FOX: Single Ladies are ‘Beyoncé Voters’ Who Depend on Gov't Checks



Fox News Reporter Refers to Single Ladies as 'Beyoncé Voters' Who Depend on Gov't Checks

Fox News reporter Jesse Watters referred to single women as “Beyoncé Voters” Tuesday and then argued that they are forced to depend on government checks because they're unable to “depend on their husbands.”

Watters hasn't yet clarified his stance via social media, but the TV commentator did proudly retweet a story about how police kicked him out of a National Organization for Women's Conference on Monday, after allegedly asking a female attendee to feel his bicep.


I wonder if Fox Reporters get their instructions from the number 2 owner of Fox News, Saudi Arab Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.

And notice the guy is surrounded by four women you know are making the big bucks. Funny, they could do that with their husbands making all their decisions.
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Beyonce didn't sign the "Free" Trade Agreements that sent most good paying American jobs over seas.
he needs something for his bs

this here is just dumb

who the fxxk cares about this petty crap?
Funny thing is that when jerks like Bill Maher says things far more vicious and hateful, progs cannot get enough of it.

he needs something for his bs

this here is just dumb

who the fxxk cares about this petty crap?

Answer: Beyoncé Voters.
Gotta hand it to the righties, they sure know how to kill the concept of getting women to vote for their side. :lol:
he needs something for his bs

this here is just dumb

who the fxxk cares about this petty crap?

Answer: Beyoncé Voters.
Gotta hand it to the righties, they sure know how to kill the concept of getting women to vote for their side. :lol:

I think they got around 25% of the single women voters last time. I think they are trying to drive them all away for next time. Clearly 25% was way, way too many.
Funny thing is that when jerks like Bill Maher says things far more vicious and hateful, progs cannot get enough of it.


You do understand that Bill Maher is a "comedian", not a "serious" news Reporter like on Fox.
Dum Dum reports like this ensure that the GOP nationally cannot compete.

Women will not be dissed by male don't know but talk it Dum Dums.
Jesse works for FOX
He is on Bill O'Reilly's show...
He gets a few minutes...

This is considered hard news.... Geez...
The interests that are getting rich by feeding the far right haters on the reactionary wing nut horizon ~~ Rush, Glenn, Sean, Fox, Jones etc ~~ are getting theirs while knowing that within three presidential cycles America will go Blue for good if the GOP does not step up and meet the great majority's needs as citizens. Then while the far right impotently cries, the users will retire to their estates behind their barbed wire topped walls, electric gates, and armed guards.

And the far right white trash will have nothing.
Funny thing is that when jerks like Bill Maher says things far more vicious and hateful, progs cannot get enough of it.


You do understand that Bill Maher is a "comedian", not a "serious" news Reporter like on Fox.

Jesse Waters is also not a "serious reporter." He works for the O'Reilly show.

O'Reilly is a "serious" news reporter.

O'Reilly: "The situation here for this kid looks to me to be a lot more fun than what he had under his old parents. He didn't have to go to school. He could run around and do whatever he wanted. "

Shawn Hornbeck was kidnapped at 11, raped and his rapist was going to kill him, but the kid promised to do anything if he wasn't murdered. His kidnapper told him he knew where the kids parents lived and would kill them if he ever tried to escape. Four years later, his kidnapper showed up with another kid. Shawn Hornbeck bravely took the other kid to the police. He couldn't let this kid go through what he went through.

Bill O'Reilly, hero of the Republican Conservatives NEVER apologized even after the entire horrific story came out.

O'Reilly is simply one in a long list of Right Wing hero's. Zimmerman, Bundy, and so on.
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Beyonce didn't sign the "Free" Trade Agreements that sent most good paying American jobs over seas.

And this is relevant to this
Still as dense as ever I see.

More than 100 million Americans need food aid because their Service Economy paychecks don't cut it. Why is America a Service Economy? Free Trade Agreements (One of which Obama signed in 2012) sent most of the real good paying jobs overseas.

Beyonce, though her music IS shit, most certainly didn't sign those agreements.

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