FOX "Newsification" of Trump and the new Republican Party

For years, the GOP courted the crazies that would watch/listen to Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity for their "news". As entertainers, they provide a product that is marketed directly at a group of conspiracy nutcases that typically believe in things that are NOT true (or even able to be proven). For years, actual Republicans accepted their they kept them at arm's length. However, things have changed.......those same crazies have now infiltrated our government and are making policies based on those whack job conspiracy theories spewed by a group of entertainers.

They've gotten so used to making up their own "news" that they've now look at REAL NUMBERS, expert opinion, written evidence as somehow a product of "fake news"....and that their opinion (that is based on their opinion) is the only thing that is correct? This is their safe zone they have to operate within, because if they actually start debating based on facts and evidence, they may lose the narrative and actually have to accept they're wrong.

So, simple fix: demonize facts and evidence, call all real news media "fake news", and simply repeat a lie so many times until it is accepted as "fact". This, of course, only works if you have a group of willing participants who are ignorant enough to buy it....sadly for this country, it has proven wildly successful for the GOP in the short term.

Real Republicans and Conservatives (who have some actual good ideas) have completely lost control of the new Republican Party and the tail is starting to wag the dog. Their party now is actually starting to accept wild conspiracy theories like the ENTIRE FBI and CIA (including all Republicans and Independents within each) are involved in a massive conspiracy to cover up for Hillary Clinton????? THAT is somehow more believable than the fact that the FBI simply didn't have enough evidence about Hillary Clinton to charge her with anything.

It's beyond preposterous....however, THAT is now what is in the Republican mainstream. They are no more than entertainers targeting a market of willing fools. I have to hand it to them....proving to be marginally effective politics, however, it is God awful if you care about the country.

This person has watched too much CNN.

He has a right to complain about fake news, but please direct the criticism at the appropriate sources.
I'd like to know what that FISA court judge thinks about the Obama Justice Department! Knowing how much judges LOVE having people mislead them in court...I'm sure that he or she was enraged when they found out that those dossiers were paid for by the Clinton campaign and that the Obama Justice Department knew that was the case and conveniently "forgot" to mention it when they applied for those warrants to spy on the Trump campaign!

^ fox narratives.
List the parts of the Dossier that have been disproven.

That's not the way it works! When you make stuff up...and Steele did EXACTLY that...the person you smeared isn't obligated to "prove" what you created was false! The dossiers were bullshit and you can tell they were bullshit by what Steele did when he was sued in British courts for defamation! When he was finally compelled to testify he claimed that the dossiers were never supposed to be made public and were only presented as "possible scenarios" of what might have happened! If they were factual he would have said so and stood behind what he created. He didn't. He ran from those dossiers like a man runs from a burning building!

Nope...the Dossier is a collection of unverified field notes...some of which HAVE NOW BEEN verified. None, I say again, none has been disproven.

What out of the dossiers have been proven to show "collusion" between the Trump campaign and the Russian government?
Also known as...


Have you read the Steele field notes (also known as the dossier)? Let me just say, Trump should cop to the hooker's not criminal.

Field notes? Is that another way of saying "Fictional Account"? Steele ran away from his field notes when he was sued in court for defamation, Seawytch...which tells you everything you need to know about both HIM and his dossiers! His excuse that they were never intended to be seen by the public is laughable given that he was the one who leaked those dossiers to different pet media outlets of his to smear Trump. Gee, did he give them to the media with the belief they wouldn't be publicized? You'd have to be the most naive person on the planet to believe THAT story! Steele leaked those dossiers to the media with the deliberate intention of seeing them used against Trump in the waning hours of the election!
^ fox narratives.
The only way a republican can become Potus, is by lying and making up lies. They did it will Clinton, and did it with Gore , who by the way the cheating going on in Florida was fact, and they did it to Kerrry, none of the stores about swift boat were true, and they tried to do it to Obama. The only way Trump was with the Russian help and remember none of the Republicans backed him till he became the nominee, save a few like Sessions.

I can sit and listen to Rush (for an hour, it hurts by the way) and he says nothing , not a darn thing.

Gee, you liberals would NEVER do something underhanded like paying someone to make up a phony dossier and then paying someone else to put it out to the public...right, Penny?

What I find most amusing about the modern day liberal is that you now make a habit of accusing others of what you are guilty of. Trump didn't do anything even remotely approaching what Clinton and the DNC did but you wouldn't know it from the accusations flying from the left these days!
Those things are fake news.

