Fox Reporter's Wife Subject To Racist Slurs From The Left

I love stories like this. They show the ignorance and hatred that the left is ripe with, not just in public but here on USMB too. The level of left wing ignorance and denial is astonishing even to those of us who knew it existed.
Sounds like some intolerant asshole to me. No too liberal IMO.

But I'm not surprised Edgetho would lie and claim it comes from the left, when nothing in his link claims it.

I guess you can't be bothered to look at the other link where it was proven.
Sounds like some intolerant asshole to me. No too liberal IMO.

But I'm not surprised Edgetho would lie and claim it comes from the left, when nothing in his link claims it.

I guess you can't be bothered to look at the other link where it was proven.

All any of the links prove is that some intolerant ass hat tweeted some vile stuff toward her. That it came from the left is an Echo-fact. The other links prove that the allegation came straight out of the Echo-Chamber.
Sounds like some intolerant asshole to me. No too liberal IMO.

But I'm not surprised Edgetho would lie and claim it comes from the left, when nothing in his link claims it.

I guess you can't be bothered to look at the other link where it was proven.

There is nothing in the link verifying this came from the left. You have no case. Stop before you sprain a muscle in your head.
I love stories like this. They show the ignorance and hatred that the left is ripe with, not just in public but here on USMB too. The level of left wing ignorance and denial is astonishing even to those of us who knew it existed.

And even more to those of us from the planet where you can't just make shit up.

"Ripe with"? :rofl: Do you mean "rife"?

Sounds like some intolerant asshole to me. No too liberal IMO.

But I'm not surprised Edgetho would lie and claim it comes from the left, when nothing in his link claims it.

I guess you can't be bothered to look at the other link where it was proven.

I guess you can't be bothered to quote where that happened. Oh wait, you can't -- it doesn't exist.

Still, are you gonna let the triviality that no such thing exists stand in your way? Make it up, man! Just fabricate it.
Lying gives you an... Edge.
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The bigotry of the left is staggering in its monstrosity...

Fox News Reporter Responds to 'Bigoted' Slurs about His Interracial Marriage | National Review Online

Adam Housley, a Fox News correspondent out of Los Angeles, lashed out at people who have maded racially insensitive remarks toward him and his wife, calling their comments and views “pathetic.” Housley, who is white, is married to actress Tamera Mowry, who is black.

On Monday, Mowry told Oprah Winfrey that she has received “hurtful” remarks about her marriage to Housley, including people calling her a “white man’s whore.” “People choose to look past love and spew hate,” she said. Mowry added that her twin sister Tia has been called a “true black woman” because she married a black man.

When asked about the verbal attacks on his wife, Housley said that the targeting slurs ”is beyond sad.”

“The problem isn’t pigmentation . . . the problem is backwards, bigoted thought from people who should know better,” he told TVNewser.

Mowry and Housley married in 2011, and welcomed a son a year later.

This is somewhat old news, and certainly no surprise considering how racist and intolerant the left tends to be. The further to the left, the more so, up to and including outright violence.
I love stories like this. They show the ignorance and hatred that the left is ripe with, not just in public but here on USMB too. The level of left wing ignorance and denial is astonishing even to those of us who knew it existed.

And even more to those of us from the planet where you can't just make shit up.

"Ripe with"? :rofl: Do you mean "rife"?

Sounds like some intolerant asshole to me. No too liberal IMO.

But I'm not surprised Edgetho would lie and claim it comes from the left, when nothing in his link claims it.

I guess you can't be bothered to look at the other link where it was proven.

I guess you can't be bothered to quote where that happened. Are you gonna let the triviality that no such thing exists stand in your way? Make it up, man! Just fabricate it.
Lying gives you an... Edge.

You can't spin your ideological bedfellows out of this one, champ.
The bigotry of the left is staggering in its monstrosity...

Fox News Reporter Responds to 'Bigoted' Slurs about His Interracial Marriage | National Review Online

Adam Housley, a Fox News correspondent out of Los Angeles, lashed out at people who have maded racially insensitive remarks toward him and his wife, calling their comments and views “pathetic.” Housley, who is white, is married to actress Tamera Mowry, who is black.

On Monday, Mowry told Oprah Winfrey that she has received “hurtful” remarks about her marriage to Housley, including people calling her a “white man’s whore.” “People choose to look past love and spew hate,” she said. Mowry added that her twin sister Tia has been called a “true black woman” because she married a black man.

When asked about the verbal attacks on his wife, Housley said that the targeting slurs ”is beyond sad.”

“The problem isn’t pigmentation . . . the problem is backwards, bigoted thought from people who should know better,” he told TVNewser.

Mowry and Housley married in 2011, and welcomed a son a year later.

This is somewhat old news, and certainly no surprise considering how racist and intolerant the left tends to be. The further to the left, the more so, up to and including outright violence.

The left just wants something to hate. Anyone who identifies as conservative is not subject to their tolerance rhetoric they preach and demand

There are few creatures less tolerant than a far-left extremist.

