Fox Previews New Debt Ceiling Fight With Fundamental Misunderstanding Of Debt


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Fox Previews New Debt Ceiling Fight With Fundamental Misunderstanding Of Debt

Fox News discussed the need to raise the debt ceiling by erroneously linking government debt to family debt, a comparison that demonstrates the network's fundamental misunderstanding of the subject.

In an August 26 letter to Congressional leaders, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew indicated that the debt limit would be reached in mid-October. If Congress cannot arrive at an agreement to raise the limit, the United States will be unable to pay for previously agreed upon obligations, such as Social Security and Medicare payments.

On the August 27 edition of America's Newsroom, co-host Martha MacCallum hosted Fox News' Bob Beckel and former George W. Bush staffer Brad Blakeman to discuss the Obama administration's unwillingness to negotiate over raising the limit. During the segment, MacCallum likened government debt to household debt, claiming that if "your daughter runs up the credit card and has access to it and just goes crazy on it ... you're going to say, 'we're going to pay the bill, but we're going to change things in the future.' What is so very difficult about that?"

Fox News: Dumbing Down America.
You can almost see long haired nerds employed by MM fogging up their computer screens watching for certain words and phrases picked up in discussions on Fox so they can twist them into unreality. This isn't even a good one. MM must be desperate. MacCallum didn't link the federal debt to family spending. She merely made a comparison about spending during a discussion. It wasn't even a news broadcast either, it was a political round table discussion. Do under educated lefties who depend on MM for information even understand the context of the word "link" when used in political terms? Apparently not. Anything is better than discussing real issues.
omg, mediamatters is just a joke...

anyone buys into their stupid stuff about Fox news is also a joke...and the op is a joke he thinks anyone take his posting on ANYTHING seriously
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omg, mediamatters is just a joke...

anyone buys into their stupid stuff about Fox news is also a joke...and the op is a joke he thinks anyone take his posting on ANYTHING seriously

How much does FOX pay you to shill for them? :cool:
omg, mediamatters is just a joke...

anyone buys into their stupid stuff about Fox news is also a joke...and the op is a joke he thinks anyone take his posting on ANYTHING seriously

How much does FOX pay you to shill for them? :cool:

Shill for Fox? What does that mean? Old lines from Dylan songs used as a political philosophy are an indication of stunted education and reliance on Media Matters and cliches reinforces the symptom.
Hey, they gotta feed the low information slugs every day or they get a little testy. They'll buy this...hell, they buy everything from these sorts. It's almost like having a job for some of them I'd bet.
omg, mediamatters is just a joke...

anyone buys into their stupid stuff about Fox news is also a joke...and the op is a joke he thinks anyone take his posting on ANYTHING seriously

Post a link that PROVES fux did not say it.

I'm just kidding Stephanie. You never have anything factual to say and ALWAYS hide behind some idiotic accusation like this one.
Fox's cheerleading for a showdown over raising the debt limit could result in disastrous consequences for the economy. Following the standoff on raising the debt limit in 2011, Standard & Poor's downgraded the U.S. credit rating, and the Bipartisan Policy Center estimated that the delay in raising it "will cost taxpayers $18.9 billion over 10 years."

Fox has repeatedly misled viewers over the debt limit in recent years, erroneously claiming that raising it would be the same as giving the president a "blank check" and obscuring potential negative consequences.

S&P stated they downgraded us BECAUSE of the R's refusal to pay the debt they incurred. And, now they will do it again.

And, again, the rw's will not understand what the debt ceiling really is. Amazingly, they will blame the president for what the Rs do.
Fox Previews New Debt Ceiling Fight With Fundamental Misunderstanding Of Debt

Fox News discussed the need to raise the debt ceiling by erroneously linking government debt to family debt, a comparison that demonstrates the network's fundamental misunderstanding of the subject.

In an August 26 letter to Congressional leaders, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew indicated that the debt limit would be reached in mid-October. If Congress cannot arrive at an agreement to raise the limit, the United States will be unable to pay for previously agreed upon obligations, such as Social Security and Medicare payments.

On the August 27 edition of America's Newsroom, co-host Martha MacCallum hosted Fox News' Bob Beckel and former George W. Bush staffer Brad Blakeman to discuss the Obama administration's unwillingness to negotiate over raising the limit. During the segment, MacCallum likened government debt to household debt, claiming that if "your daughter runs up the credit card and has access to it and just goes crazy on it ... you're going to say, 'we're going to pay the bill, but we're going to change things in the future.' What is so very difficult about that?"

Fox News: Dumbing Down America.

Copy & Paste from MM

Ka-Ching to JustPlainNutz


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