Fox's Brian Kilmeade Asks Black Co-host If She Makes Kool-Aid

In case you don't know, I've had this conversation with blacks before. They get defensive when I suggest they are to blame. They say "whites do this stuff too. Why don't I fix whites before I worry about blacks".

And in a way I agree. Poor young whites need this too. So I like how you aren't singling out blacks. I agree with you. I got to get ready for work but we will talk more.

Hi SB. When I see a significant number of abused and neglected children from any community maturing into teens and adults causing chaos and mayhem that seriously impairs the quality of life for their peaceful neighbors, I will address that issue.
Blacks will say as a white why don't you fix the whites before you worry about their communities.

They say whites kill just as much as blacks. Can you explain how and why no white communities are experiencing the same problems? Or are they? So what's the solution.

II like the idea to really solving the problem of young single gils not getting pregnant or only having one. If you are subsidized at all you got to wear an IUD. They should be free in the aca. If you have a second kid no more benefits for having more kids. Too many ignorant single moms being rewarded and they act like they aren't stupid having another kid. Really crack down on deadbeat dads.
I've went over this with you before. Whites do need to worry about their own neighborhoods if they want to have an ounce of credibility with Black people. Whites have all the opportunities handed to them if they just show up and do not have to work as hard. Yet they still have issues with crime. There is no way someone like that is going to be able tell me they have the solution when their circumstances are different and more favorable yet they still have the same problems.

Youre never going to solve any problem by attempting to keep people in poverty from having sex. Thats pretty much a dead end that will never work because the only thing that cuts down on pregnancy rates is prosperity and opportunity. The more time you spend making money the less time for sex/pregnancy and more awareness of what having to feed another mouth will do to your pocketbook..
I don't want them to stop having sex. I want them to stop having babies. At least until they are ready. And if blacks won't stop having kids they can't raise, then don't expect them to ever crawl out of the shit hole ghettos they live in. This neglect of their children is why so many blacks grow up so fucked up.

Do poor white trash do it to? Yes. Congratulations. The average black community is as good as the worst white neighborhoods.
When you have sex you tend to have babies. Trust me on that one. Again no white boy is going to convince Black people not to have kids. Sounds too much like genocide. White people are not trusted and thats the reason nothing you say will ever be effective in poor Black communities.

The average Black community is better than any white neighborhood I know of.
In case you don't know, I've had this conversation with blacks before. They get defensive when I suggest they are to blame. They say "whites do this stuff too. Why don't I fix whites before I worry about blacks".

And in a way I agree. Poor young whites need this too. So I like how you aren't singling out blacks. I agree with you. I got to get ready for work but we will talk more.

Hi SB. When I see a significant number of abused and neglected children from any community maturing into teens and adults causing chaos and mayhem that seriously impairs the quality of life for their peaceful neighbors, I will address that issue.
Blacks will say as a white why don't you fix the whites before you worry about their communities.

They say whites kill just as much as blacks. Can you explain how and why no white communities are experiencing the same problems? Or are they? So what's the solution.

II like the idea to really solving the problem of young single gils not getting pregnant or only having one. If you are subsidized at all you got to wear an IUD. They should be free in the aca. If you have a second kid no more benefits for having more kids. Too many ignorant single moms being rewarded and they act like they aren't stupid having another kid. Really crack down on deadbeat dads.
I've went over this with you before. Whites do need to worry about their own neighborhoods if they want to have an ounce of credibility with Black people. Whites have all the opportunities handed to them if they just show up and do not have to work as hard. Yet they still have issues with crime. There is no way someone like that is going to be able tell me they have the solution when their circumstances are different and more favorable yet they still have the same problems.

