FOX "Newsification" of Trump and the new Republican Party

Kind of amusing thread given how many Democrats accept anything they hear on CNN, or MSNBC with little or no question. Look at what we saw after the Trump/Putin summit which lets be real here was not a great moment for Trump but it was not one for the media and the left throwing out things like darkest day in our history, treason to name a couple and many repeating it here. If both sides want to move beyond this type of stuff then they should clean up their own house first before telling the other side how dirty their's is.

Actually, we DO question champ.....

However, not sure what you call an American President meeting secretly with a foreign dictator who has been attacking our country and then siding with HIM over the United States' own intelligence agencies?!?!? Trump took an oath to be the American President......not Russia's.

Treason?!? Fine, you don't like that word.....let's at least call it unAmerican and something that is unforgivable as an American President; don't give a **** what party he/she belongs to.
....The right wing can think that all Republicans, Independents, and Democrats within the four intelligence agencies are somehow conspiring together against Donald Trump....but then ignore all the REAL evidence above?!?!? That's moronic.

There's a slight problem with all your REAL evidence, it doesn't prove anything

I realize all the traumatized and brainwashed disciples of the psycho princess desperately want the vast Russian conspiracy to be true but as Strzok admitted to his mistress.. there's no big there, there..

Good morning Jantje!

Sure it doesn't????? Those are all coincidences that just "happened" to all occur at the same time????? That's believable. :1041:
Good morning Jantje!

Sure it doesn't????? Those are all coincidences that just "happened" to all occur at the same time????? That's believable. :1041:

And a good morning to you too

I can't wait to see the #resistance impeach the orange clown based on 'unbelievable coincidences'

Speaking of coincidences, did you notice how the patriotic Mueller managed to indict a bunch of Russian spies just before Trump was about to meet with Putin?

Good morning Jantje!

Sure it doesn't????? Those are all coincidences that just "happened" to all occur at the same time????? That's believable. :1041:

And a good morning to you too

I can't wait to see the #resistance impeach the orange clown based on 'unbelievable coincidences'

Speaking of coincidences, did you notice how the patriotic Mueller managed to indict a bunch of Russian spies just before Trump was about to meet with Putin?


Indictment is based on evidence clearly stated in the indictment itself. Timing of it? Who cares, really?

I guess there are two different things that are going on.....there is, of course, the court of law where capital crimes have to be proven 'beyond a reasonable doubt' and the court of public opinion where a public official can be judged by the preponderance of the evidence. It is unclear (in fact, unlikely) that "collusion" will be able to be proven in a court of I understand it, that would also have to go to intent of the action. PROVING that is difficult.

However, it is becoming abundantly clear that the building evidence (along with Trump's actions as POTUS) calls into question Trump's ability to act in the best interests of the United States. That is increasingly a problem because Trump constantly asks the public to believe HIM just because that's what he says we should believe. If we cannot count on the fact they guy even has the best interests of the country at is impossible to believe what he has to say. That's not even going into the thousands of lies he continues to spew every day from the White House.

Eventually, that will whack away at the power he has as President.
Indictment is based on evidence clearly stated in the indictment itself. Timing of it? Who cares, really?

I see, timing is only important when you're trying to "prove" the vast Russian conspiracy

But just for fun, can you state in your own words, what piece of 'clear evidence' in the holy indictment convinced you that the Russians did it?
...Eventually, that will whack away at the power he has as President.

Finally we can agree on something

The whole purpose of the Mueller inquisition is just a PR excercise to undermine the legitimacy of the orange regime and make sure you don't get friendly with the Russians because the MIC needs a credible enemy to keep the war budget intact...

Indictment is based on evidence clearly stated in the indictment itself. Timing of it? Who cares, really?

I see, timing is only important when you're trying to "prove" the vast Russian conspiracy

But just for fun, can you state in your own words, what piece of 'clear evidence' in the holy indictment convinced you that the Russians did it?
...Eventually, that will whack away at the power he has as President.