It's "fake news" that the Clinton campaign paid someone to make up a bunch of phony dossiers and then leak them to the media to smear Trump? Is that what you're claiming, Crepitus?
^ fox narrative.
The only way a republican can become Potus, is by lying and making up lies. They did it will Clinton, and did it with Gore , who by the way the cheating going on in Florida was fact, and they did it to Kerrry, none of the stores about swift boat were true, and they tried to do it to Obama. The only way Trump was with the Russian help and remember none of the Republicans backed him till he became the nominee, save a few like Sessions.

I can sit and listen to Rush (for an hour, it hurts by the way) and he says nothing , not a darn thing.

Gee, you liberals would NEVER do something underhanded like paying someone to make up a phony dossier and then paying someone else to put it out to the public...right, Penny?

What I find most amusing about the modern day liberal is that you now make a habit of accusing others of what you are guilty of. Trump didn't do anything even remotely approaching what Clinton and the DNC did but you wouldn't know it from the accusations flying from the left these days!
Those things are fake news.

It's "fake news" that the Clinton campaign paid someone to make up a bunch of phony dossiers and then leak them to the media to smear Trump? Is that what you're claiming, Crepitus?
^ fox narrative.
Aka "fake news$.
Respected? The guy takes money from any political campaign that will pay him...Republican or take "raw intel" and infuse it with outright lies to smear his target! Steele wasn't telling the media outlets he leaked the dossiers to leading up to the election that the information contained in them was "unverified"! He was claiming that it was factual and gleaned from "inside sources" he had in the Kremlin! He didn't change his story on THAT until he was being sued for defamation in court and was forced to testify. Only THEN did he declare that the dossiers were never factual...just scenarios that might or might not be true!

Yes, respected. You guys can try to tear him down all you want to, but you’ll fail.

Link to where Steele claimed his information was 100 factual. He has always maintained that he provided unverified information.

Why do you keep ducking and dodging around the fact that some has since been verified and none disproven?
None? So Michael Cohen DID go to the Czech Republic like Steele claimed? It was one of the biggest allegations that Steele that was used against the Trump campaign when the Steele dossiers were used as "evidence" that underhanded things took place...and it was total bullshit! When he was supposed to be in the Czech Republic, Michael Cohen was at a baseball game taking place at the University of Southern California! Gee, USC in the Czech Republic?
Special counsel has evidence Michael Cohen traveled to Prague:...
"Investigators for Special Counsel Robert Mueller have evidence Cohen entered the Czech Republic through Germany in late summer 2016, McClatchy reported, citing two unnamed sources."

That was three months ago, Crepitus...just one more example of how anyone associated with Trump has been smeared with anonymous or unnamed sources and how the main stream media has gone with the story only to have it later be totally debunked.
Still, there's as much evidence that he did as there is that he didn't.

There's absolutely zero evidence that Cohen went to the Czech Republic as Richard Steele claimed that he had been told by (you guessed it!) unnamed sources in the Russian government! That was Steele lying through his teeth. Cohen wasn't in the Czech Republic when Steele claimed he was...he was at a baseball game at USC with his son.
Yes, respected. You guys can try to tear him down all you want to, but you’ll fail.

Link to where Steele claimed his information was 100 factual. He has always maintained that he provided unverified information.

Why do you keep ducking and dodging around the fact that some has since been verified and none disproven?
None? So Michael Cohen DID go to the Czech Republic like Steele claimed? It was one of the biggest allegations that Steele that was used against the Trump campaign when the Steele dossiers were used as "evidence" that underhanded things took place...and it was total bullshit! When he was supposed to be in the Czech Republic, Michael Cohen was at a baseball game taking place at the University of Southern California! Gee, USC in the Czech Republic?
Special counsel has evidence Michael Cohen traveled to Prague:...
"Investigators for Special Counsel Robert Mueller have evidence Cohen entered the Czech Republic through Germany in late summer 2016, McClatchy reported, citing two unnamed sources."

That was three months ago, Crepitus...just one more example of how anyone associated with Trump has been smeared with anonymous or unnamed sources and how the main stream media has gone with the story only to have it later be totally debunked.
Still, there's as much evidence that he did as there is that he didn't.

There's absolutely zero evidence that Cohen went to the Czech Republic as Richard Steele claimed that he had been told by (you guessed it!) unnamed sources in the Russian government! That was Steele lying through his teeth. Cohen wasn't in the Czech Republic when Steele claimed he was...he was at a baseball game at USC with his son.

