FOX "Newsification" of Trump and the new Republican Party

What evidence of crimes do you have?

Lots of crimes, lots of evidence

You want to see anything in specific or just an example?

For me the most funny one I think is Lynch having an 'accidential' meeting with Bill at the airport and Comey declaring Hillary to be just extremely careless a few days later
Let me read the indictment.

I just told you that Rosenstein is a member of the deep state, there won't be any indictments

Kind of amusing thread given how many Democrats accept anything they hear on CNN, or MSNBC with little or no question. Look at what we saw after the Trump/Putin summit which lets be real here was not a great moment for Trump but it was not one for the media and the left throwing out things like darkest day in our history, treason to name a couple and many repeating it here. If both sides want to move beyond this type of stuff then they should clean up their own house first before telling the other side how dirty their's is.

Actually, we DO question champ.....

However, not sure what you call an American President meeting secretly with a foreign dictator who has been attacking our country and then siding with HIM over the United States' own intelligence agencies?!?!? Trump took an oath to be the American President......not Russia's.

Treason?!? Fine, you don't like that word.....let's at least call it unAmerican and something that is unforgivable as an American President; don't give a **** what party he/she belongs to.
You just proved my point with that response nothing but over the too partisan horseshit.
Well, I'd disagree there.

I listen to talk radio when I can, pretty regularly, and on a big picture level, it does two things: First, it supplies random talking points and buzzwords for use in specific situations (as we see here daily). But far more importantly, it creates and reinforces literal thought processes that apply in situations across the spectrum.

only for the poorly educated. those that want to know the truth will hear a soundbite or see a ( usually edited for time ) video clip & try to find it in its entirety from credible, verifiable, unbiased sources. those that want to stay comfy & cozy in their bubble... willingly stay ignorant.

& i listen to oxyboy as well as a few progressive radio programs to keep up with what is being said over the airwaves.

I used to listen to Limbaugh back in the 90s. Try a little experiment...listen to him back then and compare to now. Something has changed.
Except he hasn’t....

Oh, but he has. He used to be tolerable.
Rush hasn’t moved a speck on the political spectrum, YOU have.

Just like Chris Matthews claimed that Glenn Beck used to be different a couple years before he got his Fox show. One can easily see that Beck didn’t change any of his beliefs at all in that time.

I didn't say he changed ideology, his style changed. He never would have been caught dead with the "deep state" bullshit back then. Try it...listen to an old tape from the 90s and then today. Something is different. Maybe it's because of oxy and off market hard on pills, but it's there.
For years, the GOP courted the crazies that would watch/listen to Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity for their "news". As entertainers, they provide a product that is marketed directly at a group of conspiracy nutcases that typically believe in things that are NOT true (or even able to be proven). For years, actual Republicans accepted their they kept them at arm's length. However, things have changed.......those same crazies have now infiltrated our government ....

I stopped reading here. I was interested if you had a point, but all you seemed to have was unsupported partisan shit, so, I gave up.
For years, the GOP courted the crazies that would watch/listen to Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity for their "news". As entertainers, they provide a product that is marketed directly at a group of conspiracy nutcases that typically believe in things that are NOT true (or even able to be proven). For years, actual Republicans accepted their they kept them at arm's length. However, things have changed.......those same crazies have now infiltrated our government and are making policies based on those whack job conspiracy theories spewed by a group of entertainers.

They've gotten so used to making up their own "news" that they've now look at REAL NUMBERS, expert opinion, written evidence as somehow a product of "fake news"....and that their opinion (that is based on their opinion) is the only thing that is correct? This is their safe zone they have to operate within, because if they actually start debating based on facts and evidence, they may lose the narrative and actually have to accept they're wrong.

So, simple fix: demonize facts and evidence, call all real news media "fake news", and simply repeat a lie so many times until it is accepted as "fact". This, of course, only works if you have a group of willing participants who are ignorant enough to buy it....sadly for this country, it has proven wildly successful for the GOP in the short term.

Real Republicans and Conservatives (who have some actual good ideas) have completely lost control of the new Republican Party and the tail is starting to wag the dog. Their party now is actually starting to accept wild conspiracy theories like the ENTIRE FBI and CIA (including all Republicans and Independents within each) are involved in a massive conspiracy to cover up for Hillary Clinton????? THAT is somehow more believable than the fact that the FBI simply didn't have enough evidence about Hillary Clinton to charge her with anything.

