Fox retracts......Hannity told STFU

I hope FOX tells you assholes to take a hike concerning Hannity. Y'all got your other wishes and its time you aim your bullshit to your leftist assholes buddies at CNN, ABC, MSN and the others.
Even Fox is embarrassed by what Hannity has become
I can't imagine why they would be unless they wanna lose a lot of the people that like to listen to him.
Like the people who liked Bill OReilly?

Hannity has become a liability.....his days are numbered

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FYI Fox news ratings are only down in one demographic that happens to be the demo that watched Oreilly. His fans are pissed. The network still leads all other news networks in the overall ratings book, but if they cut loose Hannity it will spiral out of control and they will be down there with CNN...
I hope FOX tells you assholes to take a hike concerning Hannity. Y'all got your other wishes and its time you aim your bullshit to your leftist assholes buddies at CNN, ABC, MSN and the others.
Even Fox is embarrassed by what Hannity has become
I can't imagine why they would be unless they wanna lose a lot of the people that like to listen to him.
Like the people who liked Bill OReilly?

Hannity has become a liability.....his days are numbered
Personal O'Reilly never could keep my attention, too loud for me. Hannity on the other hand going would wipe out a lot of fox's christian base. I suppose if that is what they want then they should go fer it.
This is all a reaction to the Trump victory. The left in the nation has gone insane and are shooting first and asking questions later. George Soros is throwing his money around like a madman and it doesn't look like it will ease up anytime soon.
The best way for Trump to stop this is to turn his DOJ loose on the swamp. If it's investigations they want then give them a doosie...Start putting some of these treason committing SOB's in jail and it all will stop. He can begin with Hillary.
FYI Fox news ratings are only down in one demographic that happens to be the demo that watched Oreilly. His fans are pissed. The network still leads all other news networks in the overall ratings book, but if they cut loose Hannity it will spiral out of control and they will be down there with CNN...
They have lost ratings since Trump came into office
They have lost ratings since Trump came into office
That's not true, you are talking out your ass again. Their ratings started going down after they fired Bill.
I will say many of the increase in ratings for MSNBC are folks that just like watching the side show circus they have going on over there. There is little more fun out there than watching snowflakes come unglued.
Even Fox has to occasionally apply journalistic standards

Fox retracts, Hannity silenced on conspiracy about slain DNC staffer

Fox News announced Tuesday it had retracted a story published last week that reignited conspiracy theories around the unsolved killing of Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich, whose family demanded an apology from the conservative news network.

Later Tuesday, the conspiracy's most prominent proponent, Fox News' Sean Hannity, announced on his show that he would stop discussing the case "for now." It was a major back-down for the well-known host who had used his Twitter account earlier to vow he would never be silenced by "Liberal Fascism."


Where as the rest of media does not in regards to Trump. Your glass house is showing so go f yourself.
Even Fox has to occasionally apply journalistic standards

Fox retracts, Hannity silenced on conspiracy about slain DNC staffer

Fox News announced Tuesday it had retracted a story published last week that reignited conspiracy theories around the unsolved killing of Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich, whose family demanded an apology from the conservative news network.

Later Tuesday, the conspiracy's most prominent proponent, Fox News' Sean Hannity, announced on his show that he would stop discussing the case "for now." It was a major back-down for the well-known host who had used his Twitter account earlier to vow he would never be silenced by "Liberal Fascism."


Bitch Hannity will never discuss the case again, you can bet that is what the man's lawyer told Fox News if they were to avoid a huge lawsuit. They in turn called Hannity into their office and said "you see Bile O'reilly anywhere? So shut your yapper and stick to your conspiracy theories about Vince Foster or some other nonsense people stopped caring about 20 years ago. Got it douche?"

"Yes sir, can I go now sir..."
They have lost ratings since Trump came into office
That's not true, you are talking out your ass again. Their ratings started going down after they fired Bill.
I will say many of the increase in ratings for MSNBC are folks that just like watching the side show circus they have going on over there. There is little more fun out there than watching snowflakes come unglued.
MSNBC is getting better ratings trashing Trump on a nightly basis than they got praising Obama

Fox did better trashing Obama than they do defending Trump
Bitch Hannity will never discuss the case again, you can bet that is what the man's lawyer told Fox News if they were to avoid a huge lawsuit. They in turn called Hannity into their office and said "you see Bile O'reilly anywhere? So shut your yapper and stick to your conspiracy theories about Vince Foster or some other nonsense people stopped caring about 20 years ago. Got it douche?"

"Yes sir, can I go now sir..."
^ that
In one email released by WikiLeaks, Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta said he’d like to “make an example” out of the person who leaked the emails.

that's an outright LIE.


ALL from your beloved rightwing media!

Great Job being fooled!

the Podesta email was about leaks they were having from within to the press,

AND IT WAS FROM early 2015....there were no wikileaks in 2015 for the DNC or Podesta,


Well, don't bitch at me! That is a direct quote from the article.
MSNBC is getting better ratings trashing Trump on a nightly basis than they got praising Obama

Fox did better trashing Obama than they do defending Trump
Yes you are correct people like watching wild eyed over paid liberal snowflakes make fools of themselves...
Hannity is and always has been just an opportunist who goes wherever he thinks his audience wants him to, with no regard for core conservative principles or any other principles for that matter.

Anyone have a good memory back to when Hannity went all in for the RINO Arnold Schwarznegger? How about Hannity's love affair with Cliven Bundy?
Do you one better...remember when Hanitty PROMISED to get waterboarded? He never kept his promise then either.

He's the CHIEF Republican leech.

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Hannity is and always has been just an opportunist who goes wherever he thinks his audience wants him to, with no regard for core conservative principles or any other principles for that matter.

Anyone have a good memory back to when Hannity went all in for the RINO Arnold Schwarznegger? How about Hannity's love affair with Cliven Bundy?
Do you one better...remember when Hanitty PROMISED to get waterboarded? He never kept his promise then either.

He's the CHIEF Republican leech.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
yep, hes a welcher just like 007 :laugh:
Hannity is and always has been just an opportunist who goes wherever he thinks his audience wants him to, with no regard for core conservative principles or any other principles for that matter.

Anyone have a good memory back to when Hannity went all in for the RINO Arnold Schwarznegger? How about Hannity's love affair with Cliven Bundy?
Do you one better...remember when Hanitty PROMISED to get waterboarded? He never kept his promise then either.

He's the CHIEF Republican leech.

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I remember that, he never went through with the waterboarding? Wasn't that like a long talking point he carped on month after month how it wasn't so bad and he'd do it without hesitation? I remember a host on MSNBC said he would pay to set it up so Hannity could actually do it and Sean was too much the pussy to do it.
All links lead to Hillary and the DNC all that dirty ,stinky , criminal Democrap swamp

I am with Hannity on this.:thup:


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