Right, that's the unverified part. As various media outlets have pointed out, Cohen saying he wasn't there proves nothing. One passport proves nothing. (Manifort had three). The way things are rumored to be going with Cohen, I think we'll find out soon enough. Patience!
None? So Michael Cohen DID go to the Czech Republic like Steele claimed? It was one of the biggest allegations that Steele that was used against the Trump campaign when the Steele dossiers were used as "evidence" that underhanded things took place...and it was total bullshit! When he was supposed to be in the Czech Republic, Michael Cohen was at a baseball game taking place at the University of Southern California! Gee, USC in the Czech Republic?
Special counsel has evidence Michael Cohen traveled to Prague:...
"Investigators for Special Counsel Robert Mueller have evidence Cohen entered the Czech Republic through Germany in late summer 2016, McClatchy reported, citing two unnamed sources."

That was three months ago, Crepitus...just one more example of how anyone associated with Trump has been smeared with anonymous or unnamed sources and how the main stream media has gone with the story only to have it later be totally debunked.
Still, there's as much evidence that he did as there is that he didn't.

There's absolutely zero evidence that Cohen went to the Czech Republic as Richard Steele claimed that he had been told by (you guessed it!) unnamed sources in the Russian government! That was Steele lying through his teeth. Cohen wasn't in the Czech Republic when Steele claimed he was...he was at a baseball game at USC with his son.

Right, that's the unverified part. As various media outlets have pointed out, Cohen saying he wasn't there proves nothing. One passport proves nothing. (Manifort had three). The way things are rumored to be going with Cohen, I think we'll find out soon enough. Patience!

That's the part where Steele is lying, Seawytch! Patience? It's been two years now and Mueller has yet to reveal a single instance of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Two years and he has nothing. He's not even looking at collusion anymore...he's moved on to trying to see if he can nail Trump associates for money laundering or tax evasion. His investigation has become a joke.
Yes, respected. You guys can try to tear him down all you want to, but you’ll fail.

Link to where Steele claimed his information was 100 factual. He has always maintained that he provided unverified information.

Why do you keep ducking and dodging around the fact that some has since been verified and none disproven?
None? So Michael Cohen DID go to the Czech Republic like Steele claimed? It was one of the biggest allegations that Steele that was used against the Trump campaign when the Steele dossiers were used as "evidence" that underhanded things took place...and it was total bullshit! When he was supposed to be in the Czech Republic, Michael Cohen was at a baseball game taking place at the University of Southern California! Gee, USC in the Czech Republic?
Special counsel has evidence Michael Cohen traveled to Prague:...
"Investigators for Special Counsel Robert Mueller have evidence Cohen entered the Czech Republic through Germany in late summer 2016, McClatchy reported, citing two unnamed sources."

That was three months ago, Crepitus...just one more example of how anyone associated with Trump has been smeared with anonymous or unnamed sources and how the main stream media has gone with the story only to have it later be totally debunked.
Still, there's as much evidence that he did as there is that he didn't.

There's absolutely zero evidence that Cohen went to the Czech Republic as Richard Steele claimed that he had been told by (you guessed it!) unnamed sources in the Russian government! That was Steele lying through his teeth. Cohen wasn't in the Czech Republic when Steele claimed he was...he was at a baseball game at USC with his son.
According to? You know alibies don't count when it's only your word.
"Investigators for Special Counsel Robert Mueller have evidence Cohen entered the Czech Republic through Germany in late summer 2016, McClatchy reported, citing two unnamed sources."

That was three months ago, Crepitus...just one more example of how anyone associated with Trump has been smeared with anonymous or unnamed sources and how the main stream media has gone with the story only to have it later be totally debunked.
Still, there's as much evidence that he did as there is that he didn't.

There's absolutely zero evidence that Cohen went to the Czech Republic as Richard Steele claimed that he had been told by (you guessed it!) unnamed sources in the Russian government! That was Steele lying through his teeth. Cohen wasn't in the Czech Republic when Steele claimed he was...he was at a baseball game at USC with his son.

Right, that's the unverified part. As various media outlets have pointed out, Cohen saying he wasn't there proves nothing. One passport proves nothing. (Manifort had three). The way things are rumored to be going with Cohen, I think we'll find out soon enough. Patience!

That's the part where Steele is lying, Seawytch! Patience? It's been two years now and Mueller has yet to reveal a single instance of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Two years and he has nothing. He's not even looking at collusion anymore...he's moved on to trying to see if he can nail Trump associates for money laundering or tax evasion. His investigation has become a joke.

No, we don't know "that's where Steele is lying". We know Trump admin official after Trump admin official has been caught lying about contacts with Russians. We know Pauly Walnuts has three passports. We know Cohen dropped his suit against Buzzfeed and we know it is rumored Mueller knows Cohen went to Prauge.

