Duh?

I'm sorry, Yahoo and MJ broke what news? How about you give us that Yahoo and MJ link regarding the Steele dossier prior to Buzzfeed publishing it in January of 2017.
A veteran spy has given the FBI information alleging a Russian operation to cultivate Donald Trump

You are wasting your breath my friend.

None of these left idiots want the truth. They are content with anything they think makes Trump look guilty of something.

They are all a waste of air and gullible idiots to boot.

What "truth"? That the Steele Dossier isn't "fake"? That nothing in it has been debunked and much has been verified? That truth?

In a noteworthy aside, Burr also suggested that Senate investigators had corroborated some parts of a dossier written by a former British intelligence agent that makes damaging allegations against President Donald Trump and his campaign. Burr did not say which aspects of the dossier the committee may have verified or how much.
Senators: Collusion between Trump team and Russia still open question.

Hey whatever floats your leaky blue boat dude.

That dossier was bought and paid for by the Clinton campaign.

If you want to believe Trump colluded with the Russians then go right ahead.

The better question is why did the Clinton campaign pay Steele to put together that dossier??

They sure didn't have good intentions.
Yahoo news first broke the story in September. It was further reported on by Mother Jones in October. The election was in November. Duh?

I'm sorry, Yahoo and MJ broke what news? How about you give us that Yahoo and MJ link regarding the Steele dossier prior to Buzzfeed publishing it in January of 2017.
A veteran spy has given the FBI information alleging a Russian operation to cultivate Donald Trump

You are wasting your breath my friend.

None of these left idiots want the truth. They are content with anything they think makes Trump look guilty of something.

They are all a waste of air and gullible idiots to boot.

What "truth"? That the Steele Dossier isn't "fake"? That nothing in it has been debunked and much has been verified? That truth?

In a noteworthy aside, Burr also suggested that Senate investigators had corroborated some parts of a dossier written by a former British intelligence agent that makes damaging allegations against President Donald Trump and his campaign. Burr did not say which aspects of the dossier the committee may have verified or how much.
Senators: Collusion between Trump team and Russia still open question.

Hey whatever floats your leaky blue boat dude.

That dossier was bought and paid for by the Clinton campaign.

If you want to believe Trump colluded with the Russians then go right ahead.

The better question is why did the Clinton campaign pay Steele to put together that dossier??

They sure didn't have good intentions.

Why did the Clinton campaign take over the opposition research started by a Republican? Why wouldn't they? That is what campaigns do you know, pay for opposition research.

It's nobody's fault that a company paid to find dirt, found a lot and its nobody's fault but the Trump campaign that a lot of the dirt was Russian.

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