FOX "Newsification" of Trump and the new Republican Party

The only way a republican can become Potus, is by lying and making up lies. They did it will Clinton, and did it with Gore , who by the way the cheating going on in Florida was fact, and they did it to Kerrry, none of the stores about swift boat were true, and they tried to do it to Obama. The only way Trump was with the Russian help and remember none of the Republicans backed him till he became the nominee, save a few like Sessions.

I can sit and listen to Rush (for an hour, it hurts by the way) and he says nothing , not a darn thing.

Well all those folks named are opinion people. Not news people.

Oh an Hitlery is a liar and always has been.

She ran for cover after being shot at. LOL
The irony is this is exactly what the op is about.^
The only way a republican can become Potus, is by lying and making up lies. They did it will Clinton, and did it with Gore , who by the way the cheating going on in Florida was fact, and they did it to Kerrry, none of the stores about swift boat were true, and they tried to do it to Obama. The only way Trump was with the Russian help and remember none of the Republicans backed him till he became the nominee, save a few like Sessions.

I can sit and listen to Rush (for an hour, it hurts by the way) and he says nothing , not a darn thing.

Gee, you liberals would NEVER do something underhanded like paying someone to make up a phony dossier and then paying someone else to put it out to the public...right, Penny?

What I find most amusing about the modern day liberal is that you now make a habit of accusing others of what you are guilty of. Trump didn't do anything even remotely approaching what Clinton and the DNC did but you wouldn't know it from the accusations flying from the left these days!
Those things are fake news.
It does appear that the Right has taken things too far, and it reminds me of something Reagan once said.

There were many in the party who took his "government is the problem" comment absolutely literally and as gospel, and are desperate to attack almost any government as "the problem". The result? We've seen a change in the nature of the American economy and income/wealth imbalances since that time.

In this case, they have taken a fact - that yes, the press leans Left - and have completely over-compensated for that by essentially creating their own reality, their own universe, outside of the press, via talk radio and the internet. The result? Rapidly increasing divisions, as we can't even agree on what is real any more.

There are general principles that can guide us, and then there is blind and binary submission to an idea.
and that's the right's fault? dude you have issues.
The only way a republican can become Potus, is by lying and making up lies. They did it will Clinton, and did it with Gore , who by the way the cheating going on in Florida was fact, and they did it to Kerrry, none of the stores about swift boat were true, and they tried to do it to Obama. The only way Trump was with the Russian help and remember none of the Republicans backed him till he became the nominee, save a few like Sessions.

I can sit and listen to Rush (for an hour, it hurts by the way) and he says nothing , not a darn thing.

Gee, you liberals would NEVER do something underhanded like paying someone to make up a phony dossier and then paying someone else to put it out to the public...right, Penny?

What I find most amusing about the modern day liberal is that you now make a habit of accusing others of what you are guilty of. Trump didn't do anything even remotely approaching what Clinton and the DNC did but you wouldn't know it from the accusations flying from the left these days!
Those things are fake news.
why isn't Carter Page in jail or in court right now?
The only way a republican can become Potus, is by lying and making up lies. They did it will Clinton, and did it with Gore , who by the way the cheating going on in Florida was fact, and they did it to Kerrry, none of the stores about swift boat were true, and they tried to do it to Obama. The only way Trump was with the Russian help and remember none of the Republicans backed him till he became the nominee, save a few like Sessions.

I can sit and listen to Rush (for an hour, it hurts by the way) and he says nothing , not a darn thing.

Gee, you liberals would NEVER do something underhanded like paying someone to make up a phony dossier and then paying someone else to put it out to the public...right, Penny?

What I find most amusing about the modern day liberal is that you now make a habit of accusing others of what you are guilty of. Trump didn't do anything even remotely approaching what Clinton and the DNC did but you wouldn't know it from the accusations flying from the left these days!
Those things are fake news.

It's "fake news" that the Clinton campaign paid someone to make up a bunch of phony dossiers and then leak them to the media to smear Trump? Is that what you're claiming, Crepitus?
It does appear that the Right has taken things too far, and it reminds me of something Reagan once said.

There were many in the party who took his "government is the problem" comment absolutely literally and as gospel, and are desperate to attack almost any government as "the problem". The result? We've seen a change in the nature of the American economy and income/wealth imbalances since that time.