It's beyond preposterous....however, THAT is now what is in the Republican mainstream. They are no more than entertainers targeting a market of willing fools. I have to hand it to them....proving to be marginally effective politics, however, it is God awful if you care about the country.
True Republicans and conservatives lack the courage to confront Trump and the abomination the GOP has become.
For years, the GOP courted the crazies that would watch/listen to Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity for their "news". As entertainers, they provide a product that is marketed directly at a group of conspiracy nutcases that typically believe in things that are NOT true (or even able to be proven). For years, actual Republicans accepted their they kept them at arm's length. However, things have changed.......those same crazies have now infiltrated our government ....

I stopped reading here. I was interested if you had a point, but all you seemed to have was unsupported partisan shit, so, I gave up.

I don't blame you. The dossier was a piece of garbage full of lies and these lefty idiots believe it true.

You can't cure stupid.
For years, the GOP courted the crazies that would watch/listen to Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity for their "news". As entertainers, they provide a product that is marketed directly at a group of conspiracy nutcases that typically believe in things that are NOT true (or even able to be proven). For years, actual Republicans accepted their they kept them at arm's length. However, things have changed.......those same crazies have now infiltrated our government and are making policies based on those whack job conspiracy theories spewed by a group of entertainers.

They've gotten so used to making up their own "news" that they've now look at REAL NUMBERS, expert opinion, written evidence as somehow a product of "fake news"....and that their opinion (that is based on their opinion) is the only thing that is correct? This is their safe zone they have to operate within, because if they actually start debating based on facts and evidence, they may lose the narrative and actually have to accept they're wrong.

So, simple fix: demonize facts and evidence, call all real news media "fake news", and simply repeat a lie so many times until it is accepted as "fact". This, of course, only works if you have a group of willing participants who are ignorant enough to buy it....sadly for this country, it has proven wildly successful for the GOP in the short term.

Real Republicans and Conservatives (who have some actual good ideas) have completely lost control of the new Republican Party and the tail is starting to wag the dog. Their party now is actually starting to accept wild conspiracy theories like the ENTIRE FBI and CIA (including all Republicans and Independents within each) are involved in a massive conspiracy to cover up for Hillary Clinton????? THAT is somehow more believable than the fact that the FBI simply didn't have enough evidence about Hillary Clinton to charge her with anything.

It's beyond preposterous....however, THAT is now what is in the Republican mainstream. They are no more than entertainers targeting a market of willing fools. I have to hand it to them....proving to be marginally effective politics, however, it is God awful if you care about the country.
True Republicans and conservatives lack the courage to confront Trump and the abomination the GOP has become.

The GOP?? Who paid for that dossier that was nothing but lies??
I stopped reading here. I was interested if you had a point, but all you seemed to have was unsupported partisan shit, so, I gave up.

Don't give up, it's funny $hit and gives a good insight in how brainwashing actually works and what its victims look like

Just for fun, try asking what piece of Muller's 'evidence' convinced him that the Russians did it

Nope...the Dossier is a collection of unverified field notes...some of which HAVE NOW BEEN verified. None, I say again, none has been disproven.

What out of the dossiers have been proven to show "collusion" between the Trump campaign and the Russian government?
Also known as...


Have you read the Steele field notes (also known as the dossier)? Let me just say, Trump should cop to the hooker's not criminal.

Field notes? Is that another way of saying "Fictional Account"? Steele ran away from his field notes when he was sued in court for defamation, Seawytch...which tells you everything you need to know about both HIM and his dossiers! His excuse that they were never intended to be seen by the public is laughable given that he was the one who leaked those dossiers to different pet media outlets of his to smear Trump. Gee, did he give them to the media with the belief they wouldn't be publicized? You'd have to be the most naive person on the planet to believe THAT story! Steele leaked those dossiers to the media with the deliberate intention of seeing them used against Trump in the waning hours of the election!

Field notes is how they are described in the intelligence community.

No, Steele did not "run away" from the Russian oligarch's defamation suit.