Youre never going to solve any problem by attempting to keep people in poverty from having sex. Thats pretty much a dead end that will never work because the only thing that cuts down on pregnancy rates is prosperity and opportunity. The more time you spend making money the less time for sex/pregnancy and more awareness of what having to feed another mouth will do to your pocketbook..
I don't want them to stop having sex. I want them to stop having babies. At least until they are ready. And if blacks won't stop having kids they can't raise, then don't expect them to ever crawl out of the shit hole ghettos they live in. This neglect of their children is why so many blacks grow up so fucked up.

Do poor white trash do it to? Yes. Congratulations. The average black community is as good as the worst white neighborhoods.
When you have sex you tend to have babies. Trust me on that one. Again no white boy is going to convince Black people not to have kids. Sounds too much like genocide. White people are not trusted and thats the reason nothing you say will ever be effective in poor Black communities.

The average Black community is better than any white neighborhood I know of.
Not when you have to fear you won't live to 18 you idiot! And when you wear an iud or rubber you don't get pregnant as much. Maybe black people aren't smart enough to get these concepts. You sure seem to be having trouble with it.
Seems there are probably lots of poor people who follow your advice and are still poor.

Nope. As I said, follow my advice and it will work 100% of the time. Never fails. Of course, it's hard advice to follow sometimes... it's not easy... but nothing worthwhile is ever easy. And you're never going to have 100% of the people who are willing to put forth the effort and follow my advice. Some are content to work at Wal-mart and McD's their whole life and never strive for more.
See, I feel like I have gotten lucky in life. If a couple of breaks here and there didn't happen, who knows where I would be. My brother is a VP and he says he hit the work lotto. Of course he made his own opportunities by getting a masters and being successful at his job but anything/something could have happened along the way and today he'd just be an average HR manager, not a VP of a fortune 500 company.

I just don't agree that if 100% of the people tried that 100% of them would succeed. I'd be surprised if 20% of them would.

Because the world needs ditch diggers. Companies need cheap labor. There aren't enough good jobs out there for everyone. If everyone did succeed, who would dig the ditches?
Hi SB. When I see a significant number of abused and neglected children from any community maturing into teens and adults causing chaos and mayhem that seriously impairs the quality of life for their peaceful neighbors, I will address that issue.
Blacks will say as a white why don't you fix the whites before you worry about their communities.

They say whites kill just as much as blacks. Can you explain how and why no white communities are experiencing the same problems? Or are they? So what's the solution.

II like the idea to really solving the problem of young single gils not getting pregnant or only having one. If you are subsidized at all you got to wear an IUD. They should be free in the aca. If you have a second kid no more benefits for having more kids. Too many ignorant single moms being rewarded and they act like they aren't stupid having another kid. Really crack down on deadbeat dads.
I've went over this with you before. Whites do need to worry about their own neighborhoods if they want to have an ounce of credibility with Black people. Whites have all the opportunities handed to them if they just show up and do not have to work as hard. Yet they still have issues with crime. There is no way someone like that is going to be able tell me they have the solution when their circumstances are different and more favorable yet they still have the same problems.

Youre never going to solve any problem by attempting to keep people in poverty from having sex. Thats pretty much a dead end that will never work because the only thing that cuts down on pregnancy rates is prosperity and opportunity. The more time you spend making money the less time for sex/pregnancy and more awareness of what having to feed another mouth will do to your pocketbook..
I don't want them to stop having sex. I want them to stop having babies. At least until they are ready. And if blacks won't stop having kids they can't raise, then don't expect them to ever crawl out of the shit hole ghettos they live in. This neglect of their children is why so many blacks grow up so fucked up.

Do poor white trash do it to? Yes. Congratulations. The average black community is as good as the worst white neighborhoods.
When you have sex you tend to have babies. Trust me on that one. Again no white boy is going to convince Black people not to have kids. Sounds too much like genocide. White people are not trusted and thats the reason nothing you say will ever be effective in poor Black communities.