In this case, they have taken a fact - that yes, the press leans Left - and have completely over-compensated for that by essentially creating their own reality, their own universe, outside of the press, via talk radio and the internet. The result? Rapidly increasing divisions, as we can't even agree on what is real any more.

There are general principles that can guide us, and then there is blind and binary submission to an idea.
and that's the right's fault? dude you have issues.
Well, I might. Or I may be right. You can pretend that the Right hasn't created its own universe, that's fine.
only for the poorly educated. those that want to know the truth will hear a soundbite or see a ( usually edited for time ) video clip & try to find it in its entirety from credible, verifiable, unbiased sources. those that want to stay comfy & cozy in their bubble... willingly stay ignorant.

& i listen to oxyboy as well as a few progressive radio programs to keep up with what is being said over the airwaves.

I used to listen to Limbaugh back in the 90s. Try a little experiment...listen to him back then and compare to now. Something has changed.
Except he hasn’t....

Oh, but he has. He used to be tolerable.
Rush hasn’t moved a speck on the political spectrum, YOU have.

Just like Chris Matthews claimed that Glenn Beck used to be different a couple years before he got his Fox show. One can easily see that Beck didn’t change any of his beliefs at all in that time.

I didn't say he changed ideology, his style changed. He never would have been caught dead with the "deep state" bullshit back then. Try it...listen to an old tape from the 90s and then today. Something is different. Maybe it's because of oxy and off market hard on pills, but it's there.

I have been listening to Rush since the 90s as well.

He hasn’t changed anything.
The only way a republican can become Potus, is by lying and making up lies. They did it will Clinton, and did it with Gore , who by the way the cheating going on in Florida was fact, and they did it to Kerrry, none of the stores about swift boat were true, and they tried to do it to Obama. The only way Trump was with the Russian help and remember none of the Republicans backed him till he became the nominee, save a few like Sessions.

I can sit and listen to Rush (for an hour, it hurts by the way) and he says nothing , not a darn thing.

Gee, you liberals would NEVER do something underhanded like paying someone to make up a phony dossier and then paying someone else to put it out to the public...right, Penny?

What I find most amusing about the modern day liberal is that you now make a habit of accusing others of what you are guilty of. Trump didn't do anything even remotely approaching what Clinton and the DNC did but you wouldn't know it from the accusations flying from the left these days!
Those things are fake news.

It's "fake news" that the Clinton campaign paid someone to make up a bunch of phony dossiers and then leak them to the media to smear Trump? Is that what you're claiming, Crepitus?

Of course he is. He's not smart enough to believe anything but what the other lefty idiots are saying.

Same with Seahunt. LOL
The far right have corrupted social media to create a parallel universe in which fact, critical thinking, and objectivity are not believe and their conclusions set aside as fake news. Some HSs and many universities have created a series of social media literacy courses to once again emphasize that good thinking and decision making and planning are the results of facts, critical thinking, and objectivity. I expect the denizens of the parallel universe to emerge as wraiths to fight against the re-introduction of critical process with all their might.

In this “parallel universe” you speak of, can men “choose” to be women, can men in dresses shit next to little girls, can bad be good and good be bad, do illegal wetbacks take priority over REAL Americans, is lawlessness and criminality encouraged and championed, do wackjobs hate the giving rich and love the taking poor?
You question is confused? Read the quote above carefully, and it will answer your questions.
The only way a republican can become Potus, is by lying and making up lies. They did it will Clinton, and did it with Gore , who by the way the cheating going on in Florida was fact, and they did it to Kerrry, none of the stores about swift boat were true, and they tried to do it to Obama. The only way Trump was with the Russian help and remember none of the Republicans backed him till he became the nominee, save a few like Sessions.

I can sit and listen to Rush (for an hour, it hurts by the way) and he says nothing , not a darn thing.

Gee, you liberals would NEVER do something underhanded like paying someone to make up a phony dossier and then paying someone else to put it out to the public...right, Penny?

What I find most amusing about the modern day liberal is that you now make a habit of accusing others of what you are guilty of. Trump didn't do anything even remotely approaching what Clinton and the DNC did but you wouldn't know it from the accusations flying from the left these days!
Those things are fake news.
why isn't Carter Page in jail or in court right now?
The only way a republican can become Potus, is by lying and making up lies. They did it will Clinton, and did it with Gore , who by the way the cheating going on in Florida was fact, and they did it to Kerrry, none of the stores about swift boat were true, and they tried to do it to Obama. The only way Trump was with the Russian help and remember none of the Republicans backed him till he became the nominee, save a few like Sessions.