Trump dossier author in defamation battle

Again, much of the dossier is, yet, unproven, some has been verified, but none of it has been disproved. None.

I didn't say he ran away from the suit! I said he ran away from his "field notes"...claiming in court that they were never intended to be seen by the public and were only scenarios that might have taken place. Again...what makes that claim laughable is that he was PAID to create the dossiers and to leak them to the media!

Again...what part of the dossiers that alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government has been verified? Why are you struggling so mightily to name something? Because you've figured out that it doesn't exist and never DID exist?

He didn't "run away" from the dossier. He stated, rightfully, that his dossier was comprised of unverified field notes.

And that's all you can say is that some are, as yet, unverified. Some, however, have been...

Some questions in Trump-Russia dossier now finding answers

What we know – and what's true – about the Trump-Russia dossier
I can sit and listen to Rush (for an hour, it hurts by the way) and he says nothing , not a darn thing.
Well, I'd disagree there.

I listen to talk radio when I can, pretty regularly, and on a big picture level, it does two things: First, it supplies random talking points and buzzwords for use in specific situations (as we see here daily). But far more importantly, it creates and reinforces literal thought processes that apply in situations across the spectrum.

Yes listening to the same words and phrases indoctrinates one. That is why Trump repeats himself endlessly.

So when CNN repeats the same crap about "Russian Collusion" over and over and over again...what are they doing, Penny? It sure as hell isn't journalism!

FACT: All intelligence agencies agree that Russia has been infiltrating our democratic system and has waged (and continue to wage) numerous cyberattacks against Americans.
FACT: Putin stated he wanted Donald Trump to win the 2016 election.
FACT: Trump asked for Russians to look for the "missing 30,000 emails" and within 24 hours, the first cyberattacks against the DNC and Hillary Clinton occurred.
FACT: There have been 26 different Russian agents indicted for meddling into the 2016 election and for attacks against our democracy.
FACT: Numerous Trump campaign officials have been indicted for work with the Russians and fraud.
FACT: Trump and his team have been caught lying about meetings with Russian oligarchs and government officials during the 2016 election.
FACT: Mueller's investigation isn't over.
FACT: Trump has tried to discredit the impartial investigation from the beginning....because, that's what a guilty person would do.

Sorry sunshine....all you need is a friggin' bow wrapped around it for you. Don't know if actual "collusion" will be able to be proven in a court of law....but, at minimum, it is IMPOSSIBLE to look at all that evidence and NOT suspect something nefarious is going on.

The right wing can think that all Republicans, Independents, and Democrats within the four intelligence agencies are somehow conspiring together against Donald Trump....but then ignore all the REAL evidence above?!?!? That's moronic.

Evidence of collusion? Where? There's been absolutely ZERO evidence of collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia, Frank! You've shown no evidence at all while you studiously ignore the mountain of evidence that Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and high ranking members of the FBI and other intelligence agencies DID collude to smear Donald Trump in the middle of a campaign for the Presidency of the United States and when that subvert the will of the people by attempting to have him impeached.

Tie a bow around THAT, Frank!
What out of the dossiers have been proven to show "collusion" between the Trump campaign and the Russian government?
Also known as...


Have you read the Steele field notes (also known as the dossier)? Let me just say, Trump should cop to the hooker's not criminal.

Field notes? Is that another way of saying "Fictional Account"? Steele ran away from his field notes when he was sued in court for defamation, Seawytch...which tells you everything you need to know about both HIM and his dossiers! His excuse that they were never intended to be seen by the public is laughable given that he was the one who leaked those dossiers to different pet media outlets of his to smear Trump. Gee, did he give them to the media with the belief they wouldn't be publicized? You'd have to be the most naive person on the planet to believe THAT story! Steele leaked those dossiers to the media with the deliberate intention of seeing them used against Trump in the waning hours of the election!

Field notes is how they are described in the intelligence community.

No, Steele did not "run away" from the Russian oligarch's defamation suit.

Trump dossier author in defamation battle

Again, much of the dossier is, yet, unproven, some has been verified, but none of it has been disproved. None.

I didn't say he ran away from the suit! I said he ran away from his "field notes"...claiming in court that they were never intended to be seen by the public and were only scenarios that might have taken place. Again...what makes that claim laughable is that he was PAID to create the dossiers and to leak them to the media!

