Fox's Brian Kilmeade Asks Black Co-host If She Makes Kool-Aid

They're only "real" stories if your objective is to capture the eyeballs of old gullible white people -- as opposed to the objective of, say, reporting the news.

As a remarkable coincidence, guess what their audience demographics look like....

FWIW, O'Reilly isn't contriving stories about the "Gangsta Culture" that deprives children from experiencing a safe, fairly happy childhood.

I know this because I witnessed the Gangsta Culture as well as the emotional and physical pain it caused to peaceful people residing or working in struggling communities. I was one of those peaceful people.

Early in my police career when I was assigned to the Brooklyn community Shawn 'Jay Z' Carter raps/writes about attempting destroy by selling poison to depressed people living and working in his community, and rapping about engaging in extremely harmful anti-social behaviors designed to protect his drug operation from rival gangs in adjoining neighborhoods, a few of my training officers advised me to be prepared to experience "culture shock."

When I asked what is meant by "culture shock," I was told, "You'll find out."

I did find out what "culture shock" is, though it was not a culture of violence and harmful anti-social activities many were insinuating I would be shocked by.

The aspect of this Brooklyn, NY community that shocked me to the core was witnessing children being emotionally scarred by an *American Sub-Culture of Child Abuse/Neglect*," aka *Poverty* that Kendrick Lamar raps and speaks about some twenty-five years after I first witnessed the *"American Sub-Culture of Child Abuse/Neglect"* that today CONTINUES emotionally damaging many developing children and their communities.

I personally witnessed the emotional trauma and physical pain a young, neglected, unsupervised, *Shawn 'Jay Z' Carter* is responsible for causing, and its aftermath, leaving a community populated by mostly peaceful people fearing for their safety on a 24/7 basis, which are the hours Shawn's crew/gang were selling community harming substances.

During the twelve years I served this community I met hundreds of peaceful people who were just as shaken, upset and deeply disturbed as I was by the daily displays of violence and other anti-social activities mostly caused by teens and adults who were victims of childhood abuse and neglect.

I was lucky, at the end of my workday I could leave the community, returning to a more peaceful residential community where concerns for me and my family's safety were significantly lower.

However, virtually all of my civilian co-workers, mostly loving, competent moms living in this community were not as fortunate. They were burdened with stresses and challenges my parents did not face to any significant degree.

The added stresses and challenges my peaceful co-workers faced was preventing their children from being negatively influenced by abused, neglected, unsupervised children being raised and nurtured by immature, "living wild" teen moms and young women who irresponsibly begin building families before they acquired the skills, maturity, *PATIENCE* and means to independently provide for their family of developing children.

In his 2015 Grammy award winning Rap Performance titled "I", Kendrick Lamar writes, *"I've been dealing with depression ever since an adolescent."*

During a January 20, 2011 LAWeekly interview Kendrick, born in 1987, the same year songwriter Suzanne Vega wrote a song about child abuse and *VICTIM DENIAL* that was nominated for a Grammy award, told the interviewer:

*"Lamar's parents moved from Chicago to Compton in 1984 with all of $500 in their pockets. "My mom's one of 13 [THIRTEEN] siblings, and they all got SIX kids, and till I was 13 everybody was in Compton," he says."*

*"I'm 6 years old, seein' my uncles playing with shotguns, sellin' dope in front of the apartment. My moms and pops never said nothing, 'cause they were young and living wild, too. I got about 15 stories like 'Average Joe.'"*

It seems evident to me Kendrick identified the source of his depression, the roots of poverty, the child abuse/maltreatment that prevented him, his brothers, sisters, cousins, neighborhood friends, elementary and JHS classmates from enjoying a fairly happy safe childhood.

Seems the adults responsible for raising the children in Kendrick's immediate and extended family placed obstacles in their children's way, causing their kids to deal with challenges and stresses young minds are not prepared to deal with...*nor should they or any other children be exposed to and have to deal with.*

It seems evident to me these *PARENTAL INTRODUCED* obstacles and challenges cause some developing children's minds to become tormented and go haywire, not knowing *OR NOT CARING ABOUT* right from wrong...because as they mature, young victims of child abuse realize their parents introduced them to a life of pain and struggle, totally unlike the mostly safe, happy life the media showed them many American kids were enjoying. *RESENTMENT*

I wonder how little Kendrick and his classmates reacted when their elementary school teacher introduced the DARE presenter and they learned about the real dangers of drugs and how they harm people, including their parents? *Cognitive Dissonance*

I cannot speak for anyone else, but if I was raised in Kendrick's family I would most likely be silently peeved at my parents. particularly my mom who had the final say on whether or not I was born, for being immature, irresponsible "living wild" adults who deprived me, my sisters and brothers of experiencing a safe, fairly happy Average Joe or Josie American childhood.

I have a feeling most Americans would have been just as shaken and disturbed as I was when witnessing on a daily basis children and teens being abused, neglected and unsupervised, which often resulted with them venting their anger and frustrations on their peaceful neighbors.

This video depicts horrific examples of men who were victims of childhood abuse and neglect, conditioning a young teen to embrace 'The Street' culture Baltimore Mom of The Year failed to protect her teen son from...not to mention representing the fear peaceful people living and WORKING in the community experience knowing depressed, angry, unpredictable teens and young adults need to vent their angers and frustrations for being introduced to a life of pain and struggle by irresponsible, "living wild" single moms and/or dads.