Another sorry assclown fueling himself on contrived bubble bullshit goes down in flames.
There are few creatures less honest.
I love stories like this. They show the ignorance and hatred that the left is ripe with, not just in public but here on USMB too. The level of left wing ignorance and denial is astonishing even to those of us who knew it existed.

And even more to those of us from the planet where you can't just make shit up.

"Ripe with"? :rofl: Do you mean "rife"?

I guess you can't be bothered to look at the other link where it was proven.

I guess you can't be bothered to quote where that happened. Are you gonna let the triviality that no such thing exists stand in your way? Make it up, man! Just fabricate it.
Lying gives you an... Edge.

You can't spin your ideological bedfellows out of this one, champ.

Predictably, I'm getting the same empty responses I got when I asked Paulitician where the SOTU quote about "gun control" is and when I asked TGG and Zander why they say Elizabeth Warren is 'dishonest'. Once it dawned on them that they were emptyhanded, they ran away too.

Where do you guys run away to when you're busted making up bullshit? Back to the chamber to make up new stories about Democrats founding the KKK and Hitler being a liberal and O'bama born in Mombassa?

What's it like in there? Do y'all have to dress up in hip boots and gas masks?

This is somewhat old news, and certainly no surprise considering how racist and intolerant the left tends to be. The further to the left, the more so, up to and including outright violence.

The left just wants something to hate. Anyone who identifies as conservative is not subject to their tolerance rhetoric they preach and demand

There are few creatures less tolerant than a far-left extremist.

Another sorry assclown fueling himself on contrived bubble bullshit goes down in flames.
There are few creatures less honest.

Are you trying to say this story never happened, or that there isn't racism and intolerance aplenty on the left?
And even more to those of us from the planet where you can't just make shit up.

"Ripe with"? :rofl: Do you mean "rife"?

I guess you can't be bothered to quote where that happened. Are you gonna let the triviality that no such thing exists stand in your way? Make it up, man! Just fabricate it.
Lying gives you an... Edge.

You can't spin your ideological bedfellows out of this one, champ.

Predictably, I'm getting the same empty responses I got when I asked Paulitician where the SOTU quote about "gun control" is and when I asked TGG and Zander why they say Elizabeth Warren is 'dishonest'. Once it dawned on them that they were emptyhanded, they ran away too.

Where do you guys run away to when you're busted making up bullshit? Back to the chamber to make up new stories about Democrats founding the KKK and Hitler being a liberal and O'bama born in Mombassa?

What's it like in there? Do y'all have to dress up in hip boots and gas masks?

You're all over the place. Are you saying Warren wasn't dishonest? Are you saying that the KKK wasn't founded by democrats?
Thing about this is: There is plenty of hate to go 'round for everyone. But, right now, the focus is on white people being meanies, we forgive the other meanies of other races because of ?;t8 !6%^8!. You need a special decoder ring to understand leftist liberal Black racial hypocrisy. Where do I get one of those rings, I am tired of second guessing neurotic people that drive this country’s zeitgeist.
“white man’s whore” is RWN. If you're a white reporter for faux (who panders to the low-thinkers) and are married/dating a black woman, you have to expect this.
The bigotry of the left is staggering in its monstrosity...

Fox News Reporter Responds to 'Bigoted' Slurs about His Interracial Marriage | National Review Online

Adam Housley, a Fox News correspondent out of Los Angeles, lashed out at people who have maded racially insensitive remarks toward him and his wife, calling their comments and views “pathetic.” Housley, who is white, is married to actress Tamera Mowry, who is black.

On Monday, Mowry told Oprah Winfrey that she has received “hurtful” remarks about her marriage to Housley, including people calling her a “white man’s whore.” “People choose to look past love and spew hate,” she said. Mowry added that her twin sister Tia has been called a “true black woman” because she married a black man.

When asked about the verbal attacks on his wife, Housley said that the targeting slurs ”is beyond sad.”

“The problem isn’t pigmentation . . . the problem is backwards, bigoted thought from people who should know better,” he told TVNewser.

Mowry and Housley married in 2011, and welcomed a son a year later.

How are a few ignorant people insulting that women, suddenly representative of "the Left!". :lol:

Would you like it if you were blamed for the actions of a couple of jerks? How come the people from "the Left!" here don't insult me because I am mixed race and married to a white wife and I am an Independent with Libertarian leanings?
The left just wants something to hate. Anyone who identifies as conservative is not subject to their tolerance rhetoric they preach and demand

Yeah, they should take their example from the conservatives who say such "nice" things about them, right? :lol:

Why did she want to go to the NAACP convention if she thought this about them?
"The failure of black leaders including President Obama, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the NAACP to condemn the statements of hate from the New Black Panthers relating to the Trayvon Martin tragedy is deplorable.". Judging from one of her articles, she doesn't seem to be fond of the NAACP in the first place. They are a private organization as far as I know, and tey have the right to have who they want at their convention.

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