Again...what part of the dossiers that alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government has been verified? Why are you struggling so mightily to name something? Because you've figured out that it doesn't exist and never DID exist?

He didn't "run away" from the dossier. He stated, rightfully, that his dossier was comprised of unverified field notes.

And that's all you can say is that some are, as yet, unverified. Some, however, have been...

Some questions in Trump-Russia dossier now finding answers

What we know – and what's true – about the Trump-Russia dossier

LOL...that's your "verification"? Really?

"As a whole, the Steele dossier now appears to be a murky mixture of genuine revelations and repurposed history, likely interspersed with snippets of fiction or disinformation, an Associated Press review finds."

That's what your cited article states. They grasp that what Steele did was take facts and interweave them with lies to paint a picture that is totally dishonest. Quite frankly, Witch...if that's the best you've's time to admit you've got nothing!
I can sit and listen to Rush (for an hour, it hurts by the way) and he says nothing , not a darn thing.
Well, I'd disagree there.

I listen to talk radio when I can, pretty regularly, and on a big picture level, it does two things: First, it supplies random talking points and buzzwords for use in specific situations (as we see here daily). But far more importantly, it creates and reinforces literal thought processes that apply in situations across the spectrum.

Yes listening to the same words and phrases indoctrinates one. That is why Trump repeats himself endlessly.

So when CNN repeats the same crap about "Russian Collusion" over and over and over again...what are they doing, Penny? It sure as hell isn't journalism!

FACT: All intelligence agencies agree that Russia has been infiltrating our democratic system and has waged (and continue to wage) numerous cyberattacks against Americans.
FACT: Putin stated he wanted Donald Trump to win the 2016 election.
FACT: Trump asked for Russians to look for the "missing 30,000 emails" and within 24 hours, the first cyberattacks against the DNC and Hillary Clinton occurred.
FACT: There have been 26 different Russian agents indicted for meddling into the 2016 election and for attacks against our democracy.
FACT: Numerous Trump campaign officials have been indicted for work with the Russians and fraud.
FACT: Trump and his team have been caught lying about meetings with Russian oligarchs and government officials during the 2016 election.
FACT: Mueller's investigation isn't over.
FACT: Trump has tried to discredit the impartial investigation from the beginning....because, that's what a guilty person would do.

Sorry sunshine....all you need is a friggin' bow wrapped around it for you. Don't know if actual "collusion" will be able to be proven in a court of law....but, at minimum, it is IMPOSSIBLE to look at all that evidence and NOT suspect something nefarious is going on.

The right wing can think that all Republicans, Independents, and Democrats within the four intelligence agencies are somehow conspiring together against Donald Trump....but then ignore all the REAL evidence above?!?!? That's moronic.

Evidence of collusion? Where? There's been absolutely ZERO evidence of collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia, Frank! You've shown no evidence at all while you studiously ignore the mountain of evidence that Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and high ranking members of the FBI and other intelligence agencies DID collude to smear Donald Trump in the middle of a campaign for the Presidency of the United States and when that subvert the will of the people by attempting to have him impeached.

Tie a bow around THAT, Frank!

LMAO Don't hold your breath. Nothing can persuade these idiots that Trump isn't the lapdog of Putin.

You can't cure tree stump dumb.

Oh and great post. Spot on.
For years, the GOP courted the crazies that would watch/listen to Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity for their "news". As entertainers, they provide a product that is marketed directly at a group of conspiracy nutcases that typically believe in things that are NOT true (or even able to be proven). For years, actual Republicans accepted their they kept them at arm's length. However, things have changed.......those same crazies have now infiltrated our government and are making policies based on those whack job conspiracy theories spewed by a group of entertainers.

They've gotten so used to making up their own "news" that they've now look at REAL NUMBERS, expert opinion, written evidence as somehow a product of "fake news"....and that their opinion (that is based on their opinion) is the only thing that is correct? This is their safe zone they have to operate within, because if they actually start debating based on facts and evidence, they may lose the narrative and actually have to accept they're wrong.

So, simple fix: demonize facts and evidence, call all real news media "fake news", and simply repeat a lie so many times until it is accepted as "fact". This, of course, only works if you have a group of willing participants who are ignorant enough to buy it....sadly for this country, it has proven wildly successful for the GOP in the short term.