This video depicts acts of criminal child abuse, maltreatment and violence against..."A little girl, catching a cool breeze from an air conditioning unit in the yard, was blindsided by another child about her same age, who had evidently had some practice with fighting fierce. The small victim wasn't alone, as there were plenty of nearby witnesses, who could have protected her but didn't because they were too busy recording the brutal beat down and encouraging it." | Written By Amanda Shea

Mediatakeout | Facebook

NY Times May 18, 2015 - *Rise in Suicide by Black Children Surprises Researchers*

Quoting the NYT article, *"The suicide rate among black children has nearly doubled since the early 1990s, surpassing the rate for white children, a new study has found."*

Who is responsible for traumatizing, abusing, neglecting, maltreating children to the point where depressed young kids, we're talking elementary school age children, believe their lives are not worth living?

With all due respect to my American neighbors of African descent, the oppression of humans that led to racism and slavery has largely been replaced with a new form of human oppression that impedes and deprives many American children from experiencing a safe, fairly happy American kid childhood.

The question all concerned, compassionate Americans should seriously be asking ourselves, our elected, civil, social, community and religious leaders is, what real, substantial changes in our society's attitude and laws need to occur to prevent abuse that often causes young kids to mature into depressed, frustrated, angry teens and adults as a result of experiencing the *emotional and/or physical trauma of an abusive childhood?*

Black *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations
They're only "real" stories if your objective is to capture the eyeballs of old gullible white people -- as opposed to the objective of, say, reporting the news.

As a remarkable coincidence, guess what their audience demographics look like....

FWIW, O'Reilly isn't contriving stories about the "Gangsta Culture" that deprives children from experiencing a safe, fairly happy childhood.

I know this because I witnessed the Gangsta Culture as well as the emotional and physical pain it caused to peaceful people residing or working in struggling communities. I was one of those peaceful people.

Early in my police career when I was assigned to the Brooklyn community Shawn 'Jay Z' Carter raps/writes about attempting destroy by selling poison to depressed people living and working in his community, and rapping about engaging in extremely harmful anti-social behaviors designed to protect his drug operation from rival gangs in adjoining neighborhoods, a few of my training officers advised me to be prepared to experience "culture shock."

When I asked what is meant by "culture shock," I was told, "You'll find out."

I did find out what "culture shock" is, though it was not a culture of violence and harmful anti-social activities many were insinuating I would be shocked by.

The aspect of this Brooklyn, NY community that shocked me to the core was witnessing children being emotionally scarred by an *American Sub-Culture of Child Abuse/Neglect*," aka *Poverty* that Kendrick Lamar raps and speaks about some twenty-five years after I first witnessed the *"American Sub-Culture of Child Abuse/Neglect"* that today CONTINUES emotionally damaging many developing children and their communities.

I personally witnessed the emotional trauma and physical pain a young, neglected, unsupervised, *Shawn 'Jay Z' Carter* is responsible for causing, and its aftermath, leaving a community populated by mostly peaceful people fearing for their safety on a 24/7 basis, which are the hours Shawn's crew/gang were selling community harming substances.

During the twelve years I served this community I met hundreds of peaceful people who were just as shaken, upset and deeply disturbed as I was by the daily displays of violence and other anti-social activities mostly caused by teens and adults who were victims of childhood abuse and neglect.

I was lucky, at the end of my workday I could leave the community, returning to a more peaceful residential community where concerns for me and my family's safety were significantly lower.

However, virtually all of my civilian co-workers, mostly loving, competent moms living in this community were not as fortunate. They were burdened with stresses and challenges my parents did not face to any significant degree.

The added stresses and challenges my peaceful co-workers faced was preventing their children from being negatively influenced by abused, neglected, unsupervised children being raised and nurtured by immature, "living wild" teen moms and young women who irresponsibly begin building families before they acquired the skills, maturity, *PATIENCE* and means to independently provide for their family of developing children.

In his 2015 Grammy award winning Rap Performance titled "I", Kendrick Lamar writes, *"I've been dealing with depression ever since an adolescent."*

During a January 20, 2011 LAWeekly interview Kendrick, born in 1987, the same year songwriter Suzanne Vega wrote a song about child abuse and *VICTIM DENIAL* that was nominated for a Grammy award, told the interviewer:

*"Lamar's parents moved from Chicago to Compton in 1984 with all of $500 in their pockets. "My mom's one of 13 [THIRTEEN] siblings, and they all got SIX kids, and till I was 13 everybody was in Compton," he says."*

*"I'm 6 years old, seein' my uncles playing with shotguns, sellin' dope in front of the apartment. My moms and pops never said nothing, 'cause they were young and living wild, too. I got about 15 stories like 'Average Joe.'"*

It seems evident to me Kendrick identified the source of his depression, the roots of poverty, the child abuse/maltreatment that prevented him, his brothers, sisters, cousins, neighborhood friends, elementary and JHS classmates from enjoying a fairly happy safe childhood.

Seems the adults responsible for raising the children in Kendrick's immediate and extended family placed obstacles in their children's way, causing their kids to deal with challenges and stresses young minds are not prepared to deal with...*nor should they or any other children be exposed to and have to deal with.*

It seems evident to me these *PARENTAL INTRODUCED* obstacles and challenges cause some developing children's minds to become tormented and go haywire, not knowing *OR NOT CARING ABOUT* right from wrong...because as they mature, young victims of child abuse realize their parents introduced them to a life of pain and struggle, totally unlike the mostly safe, happy life the media showed them many American kids were enjoying. *RESENTMENT*

I wonder how little Kendrick and his classmates reacted when their elementary school teacher introduced the DARE presenter and they learned about the real dangers of drugs and how they harm people, including their parents? *Cognitive Dissonance*

I cannot speak for anyone else, but if I was raised in Kendrick's family I would most likely be silently peeved at my parents. particularly my mom who had the final say on whether or not I was born, for being immature, irresponsible "living wild" adults who deprived me, my sisters and brothers of experiencing a safe, fairly happy Average Joe or Josie American childhood.