The average Black community is better than any white neighborhood I know of.
Not when you have to fear you won't live to 18 you idiot! And when you wear an iud or rubber you don't get pregnant as much. Maybe black people aren't smart enough to get these concepts. You sure seem to be having trouble with it.
Yes even then. Again white cops are not part of the Black community. They just run around in it making it dangerous.

I'm not having any trouble at all. I'm just letting you know that no white boy is going to convince Black people to commit self genocide by not having more children.
Seems there are probably lots of poor people who follow your advice and are still poor.

Nope. As I said, follow my advice and it will work 100% of the time. Never fails. Of course, it's hard advice to follow sometimes... it's not easy... but nothing worthwhile is ever easy. And you're never going to have 100% of the people who are willing to put forth the effort and follow my advice. Some are content to work at Wal-mart and McD's their whole life and never strive for more.
Really? Because this guy walked to work every day 21 miles a day Heart and sole: Detroiter walks 21 miles in work commute

and the only thing that made him "successful" was someone noticed and they raised a bunch of money for him so he could buy a car. How many people like him walk to work everyday, struggle, work hard, etc. and will never be helped so will just eek out their existence until they retire and get the minimum in social security and have zero in savings?
The world knew when walking worker James Robertson toted up $360,000 and a new car, which put him in danger in his old Detroit neighborhood, he told police. Now he's in a secret apartment in suburbia.

No one wants everyone to make the same amount. No one wants "everyone to be equally successful". That's what Republicans think they hear when we say we want to make things equal for everyone.

LMAO.. So you show me an example of someone who followed my advice and someone saw him busting his hump and offered him opportunity, like I said... but that somehow refutes my point? :dunno:

YOU said that Democrats "want to make things fair" ...I'm using YOUR word. Everything IS equal in terms of opportunity, we have all kinds of anti-discrimination laws to ensure equal opportunity. We cannot have universal fairness! That doesn't ever exist in a free society.
Seems there are probably lots of poor people who follow your advice and are still poor.

Nope. As I said, follow my advice and it will work 100% of the time. Never fails. Of course, it's hard advice to follow sometimes... it's not easy... but nothing worthwhile is ever easy. And you're never going to have 100% of the people who are willing to put forth the effort and follow my advice. Some are content to work at Wal-mart and McD's their whole life and never strive for more.
Really? Because this guy walked to work every day 21 miles a day Heart and sole: Detroiter walks 21 miles in work commute

and the only thing that made him "successful" was someone noticed and they raised a bunch of money for him so he could buy a car. How many people like him walk to work everyday, struggle, work hard, etc. and will never be helped so will just eek out their existence until they retire and get the minimum in social security and have zero in savings?
The world knew when walking worker James Robertson toted up $360,000 and a new car, which put him in danger in his old Detroit neighborhood, he told police. Now he's in a secret apartment in suburbia.

No one wants everyone to make the same amount. No one wants "everyone to be equally successful". That's what Republicans think they hear when we say we want to make things equal for everyone.

LMAO.. So you show me an example of someone who followed my advice and someone saw him busting his hump and offered him opportunity, like I said... but that somehow refutes my point? :dunno:

YOU said that Democrats "want to make things fair" ...I'm using YOUR word. Everything IS equal in terms of opportunity, we have all kinds of anti-discrimination laws to ensure equal opportunity. We cannot have universal fairness! That doesn't ever exist in a free society.
Disagree. We only have equal opportunity in one area. That area is the determination to keep going. No law is going to change the fact that whites own the vast majority resources/jobs and a lot of them discriminate against non whites and especially Black people. That doesnt mean you should just throw up your hands and quit. That just means you keep going until you have conquered that hurdle of discrimination.
Seems there are probably lots of poor people who follow your advice and are still poor.