Finally we can agree on something

The whole purpose of the Mueller inquisition is just a PR excercise to undermine the legitimacy of the orange regime and make sure you don't get friendly with the Russians because the MIC needs a credible enemy to keep the war budget intact...


Russian 'conspiracy' really isn't that "vast". It's pretty simple.....Putin wanted Trump to be elected because he knew Trump would be sympathetic to Russian desires. Trump has proven to be exactly what Putin wanted. It is simple and straight-forward.

Your 'PR exercise' statement is pretty silly given the fact that 'exercise' has resulted in numerous indictments based on evidence and facts.

Now....if you want to talk 'PR exercise', then we could look for the real "witch hunt" when the GOP investigated 11 different times about the Benghazi attacks to find the exact same thing every time (exoneration of Hillary Clinton). THAT is what a real "with hunt" looks like. Now, I've teed you up for some juvenile "Hillary is a witch" comment.........ready, set, ______
7:1 and the Left Wing Wackos cry unfair LOL
The American Press is a propaganda tool of the Corrupt Democratic Party

Russian 'conspiracy' really isn't that "vast". It's pretty simple.....Putin wanted Trump to be elected because he knew Trump would be sympathetic to Russian desires. Trump has proven to be exactly what Putin wanted. It is simple and straight-forward.

I don't know how old you are but it's a reference to Hillary's claims of the vast right wing conspiracy (you can google that)

And as for Putin wanting to see the orange clown selected, millions of people wanted the same thing, I did too.. it isn't evidence of anything
Your 'PR exercise' statement is pretty silly given the fact that 'exercise' has resulted in numerous indictments based on evidence and facts.

Let me repeat the question, what piece of evidence convinced you that the Russians did it?
Now....if you want to talk 'PR exercise', then we could look for the real "witch hunt" when the GOP investigated 11 different times about the Benghazi attacks to find the exact same thing every time (exoneration of Hillary Clinton). THAT is what a real "with hunt" looks like. Now, I've teed you up for some juvenile "Hillary is a witch" comment.........ready, set, ______

Don't make the mistake of thinking I'm GOP minion comrade, my opinion is that both parties are totally corrupt and only serve the interests of the equally corrupt oligarchy that controls the exceptional empire

As for the psycho princess being a witch, only one way to be sure... throw her in the river tied to a large rock... if she floats she's guilty...

Russian 'conspiracy' really isn't that "vast". It's pretty simple.....Putin wanted Trump to be elected because he knew Trump would be sympathetic to Russian desires. Trump has proven to be exactly what Putin wanted. It is simple and straight-forward.

I don't know how old you are but it's a reference to Hillary's claims of the vast right wing conspiracy (you can google that)

And as for Putin wanting to see the orange clown selected, millions of people wanted the same thing, I did too.. it isn't evidence of anything
Your 'PR exercise' statement is pretty silly given the fact that 'exercise' has resulted in numerous indictments based on evidence and facts.

Let me repeat the question, what piece of evidence convinced you that the Russians did it?
Now....if you want to talk 'PR exercise', then we could look for the real "witch hunt" when the GOP investigated 11 different times about the Benghazi attacks to find the exact same thing every time (exoneration of Hillary Clinton). THAT is what a real "with hunt" looks like. Now, I've teed you up for some juvenile "Hillary is a witch" comment.........ready, set, ______

Don't make the mistake of thinking I'm GOP minion comrade, my opinion is that both parties are totally corrupt and only serve the interests of the equally corrupt oligarchy that controls the exceptional empire

As for the psycho princess being a witch, only one way to be sure... throw her in the river tied to a large rock... if she floats she's guilty...


Of course it isn't "evidence of anything".....just like video of that Helsinki Press conference wasn't evidence of Trump's capitulation to Putin. (eyeroll)

Seriously?!?!? (sigh) Regarding evidence of the Russians......I think your 'Google' isn't working. You have access (if you really cared) to the indictment of Russian agents from just a few weeks can read it for yourself.
12 Russian Agents Indicted in Mueller Investigation

Plus, NO.....I don't believe that the tens of thousands of Republicans/Independents/Democrats within the FBI, NSA, CIA are all working together to bring down Donald Trump. As "believable" as that argument may be...... (again eyeroll.....please stop, I'm getting a headache).
I can sit and listen to Rush (for an hour, it hurts by the way) and he says nothing , not a darn thing.
Well, I'd disagree there.