I have a feeling most Americans would have been just as shaken and disturbed as I was when witnessing on a daily basis children and teens being abused, neglected and unsupervised, which often resulted with them venting their anger and frustrations on their peaceful neighbors.

This video depicts horrific examples of men who were victims of childhood abuse and neglect, conditioning a young teen to embrace 'The Street' culture Baltimore Mom of The Year failed to protect her teen son from...not to mention representing the fear peaceful people living and WORKING in the community experience knowing depressed, angry, unpredictable teens and young adults need to vent their angers and frustrations for being introduced to a life of pain and struggle by irresponsible, "living wild" single moms and/or dads.

This video depicts acts of criminal child abuse, maltreatment and violence against..."A little girl, catching a cool breeze from an air conditioning unit in the yard, was blindsided by another child about her same age, who had evidently had some practice with fighting fierce. The small victim wasn't alone, as there were plenty of nearby witnesses, who could have protected her but didn't because they were too busy recording the brutal beat down and encouraging it." | Written By Amanda Shea

Mediatakeout | Facebook

NY Times May 18, 2015 - *Rise in Suicide by Black Children Surprises Researchers*

Quoting the NYT article, *"The suicide rate among black children has nearly doubled since the early 1990s, surpassing the rate for white children, a new study has found."*

Who is responsible for traumatizing, abusing, neglecting, maltreating children to the point where depressed young kids, we're talking elementary school age children, believe their lives are not worth living?

With all due respect to my American neighbors of African descent, the oppression of humans that led to racism and slavery has largely been replaced with a new form of human oppression that impedes and deprives many American children from experiencing a safe, fairly happy American kid childhood.

The question all concerned, compassionate Americans should seriously be asking ourselves, our elected, civil, social, community and religious leaders is, what real, substantial changes in our society's attitude and laws need to occur to prevent abuse that often causes young kids to mature into depressed, frustrated, angry teens and adults as a result of experiencing the *emotional and/or physical trauma of an abusive childhood?*

Black *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations

White people made up "gangsta culture". Some Blacks in an attempt to get ahead simply emulated your mafias.
White people made up "gangsta culture". Some Blacks in an attempt to get ahead simply emulated your mafias.

Hello, Asclepias.

The Americans who embraced the Gangsta Culture before it was adopted by many OG's like Shawn Carter, Christopher Wallace, Tupac Amaru Shakur, Curtis James Jackson III, Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr., and many more, were just as much criminals who harmed peaceful people as the Aforementioned criminal African Americans I just named....all of whom were victims of child abuse and neglect.

Frankly, I can understand why the African American OG's turned to crime as means to survive...I do not agree with them committing anti-social acts that harmed their neighbors, though after centuries of being treated as less than human "bitches" by a good number of Euro and other Americans, I can understand why they were depressed and disregarded the well being of their peaceful neighbors.

However, the Italian and Jewish scumbags who sowed the seeds for OG criminality had no excuse of racism or human oppression, those Italian, Jewish ect. criminals were and are pure scum.

White people made up "gangsta culture". Some Blacks in an attempt to get ahead simply emulated your mafias.

Hello, Asclepias.

The Americans who embraced the Gangsta Culture before it was adopted by many OG's like Shawn Carter, Christopher Wallace, Tupac Amaru Shakur, Curtis James Jackson III, Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr., and many more, were just as much criminals who harmed peaceful people as the Aforementioned criminal African Americans I just named....all of whom were victims of child abuse and neglect.

Frankly, I can understand why the African American OG's turned to crime as means to survive...I do not agree with them committing anti-social acts that harmed their neighbors, though after centuries of being treated as less than human "bitches" by a good number of Euro and other Americans, I can understand why they were depressed and disregarded the well being of their peaceful neighbors.

However, the Italian and Jewish scumbags who sowed the seeds for OG criminality had no excuse of racism or human oppression, those Italian, Jewish ect. criminals were and are pure scum.

I disagree they were just as much as criminals. True by the definition of the word they may have been criminals but there are shades of grey. I'm not talking only about the Italians and Ashkenazi Jews, I am talking about the anglo saxons that founded this country. FYI. The Italians and Jews also went through a period of discrimination along with the Irish until they were accepted as honorary white people.
jeremiah wright, van jones, ACORN and the new black panthers are all "real stories" and they are very revealing about the president's tendencies and proclivities.

They're only "real" stories if your objective is to capture the eyeballs of old gullible white people -- as opposed to the objective of, say, reporting the news.

As a remarkable coincidence, guess what their audience demographics look like....
They are all real stories you can ignore them but they are real stories

Pc policies
Yes they are all real stories. Dont confuse that with assuming those stories are factual.
Very factual
Opinions are not facts. You should have learned that in school.
Perhaps you have me confused with your own history
White people made up "gangsta culture". Some Blacks in an attempt to get ahead simply emulated your mafias.

Hello, Asclepias.

The Americans who embraced the Gangsta Culture before it was adopted by many OG's like Shawn Carter, Christopher Wallace, Tupac Amaru Shakur, Curtis James Jackson III, Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr., and many more, were just as much criminals who harmed peaceful people as the Aforementioned criminal African Americans I just named....all of whom were victims of child abuse and neglect.

Frankly, I can understand why the African American OG's turned to crime as means to survive...I do not agree with them committing anti-social acts that harmed their neighbors, though after centuries of being treated as less than human "bitches" by a good number of Euro and other Americans, I can understand why they were depressed and disregarded the well being of their peaceful neighbors.

However, the Italian and Jewish scumbags who sowed the seeds for OG criminality had no excuse of racism or human oppression, those Italian, Jewish ect. criminals were and are pure scum.

We got them chilled out pretty well...the negro crime problem will be addressed, too.
They're only "real" stories if your objective is to capture the eyeballs of old gullible white people -- as opposed to the objective of, say, reporting the news.