The special council investigation has only been going on for a year and there are already multiple guilty pleas and indictments. You happily cheered on Benghazi investigation after Benghazi investigation (and came up with zilch). Sit tight little feller, wait for Mueller to finish.
"Investigators for Special Counsel Robert Mueller have evidence Cohen entered the Czech Republic through Germany in late summer 2016, McClatchy reported, citing two unnamed sources."

That was three months ago, Crepitus...just one more example of how anyone associated with Trump has been smeared with anonymous or unnamed sources and how the main stream media has gone with the story only to have it later be totally debunked.
Still, there's as much evidence that he did as there is that he didn't.

There's absolutely zero evidence that Cohen went to the Czech Republic as Richard Steele claimed that he had been told by (you guessed it!) unnamed sources in the Russian government! That was Steele lying through his teeth. Cohen wasn't in the Czech Republic when Steele claimed he was...he was at a baseball game at USC with his son.

Right, that's the unverified part. As various media outlets have pointed out, Cohen saying he wasn't there proves nothing. One passport proves nothing. (Manifort had three). The way things are rumored to be going with Cohen, I think we'll find out soon enough. Patience!

That's the part where Steele is lying, Seawytch! Patience? It's been two years now and Mueller has yet to reveal a single instance of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Two years and he has nothing. He's not even looking at collusion anymore...he's moved on to trying to see if he can nail Trump associates for money laundering or tax evasion. His investigation has become a joke.

No, we don't know "that's where Steele is lying". We know Trump admin official after Trump admin official has been caught lying about contacts with Russians. We know Pauly Walnuts has three passports. We know Cohen dropped his suit against Buzzfeed and we know it is rumored Mueller knows Cohen went to Prauge.

The special council investigation has only been going on for a year and there are already multiple guilty pleas and indictments. You happily cheered on Benghazi investigation after Benghazi investigation (and came up with zilch). Sit tight little feller, wait for Mueller to finish.

You're amusing. You KNOW that it's "rumored" Mueller knows Cohen went to Prague? It that were the case then Mueller would be charging Cohen with lying to Federal investigators. Cohen didn't go to Prague when Steele claimed he did because Steele was making that part up. You can't be in the Czech Republic and at a baseball game in Southern California at the same time. Duh?
Still, there's as much evidence that he did as there is that he didn't.

There's absolutely zero evidence that Cohen went to the Czech Republic as Richard Steele claimed that he had been told by (you guessed it!) unnamed sources in the Russian government! That was Steele lying through his teeth. Cohen wasn't in the Czech Republic when Steele claimed he was...he was at a baseball game at USC with his son.

Right, that's the unverified part. As various media outlets have pointed out, Cohen saying he wasn't there proves nothing. One passport proves nothing. (Manifort had three). The way things are rumored to be going with Cohen, I think we'll find out soon enough. Patience!

That's the part where Steele is lying, Seawytch! Patience? It's been two years now and Mueller has yet to reveal a single instance of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Two years and he has nothing. He's not even looking at collusion anymore...he's moved on to trying to see if he can nail Trump associates for money laundering or tax evasion. His investigation has become a joke.

No, we don't know "that's where Steele is lying". We know Trump admin official after Trump admin official has been caught lying about contacts with Russians. We know Pauly Walnuts has three passports. We know Cohen dropped his suit against Buzzfeed and we know it is rumored Mueller knows Cohen went to Prauge.

The special council investigation has only been going on for a year and there are already multiple guilty pleas and indictments. You happily cheered on Benghazi investigation after Benghazi investigation (and came up with zilch). Sit tight little feller, wait for Mueller to finish.

You're amusing. You KNOW that it's "rumored" Mueller knows Cohen went to Prague? It that were the case then Mueller would be charging Cohen with lying to Federal investigators. Cohen didn't go to Prague when Steele claimed he did because Steele was making that part up. You can't be in the Czech Republic and at a baseball game in Southern California at the same time. Duh?

You really believe that because he was at a baseball game for one day that he could not have gone to Europe on another day? The Dossier doesn't give an exact date he was in Prague, fool, it gives a broad range.

Just relax, sit back and wait it out. Cohen is flipping. Mueller will be done soon enough.
There's absolutely zero evidence that Cohen went to the Czech Republic as Richard Steele claimed that he had been told by (you guessed it!) unnamed sources in the Russian government! That was Steele lying through his teeth. Cohen wasn't in the Czech Republic when Steele claimed he was...he was at a baseball game at USC with his son.

Right, that's the unverified part. As various media outlets have pointed out, Cohen saying he wasn't there proves nothing. One passport proves nothing. (Manifort had three). The way things are rumored to be going with Cohen, I think we'll find out soon enough. Patience!

