Fox retracts......Hannity told STFU

Even Fox has to occasionally apply journalistic standards

Fox retracts, Hannity silenced on conspiracy about slain DNC staffer

Fox News announced Tuesday it had retracted a story published last week that reignited conspiracy theories around the unsolved killing of Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich, whose family demanded an apology from the conservative news network.

Later Tuesday, the conspiracy's most prominent proponent, Fox News' Sean Hannity, announced on his show that he would stop discussing the case "for now." It was a major back-down for the well-known host who had used his Twitter account earlier to vow he would never be silenced by "Liberal Fascism."

I remember he had to take back his comment that Muslims had taken over Birmingham
I was just listening to O'Reilly on becks radio show rebroadcast, Soros is really into this now trying to destroy right wing news ..
It's happening everywhere, not just FOX and OReily. Conservative radio hosts are being targeted as well. The left believes their answer to winning is to keep us from hearing the truth. But they are wrong, we see through it now. Anyone that openly showed support for Trump is being targeted. I guess we shouldn't be surprised.

I didn't hear that one, oh great we are going back to the 1970s when the only views we get to hear wolf man Jack on the AM dial...

The Democrats / Hillary are glad for the silence, not out of respect for Rich and his family, but to have the attention and criticism for their deed silenced.

But she will still pay/ her democrat friends hating her is bad enough. Instead of struggling for power she is reduced to struggling to matter since all her huge doners cut off the money.
Be nice if you knew the difference between an adjective and a noun. Sort of takes away from whatever your argument was
I was just listening to O'Reilly on becks radio show rebroadcast, Soros is really into this now trying to destroy right wing news ..
It's happening everywhere, not just FOX and OReily. Conservative radio hosts are being targeted as well. The left believes their answer to winning is to keep us from hearing the truth. But they are wrong, we see through it now. Anyone that openly showed support for Trump is being targeted. I guess we shouldn't be surprised.

I didn't hear that one, oh great we are going back to the 1970s when the only views we get to hear wolf man Jack on the AM dial...


Boy soros is really destroying right wing radio. What is it now? 95% right?
Neopitism is killing Fox

90% of the time the children will destroy what their father has built....

I worked for Steve Ross as he was building Related, one of his greatest talents was hiring people who would grow the brand. Instead of making his family his lieutenants he brought in Beal and Blau and they literally added billions to the Company. That's how you grow a business.

Fox is terminally fucked. Hannity and O'Reilly should line up investors and start a new network
I was just listening to O'Reilly on becks radio show rebroadcast, Soros is really into this now trying to destroy right wing news ..
It's happening everywhere, not just FOX and OReily. Conservative radio hosts are being targeted as well. The left believes their answer to winning is to keep us from hearing the truth. But they are wrong, we see through it now. Anyone that openly showed support for Trump is being targeted. I guess we shouldn't be surprised.

I didn't hear that one, oh great we are going back to the 1970s when the only views we get to hear wolf man Jack on the AM dial...


Boy soros is really destroying right wing radio. What is it now? 95% right?

Why is that?

Neopitism is killing Fox

90% of the time the children will destroy what their father has built....

I worked for Steve Ross as he was building Related, one of his greatest talents was hiring people who would grow the brand. Instead of making his family his lieutenants he brought in Beal and Blau and they literally added billions to the Company. That's how you grow a business.

Fox is terminally fucked. Hannity and O'Reilly should line up investors and start a new network

It wouldn't be a problem except a little known fact, the mega rich are all liberals...

Neopitism is killing Fox

90% of the time the children will destroy what their father has built....

I worked for Steve Ross as he was building Related, one of his greatest talents was hiring people who would grow the brand. Instead of making his family his lieutenants he brought in Beal and Blau and they literally added billions to the Company. That's how you grow a business.

Fox is terminally fucked. Hannity and O'Reilly should line up investors and start a new network

It wouldn't be a problem except a little known fact, the mega rich are all liberals...


Koch Brothers?
Neopitism is killing Fox

90% of the time the children will destroy what their father has built....

I worked for Steve Ross as he was building Related, one of his greatest talents was hiring people who would grow the brand. Instead of making his family his lieutenants he brought in Beal and Blau and they literally added billions to the Company. That's how you grow a business.

Fox is terminally fucked. Hannity and O'Reilly should line up investors and start a new network

It wouldn't be a problem except a little known fact, the mega rich are all liberals...


Koch Brothers?

Who them? That plays everyone to make a buck..those guys?

Neopitism is killing Fox

90% of the time the children will destroy what their father has built....

I worked for Steve Ross as he was building Related, one of his greatest talents was hiring people who would grow the brand. Instead of making his family his lieutenants he brought in Beal and Blau and they literally added billions to the Company. That's how you grow a business.

Fox is terminally fucked. Hannity and O'Reilly should line up investors and start a new network

It wouldn't be a problem except a little known fact, the mega rich are all liberals...


Koch Brothers?