As a remarkable coincidence, guess what their audience demographics look like....
They are all real stories you can ignore them but they are real stories

Pc policies
Yes they are all real stories. Dont confuse that with assuming those stories are factual.
Very factual
Opinions are not facts. You should have learned that in school.
Perhaps you have me confused with your own history
Nope. I learned long ago opinions were not facts.
White people made up "gangsta culture". Some Blacks in an attempt to get ahead simply emulated your mafias.

Hello, Asclepias.

The Americans who embraced the Gangsta Culture before it was adopted by many OG's like Shawn Carter, Christopher Wallace, Tupac Amaru Shakur, Curtis James Jackson III, Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr., and many more, were just as much criminals who harmed peaceful people as the Aforementioned criminal African Americans I just named....all of whom were victims of child abuse and neglect.

Frankly, I can understand why the African American OG's turned to crime as means to survive...I do not agree with them committing anti-social acts that harmed their neighbors, though after centuries of being treated as less than human "bitches" by a good number of Euro and other Americans, I can understand why they were depressed and disregarded the well being of their peaceful neighbors.

However, the Italian and Jewish scumbags who sowed the seeds for OG criminality had no excuse of racism or human oppression, those Italian, Jewish ect. criminals were and are pure scum.

We got them chilled out pretty well...the negro crime problem will be addressed, too.
When? Did you guys finally get your race war date set? I ask because you keep stalling or you are not part of the decision making group.
That's quite the off-topic ramble, but I'd take issue with your premise. I'd say Fox Noise isn't a "white supremacist racist media outlet", but that that is their base. It's a subtle difference. You don't have to actually BE racist to exploit them; you just have to be unprincipled -- like pretending Jeremiah Wright, Van Jones, Shirley Sherrod, ACORN, the "New Black Panthers", the "Knockout Game" "hip hop barbecues at the White House" et al are real stories. They do know how to draw attention.

That said, love the avatar. Border collie?

Hi, Pogo.

I messed up when C&Ping my reply, omitting this from the opening of my post to this thread.

I grew up in the 60s in a Long Island community located near the community where Kilmeade grew up.

Kool-Aid was a very popular SUMMER refreshment served by many moms in my community. We even used to wet our fingers, dipping them into the sugary powder before licking the sweetness from our fingers.

As for Fox airing stories you characterize a "pretend" stories designed to attract viewers.

Are these two stories pretend?

Link to Tavis Smiley's Wiki page were I learned he was a victim of childhood abuse.

Yeah, it's a Border Collie, one of the more intelligent animals on our tiny globe.


We're back Avery, after a great meal. I see you're a very thoughtful sort with no hesitation to delve deep, and to look into social issues behind the superficial issues, and for both of those I applaud you. Rare traits around here, and it bodes well for future discourse in threads more about those cultural backdrops.

To the point immediately here, your two videos here were not stories, but commentaries. My point was that in the case of this media outlet, they race-bait with an endless pizzle of stories about "the scary black man comin' ta git you", as I listed, in order to draw their target audience. It's exactly the same LCD approach as the sleazy tabloid newspaper, which indeed is exactly what Rupert Murdoch made his fortune in before opening a TV version of the same thing -- a gossip channel using politicians instead of celebrities.... always the personal over the policy.

I did particularly enjoy the second video. I think Smiley makes a lot of incisive points about the derivations of those cultural patterns (which are rarely ever given a fair hearing either anywhere on television or on this message board), and calling out O'Reilly's double standard. That's good stuff, but it's too cerebral to be Fox's bread and butter, which is, it's obvious to me, raw emotion.

Now your last video (later post) about the SSR (?) kid, haven't watched it yet -- seems to touch on one of my pet issues here, indeed the one that was the hot button at the time when I came to this site, and that is the culture of violence that we live in and foster that leads to, in part, the gun slaying epidemics we see so often. That's another cultural issue too worth dissecting in its place.

But for the moment my point was simply how Fox Noise chooses to play up insignificant stories on the basis of whether a given story will scare the bejesus out of the white people and thereby, garner them viewers and ratings, which directly means money in the bank. And as far as what its editors decide which stories are newsworthy, that's what I see.

I've got many thoughts about media too, again in their proper time and place.

Once again, it's good to meet you and I have a world of respect for the community work you described in a separate post. Looking forward to future interaction with your obviously capable intellect.

They're only "real" stories if your objective is to capture the eyeballs of old gullible white people -- as opposed to the objective of, say, reporting the news.

As a remarkable coincidence, guess what their audience demographics look like....

FWIW, O'Reilly isn't contriving stories about the "Gangsta Culture" that deprives children from experiencing a safe, fairly happy childhood.

I know this because I witnessed the Gangsta Culture as well as the emotional and physical pain it caused to peaceful people residing or working in struggling communities. I was one of those peaceful people.

Early in my police career when I was assigned to the Brooklyn community Shawn 'Jay Z' Carter raps/writes about attempting destroy by selling poison to depressed people living and working in his community, and rapping about engaging in extremely harmful anti-social behaviors designed to protect his drug operation from rival gangs in adjoining neighborhoods, a few of my training officers advised me to be prepared to experience "culture shock."

When I asked what is meant by "culture shock," I was told, "You'll find out."

I did find out what "culture shock" is, though it was not a culture of violence and harmful anti-social activities many were insinuating I would be shocked by.

The aspect of this Brooklyn, NY community that shocked me to the core was witnessing children being emotionally scarred by an *American Sub-Culture of Child Abuse/Neglect*," aka *Poverty* that Kendrick Lamar raps and speaks about some twenty-five years after I first witnessed the *"American Sub-Culture of Child Abuse/Neglect"* that today CONTINUES emotionally damaging many developing children and their communities.

