FOX's Beck calls Obama a racist, says he hates whites

Yes, and using the US flag for clothing is disrespectful ... you were criticizing someone who was using an old icon based on some propaganda.


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Uncle Sam is NOT wearing an American flag. Nice try but.... you fail.

Neither is Captain America. What they BOTH are wearing are red, white and blue costumes that contain stars and stripes. Nice try but......YOU fail.

Let's see... Beck simply states the obvious... That the BOY King is presently and has historically demonstrated his belief that White People are the problem; and the idiots come to determine that THIS OBVIOUS OBSERVATION somehow means that BECK IS A RACE HUSTLER...


Your President is a racist... that's a demonstrable fact... from his OWN WORDS in HIS OWN BOOK, wherein he states that HE 'CAREFULLY CHOSE BLACK RADICALs' as FRIENDS...; by his OWN ACTIONS wherein he attended a RACIST CHURCH... lead by an unapologetic RACIST 'MINISTER'; and his latest example wherein he called the POLICE STUPID for arresting a black belligerent...

Noting that it is RAINING, doesn't make one a meterologist...; no more than noting that Leftist policy has brought the US Economy to the brink of catastrophe, makes one an economist or an idealogue... Nor does noting that the President of the US is a racist, make one a race hustler.

BUT trying to project that such is the case, in hopes of painting yourself as a 'Centrist,' does tend toward demonstrating that you're an IDIOT!

Race hustling is a big business... and it's a business that is being engaged in PREDOMINATELY by BLACK PEOPLE; Black people who are more often than not, close friends of the President: The BOY King... the anointed one... Messiah Hussein: King of America.

Of course, there are those who will argue that Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Professor Crowley, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the good Reverend Farrakhan... are not racists... but like their Comrade centrists... they'd be idiots too.
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heh? Captain America was sanctioned by the U.S. government to fight the red skull and the nazi's, they provided his uniform.(i assume the clothing thing was regarding my avatar)

:eusa_eh: Okay ... um ... reality is this way.

you were the one criticizing the clothing of a superhero.
They do it all the time.:eusa_whistle:

For the rest, noose isn't the droid you're looking for. He's not an idiot by any means, just sometimes not up on all the facts of issues. But on some, he has a complete grasp of them. He isn't afraid to learn from you and also not scared of teaching as the situation calls for. He prefers to carry on rational discussions, if he can.

Carry on....

Uncle Sam is NOT wearing an American flag. Nice try but.... you fail.

Neither is Captain America. What they BOTH are wearing are red, white and blue costumes that contain stars and stripes. Nice try but......YOU fail.

You're an idiot. Show me where I accused the cartoon character of wearing a flag. But I would argue that the cartoons costume more closely resembles the flag than that of Uncle Sam.

Let's see... Beck simply states the obvious... That the BOY King is presently and has historically demonstrated his belief that White People are the problem; and the idiots come to determine that THIS OBVIOUS OBSERVATION somehow means that BECK IS A RACE HUSTLER...


Your President is a racist... that's a demonstrable fact... from his OWN WORDS in HIS OWN BOOK, wherein he states that HE 'CAREFULLY CHOSE BLACK RADICALs' as FRIENDS...; by his OWN ACTIONS wherein he attended a RACIST CHURCH... lead by an unapologetic RACIST 'MINISTER'; and his latest example wherein he called the POLICE STUPID for arresting a black belligerent...

Noting that it is RAINING, doesn't make one a meterologist...; no more than noting that Leftist policy has brought the US Economy to the brink of catastrophe, makes one an economist or an idealogue... Nor does noting that the President of the US is a racist, doesn't make one a race hustler; BUT trying to project that such is the case, in hopes of painting yourself as a 'Centrist,' does tend toward demonstrating that you're an IDIOT!

Race hustling is a big business... and it's a business that is being engaged in PREDOMINATELY by BLACK PEOPLE; Black people who are more often than not, close friends of the President: The BOY King... the anointed one... Messiah Hussein: King of America.

Of course, there are those who will argue that Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Preofessor Crowley, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the good Reverend Farrakhan... are not racists... but like their Comrade centrists... they'd be idiots too.

What is wrong with these people?

This morning, Beck appeared on his network's morning show, "Fox and Friends," and the conversation immediately turns to the upcoming White House meeting between President Obama, Henry Louis Gates and Sgt James Crowley (the man who arrested gates). Says Beck: This president, I think, has exposed himself as a guy -- over and over and over again -- who has a deep seated hatred for white people or white culture, I don't know what it is.
Moments later, "Fox and Friends" co-host Brian Kilmeade said to Beck, "Listen, you can't say he doesn't like white people. David Axelrod's white, Rahm Emanuel, his chief of staff, is white. I think 70 percent of the people that we see every day are white. Robert Gibbs is white."
Said Beck: I'm not saying he doesn't like white people. I'm saying he has a problem, this guy is, I believe, a racist.
Beck calls Obama a racist

We are all entitiled to our opinion. Are we not?
Yes. But that crybaby lunatic Beck doesn't seem to know what his opinion is:

who has a deep seated hatred for white people or white culture

(minutes later)

I'm not saying he doesn't like white people.
What is wrong with these people?

Beck calls Obama a racist

We are all entitiled to our opinion. Are we not?
Yes. But that crybaby lunatic Beck doesn't seem to know what his opinion is:

who has a deep seated hatred for white people or white culture

(minutes later)

I'm not saying he doesn't like white people.

so... missy where is the post in which you bashed obamalama for

"I don't know the facts." but

the Camden police acted stupidly

could you link us to it honey???:lol::lol::lol:
What is wrong with these people?

Beck calls Obama a racist

We are all entitiled to our opinion. Are we not?
Yes. But that crybaby lunatic Beck doesn't seem to know what his opinion is:

who has a deep seated hatred for white people or white culture

(minutes later)

I'm not saying he doesn't like white people.