That's the part where Steele is lying, Seawytch! Patience? It's been two years now and Mueller has yet to reveal a single instance of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Two years and he has nothing. He's not even looking at collusion anymore...he's moved on to trying to see if he can nail Trump associates for money laundering or tax evasion. His investigation has become a joke.

No, we don't know "that's where Steele is lying". We know Trump admin official after Trump admin official has been caught lying about contacts with Russians. We know Pauly Walnuts has three passports. We know Cohen dropped his suit against Buzzfeed and we know it is rumored Mueller knows Cohen went to Prauge.

The special council investigation has only been going on for a year and there are already multiple guilty pleas and indictments. You happily cheered on Benghazi investigation after Benghazi investigation (and came up with zilch). Sit tight little feller, wait for Mueller to finish.

You're amusing. You KNOW that it's "rumored" Mueller knows Cohen went to Prague? It that were the case then Mueller would be charging Cohen with lying to Federal investigators. Cohen didn't go to Prague when Steele claimed he did because Steele was making that part up. You can't be in the Czech Republic and at a baseball game in Southern California at the same time. Duh?

You really believe that because he was at a baseball game for one day that he could not have gone to Europe on another day? The Dossier doesn't give an exact date he was in Prague, fool, it gives a broad range.

Just relax, sit back and wait it out. Cohen is flipping. Mueller will be done soon enough.

Wait what out? A rather pathetic attempt by you on the left to come up with something that even remotely approaches what we KNOW Hillary Clinton DID? That's what I find hilarious about this entire Russian Collusion narrative that's been foisted on the American public by the Main Stream Media in an attempt to undermine Trump! You've spent two years unsuccessfully trying to come up with some kind of evidence that Trump's campaign used some kind of "underhanded" tactic to beat Hillary. At the same time a blind man couldn't help but see that Hillary Clinton's campaign DID use underhanded tactics against Trump...paying a foreign national to compile a series of phony dossiers and then having him leak those to her best friends in the Main Stream Media right before the election in what was obviously the biggest attempt to smear someone in the history of American politics! Relax? Not until the people who did THAT are given what they deserve!
Right, that's the unverified part. As various media outlets have pointed out, Cohen saying he wasn't there proves nothing. One passport proves nothing. (Manifort had three). The way things are rumored to be going with Cohen, I think we'll find out soon enough. Patience!

That's the part where Steele is lying, Seawytch! Patience? It's been two years now and Mueller has yet to reveal a single instance of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Two years and he has nothing. He's not even looking at collusion anymore...he's moved on to trying to see if he can nail Trump associates for money laundering or tax evasion. His investigation has become a joke.

No, we don't know "that's where Steele is lying". We know Trump admin official after Trump admin official has been caught lying about contacts with Russians. We know Pauly Walnuts has three passports. We know Cohen dropped his suit against Buzzfeed and we know it is rumored Mueller knows Cohen went to Prauge.

The special council investigation has only been going on for a year and there are already multiple guilty pleas and indictments. You happily cheered on Benghazi investigation after Benghazi investigation (and came up with zilch). Sit tight little feller, wait for Mueller to finish.

You're amusing. You KNOW that it's "rumored" Mueller knows Cohen went to Prague? It that were the case then Mueller would be charging Cohen with lying to Federal investigators. Cohen didn't go to Prague when Steele claimed he did because Steele was making that part up. You can't be in the Czech Republic and at a baseball game in Southern California at the same time. Duh?

You really believe that because he was at a baseball game for one day that he could not have gone to Europe on another day? The Dossier doesn't give an exact date he was in Prague, fool, it gives a broad range.

Just relax, sit back and wait it out. Cohen is flipping. Mueller will be done soon enough.

Wait what out? A rather pathetic attempt by you on the left to come up with something that even remotely approaches what we KNOW Hillary Clinton DID? That's what I find hilarious about this entire Russian Collusion narrative that's been foisted on the American public by the Main Stream Media in an attempt to undermine Trump! You've spent two years unsuccessfully trying to come up with some kind of evidence that Trump's campaign used some kind of "underhanded" tactic to beat Hillary. At the same time a blind man couldn't help but see that Hillary Clinton's campaign DID use underhanded tactics against Trump...paying a foreign national to compile a series of phony dossiers and then having him leak those to her best friends in the Main Stream Media right before the election in what was obviously the biggest attempt to smear someone in the history of American politics! Relax? Not until the people who did THAT are given what they deserve!

LMAO You don't really think they will admit what an underhanded lying POS Hitlery is do you??

You don't really think they want to believe Steele was bought and paid for by Hitlery do you??

Oh and we won't be holding our breath for Hitlery to EVER be held accountable for anything she's ever done.