I personally witnessed the emotional trauma and physical pain a young, neglected, unsupervised, *Shawn 'Jay Z' Carter* is responsible for causing, and its aftermath, leaving a community populated by mostly peaceful people fearing for their safety on a 24/7 basis, which are the hours Shawn's crew/gang were selling community harming substances.

During the twelve years I served this community I met hundreds of peaceful people who were just as shaken, upset and deeply disturbed as I was by the daily displays of violence and other anti-social activities mostly caused by teens and adults who were victims of childhood abuse and neglect.

I was lucky, at the end of my workday I could leave the community, returning to a more peaceful residential community where concerns for me and my family's safety were significantly lower.

However, virtually all of my civilian co-workers, mostly loving, competent moms living in this community were not as fortunate. They were burdened with stresses and challenges my parents did not face to any significant degree.

The added stresses and challenges my peaceful co-workers faced was preventing their children from being negatively influenced by abused, neglected, unsupervised children being raised and nurtured by immature, "living wild" teen moms and young women who irresponsibly begin building families before they acquired the skills, maturity, *PATIENCE* and means to independently provide for their family of developing children.

In his 2015 Grammy award winning Rap Performance titled "I", Kendrick Lamar writes, *"I've been dealing with depression ever since an adolescent."*

During a January 20, 2011 LAWeekly interview Kendrick, born in 1987, the same year songwriter Suzanne Vega wrote a song about child abuse and *VICTIM DENIAL* that was nominated for a Grammy award, told the interviewer:

*"Lamar's parents moved from Chicago to Compton in 1984 with all of $500 in their pockets. "My mom's one of 13 [THIRTEEN] siblings, and they all got SIX kids, and till I was 13 everybody was in Compton," he says."*

*"I'm 6 years old, seein' my uncles playing with shotguns, sellin' dope in front of the apartment. My moms and pops never said nothing, 'cause they were young and living wild, too. I got about 15 stories like 'Average Joe.'"*

It seems evident to me Kendrick identified the source of his depression, the roots of poverty, the child abuse/maltreatment that prevented him, his brothers, sisters, cousins, neighborhood friends, elementary and JHS classmates from enjoying a fairly happy safe childhood.

Seems the adults responsible for raising the children in Kendrick's immediate and extended family placed obstacles in their children's way, causing their kids to deal with challenges and stresses young minds are not prepared to deal with...*nor should they or any other children be exposed to and have to deal with.*

It seems evident to me these *PARENTAL INTRODUCED* obstacles and challenges cause some developing children's minds to become tormented and go haywire, not knowing *OR NOT CARING ABOUT* right from wrong...because as they mature, young victims of child abuse realize their parents introduced them to a life of pain and struggle, totally unlike the mostly safe, happy life the media showed them many American kids were enjoying. *RESENTMENT*

I wonder how little Kendrick and his classmates reacted when their elementary school teacher introduced the DARE presenter and they learned about the real dangers of drugs and how they harm people, including their parents? *Cognitive Dissonance*

I cannot speak for anyone else, but if I was raised in Kendrick's family I would most likely be silently peeved at my parents. particularly my mom who had the final say on whether or not I was born, for being immature, irresponsible "living wild" adults who deprived me, my sisters and brothers of experiencing a safe, fairly happy Average Joe or Josie American childhood.

I have a feeling most Americans would have been just as shaken and disturbed as I was when witnessing on a daily basis children and teens being abused, neglected and unsupervised, which often resulted with them venting their anger and frustrations on their peaceful neighbors.

This video depicts horrific examples of men who were victims of childhood abuse and neglect, conditioning a young teen to embrace 'The Street' culture Baltimore Mom of The Year failed to protect her teen son from...not to mention representing the fear peaceful people living and WORKING in the community experience knowing depressed, angry, unpredictable teens and young adults need to vent their angers and frustrations for being introduced to a life of pain and struggle by irresponsible, "living wild" single moms and/or dads.

This video depicts acts of criminal child abuse, maltreatment and violence against..."A little girl, catching a cool breeze from an air conditioning unit in the yard, was blindsided by another child about her same age, who had evidently had some practice with fighting fierce. The small victim wasn't alone, as there were plenty of nearby witnesses, who could have protected her but didn't because they were too busy recording the brutal beat down and encouraging it." | Written By Amanda Shea

Mediatakeout | Facebook

NY Times May 18, 2015 - *Rise in Suicide by Black Children Surprises Researchers*

Quoting the NYT article, *"The suicide rate among black children has nearly doubled since the early 1990s, surpassing the rate for white children, a new study has found."*

Who is responsible for traumatizing, abusing, neglecting, maltreating children to the point where depressed young kids, we're talking elementary school age children, believe their lives are not worth living?

With all due respect to my American neighbors of African descent, the oppression of humans that led to racism and slavery has largely been replaced with a new form of human oppression that impedes and deprives many American children from experiencing a safe, fairly happy American kid childhood.

The question all concerned, compassionate Americans should seriously be asking ourselves, our elected, civil, social, community and religious leaders is, what real, substantial changes in our society's attitude and laws need to occur to prevent abuse that often causes young kids to mature into depressed, frustrated, angry teens and adults as a result of experiencing the *emotional and/or physical trauma of an abusive childhood?*

Black *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations

White people made up "gangsta culture". Some Blacks in an attempt to get ahead simply emulated your mafias.

Hahahaha what a dumb fk you are
They are all real stories you can ignore them but they are real stories

Pc policies
Yes they are all real stories. Dont confuse that with assuming those stories are factual.
Very factual
Opinions are not facts. You should have learned that in school.
Perhaps you have me confused with your own history
Nope. I learned long ago opinions were not facts.
You should stop giving your options then
They're only "real" stories if your objective is to capture the eyeballs of old gullible white people -- as opposed to the objective of, say, reporting the news.