I listen to talk radio when I can, pretty regularly, and on a big picture level, it does two things: First, it supplies random talking points and buzzwords for use in specific situations (as we see here daily). But far more importantly, it creates and reinforces literal thought processes that apply in situations across the spectrum.

only for the poorly educated. those that want to know the truth will hear a soundbite or see a ( usually edited for time ) video clip & try to find it in its entirety from credible, verifiable, unbiased sources. those that want to stay comfy & cozy in their bubble... willingly stay ignorant.

& i listen to oxyboy as well as a few progressive radio programs to keep up with what is being said over the airwaves.

I used to listen to Limbaugh back in the 90s. Try a little experiment...listen to him back then and compare to now. Something has changed.
Except he hasn’t....

Oh, but he has. He used to be tolerable.
Rush hasn’t moved a speck on the political spectrum, YOU have.

Just like Chris Matthews claimed that Glenn Beck used to be different a couple years before he got his Fox show. One can easily see that Beck didn’t change any of his beliefs at all in that time.
7:1 and the Left Wing Wackos cry unfair LOL
The American Press is a propaganda tool of the Corrupt Democratic Party

View attachment 206678

Gee....I wonder how they get together and meet to decide on their "propaganda" as you put it??

That's SOOOOOOOO believable! (that's sarcasm sparky)
They get together all the time.

Right....and decide how they're going to both compete with each other for ratings but still simultaneously stay on message and dethrone Trump?!?!?

Of course it isn't "evidence of anything".....just like video of that Helsinki Press conference wasn't evidence of Trump's capitulation to Putin. (eyeroll)

The only thing that video is evidence of is the fact that the orange saviour is a complete joke and that he admires Putin (probably because Putin really made Russia great again as he promised and is loved by his own people, something Trump will never accomplish)
Seriously?!?!? (sigh) Regarding evidence of the Russians......I think your 'Google' isn't working. You have access (if you really cared) to the indictment of Russian agents from just a few weeks can read it for yourself.
12 Russian Agents Indicted in Mueller Investigation

This is getting boring, you keep saying allegations are proof of guilt.

How hard can it be to state in your own words what piece of 'evidence' in those indictments convinced you that the Russians did it?
Plus, NO.....I don't believe that the tens of thousands of Republicans/Independents/Democrats within the FBI, NSA, CIA are all working together to bring down Donald Trump. As "believable" as that argument may be...... (again eyeroll.....please stop, I'm getting a headache).

What makes you think the deep state conspiracy consists of tens of thousands of operatives?

All it takes is a few dozen people in the right places, the rest can just be fooled or bribed to do their bidding

Of course it isn't "evidence of anything".....just like video of that Helsinki Press conference wasn't evidence of Trump's capitulation to Putin. (eyeroll)

The only thing that video is evidence of is the fact that the orange saviour is a complete joke and that he admires Putin (probably because Putin really made Russia great again as he promised and is loved by his own people, something Trump will never accomplish)
Seriously?!?!? (sigh) Regarding evidence of the Russians......I think your 'Google' isn't working. You have access (if you really cared) to the indictment of Russian agents from just a few weeks can read it for yourself.
12 Russian Agents Indicted in Mueller Investigation

This is getting boring, you keep saying allegations are proof of guilt.

How hard can it be to state in your own words what piece of 'evidence' in those indictments convinced you that the Russians did it?
Plus, NO.....I don't believe that the tens of thousands of Republicans/Independents/Democrats within the FBI, NSA, CIA are all working together to bring down Donald Trump. As "believable" as that argument may be...... (again eyeroll.....please stop, I'm getting a headache).

