Fox Suggests It’s Un-American To Be Skeptical Of Torture


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
It’s torture-a-go-go time on Fox News again. And what’s even more sickening is how the needle has now moved from “We need to torture” to “you’re not a good American if you’re anti-torture.” Friday night (5/11/12), Bill O’Reilly hosted comedian Adam Carolla to attack CBS’ Lesley Stahl for being skeptical of ex-CIA officer Jose Rodriguez’ enthusiasm for “enhanced interrogation” techniques. No joke. Oh, sure, O’Reilly played devil’s advocate on behalf of Stahl but he never blasted Carolla for having the nerve to question anyone’s skepticism for torture. Instead, O’Reilly voiced his own support for “enhanced interrogation” and made the “Cavuto mark” debate about whether or not Stahl was sufficiently pro-American for lacking the same knee-jerk enthusiasm for torture as Rodriguez, Carolla and O’Reilly.

In a recent post, I quoted Amy Davidson’s observation in The New Yorker that Rodriguez speaks “as if torture were an expression of strength, rather than momentary domination masking the most abject moral and practical weakness.” Sadly, this same view has been readily adopted by Sean Hannity and others on Fox. Now, they are taking it to the typically-Foxian next step – attacking others who don’t agree with them. In this case, it was CBS’ Stahl. Of course, anyone who works for “liberal” CBS is suspect and therefore fair game to be targeted.

Fox Suggests It
What's torture? If someone is willing to sell out the nation and it's people because they are too squeamish to make some killer uncomfortable, yes it is unamerican.

What was done wasn't torture. It might be interrogation techniques but not torture. To be truly torture the very essense of the prisoner's being much be changed. Like the Stockholm Syndrome, The captors must be regarded as rescuers, rescuing them from the pain those very same people inflict. They just don't make torturers like they used to. It's a lost art. If it were me instead of Rodriguez, I would have broken them months if not years ago.
What's torture? If someone is willing to sell out the nation and it's people because they are too squeamish to make some killer uncomfortable, yes it is unamerican.

What was done wasn't torture. It might be interrogation techniques but not torture. To be truly torture the very essense of the prisoner's being much be changed. Like the Stockholm Syndrome, The captors must be regarded as rescuers, rescuing them from the pain those very same people inflict. They just don't make torturers like they used to. It's a lost art. If it were me instead of Rodriguez, I would have broken them months if not years ago.

It was torture and we have convicted and sentenced people to death for waterboarding. People who promote torture are the sell outs to America and are no better than the "killers" they use to fearmonger Americans with this GOP terrorist boogyman land.
It’s torture-a-go-go time on Fox News again. And what’s even more sickening is how the needle has now moved from “We need to torture” to “you’re not a good American if you’re anti-torture.” Friday night (5/11/12), Bill O’Reilly hosted comedian Adam Carolla to attack CBS’ Lesley Stahl for being skeptical of ex-CIA officer Jose Rodriguez’ enthusiasm for “enhanced interrogation” techniques. No joke. Oh, sure, O’Reilly played devil’s advocate on behalf of Stahl but he never blasted Carolla for having the nerve to question anyone’s skepticism for torture. Instead, O’Reilly voiced his own support for “enhanced interrogation” and made the “Cavuto mark” debate about whether or not Stahl was sufficiently pro-American for lacking the same knee-jerk enthusiasm for torture as Rodriguez, Carolla and O’Reilly.

In a recent post, I quoted Amy Davidson’s observation in The New Yorker that Rodriguez speaks “as if torture were an expression of strength, rather than momentary domination masking the most abject moral and practical weakness.” Sadly, this same view has been readily adopted by Sean Hannity and others on Fox. Now, they are taking it to the typically-Foxian next step – attacking others who don’t agree with them. In this case, it was CBS’ Stahl. Of course, anyone who works for “liberal” CBS is suspect and therefore fair game to be targeted.

Fox Suggests It

That headline is appallingly misleading, in that it leads the reader to believe that "Fox suggests it's un-American to be skeptical of torture".

Er, which Fox didn't. Oh, hang on, it's not misleading, it's bullshit.