I can sit and listen to Rush (for an hour, it hurts by the way) and he says nothing , not a darn thing.

Gee, you liberals would NEVER do something underhanded like paying someone to make up a phony dossier and then paying someone else to put it out to the public...right, Penny?

What I find most amusing about the modern day liberal is that you now make a habit of accusing others of what you are guilty of. Trump didn't do anything even remotely approaching what Clinton and the DNC did but you wouldn't know it from the accusations flying from the left these days!
Those things are fake news.

It's "fake news" that the Clinton campaign paid someone to make up a bunch of phony dossiers and then leak them to the media to smear Trump? Is that what you're claiming, Crepitus?
I used to listen to Limbaugh back in the 90s. Try a little experiment...listen to him back then and compare to now. Something has changed.
Except he hasn’t....

Oh, but he has. He used to be tolerable.
Rush hasn’t moved a speck on the political spectrum, YOU have.

Just like Chris Matthews claimed that Glenn Beck used to be different a couple years before he got his Fox show. One can easily see that Beck didn’t change any of his beliefs at all in that time.

I didn't say he changed ideology, his style changed. He never would have been caught dead with the "deep state" bullshit back then. Try it...listen to an old tape from the 90s and then today. Something is different. Maybe it's because of oxy and off market hard on pills, but it's there.

I have been listening to Rush since the 90s as well.

He hasn’t changed anything.

You’ve got to be kidding me. There is a world of difference between THAT Rush and today’s.
Except he hasn’t....

Oh, but he has. He used to be tolerable.
Rush hasn’t moved a speck on the political spectrum, YOU have.

Just like Chris Matthews claimed that Glenn Beck used to be different a couple years before he got his Fox show. One can easily see that Beck didn’t change any of his beliefs at all in that time.

I didn't say he changed ideology, his style changed. He never would have been caught dead with the "deep state" bullshit back then. Try it...listen to an old tape from the 90s and then today. Something is different. Maybe it's because of oxy and off market hard on pills, but it's there.

I have been listening to Rush since the 90s as well.

He hasn’t changed anything.

You’ve got to be kidding me. There is a world of difference between THAT Rush and today’s.

No there isn’t.

It is the Democrats that are VASTLY different from what they were in the 90s.
The only way a republican can become Potus, is by lying and making up lies. They did it will Clinton, and did it with Gore , who by the way the cheating going on in Florida was fact, and they did it to Kerrry, none of the stores about swift boat were true, and they tried to do it to Obama. The only way Trump was with the Russian help and remember none of the Republicans backed him till he became the nominee, save a few like Sessions.

I can sit and listen to Rush (for an hour, it hurts by the way) and he says nothing , not a darn thing.

Gee, you liberals would NEVER do something underhanded like paying someone to make up a phony dossier and then paying someone else to put it out to the public...right, Penny?

What I find most amusing about the modern day liberal is that you now make a habit of accusing others of what you are guilty of. Trump didn't do anything even remotely approaching what Clinton and the DNC did but you wouldn't know it from the accusations flying from the left these days!
Those things are fake news.

It's "fake news" that the Clinton campaign paid someone to make up a bunch of phony dossiers and then leak them to the media to smear Trump? Is that what you're claiming, Crepitus?

That’s correct. Steele, a respected former MI6 agent, did not fabricate his memos. He gathered raw intel and created the memos from that raw data. He has always maintained that the data was unverified. Some information has, since the public disclosure of the Dossier, been publicly verified.

Let’s wait for the Mueller investigation to conclude, shall we?
The only way a republican can become Potus, is by lying and making up lies. They did it will Clinton, and did it with Gore , who by the way the cheating going on in Florida was fact, and they did it to Kerrry, none of the stores about swift boat were true, and they tried to do it to Obama. The only way Trump was with the Russian help and remember none of the Republicans backed him till he became the nominee, save a few like Sessions.

I can sit and listen to Rush (for an hour, it hurts by the way) and he says nothing , not a darn thing.

Gee, you liberals would NEVER do something underhanded like paying someone to make up a phony dossier and then paying someone else to put it out to the public...right, Penny?

What I find most amusing about the modern day liberal is that you now make a habit of accusing others of what you are guilty of. Trump didn't do anything even remotely approaching what Clinton and the DNC did but you wouldn't know it from the accusations flying from the left these days!
Those things are fake news.