As a remarkable coincidence, guess what their audience demographics look like....

FWIW, O'Reilly isn't contriving stories about the "Gangsta Culture" that deprives children from experiencing a safe, fairly happy childhood.

I know this because I witnessed the Gangsta Culture as well as the emotional and physical pain it caused to peaceful people residing or working in struggling communities. I was one of those peaceful people.

Early in my police career when I was assigned to the Brooklyn community Shawn 'Jay Z' Carter raps/writes about attempting destroy by selling poison to depressed people living and working in his community, and rapping about engaging in extremely harmful anti-social behaviors designed to protect his drug operation from rival gangs in adjoining neighborhoods, a few of my training officers advised me to be prepared to experience "culture shock."

When I asked what is meant by "culture shock," I was told, "You'll find out."

I did find out what "culture shock" is, though it was not a culture of violence and harmful anti-social activities many were insinuating I would be shocked by.

The aspect of this Brooklyn, NY community that shocked me to the core was witnessing children being emotionally scarred by an *American Sub-Culture of Child Abuse/Neglect*," aka *Poverty* that Kendrick Lamar raps and speaks about some twenty-five years after I first witnessed the *"American Sub-Culture of Child Abuse/Neglect"* that today CONTINUES emotionally damaging many developing children and their communities.

I personally witnessed the emotional trauma and physical pain a young, neglected, unsupervised, *Shawn 'Jay Z' Carter* is responsible for causing, and its aftermath, leaving a community populated by mostly peaceful people fearing for their safety on a 24/7 basis, which are the hours Shawn's crew/gang were selling community harming substances.

During the twelve years I served this community I met hundreds of peaceful people who were just as shaken, upset and deeply disturbed as I was by the daily displays of violence and other anti-social activities mostly caused by teens and adults who were victims of childhood abuse and neglect.

I was lucky, at the end of my workday I could leave the community, returning to a more peaceful residential community where concerns for me and my family's safety were significantly lower.

However, virtually all of my civilian co-workers, mostly loving, competent moms living in this community were not as fortunate. They were burdened with stresses and challenges my parents did not face to any significant degree.

The added stresses and challenges my peaceful co-workers faced was preventing their children from being negatively influenced by abused, neglected, unsupervised children being raised and nurtured by immature, "living wild" teen moms and young women who irresponsibly begin building families before they acquired the skills, maturity, *PATIENCE* and means to independently provide for their family of developing children.

In his 2015 Grammy award winning Rap Performance titled "I", Kendrick Lamar writes, *"I've been dealing with depression ever since an adolescent."*

During a January 20, 2011 LAWeekly interview Kendrick, born in 1987, the same year songwriter Suzanne Vega wrote a song about child abuse and *VICTIM DENIAL* that was nominated for a Grammy award, told the interviewer:

*"Lamar's parents moved from Chicago to Compton in 1984 with all of $500 in their pockets. "My mom's one of 13 [THIRTEEN] siblings, and they all got SIX kids, and till I was 13 everybody was in Compton," he says."*

*"I'm 6 years old, seein' my uncles playing with shotguns, sellin' dope in front of the apartment. My moms and pops never said nothing, 'cause they were young and living wild, too. I got about 15 stories like 'Average Joe.'"*

It seems evident to me Kendrick identified the source of his depression, the roots of poverty, the child abuse/maltreatment that prevented him, his brothers, sisters, cousins, neighborhood friends, elementary and JHS classmates from enjoying a fairly happy safe childhood.

Seems the adults responsible for raising the children in Kendrick's immediate and extended family placed obstacles in their children's way, causing their kids to deal with challenges and stresses young minds are not prepared to deal with...*nor should they or any other children be exposed to and have to deal with.*

It seems evident to me these *PARENTAL INTRODUCED* obstacles and challenges cause some developing children's minds to become tormented and go haywire, not knowing *OR NOT CARING ABOUT* right from wrong...because as they mature, young victims of child abuse realize their parents introduced them to a life of pain and struggle, totally unlike the mostly safe, happy life the media showed them many American kids were enjoying. *RESENTMENT*

I wonder how little Kendrick and his classmates reacted when their elementary school teacher introduced the DARE presenter and they learned about the real dangers of drugs and how they harm people, including their parents? *Cognitive Dissonance*

I cannot speak for anyone else, but if I was raised in Kendrick's family I would most likely be silently peeved at my parents. particularly my mom who had the final say on whether or not I was born, for being immature, irresponsible "living wild" adults who deprived me, my sisters and brothers of experiencing a safe, fairly happy Average Joe or Josie American childhood.

I have a feeling most Americans would have been just as shaken and disturbed as I was when witnessing on a daily basis children and teens being abused, neglected and unsupervised, which often resulted with them venting their anger and frustrations on their peaceful neighbors.

This video depicts horrific examples of men who were victims of childhood abuse and neglect, conditioning a young teen to embrace 'The Street' culture Baltimore Mom of The Year failed to protect her teen son from...not to mention representing the fear peaceful people living and WORKING in the community experience knowing depressed, angry, unpredictable teens and young adults need to vent their angers and frustrations for being introduced to a life of pain and struggle by irresponsible, "living wild" single moms and/or dads.

This video depicts acts of criminal child abuse, maltreatment and violence against..."A little girl, catching a cool breeze from an air conditioning unit in the yard, was blindsided by another child about her same age, who had evidently had some practice with fighting fierce. The small victim wasn't alone, as there were plenty of nearby witnesses, who could have protected her but didn't because they were too busy recording the brutal beat down and encouraging it." | Written By Amanda Shea

Mediatakeout | Facebook

NY Times May 18, 2015 - *Rise in Suicide by Black Children Surprises Researchers*

Quoting the NYT article, *"The suicide rate among black children has nearly doubled since the early 1990s, surpassing the rate for white children, a new study has found."*

Who is responsible for traumatizing, abusing, neglecting, maltreating children to the point where depressed young kids, we're talking elementary school age children, believe their lives are not worth living?