That's like pissing up a rope.

Good post though and spot the fuck on.
Right, that's the unverified part. As various media outlets have pointed out, Cohen saying he wasn't there proves nothing. One passport proves nothing. (Manifort had three). The way things are rumored to be going with Cohen, I think we'll find out soon enough. Patience!

That's the part where Steele is lying, Seawytch! Patience? It's been two years now and Mueller has yet to reveal a single instance of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Two years and he has nothing. He's not even looking at collusion anymore...he's moved on to trying to see if he can nail Trump associates for money laundering or tax evasion. His investigation has become a joke.

No, we don't know "that's where Steele is lying". We know Trump admin official after Trump admin official has been caught lying about contacts with Russians. We know Pauly Walnuts has three passports. We know Cohen dropped his suit against Buzzfeed and we know it is rumored Mueller knows Cohen went to Prauge.

The special council investigation has only been going on for a year and there are already multiple guilty pleas and indictments. You happily cheered on Benghazi investigation after Benghazi investigation (and came up with zilch). Sit tight little feller, wait for Mueller to finish.

You're amusing. You KNOW that it's "rumored" Mueller knows Cohen went to Prague? It that were the case then Mueller would be charging Cohen with lying to Federal investigators. Cohen didn't go to Prague when Steele claimed he did because Steele was making that part up. You can't be in the Czech Republic and at a baseball game in Southern California at the same time. Duh?

You really believe that because he was at a baseball game for one day that he could not have gone to Europe on another day? The Dossier doesn't give an exact date he was in Prague, fool, it gives a broad range.

Just relax, sit back and wait it out. Cohen is flipping. Mueller will be done soon enough.

Wait what out? A rather pathetic attempt by you on the left to come up with something that even remotely approaches what we KNOW Hillary Clinton DID? That's what I find hilarious about this entire Russian Collusion narrative that's been foisted on the American public by the Main Stream Media in an attempt to undermine Trump! You've spent two years unsuccessfully trying to come up with some kind of evidence that Trump's campaign used some kind of "underhanded" tactic to beat Hillary. At the same time a blind man couldn't help but see that Hillary Clinton's campaign DID use underhanded tactics against Trump...paying a foreign national to compile a series of phony dossiers and then having him leak those to her best friends in the Main Stream Media right before the election in what was obviously the biggest attempt to smear someone in the history of American politics! Relax? Not until the people who did THAT are given what they deserve!
A rather pathetic attempt by you on the left to come up with something that even remotely approaches what we KNOW Hillary Clinton DID? That's what I find hilarious about this entire Russian Collusion narrative that's been foisted on the American public by the Main Stream Media in an attempt to undermine Trump

^ The entire fox narrative.

Thank you for exemplifying the premise of the thread.
That's the part where Steele is lying, Seawytch! Patience? It's been two years now and Mueller has yet to reveal a single instance of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Two years and he has nothing. He's not even looking at collusion anymore...he's moved on to trying to see if he can nail Trump associates for money laundering or tax evasion. His investigation has become a joke.

No, we don't know "that's where Steele is lying". We know Trump admin official after Trump admin official has been caught lying about contacts with Russians. We know Pauly Walnuts has three passports. We know Cohen dropped his suit against Buzzfeed and we know it is rumored Mueller knows Cohen went to Prauge.

The special council investigation has only been going on for a year and there are already multiple guilty pleas and indictments. You happily cheered on Benghazi investigation after Benghazi investigation (and came up with zilch). Sit tight little feller, wait for Mueller to finish.

You're amusing. You KNOW that it's "rumored" Mueller knows Cohen went to Prague? It that were the case then Mueller would be charging Cohen with lying to Federal investigators. Cohen didn't go to Prague when Steele claimed he did because Steele was making that part up. You can't be in the Czech Republic and at a baseball game in Southern California at the same time. Duh?

You really believe that because he was at a baseball game for one day that he could not have gone to Europe on another day? The Dossier doesn't give an exact date he was in Prague, fool, it gives a broad range.

Just relax, sit back and wait it out. Cohen is flipping. Mueller will be done soon enough.

Wait what out? A rather pathetic attempt by you on the left to come up with something that even remotely approaches what we KNOW Hillary Clinton DID? That's what I find hilarious about this entire Russian Collusion narrative that's been foisted on the American public by the Main Stream Media in an attempt to undermine Trump! You've spent two years unsuccessfully trying to come up with some kind of evidence that Trump's campaign used some kind of "underhanded" tactic to beat Hillary. At the same time a blind man couldn't help but see that Hillary Clinton's campaign DID use underhanded tactics against Trump...paying a foreign national to compile a series of phony dossiers and then having him leak those to her best friends in the Main Stream Media right before the election in what was obviously the biggest attempt to smear someone in the history of American politics! Relax? Not until the people who did THAT are given what they deserve!
A rather pathetic attempt by you on the left to come up with something that even remotely approaches what we KNOW Hillary Clinton DID? That's what I find hilarious about this entire Russian Collusion narrative that's been foisted on the American public by the Main Stream Media in an attempt to undermine Trump

^ The entire fox narrative.