Who them? That plays everyone to make a buck..those guys?


You do know who the major funding of PBS Nova is ...right?


It's pretty ironic people claim there's no evidence of Trump and Russia even though they still want to push this conspiracy.

I think a good portion of the people pushing this don't even care about Seth Rich, just about taking down the DNC.

It is amazing when you look at it, how many murder conspiracys do we have against the Republican party?

Answer : zero

Against the democrat party?

Well... Vince foster, Seth rich, Michael Hastings.... many murder conspiracys do we have...

Against the democrat party?
As many as you guys can CREATE...? :D
It's pretty ironic people claim there's no evidence of Trump and Russia even though they still want to push this conspiracy.

I think a good portion of the people pushing this don't even care about Seth Rich, just about taking down the DNC.

It is amazing when you look at it, how many murder conspiracys do we have against the Republican party?

Answer : zero

Against the democrat party?

Well... Vince foster, Seth rich, Michael Hastings.... many murder conspiracys do we have...

Against the democrat party?
As many as you guys can CREATE...? :D
funny :D
It's pretty ironic people claim there's no evidence of Trump and Russia even though they still want to push this conspiracy.

I think a good portion of the people pushing this don't even care about Seth Rich, just about taking down the DNC.

It is amazing when you look at it, how many murder conspiracys do we have against the Republican party?

Answer : zero

Against the democrat party?

Well... Vince foster, Seth rich, Michael Hastings.... many murder conspiracys do we have...

Against the democrat party?
As many as you guys can CREATE...? :D

Where there's smoke there is fire..


It's pretty ironic people claim there's no evidence of Trump and Russia even though they still want to push this conspiracy.

I think a good portion of the people pushing this don't even care about Seth Rich, just about taking down the DNC.

It is amazing when you look at it, how many murder conspiracys do we have against the Republican party?

Answer : zero

Against the democrat party?

Well... Vince foster, Seth rich, Michael Hastings.... many murder conspiracys do we have...

Against the democrat party?
As many as you guys can CREATE...? :D
funny :D

Go back to the flame zone where you belong dottie...hush adults talk up here..

It's pretty ironic people claim there's no evidence of Trump and Russia even though they still want to push this conspiracy.

I think a good portion of the people pushing this don't even care about Seth Rich, just about taking down the DNC.

We don't need to take down the DNC. They are doing a fabulous job of taking themselves out with no help at all
Funny, I just watched Hannity last night and he hasn't stopped talking about the Seth Rich murder case at all.
then he should plan on getting sued with a cease and desist order on him....
I don't listen to the radio much or mainstream news but I must ask what in the world other than a lack of freedom of speech could possible make someone stop talking about a murder that is still unsolved?
They were not simply talking about an unsolved murder, they were making up complete lies about it.

Worse than that....they were creating unfounded conspiracies to draw attention away from the possible criminal activities of their inept President

Are they anything like the idiotic conspiracy foolishness involving Trump and Russians colluding?
Fox = Rupert Murdoch = total loyalty to ISRAEL

Seth Rich - murdered by Mossad = Fox SHUTS UP
Fox identified specific facts about the story that were untrue

What evidence do you have?
The unsolved case of Democratic National Committee data analyst Seth Rich’s death shares some eerie similarities with many mysterious deaths of individuals linked to former President Bill Clinton and twice failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Just as in the Rich case, several of the people who died mysterious deaths were shot spontaneously and in public places, sometimes from behind, sometimes by unknown assailants and often just before they were set to release incriminating evidence concerning the Clintons’ activities. In most cases, there were no signs of theft at the crime scenes. And while some of the deaths were ruled suicides, other cases remain a mystery.

Read more at Chilling similarities between Seth Rich murder and ‘Clinton Body Count’ victims

If Hillary reads this yer a fuckin goner.
They'll make it look like you committed suicide by beating yourself to death with your hands tied behind your back
In one email released by WikiLeaks, Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta said he’d like to “make an example” out of the person who leaked the emails.

Fox identified specific facts about the story that were untrue

What evidence do you have?
The unsolved case of Democratic National Committee data analyst Seth Rich’s death shares some eerie similarities with many mysterious deaths of individuals linked to former President Bill Clinton and twice failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Just as in the Rich case, several of the people who died mysterious deaths were shot spontaneously and in public places, sometimes from behind, sometimes by unknown assailants and often just before they were set to release incriminating evidence concerning the Clintons’ activities. In most cases, there were no signs of theft at the crime scenes. And while some of the deaths were ruled suicides, other cases remain a mystery.

Read more at Chilling similarities between Seth Rich murder and ‘Clinton Body Count’ victims

If Hillary reads this yer a fuckin goner.
They'll make it look like you committed suicide by beating yourself to death with your hands tied behind your back
Like a guy we were friends with who supposedly hung himself out of the blue but the mortician couldn't put enough makeup on his face to cover up all the black and blue; yup it happens..... Be safe Rambunctious!

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