Golly... so that's all he said? You'd think that as the positioned are framed, that Beck would have laid out the basis for his seeming contradiction... Yet you want to just cut and paste his words completely out of context...

Which is just like LYING!

Hey... I bet you voted for HOPE AND CHANGE... dinja?


We are all entitiled to our opinion. Are we not?
Yes. But that crybaby lunatic Beck doesn't seem to know what his opinion is:

(minutes later)

so... missy where is the post in which you bashed obamalama for

"I don't know the facts." but

the Camden police acted stupidly

could you link us to it honey???:lol::lol::lol:
Not sure if I've posted it on this forum, but I have on others. I don't think the President should have injected himself into that. Acknowledging there is a history of abuse, yeah. Beyond that, no.
Uncle Sam is NOT wearing an American flag. Nice try but.... you fail.

Neither is Captain America. What they BOTH are wearing are red, white and blue costumes that contain stars and stripes. Nice try but......YOU fail.

You're an idiot. Show me where I accused the cartoon character of wearing a flag. But I would argue that the cartoons costume more closely resembles the flag than that of Uncle Sam.

Seriously? Seriously? Are you actually so dense you don't understand what you implied in your post when you said "Uncle Sam is NOT wearing an American flag"? You implied Captian America was......but you knew that. Sheesh!
they will stop at nothing to try to derail this President, they did it to Clinton and they will go after Obama even more because they cant come to grips with his pigmentation.

There is that bullshit again, if you oppose the boi king its all about race.

Cap wopuld hip you upside the head a dozen times with his shield for such a stupid & unamerican comment.

the douche bag called the President a racist, you may not have the intellectual capability to see that when a rich white guy calls the duly elected president of the U.S. who happens to be black a racist that its actually the rich white guy that is the racist.
so, did you call kanye west a d-bag when he said what he did about "the president"?
You're an idiot. Wright isn't just some reverend that worked in the district. He was Obama's spiirtual guide who married him to his wife, baptized him and his children, was the inspiration for a book and Obama spent 20 years in the guys church. All of this is on record and the source is Obama himself. You do realize the the noose is a racist symbol, don't you?

look a moron calling me an idiot, and oh the irony of a guy with the racist flag of treason discussing the supposed racism of the president.

As opposed to the disrespectful use of the US flag as "clothing"?


Photo Credit: Judy Patrick/Alaska Stock in Newsweek, September 15, 2008.
So ... then going to a religious leader who advocates anti-white actions is not racism? What of the people who frequent KKK gatherings just wo "watch" ... are they not racist?

Mr. Wright's words are on video record across the net, a lot on Youtube, you cannot deny them.

anything can be made to look like anything else when taken out of context, Obama is a politician, it is quite possible that the reverend wright was the preacher of record in the district obama worked out of politically, no big deal.
Apologist nonsense. You're speculating? Why not instead, investigate? Find out if that's what it was.

And, if that's indeed what it was, please explain why he didn't quit that church anyway, after it served his political ends. Oprah quit that same church. The constant drone of anti-white and anti-America bloviating disguised as preaching didn't sit too well with her.

If you read Obama's books, it will be clear to you why it did sit well with him.
Oprah quit the church
There is that bullshit again, if you oppose the boi king its all about race.

Cap wopuld hip you upside the head a dozen times with his shield for such a stupid & unamerican comment.

the douche bag called the President a racist, you may not have the intellectual capability to see that when a rich white guy calls the duly elected president of the U.S. who happens to be black a racist that its actually the rich white guy that is the racist.
so, did you call kanye west a d-bag when he said what he did about "the president"?

i probably made no comment on it at all, i do not like kanye west or his music so anything he or those like him say would merely get an eye roll as a reaction from me if anything at all.
We are all entitiled to our opinion. Are we not?
Yes. But that crybaby lunatic Beck doesn't seem to know what his opinion is:

(minutes later)

I'm not saying he doesn't like white people.

Golly... so that's all he said? You'd think that as the positioned are framed, that Beck would have laid out the basis for his seeming contradiction... Yet you want to just cut and paste his words completely out of context...

Which is just like LYING!

Hey... I bet you voted for HOPE AND CHANGE... dinja?



Didn't say that was all he said. I was referencing his opinion of Obama. He first states that he believes the President has a "deep seated hatred for white people" then when confronted, he backpedals and says, "I'm not saying he doesn't like white people." Which, of course he DID say.

Contradicting himself in a matter of minutes.
Barry's past indicates he does not like whitey and hasn't for a long time...
anything can be made to look like anything else when taken out of context, Obama is a politician, it is quite possible that the reverend wright was the preacher of record in the district obama worked out of politically, no big deal.
Apologist nonsense. You're speculating? Why not instead, investigate? Find out if that's what it was.

And, if that's indeed what it was, please explain why he didn't quit that church anyway, after it served his political ends. Oprah quit that same church. The constant drone of anti-white and anti-America bloviating disguised as preaching didn't sit too well with her.

If you read Obama's books, it will be clear to you why it did sit well with him.
Oprah quit the church
Yeah.... Like I umm.... Said.
the douche bag called the President a racist
The president who sat in a racist church for 20 years and never heard any of it, the president who called his own grandparents racist, the president who wrote two books saying all whites are racist, that president?

you may not have the intellectual capability
oh, the Irony of you saying that about someone else.

to see that when a rich white guy
Class warfare buzzword detected!!!

calls the duly elected president of the U.S. who happens to be black a racist that its actually the rich white guy that is the racist.
Ah the logic of imbecility, you have to love it.

The tragic part is I bet you actually believe that lil gem of stupidity you've posted. :lol:

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