Nope. As I said, follow my advice and it will work 100% of the time. Never fails. Of course, it's hard advice to follow sometimes... it's not easy... but nothing worthwhile is ever easy. And you're never going to have 100% of the people who are willing to put forth the effort and follow my advice. Some are content to work at Wal-mart and McD's their whole life and never strive for more.
Really? Because this guy walked to work every day 21 miles a day Heart and sole: Detroiter walks 21 miles in work commute

and the only thing that made him "successful" was someone noticed and they raised a bunch of money for him so he could buy a car. How many people like him walk to work everyday, struggle, work hard, etc. and will never be helped so will just eek out their existence until they retire and get the minimum in social security and have zero in savings?
The world knew when walking worker James Robertson toted up $360,000 and a new car, which put him in danger in his old Detroit neighborhood, he told police. Now he's in a secret apartment in suburbia.

No one wants everyone to make the same amount. No one wants "everyone to be equally successful". That's what Republicans think they hear when we say we want to make things equal for everyone.

LMAO.. So you show me an example of someone who followed my advice and someone saw him busting his hump and offered him opportunity, like I said... but that somehow refutes my point? :dunno:

YOU said that Democrats "want to make things fair" ...I'm using YOUR word. Everything IS equal in terms of opportunity, we have all kinds of anti-discrimination laws to ensure equal opportunity. We cannot have universal fairness! That doesn't ever exist in a free society.
I feel what you are saying, but just keep in mind that for every 1 of those guys who got lucky and was given $300K, there are hundreds if not thousands who will go their whole lives just eeking out a meager existence.

But I see what you are saying. Not 100% in disagreement with you.
Seems there are probably lots of poor people who follow your advice and are still poor.

Nope. As I said, follow my advice and it will work 100% of the time. Never fails. Of course, it's hard advice to follow sometimes... it's not easy... but nothing worthwhile is ever easy. And you're never going to have 100% of the people who are willing to put forth the effort and follow my advice. Some are content to work at Wal-mart and McD's their whole life and never strive for more.
See, I feel like I have gotten lucky in life. If a couple of breaks here and there didn't happen, who knows where I would be. My brother is a VP and he says he hit the work lotto. Of course he made his own opportunities by getting a masters and being successful at his job but anything/something could have happened along the way and today he'd just be an average HR manager, not a VP of a fortune 500 company.

I just don't agree that if 100% of the people tried that 100% of them would succeed. I'd be surprised if 20% of them would.

Because the world needs ditch diggers. Companies need cheap labor. There aren't enough good jobs out there for everyone. If everyone did succeed, who would dig the ditches?

Okay, so you are a living example of how life is sometimes NOT FAIR!

I just don't agree that if 100% of the people tried that 100% of them would succeed. I'd be surprised if 20% of them would.

Of course you don't agree! That's the reason you want to give my money away to supposedly "help" people. You feel guilty for not earning what you've got and you want to assuage that guilt by giving someone else a winning lotto ticket. I understand completely.

I am a little troubled by your notion of "who will do the dirty jobs" because it doesn't sound like you are very committed to helping people. Sounds like you want to keep people down... keep them dependent on your benevolence with my money, so they will be happy scrubbing your toilets.

There's not enough good jobs out there for everyone but everyone isn't going to follow my advice. Others who do follow my advice may not be content with any jobs out there, they may want to be their own boss and become a creator of jobs. What I am seeing from you is a defeatist attitude that is exactly contradictory to my advice. Throw up your hands and say... it's too hard! Can't you just give me some of Boss' money to make it all FAIR???
Seems there are probably lots of poor people who follow your advice and are still poor.

Nope. As I said, follow my advice and it will work 100% of the time. Never fails. Of course, it's hard advice to follow sometimes... it's not easy... but nothing worthwhile is ever easy. And you're never going to have 100% of the people who are willing to put forth the effort and follow my advice. Some are content to work at Wal-mart and McD's their whole life and never strive for more.
Really? Because this guy walked to work every day 21 miles a day Heart and sole: Detroiter walks 21 miles in work commute

and the only thing that made him "successful" was someone noticed and they raised a bunch of money for him so he could buy a car. How many people like him walk to work everyday, struggle, work hard, etc. and will never be helped so will just eek out their existence until they retire and get the minimum in social security and have zero in savings?
The world knew when walking worker James Robertson toted up $360,000 and a new car, which put him in danger in his old Detroit neighborhood, he told police. Now he's in a secret apartment in suburbia.