Real Republicans and Conservatives (who have some actual good ideas) have completely lost control of the new Republican Party and the tail is starting to wag the dog. Their party now is actually starting to accept wild conspiracy theories like the ENTIRE FBI and CIA (including all Republicans and Independents within each) are involved in a massive conspiracy to cover up for Hillary Clinton????? THAT is somehow more believable than the fact that the FBI simply didn't have enough evidence about Hillary Clinton to charge her with anything.

It's beyond preposterous....however, THAT is now what is in the Republican mainstream. They are no more than entertainers targeting a market of willing fools. I have to hand it to them....proving to be marginally effective politics, however, it is God awful if you care about the country.

Like I said in another thread it's not Trump that wants to destroy free speech it is you...

Thanks for proving my point.

For years, the GOP courted the crazies that would watch/listen to Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity for their "news". As entertainers, they provide a product that is marketed directly at a group of conspiracy nutcases that typically believe in things that are NOT true (or even able to be proven). For years, actual Republicans accepted their they kept them at arm's length. However, things have changed.......those same crazies have now infiltrated our government ....

I stopped reading here. I was interested if you had a point, but all you seemed to have was unsupported partisan shit, so, I gave up.

I don't blame you. The dossier was a piece of garbage full of lies and these lefty idiots believe it true.

You can't cure stupid.

No, the dossier was a collection of unverified memos or field notes. None of which, to date, have been disproved. Many remain, as yet, unverified in the public sphere, but unverified does not necessarily equal untrue.
For years, the GOP courted the crazies that would watch/listen to Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity for their "news". As entertainers, they provide a product that is marketed directly at a group of conspiracy nutcases that typically believe in things that are NOT true (or even able to be proven). For years, actual Republicans accepted their they kept them at arm's length. However, things have changed.......those same crazies have now infiltrated our government ....

I stopped reading here. I was interested if you had a point, but all you seemed to have was unsupported partisan shit, so, I gave up.

I don't blame you. The dossier was a piece of garbage full of lies and these lefty idiots believe it true.

You can't cure stupid.

No, the dossier was a collection of unverified memos or field notes. None of which, to date, have been disproved. Many remain, as yet, unverified in the public sphere, but unverified does not necessarily equal untrue.

Well Steele already said they were false and ran away from them.

You can't get clearer than that.
Also known as...


Have you read the Steele field notes (also known as the dossier)? Let me just say, Trump should cop to the hooker's not criminal.

Field notes? Is that another way of saying "Fictional Account"? Steele ran away from his field notes when he was sued in court for defamation, Seawytch...which tells you everything you need to know about both HIM and his dossiers! His excuse that they were never intended to be seen by the public is laughable given that he was the one who leaked those dossiers to different pet media outlets of his to smear Trump. Gee, did he give them to the media with the belief they wouldn't be publicized? You'd have to be the most naive person on the planet to believe THAT story! Steele leaked those dossiers to the media with the deliberate intention of seeing them used against Trump in the waning hours of the election!

Field notes is how they are described in the intelligence community.

No, Steele did not "run away" from the Russian oligarch's defamation suit.

Trump dossier author in defamation battle

Again, much of the dossier is, yet, unproven, some has been verified, but none of it has been disproved. None.

I didn't say he ran away from the suit! I said he ran away from his "field notes"...claiming in court that they were never intended to be seen by the public and were only scenarios that might have taken place. Again...what makes that claim laughable is that he was PAID to create the dossiers and to leak them to the media!

Again...what part of the dossiers that alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government has been verified? Why are you struggling so mightily to name something? Because you've figured out that it doesn't exist and never DID exist?

He didn't "run away" from the dossier. He stated, rightfully, that his dossier was comprised of unverified field notes.

And that's all you can say is that some are, as yet, unverified. Some, however, have been...

Some questions in Trump-Russia dossier now finding answers

What we know – and what's true – about the Trump-Russia dossier

LOL...that's your "verification"? Really?

"As a whole, the Steele dossier now appears to be a murky mixture of genuine revelations and repurposed history, likely interspersed with snippets of fiction or disinformation, an Associated Press review finds."