Thank you for exemplifying the premise of the thread.

What. Can't stand the truth. LOL
No, we don't know "that's where Steele is lying". We know Trump admin official after Trump admin official has been caught lying about contacts with Russians. We know Pauly Walnuts has three passports. We know Cohen dropped his suit against Buzzfeed and we know it is rumored Mueller knows Cohen went to Prauge.

The special council investigation has only been going on for a year and there are already multiple guilty pleas and indictments. You happily cheered on Benghazi investigation after Benghazi investigation (and came up with zilch). Sit tight little feller, wait for Mueller to finish.

You're amusing. You KNOW that it's "rumored" Mueller knows Cohen went to Prague? It that were the case then Mueller would be charging Cohen with lying to Federal investigators. Cohen didn't go to Prague when Steele claimed he did because Steele was making that part up. You can't be in the Czech Republic and at a baseball game in Southern California at the same time. Duh?

You really believe that because he was at a baseball game for one day that he could not have gone to Europe on another day? The Dossier doesn't give an exact date he was in Prague, fool, it gives a broad range.

Just relax, sit back and wait it out. Cohen is flipping. Mueller will be done soon enough.

Wait what out? A rather pathetic attempt by you on the left to come up with something that even remotely approaches what we KNOW Hillary Clinton DID? That's what I find hilarious about this entire Russian Collusion narrative that's been foisted on the American public by the Main Stream Media in an attempt to undermine Trump! You've spent two years unsuccessfully trying to come up with some kind of evidence that Trump's campaign used some kind of "underhanded" tactic to beat Hillary. At the same time a blind man couldn't help but see that Hillary Clinton's campaign DID use underhanded tactics against Trump...paying a foreign national to compile a series of phony dossiers and then having him leak those to her best friends in the Main Stream Media right before the election in what was obviously the biggest attempt to smear someone in the history of American politics! Relax? Not until the people who did THAT are given what they deserve!
A rather pathetic attempt by you on the left to come up with something that even remotely approaches what we KNOW Hillary Clinton DID? That's what I find hilarious about this entire Russian Collusion narrative that's been foisted on the American public by the Main Stream Media in an attempt to undermine Trump

^ The entire fox narrative.

Thank you for exemplifying the premise of the thread.

What. Can't stand the truth. LOL

You all deserve to be lied to.
You're amusing. You KNOW that it's "rumored" Mueller knows Cohen went to Prague? It that were the case then Mueller would be charging Cohen with lying to Federal investigators. Cohen didn't go to Prague when Steele claimed he did because Steele was making that part up. You can't be in the Czech Republic and at a baseball game in Southern California at the same time. Duh?

You really believe that because he was at a baseball game for one day that he could not have gone to Europe on another day? The Dossier doesn't give an exact date he was in Prague, fool, it gives a broad range.

Just relax, sit back and wait it out. Cohen is flipping. Mueller will be done soon enough.

Wait what out? A rather pathetic attempt by you on the left to come up with something that even remotely approaches what we KNOW Hillary Clinton DID? That's what I find hilarious about this entire Russian Collusion narrative that's been foisted on the American public by the Main Stream Media in an attempt to undermine Trump! You've spent two years unsuccessfully trying to come up with some kind of evidence that Trump's campaign used some kind of "underhanded" tactic to beat Hillary. At the same time a blind man couldn't help but see that Hillary Clinton's campaign DID use underhanded tactics against Trump...paying a foreign national to compile a series of phony dossiers and then having him leak those to her best friends in the Main Stream Media right before the election in what was obviously the biggest attempt to smear someone in the history of American politics! Relax? Not until the people who did THAT are given what they deserve!
A rather pathetic attempt by you on the left to come up with something that even remotely approaches what we KNOW Hillary Clinton DID? That's what I find hilarious about this entire Russian Collusion narrative that's been foisted on the American public by the Main Stream Media in an attempt to undermine Trump

^ The entire fox narrative.

Thank you for exemplifying the premise of the thread.

What. Can't stand the truth. LOL

You all deserve to be lied to.