No one wants everyone to make the same amount. No one wants "everyone to be equally successful". That's what Republicans think they hear when we say we want to make things equal for everyone.

LMAO.. So you show me an example of someone who followed my advice and someone saw him busting his hump and offered him opportunity, like I said... but that somehow refutes my point? :dunno:

YOU said that Democrats "want to make things fair" ...I'm using YOUR word. Everything IS equal in terms of opportunity, we have all kinds of anti-discrimination laws to ensure equal opportunity. We cannot have universal fairness! That doesn't ever exist in a free society.
Asclepias disagrees with you. I want to hear your come back.
Disagree. We only have equal opportunity in one area. That area is the determination to keep going. No law is going to change the fact that whites own the vast majority resources/jobs and a lot of them discriminate against non whites and especially Black people. That doesnt mean you should just throw up your hands and quit. That just means you keep going until you have conquered that hurdle of discrimination.

I have an uncle who is a civil rights attorney in Atlanta. Get me the names and phone numbers of anyone who is being discriminated against and I'll see to it you get a nice commission on their multi-million dollar settlement, okay?
Disagree. We only have equal opportunity in one area. That area is the determination to keep going. No law is going to change the fact that whites own the vast majority resources/jobs and a lot of them discriminate against non whites and especially Black people. That doesnt mean you should just throw up your hands and quit. That just means you keep going until you have conquered that hurdle of discrimination.

I have an uncle who is a civil rights attorney in Atlanta. Get me the names and phone numbers of anyone who is being discriminated against and I'll see to it you get a nice commission on their multi-million dollar settlement, okay?
You should ask your uncle how hard it is to prove a discrimination case short of the person admitting it or being caught in the act. I too have a family member that deals with civil rights cases. The fact that I would have to go to court to get a opportunity is proof its not equal.
Seems there are probably lots of poor people who follow your advice and are still poor.

Nope. As I said, follow my advice and it will work 100% of the time. Never fails. Of course, it's hard advice to follow sometimes... it's not easy... but nothing worthwhile is ever easy. And you're never going to have 100% of the people who are willing to put forth the effort and follow my advice. Some are content to work at Wal-mart and McD's their whole life and never strive for more.
See, I feel like I have gotten lucky in life. If a couple of breaks here and there didn't happen, who knows where I would be. My brother is a VP and he says he hit the work lotto. Of course he made his own opportunities by getting a masters and being successful at his job but anything/something could have happened along the way and today he'd just be an average HR manager, not a VP of a fortune 500 company.

I just don't agree that if 100% of the people tried that 100% of them would succeed. I'd be surprised if 20% of them would.

Because the world needs ditch diggers. Companies need cheap labor. There aren't enough good jobs out there for everyone. If everyone did succeed, who would dig the ditches?

Okay, so you are a living example of how life is sometimes NOT FAIR!

I just don't agree that if 100% of the people tried that 100% of them would succeed. I'd be surprised if 20% of them would.

Of course you don't agree! That's the reason you want to give my money away to supposedly "help" people. You feel guilty for not earning what you've got and you want to assuage that guilt by giving someone else a winning lotto ticket. I understand completely.

I am a little troubled by your notion of "who will do the dirty jobs" because it doesn't sound like you are very committed to helping people. Sounds like you want to keep people down... keep them dependent on your benevolence with my money, so they will be happy scrubbing your toilets.

There's not enough good jobs out there for everyone but everyone isn't going to follow my advice. Others who do follow my advice may not be content with any jobs out there, they may want to be their own boss and become a creator of jobs. What I am seeing from you is a defeatist attitude that is exactly contradictory to my advice. Throw up your hands and say... it's too hard! Can't you just give me some of Boss' money to make it all FAIR???