What makes you think the deep state conspiracy consists of tens of thousands of operatives?

All it takes is a few dozen people in the right places, the rest can just be fooled or bribed to do their bidding


You're the boob claiming that everyone is out to get Trump....not me.

I am simply claiming that it is far more likely that the indictments of 26 different Russian agents made after full investigations are far more believable that the nonsense that the entire intelligence community (including the people Trump appointed himself) are out to get Trump.

Call me 'crazy'.......................

I'll agree with you on one thing....this is getting boring. I can only show you that 1 plus 1 equals 2 so many times.......

By the way, what are names or positions of those "dozens of people in the right places" that are fooling the other thousands of workers?!?! I'll be curious to hear who you point out.....
You're the boob claiming that everyone is out to get Trump....not me..

Not everyone, just the deep state and the brainwashed #resistance

And unlike you, I actually have evidence to back up my statements
I am simply claiming that it is far more likely that the indictments of 26 different Russian agents made after full investigations are far more believable that the nonsense that the entire intelligence community (including the people Trump appointed himself) are out to get Trump.

And I'm simply asking you to state in your own words what piece of 'evidence' in those indictments convinced you that the Russians did it

The fact that you refuse to answer that question is very telling comrade
Call me 'crazy'.......................

I'll go with brainwashed if you don't mind
I'll agree with you on one thing....this is getting boring. I can only show you that 1 plus 1 equals 2 so many times.......

Nah, you're trying to claim that 0 + 0 = 2 since you don't have any evidence that 1 exists

By the way, what are names or positions of those "dozens of people in the right places" that are fooling the other thousands of workers?!?! I'll be curious to hear who you point out.....

I'm not a member of the deep state swamp so I can't give you all the names but more of them have their crimes exposed every day

So far
- Brennan (the CIA director is always a member)
- Comey (same goes for the FBI)
- Clapper (see above)
- Mueller himself of course, being the FBI director under Bu$h
- Hillary (recruited when she married Bill, or even before)
- Rosenstein (control of the DOJ is important)
- Strzok (allthough he's more of a willing accomplice)
- McCain (luckily his brain disease prevents him from doing much these days)
- And a whole bunch of less important puppets

Let me know if you want specifics on any of them

You're the boob claiming that everyone is out to get Trump....not me..

Not everyone, just the deep state and the brainwashed #resistance

And unlike you, I actually have evidence to back up my statements
I am simply claiming that it is far more likely that the indictments of 26 different Russian agents made after full investigations are far more believable that the nonsense that the entire intelligence community (including the people Trump appointed himself) are out to get Trump.

And I'm simply asking you to state in your own words what piece of 'evidence' in those indictments convinced you that the Russians did it

The fact that you refuse to answer that question is very telling comrade
Call me 'crazy'.......................

I'll go with brainwashed if you don't mind
I'll agree with you on one thing....this is getting boring. I can only show you that 1 plus 1 equals 2 so many times.......

Nah, you're trying to claim that 0 + 0 = 2 since you don't have any evidence that 1 exists


zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Sure dimbulb.....the indictment was made u zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Read: Mueller indictment against 12 Russian spies for DNC hack

Take your pick from the actual indictment.....there are 80 different pieces of evidence. Good luck refuting that.
By the way, what are names or positions of those "dozens of people in the right places" that are fooling the other thousands of workers?!?! I'll be curious to hear who you point out.....

I'm not a member of the deep state swamp so I can't give you all the names but more of them have their crimes exposed every day

So far
- Brennan (the CIA director is always a member)
- Comey (same goes for the FBI)
- Clapper (see above)
- Mueller himself of course, being the FBI director under Bu$h
- Hillary (recruited when she married Bill, or even before)
- Rosenstein (control of the DOJ is important)
- Strzok (allthough he's more of a willing accomplice)
- McCain (luckily his brain disease prevents him from doing much these days)
- And a whole bunch of less important puppets

Let me know if you want specifics on any of them


What evidence of crimes do you have? Let me read the indictment.

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