Write something untrue, people quote it, hey presto it's true. :eusa_eh:

Gonna have to re flag that one. Fox is a very partizan news outlet, but making shit up about them is just as bad as if they fabricated something themselves.
Nobody on Fox ever said "you're not a good American if...." It's an invention of the left that reads a little too much Huffington. Leslie Stahl was trying to make an issue about inmates drinking the nutrition drink "Ensure". She seemed shocked that they would be given this stuff. Instead of sounding like an alleged reporter Stahl came off looking like a high school kid.
When you figure the only "news" for the past 70 years has been murkins cheering to the demise of yellow, brown and black people who weren't any more fucked up than they were-are(just poorer) would you really expect them to be sensitive or sensible?
At shock and awe they were all sticking Pakistani and Bangladesh made flags all over their vehicles and screaming Gawd Blass murka. No different at all than those " animals" cheering death to murka on 911 and 912.
It’s torture-a-go-go time on Fox News again. And what’s even more sickening is how the needle has now moved from “We need to torture” to “you’re not a good American if you’re anti-torture.” Friday night (5/11/12), Bill O’Reilly hosted comedian Adam Carolla to attack CBS’ Lesley Stahl for being skeptical of ex-CIA officer Jose Rodriguez’ enthusiasm for “enhanced interrogation” techniques. No joke. Oh, sure, O’Reilly played devil’s advocate on behalf of Stahl but he never blasted Carolla for having the nerve to question anyone’s skepticism for torture. Instead, O’Reilly voiced his own support for “enhanced interrogation” and made the “Cavuto mark” debate about whether or not Stahl was sufficiently pro-American for lacking the same knee-jerk enthusiasm for torture as Rodriguez, Carolla and O’Reilly.

In a recent post, I quoted Amy Davidson’s observation in The New Yorker that Rodriguez speaks “as if torture were an expression of strength, rather than momentary domination masking the most abject moral and practical weakness.” Sadly, this same view has been readily adopted by Sean Hannity and others on Fox. Now, they are taking it to the typically-Foxian next step – attacking others who don’t agree with them. In this case, it was CBS’ Stahl. Of course, anyone who works for “liberal” CBS is suspect and therefore fair game to be targeted.

Fox Suggests It

That headline is appallingly misleading, in that it leads the reader to believe that "Fox suggests it's un-American to be skeptical of torture".

Er, which Fox didn't. Oh, hang on, it's not misleading, it's bullshit.

Write something untrue, people quote it, hey presto it's true. :eusa_eh:

Gonna have to re flag that one. Fox is a very partizan news outlet, but making shit up about them is just as bad as if they fabricated something themselves.

I disagree,suggesting "liberal fainthearts" would rather 3000 Americans die than making a terrorist "uncomfortable" is suggesting someone is un-American.

That headline is appallingly misleading, in that it leads the reader to believe that "Fox suggests it's un-American to be skeptical of torture".

Er, which Fox didn't. Oh, hang on, it's not misleading, it's bullshit.

Write something untrue, people quote it, hey presto it's true. :eusa_eh:

Gonna have to re flag that one. Fox is a very partizan news outlet, but making shit up about them is just as bad as if they fabricated something themselves.

I disagree,suggesting "liberal fainthearts" would rather 3000 Americans die than making a terrorist "uncomfortable" is suggesting someone is un-American.

I would agree, but that's not what he said. And you know it isn't. Now you've spun it further to suit your purpose.

1. He said "Fainthearts", but you've chosen to add "Liberal"
2. Nowhere does he say that these "fainthearts" would prefer 3000 Americans die rather than make a terrorist uncomfortable. Nowhere. He states American deaths are a possible consequence of not taking steps to find out what terrorists know, or are planning. You've changed that and attributed to him (and further to the Fox Network) a position that Liberals would prefer that Americans die before terrorists are made uncomfortable. In fact he's not even phrasing it as his own position, he appears to be trying to encapsulate Adam Carolla's position, but perhaps the line is a bit blurred on that one.

If you're determined to see the worst in people then it's a fairly good bet that you will see the worst, but it's hardly what you'd expect from people who like to bill themselves as 'Truthseeker'.

Seriously, stick to the facts and let them fall where they may.

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