New dad Zuckerberg vows to give away Facebook fortune

In a letter to Maxima posted on his Facebook page, Zuckerberg and wife Priscilla Chan said they were going to give away 99 percent of their company shares -- estimated value $45 billion -- during their lives in an effort to make a happy and healthy world.

Meanwhile boss is worried about the government giving away $1 of his.

Why would the Zuckerbergs do such a thing? Maybe they don't want poor people to work??? Or maybe they don't agree with your selfish ignorant phylosophy.
I feel what you are saying, but just keep in mind that for every 1 of those guys who got lucky and was given $300K, there are hundreds if not thousands who will go their whole lives just eeking out a meager existence.

But I see what you are saying. Not 100% in disagreement with you.

Again, this boils down to motivation and determination. I don't know of ANYONE who was determined and motivated to be successful and never made it. The guy you presented didn't "get lucky" he had people who saw him trying and helped him. If he had been laid up in the projects with his ho and bottle of ripple, I doubt he would have been helped. If he was out there with his pants around his knees and his drawers showing, gang banging with hood rats... I doubt people would have helped him.

People who go their whole lives eking out a meager existence are people who aren't motivated to do more... they are content with where they are or they've convinced themselves they can't do any better. Democrat policies only enable these people and allow them to remain where they are. Which is good for you because you need someone to scrub your toilets. Right?
Whether you are black, female, gay, poor, rich, young, old, retarded, southern, foreign, short or tall... accepting the liberal ideology of victimhood is a detriment to the ultimate objectives of the individual. It is, in fact, a trap. A very cleverly-designed trap set long ago by so-called progressives.

People will say, I am for the liberals because they are "for the blacks" because their policies offer incentives or benefits exclusively for blacks and to the exclusion of others. Yet these policies render it impossible for the black who is "helped" to ever realize the sense of accomplishment. The same sense of accomplishment others get to experience by doing things on their own with no "help" from the liberals.

Think of it like this... If you go to work with a group of other co-workers and they do their work while you slack off all week and at the end of the week you all get an equal paycheck... how do your co-workers feel about you? Do they respect you as their equal or do they point to you and complain that you were given preferential treatment? How do you feel about yourself? Did you deserve the same pay as the others for slacking off all week?

The liberal ideology of constantly victimizing then rewarding on that basis, is insidiously hiding a discrimination that can never be overcome. It strips you of your individual pride and keeps you segregated from your counterparts. It's like kids being fed candy and junk their whole life and not required to exercise. It may be great while it's happening but the end results are catastrophic.

Think of it like this... If you go to work with a group of other co-workers and they do their work while you slack off all week and at the end of the week you all get an equal paycheck... how do your co-workers feel about you? Do they respect you as their equal or do they point to you and complain that you were given preferential treatment? How do you feel about yourself? Did you deserve the same pay as the others for slacking off all week?

Public union
I feel what you are saying, but just keep in mind that for every 1 of those guys who got lucky and was given $300K, there are hundreds if not thousands who will go their whole lives just eeking out a meager existence.

But I see what you are saying. Not 100% in disagreement with you.

Again, this boils down to motivation and determination. I don't know of ANYONE who was determined and motivated to be successful and never made it. The guy you presented didn't "get lucky" he had people who saw him trying and helped him. If he had been laid up in the projects with his ho and bottle of ripple, I doubt he would have been helped. If he was out there with his pants around his knees and his drawers showing, gang banging with hood rats... I doubt people would have helped him.

People who go their whole lives eking out a meager existence are people who aren't motivated to do more... they are content with where they are or they've convinced themselves they can't do any better. Democrat policies only enable these people and allow them to remain where they are. Which is good for you because you need someone to scrub your toilets. Right?