The only lying I see is from gullible people like you on this board.
Right, that's the unverified part. As various media outlets have pointed out, Cohen saying he wasn't there proves nothing. One passport proves nothing. (Manifort had three). The way things are rumored to be going with Cohen, I think we'll find out soon enough. Patience!

That's the part where Steele is lying, Seawytch! Patience? It's been two years now and Mueller has yet to reveal a single instance of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Two years and he has nothing. He's not even looking at collusion anymore...he's moved on to trying to see if he can nail Trump associates for money laundering or tax evasion. His investigation has become a joke.

No, we don't know "that's where Steele is lying". We know Trump admin official after Trump admin official has been caught lying about contacts with Russians. We know Pauly Walnuts has three passports. We know Cohen dropped his suit against Buzzfeed and we know it is rumored Mueller knows Cohen went to Prauge.

The special council investigation has only been going on for a year and there are already multiple guilty pleas and indictments. You happily cheered on Benghazi investigation after Benghazi investigation (and came up with zilch). Sit tight little feller, wait for Mueller to finish.

You're amusing. You KNOW that it's "rumored" Mueller knows Cohen went to Prague? It that were the case then Mueller would be charging Cohen with lying to Federal investigators. Cohen didn't go to Prague when Steele claimed he did because Steele was making that part up. You can't be in the Czech Republic and at a baseball game in Southern California at the same time. Duh?

You really believe that because he was at a baseball game for one day that he could not have gone to Europe on another day? The Dossier doesn't give an exact date he was in Prague, fool, it gives a broad range.

Just relax, sit back and wait it out. Cohen is flipping. Mueller will be done soon enough.

Wait what out? A rather pathetic attempt by you on the left to come up with something that even remotely approaches what we KNOW Hillary Clinton DID? That's what I find hilarious about this entire Russian Collusion narrative that's been foisted on the American public by the Main Stream Media in an attempt to undermine Trump! You've spent two years unsuccessfully trying to come up with some kind of evidence that Trump's campaign used some kind of "underhanded" tactic to beat Hillary. At the same time a blind man couldn't help but see that Hillary Clinton's campaign DID use underhanded tactics against Trump...paying a foreign national to compile a series of phony dossiers and then having him leak those to her best friends in the Main Stream Media right before the election in what was obviously the biggest attempt to smear someone in the history of American politics! Relax? Not until the people who did THAT are given what they deserve!

Wait for Republican Robert Mueller’s investigation to conclude.

You keep saying phony Dossier, but still can’t come up with a single thing that has been debunked whereas parts of it have been publicly verified. That’s the epitome of willful ignorance. Hutch is right, you do deserve to be lied to.
You're amusing. You KNOW that it's "rumored" Mueller knows Cohen went to Prague? It that were the case then Mueller would be charging Cohen with lying to Federal investigators. Cohen didn't go to Prague when Steele claimed he did because Steele was making that part up. You can't be in the Czech Republic and at a baseball game in Southern California at the same time. Duh?

You really believe that because he was at a baseball game for one day that he could not have gone to Europe on another day? The Dossier doesn't give an exact date he was in Prague, fool, it gives a broad range.

Just relax, sit back and wait it out. Cohen is flipping. Mueller will be done soon enough.

Wait what out? A rather pathetic attempt by you on the left to come up with something that even remotely approaches what we KNOW Hillary Clinton DID? That's what I find hilarious about this entire Russian Collusion narrative that's been foisted on the American public by the Main Stream Media in an attempt to undermine Trump! You've spent two years unsuccessfully trying to come up with some kind of evidence that Trump's campaign used some kind of "underhanded" tactic to beat Hillary. At the same time a blind man couldn't help but see that Hillary Clinton's campaign DID use underhanded tactics against Trump...paying a foreign national to compile a series of phony dossiers and then having him leak those to her best friends in the Main Stream Media right before the election in what was obviously the biggest attempt to smear someone in the history of American politics! Relax? Not until the people who did THAT are given what they deserve!
A rather pathetic attempt by you on the left to come up with something that even remotely approaches what we KNOW Hillary Clinton DID? That's what I find hilarious about this entire Russian Collusion narrative that's been foisted on the American public by the Main Stream Media in an attempt to undermine Trump

^ The entire fox narrative.

Thank you for exemplifying the premise of the thread.

What. Can't stand the truth. LOL

You all deserve to be lied to.

It borders on embarrassing watching progressive shills like yourself pretend that Hillary Clinton and the DNC DIDN'T pay for a smear campaign against Donald Trump carried out by foreign entities to fool the American public as they went to the polls. That happened. It's not a "narrative". It's an undeniable fact.

What we as Americans "deserve" are candidates who run on their ideas for making the country better...not by sleazy attempts to subvert the election process.

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