With all due respect to my American neighbors of African descent, the oppression of humans that led to racism and slavery has largely been replaced with a new form of human oppression that impedes and deprives many American children from experiencing a safe, fairly happy American kid childhood.

The question all concerned, compassionate Americans should seriously be asking ourselves, our elected, civil, social, community and religious leaders is, what real, substantial changes in our society's attitude and laws need to occur to prevent abuse that often causes young kids to mature into depressed, frustrated, angry teens and adults as a result of experiencing the *emotional and/or physical trauma of an abusive childhood?*

Black *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations

White people made up "gangsta culture". Some Blacks in an attempt to get ahead simply emulated your mafias.

What can or should or do we need to do to end the cycle? And how many generations would it take if we did all the right things?
Political correctness is unAmerican. So is Black studies, women's studies, gay studies and any study that scapegoats white people for the purpose of blaming white people for every perceived ill. It's all part of Critical Theory a scheme thought up by Marxist communists to bring American Society down.
I will never be politically correct. I won't be needlessly insulting to blacks or Muslims, but I won't kiss their ass either. I call them as I see them.

How the hell does 'women's studies' scapegoat white people? Most of the 'people' taking women's studies courses are white. I took both courses in university. Neither one attacked or persecuted whites. They were informative, like reading biographies of black leaders and literature written by women, which was often left out of general literature courses or general history courses. And as you most likely never took such courses, you would not know that neither black studies nor women's studies put whites and/or white men in a bad light just because they are white or men. In fact, the courses simple covered material that is not typically covered in other courses. But you are too ignorant to know that as you simply dismiss such courses due to your personal biases.

Your tone and rhetoric clearly indicate bias and anger at anything you don't want to think about or hear. You make it pretty clear you don't like women and you don't like anyone who isn't white. You can scream all you want that isn't true, but your own post makes it quite clear. Claiming 'women's studies' is against whites? Seriously? And how does gay studies, if such a thing even exists, scapegoat white people when the majority of gay's, especially in the West, where such courses would be most prevalent, are white as well?

Women's studies, gay studies---scapegoating white people? Seriously, you do not have any logical or critical thinking skills, only anger and bias.

You need to post this: "It's all part of Critical Theory a scheme thought up by Marxist communists to bring American Society down." in the conspiracy forum: that's where it belongs. What a wee little mind you have, poor thing.
You sure dead European white guys weren't brought up by your women's studies professor?
Such courses are not designed for or directed at changing historical fact or being derogatory toward anyone: they are there to add knowledge. Period. You wouldn't know because you never took such courses.
Taken from a Feminist studies course outline:

17: Resistance, Alliances, and Coalitions
WIC: Cherríe Moraga, 449-52
Peggy McIntosh, "White Privilege, Male Privilege," RDR
Blood, Tuttle, and Lakey, "Understanding and Fighting Sexism: A Call to Men," RDR
Bernice Johnson Reagon, "Coalition Politics" RDR
Audre Lorde, "The Masters Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House," RDR
RECOMMENDED WEB PAGES: "How Men Fit In," Third Wave

This is the crap being pushed in a critic of maleness: by a group of emasculated males no less.

"About Male Culture...
"It's not only that men have used violence to maintain power and control over women, children and other men. Men have learned to think of power as our ability to dominate and control the world, the people around us, and our own unruly emotions...we learn that to be a man means having some sort of power and control. Most men are not violent, but most of us feel we have to perform and be on top at least somewhere in our lives." - Michael Kaufman, Cracking the Armour

Would a White Studies Or Men's Studies course be accepted on any liberal University you knew of?

If it is men teaching this course, that speaks volumes. Volumes about men who are not emasculated, as you say, but men who have open minds and are looking at society and history from a broader view point.

Why would any thinking person simply defend and totally agree with someone else because they are the same sex, same nationality, same religion, same political party, etc.? Why would anyone simply support someone because they are like themselves in one way or another? I travel and have lived around the world. I learned very early on, like 35 years ago, that just because someone is an American and we are both overseas, that doesn't mean we are fast friends and I want to spend my time with him or her. People are individuals.

Ideas, perspectives, knowledge, thoughts, impressions, understandings: these are individual, not group think. I'm not going to be defensive in every instance about all women. I'm not going to be defensive and in agreement in every instance with people who are liberals or progressives. I am not going to be defensive and in agreement in every instance with white people. And so on. Can you get the point? To do so would be an indication of a mind that is not thinking, that has a narrow perspective, that does not see the world from a broad and open minded perspective, a personal and individual perspective.

As far as women's, gay's, African American's, communism's, or any other idea or perspective: whatever their specific perspective, they do not influence a thinking person in any direction except as that thinking person wants to go. These are college courses, not brain washing experiences. A thinking individual uses critical thinking skills and determines to what extent the 'knowledge' being disseminated is valid or not, is biased or not. If you are intelligent enough to get into a university, where such courses are taught, you should be intelligent enough to think for yourself. And you should be, which you average guy are clearly not, be able to think in terms other than assumptions, stereotyping and sweeping generalizations, especially about courses you have never taken.

Generally, such courses are meant to make people think, not to brain wash them. To make them look at new perspectives and to disseminate information which is not covered in other courses. If you were a true thinking man, you'd be able to discern that instead of being reactionary and making thoughtless conclusions about a subject of which you actually have no experience.