It's "fake news" that the Clinton campaign paid someone to make up a bunch of phony dossiers and then leak them to the media to smear Trump? Is that what you're claiming, Crepitus?

Of course he is. He's not smart enough to believe anything but what the other lefty idiots are saying.

Same with Seahunt. LOL
I have told nothing but the truth. Verifiable facts only. Sadly you will continue to slurp up the fake news anyway. Some people can't be helped.
The only way a republican can become Potus, is by lying and making up lies. They did it will Clinton, and did it with Gore , who by the way the cheating going on in Florida was fact, and they did it to Kerrry, none of the stores about swift boat were true, and they tried to do it to Obama. The only way Trump was with the Russian help and remember none of the Republicans backed him till he became the nominee, save a few like Sessions.

I can sit and listen to Rush (for an hour, it hurts by the way) and he says nothing , not a darn thing.

Gee, you liberals would NEVER do something underhanded like paying someone to make up a phony dossier and then paying someone else to put it out to the public...right, Penny?

What I find most amusing about the modern day liberal is that you now make a habit of accusing others of what you are guilty of. Trump didn't do anything even remotely approaching what Clinton and the DNC did but you wouldn't know it from the accusations flying from the left these days!
Those things are fake news.

It's "fake news" that the Clinton campaign paid someone to make up a bunch of phony dossiers and then leak them to the media to smear Trump? Is that what you're claiming, Crepitus?

Of course he is. He's not smart enough to believe anything but what the other lefty idiots are saying.

Same with Seahunt. LOL
I have told nothing but the truth. Verifiable facts only. Sadly you will continue to slurp up the fake news anyway. Some people can't be helped.

Verified Facts?? If that were the case Trump would be facing Congress.

Guess not. What a dummy you are.
Gee, you liberals would NEVER do something underhanded like paying someone to make up a phony dossier and then paying someone else to put it out to the public...right, Penny?

What I find most amusing about the modern day liberal is that you now make a habit of accusing others of what you are guilty of. Trump didn't do anything even remotely approaching what Clinton and the DNC did but you wouldn't know it from the accusations flying from the left these days!
Those things are fake news.

It's "fake news" that the Clinton campaign paid someone to make up a bunch of phony dossiers and then leak them to the media to smear Trump? Is that what you're claiming, Crepitus?

Of course he is. He's not smart enough to believe anything but what the other lefty idiots are saying.

Same with Seahunt. LOL
I have told nothing but the truth. Verifiable facts only. Sadly you will continue to slurp up the fake news anyway. Some people can't be helped.

Verified Facts?? If that were the case Trump would be facing Congress.

Guess not. What a dummy you are.
He will be soon enough.
Those things are fake news.

It's "fake news" that the Clinton campaign paid someone to make up a bunch of phony dossiers and then leak them to the media to smear Trump? Is that what you're claiming, Crepitus?

Of course he is. He's not smart enough to believe anything but what the other lefty idiots are saying.

Same with Seahunt. LOL
I have told nothing but the truth. Verifiable facts only. Sadly you will continue to slurp up the fake news anyway. Some people can't be helped.

Verified Facts?? If that were the case Trump would be facing Congress.

Guess not. What a dummy you are.
He will be soon enough.

LMAO Only in your misguided dreams.
It's "fake news" that the Clinton campaign paid someone to make up a bunch of phony dossiers and then leak them to the media to smear Trump? Is that what you're claiming, Crepitus?

Of course he is. He's not smart enough to believe anything but what the other lefty idiots are saying.

Same with Seahunt. LOL
I have told nothing but the truth. Verifiable facts only. Sadly you will continue to slurp up the fake news anyway. Some people can't be helped.

Verified Facts?? If that were the case Trump would be facing Congress.

Guess not. What a dummy you are.
He will be soon enough.

LMAO Only in your misguided dreams.
Hide and watch kid.
Of course he is. He's not smart enough to believe anything but what the other lefty idiots are saying.

Same with Seahunt. LOL
I have told nothing but the truth. Verifiable facts only. Sadly you will continue to slurp up the fake news anyway. Some people can't be helped.

Verified Facts?? If that were the case Trump would be facing Congress.

Guess not. What a dummy you are.
He will be soon enough.

LMAO Only in your misguided dreams.
Hide and watch kid.

Oh I won't be hiding but you probably will.

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