If you actually think there aren't people denied opportunities solely on the basis of their race (and other factors having nothing to do with their qualifications), you must live in some kind of bubble. Either that or you're under 18 years old.

Incidentally Affirmative Action, which I assume is what you're talking about, began with Richard Nixon.

(/severely offtopic)
What is your advice to poor people in poor communities?

Stop looking for someone to help you and help yourself. Stop seeing yourself as a victim and strive to achieve your potential. Poor people in poor communities become successful every single day. Get an education, have dedication and pride and never give up. If you follow this advice, 100% of the time, you WILL be successful. You may have setbacks, you may face adversity and challenges... don't give up... don't become a victim... don't expect others to give you things. If you are busting your hump to make it, there will be people along the way who see this and offer you opportunity. You don't need the Democrats or Liberals to tilt tables in your favor. Do it on your own and keep your dignity and pride.
If 100% of the poor people in poor communities took your advice, how many of them do you think would succeed?

Then who would work at Walmart and mcd's?

Seems there are probably lots of poor people who follow your advice and are still poor.

That doesn't mean don't try or give up because not everyone will make it but hopefully you will.

Democrats try to make things fair Republicans say every man for himself and no rules is the best way.
giving people money for doing nothing more than popping out babies is why there is a nation of poor lazy people.

What incentive is there to accomplish anything when someone merely gives you a reward for doing nothing?

Poverty is built by this concept, and to end poverty one would have to stop with the free money. I didn't say stop paying the folks, I'm saying make them earn it. Why is it liberals are against a poor person working for their money?
I feel what you are saying, but just keep in mind that for every 1 of those guys who got lucky and was given $300K, there are hundreds if not thousands who will go their whole lives just eeking out a meager existence.

But I see what you are saying. Not 100% in disagreement with you.

Again, this boils down to motivation and determination. I don't know of ANYONE who was determined and motivated to be successful and never made it. The guy you presented didn't "get lucky" he had people who saw him trying and helped him. If he had been laid up in the projects with his ho and bottle of ripple, I doubt he would have been helped. If he was out there with his pants around his knees and his drawers showing, gang banging with hood rats... I doubt people would have helped him.

People who go their whole lives eking out a meager existence are people who aren't motivated to do more... they are content with where they are or they've convinced themselves they can't do any better. Democrat policies only enable these people and allow them to remain where they are. Which is good for you because you need someone to scrub your toilets. Right?

If you actually think there aren't people denied opportunities solely on the basis of their race (and other factors having nothing to do with their qualifications), you must live in some kind of bubble. Either that or you're under 18 years old.

Incidentally Affirmative Action, which I assume is what you're talking about, began with Richard Nixon.

(/severely offtopic)
huh? that just is mumbo jumbo sloganeering shit.,
Disagree. We only have equal opportunity in one area. That area is the determination to keep going. No law is going to change the fact that whites own the vast majority resources/jobs and a lot of them discriminate against non whites and especially Black people. That doesnt mean you should just throw up your hands and quit. That just means you keep going until you have conquered that hurdle of discrimination.

I have an uncle who is a civil rights attorney in Atlanta. Get me the names and phone numbers of anyone who is being discriminated against and I'll see to it you get a nice commission on their multi-million dollar settlement, okay?
You should ask your uncle how hard it is to prove a discrimination case short of the person admitting it or being caught in the act. I too have a family member that deals with civil rights cases. The fact that I would have to go to court to get a opportunity is proof its not equal.

I don't mind going to court for a million bucks, do you?

Discrimination is either happening or it's not. If it has happened, there will be no case because there will be a settlement. A good civil rights attorney will take your case pro bono if you have a legitimate case. So I just don't accept that there is this rampant discrimination happening... this isn't 1954. Are people sometimes "prejudiced" against others? Sure... but that gets back to the whole thing about "fairness" and how it's impossible to achieve in a free society.

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