The reason 'white studies' or 'men's studies' courses are not seen on university campuses is because they already dominate the entire educational and societal arena in the West. That's obvious, obvious to anyone with a mind that is focused on awareness of reality and not one with a skewed sense of reality that puts them into an unnecessary position of self defense, as if you are a persecuted minority, which you are not.

Stop trying to pretend you're doing anything other than making partisan excuses yourself.
I see you're a very thoughtful sort with no hesitation to delve deep, and to look into social issues behind the superficial issues...

Hello, Pogo.

I spent 1/5 of my nearly sixty years witnessing on a near daily basis Child Abuse & Neglect (which some folks like to politely term as Poverty), that resulted with depressed, sometimes suicidal children maturing into depressed, angry, frustrated, sometimes suicidal teens and adults lacking empathy and compassion...angry teens and adults who often placed me and countless peaceful people in fear for our physical safety.

Frankly, I do not believe I am delving deep. I am simply using my common sense that tells me when developing human newborns, infants, toddlers and children are raised by caregivers Kendrick Lamar describes as "living wild" parents, these human beings are not going to develop into emotionally well teens and adults.

More frankness, if I was raised by a "Welfare Queen" I would be peeved as hell for having a immature parent who irresponsibly birthed me out of her own selfishness, and stunted my emotional development, as well as deprived me of a childhood I see many American kids from all stripes enjoying.

Kendrick who is approaching thirty-yrs-old, reveals he is still depressed and despondent over his childhood, though like many victims of child abuse he will not place the blame for his childhood and adult depression on his parent's shoulders.

I did particularly enjoy the second video. I think Smiley makes a lot of incisive points about the derivations of those cultural patterns (which are rarely ever given a fair hearing either anywhere on television or on this message board), and calling out O'Reilly's double standard. That's good stuff, but it's too cerebral to be Fox's bread and butter, which is, it's obvious to me, raw emotion.

Pogo, I no longer trust any one news source. We both know the news media is a for-profit industry which has devolved by becoming dependent on often-misleading headlines and politically skewed news reporting for luring in viewership.

As for the video Smiley-OReilly vid. Watching this interview, I see something totally different from what you see.

I see and HEAR a victim of early childhood emotional and physical abuse who overcame the emotional trauma he experienced as a child and went on to become a responsible, fairly successful American citizen respected by a good number of his American neighbors.

I see a man who is disturbed that his nine brothers and sisters still struggle with poverty.

Pogo, if I had to guess, as he matured a young Tavis silently and frequently questioned many of the choices his mother made for her family's well being.

Ain't it funny how two people watching an interview can see and hear totally different things? :grin:

What can or should or do we need to do to end the cycle?

And how many generations would it take if we did all the right things?

Hi, sealybobo.

We are greedy, biased, fallible humans, therefore I believe we will NEVER do all the right things that satisfy everyone.

As for ending generational child abuse and neglect (which pseudo-caring ppl politely term as Poverty) that deprives many American kids from experiencing a safe, fairly happy childhood, I believe it would be very helpful if Mr. and Mrs. Obama compassionately, yet firmly and honestly addressed the issue of immature single teen and adult moms irresponsibly introducing children to a life of hardship and struggle.

I believe there is a significant population of Americans who need to hear responsible parental figures compassionately and firmly scolding them, saying "Enough is enough, we need to begin building families out of love between two committed caring partners, not immature selfishness."

Other possible solutions:

Placing cameras in the common area of homes with an established track record for failing to responsibly raise and supervise children.

Mandatory drug testing for people requiring public money to support and build their families.

Last resort, court ordered birth control. young children like these kids I met some time ago need to be protected from irresponsible, "clueless" parenting.

Brooklyn's Boom-Box Mom; Sad Case of Child Abuse & Maltreatment

One other thing, eliminate the PC language and begin correctly referring to 'poverty and family break-down' by honestly characterizing what 'poverty and family break-down' really is: "Childhood Abuse and Neglect."

In my opinion these two moms are fueling poverty by building families of children who will grow up peeved for irresponsibly being introduced to a life of struggle and hardship.

These moms also represent the reason why for more than thirty years many rap performance artists have been characterizing the maternal half of our population as *itches and *hores.

sealybobo, instead of slamming our fellow citizens shouldn't compassionate Americans be looking for solutions to educating teen girls and women like Baltimore Mom of The Year Toya Graham who building families out of selfishness and immaturity instead of a loving, committed relationship between two adults?

So I was in Duane Reade and asked one of the black, female employees stocking a shelf to give me her advise on what was the best Kool Aid for entertaining guests....sheesh she got all uppity and said, "Y you axe me dat?" I told her my USMC Friend Asewhatever said that blacks know all about Kool Aid
Whether you are black, female, gay, poor, rich, young, old, retarded, southern, foreign, short or tall... accepting the liberal ideology of victimhood is a detriment to the ultimate objectives of the individual. It is, in fact, a trap. A very cleverly-designed trap set long ago by so-called progressives.

People will say, I am for the liberals because they are "for the blacks" because their policies offer incentives or benefits exclusively for blacks and to the exclusion of others. Yet these policies render it impossible for the black who is "helped" to ever realize the sense of accomplishment. The same sense of accomplishment others get to experience by doing things on their own with no "help" from the liberals.

Think of it like this... If you go to work with a group of other co-workers and they do their work while you slack off all week and at the end of the week you all get an equal paycheck... how do your co-workers feel about you? Do they respect you as their equal or do they point to you and complain that you were given preferential treatment? How do you feel about yourself? Did you deserve the same pay as the others for slacking off all week?

The liberal ideology of constantly victimizing then rewarding on that basis, is insidiously hiding a discrimination that can never be overcome. It strips you of your individual pride and keeps you segregated from your counterparts. It's like kids being fed candy and junk their whole life and not required to exercise. It may be great while it's happening but the end results are catastrophic.

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