That's what your cited article states. They grasp that what Steele did was take facts and interweave them with lies to paint a picture that is totally dishonest. Quite frankly, Witch...if that's the best you've's time to admit you've got nothing!

Which is exactly how they've always been described. (Hint, unverified field notes)And you still haven't listed a single thing that has been debunked from it. Weird, huh?
For years, the GOP courted the crazies that would watch/listen to Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity for their "news". As entertainers, they provide a product that is marketed directly at a group of conspiracy nutcases that typically believe in things that are NOT true (or even able to be proven). For years, actual Republicans accepted their they kept them at arm's length. However, things have changed.......those same crazies have now infiltrated our government ....

I stopped reading here. I was interested if you had a point, but all you seemed to have was unsupported partisan shit, so, I gave up.

I don't blame you. The dossier was a piece of garbage full of lies and these lefty idiots believe it true.

You can't cure stupid.

No, the dossier was a collection of unverified memos or field notes. None of which, to date, have been disproved. Many remain, as yet, unverified in the public sphere, but unverified does not necessarily equal untrue.

Well Steele already said they were false and ran away from them.

You can't get clearer than that.

And I've already proven that statement to be a lie. You and Old guy obviously get your misinformation from Fox. How ironic considering the thread.
Field notes? Is that another way of saying "Fictional Account"? Steele ran away from his field notes when he was sued in court for defamation, Seawytch...which tells you everything you need to know about both HIM and his dossiers! His excuse that they were never intended to be seen by the public is laughable given that he was the one who leaked those dossiers to different pet media outlets of his to smear Trump. Gee, did he give them to the media with the belief they wouldn't be publicized? You'd have to be the most naive person on the planet to believe THAT story! Steele leaked those dossiers to the media with the deliberate intention of seeing them used against Trump in the waning hours of the election!

Field notes is how they are described in the intelligence community.

No, Steele did not "run away" from the Russian oligarch's defamation suit.

Trump dossier author in defamation battle

Again, much of the dossier is, yet, unproven, some has been verified, but none of it has been disproved. None.

I didn't say he ran away from the suit! I said he ran away from his "field notes"...claiming in court that they were never intended to be seen by the public and were only scenarios that might have taken place. Again...what makes that claim laughable is that he was PAID to create the dossiers and to leak them to the media!

Again...what part of the dossiers that alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government has been verified? Why are you struggling so mightily to name something? Because you've figured out that it doesn't exist and never DID exist?

He didn't "run away" from the dossier. He stated, rightfully, that his dossier was comprised of unverified field notes.

And that's all you can say is that some are, as yet, unverified. Some, however, have been...

Some questions in Trump-Russia dossier now finding answers

What we know – and what's true – about the Trump-Russia dossier

LOL...that's your "verification"? Really?

"As a whole, the Steele dossier now appears to be a murky mixture of genuine revelations and repurposed history, likely interspersed with snippets of fiction or disinformation, an Associated Press review finds."

That's what your cited article states. They grasp that what Steele did was take facts and interweave them with lies to paint a picture that is totally dishonest. Quite frankly, Witch...if that's the best you've's time to admit you've got nothing!

Which is exactly how they've always been described. (Hint, unverified field notes)And you still haven't listed a single thing that has been debunked from it. Weird, huh?

Let's start with one of the major claims that Steele made...that Michael Cohen flew to the Czech Republic to coordinate the collusion with Russian agents. The fact is, Cohen has never visited the Czech Republic in his life and was back in the States attending a baseball game when Steele is claiming he was.
The far right have corrupted social media to create a parallel universe in which fact, critical thinking, and objectivity are not believe and their conclusions set aside as fake news. Some HSs and many universities have created a series of social media literacy courses to once again emphasize that good thinking and decision making and planning are the results of facts, critical thinking, and objectivity. I expect the denizens of the parallel universe to emerge as wraiths to fight against the re-introduction of critical process with all their might.

In this “parallel universe” you speak of, can men “choose” to be women, can men in dresses shit next to little girls, can bad be good and good be bad, do illegal wetbacks take priority over REAL Americans, is lawlessness and criminality encouraged and championed, do wackjobs hate the giving rich and love the taking poor?

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