Fox's Brian Kilmeade Asks Black Co-host If She Makes Kool-Aid

You are wrong thinking we no longer have this problem. I work for a company that has zero minorities. Zero. They should have a least 1 black guy working here just like the GOP has one black guy in their party. We need a token! If every company that doesn't have a black working for them would just hire one each we'd probably solve our black poverty problem. Unfortunately the Big 3 employeed a lot lot blacks but the GOP with NAFTA sent all those jobs to China and Mexico.

What??? You mean you think your company should just hire someone with black skin because black skinned people can't get a job there otherwise? What's the matter with them? Does their skin make them stupid or something?

How would you feel being a "token?" Let's say the national MENSA society decided to adopt you as a "token" even though you're nowhere near MENSA level intelligence? You think you'd be happy there? Would you feel you belonged? Would your fellow Mensans respect you as an equal? Now, maybe it's more "fair" for them to have a token idiot, but you cannot force fairness. It doesn't work.

My company should go out of their way to hire a black because just like the rest of us, they are probably PLENTY qualified to work here. Unfortunately the hiring managers have a bad opinion of black people. Lots of whites do. It is why we came up with AA in the first place. Now you may think the time has passed and racism doesn't exist anymore but you would be wrong.

I'm sure like Ben Carson the black my company hires would not think of themselves as the token black. In time they might even think they are better than the average black just like Ben does. They may even forget that it was a program like AA that got them their first break.

Ben Carson experienced periods of poverty in his youth, and his family intermittently relied on government assistance (primarily food stamps).

You should ask your uncle how hard it is to prove a discrimination case short of the person admitting it or being caught in the act. I too have a family member that deals with civil rights cases. The fact that I would have to go to court to get a opportunity is proof its not equal.

I don't mind going to court for a million bucks, do you?

Discrimination is either happening or it's not. If it has happened, there will be no case because there will be a settlement. A good civil rights attorney will take your case pro bono if you have a legitimate case. So I just don't accept that there is this rampant discrimination happening... this isn't 1954. Are people sometimes "prejudiced" against others? Sure... but that gets back to the whole thing about "fairness" and how it's impossible to achieve in a free society.
No I wouldnt mind but thats not the point. The point is that opportunity is not equal for everyone contrary to your claim. .

But opportunity IS equal... it's not always FAIR, but it IS equal.
No opportunity is not equal. If it was then white people wouldnt do things like toss resumes in the garbage with traditionally Black sounding names.
profiling again I see.

Do job-seekers with 'white' names get more callbacks than 'black' names?
What is your advice to poor people in poor communities?

Stop looking for someone to help you and help yourself. Stop seeing yourself as a victim and strive to achieve your potential. Poor people in poor communities become successful every single day. Get an education, have dedication and pride and never give up. If you follow this advice, 100% of the time, you WILL be successful. You may have setbacks, you may face adversity and challenges... don't give up... don't become a victim... don't expect others to give you things. If you are busting your hump to make it, there will be people along the way who see this and offer you opportunity. You don't need the Democrats or Liberals to tilt tables in your favor. Do it on your own and keep your dignity and pride.
If 100% of the poor people in poor communities took your advice, how many of them do you think would succeed?

Then who would work at Walmart and mcd's?

Seems there are probably lots of poor people who follow your advice and are still poor.

That doesn't mean don't try or give up because not everyone will make it but hopefully you will.

Democrats try to make things fair Republicans say every man for himself and no rules is the best way.
giving people money for doing nothing more than popping out babies is why there is a nation of poor lazy people.

What incentive is there to accomplish anything when someone merely gives you a reward for doing nothing?

Poverty is built by this concept, and to end poverty one would have to stop with the free money. I didn't say stop paying the folks, I'm saying make them earn it. Why is it liberals are against a poor person working for their money?
Because if they are working for their welfare, how are they going to look for a job? That is at least the concept.

Tell Aslepsias what you just said to me. He says poor black people will not stop having kids.
well if they're working for a welfare check, then they don't have 24 x 7 to procreate.
I wouldn't mind 4 hours a week mandatory work to pay for your welfare. Even if it is picking up trash or licking stamps or sending out emails.

Making them work, you would see a lot of lazy ones won't do the work and just stop getting the money. That's fine with me. And if there is work involved, they might just decide to go take the walmart job instead of opting to stay at home and make half what they would make at Walmart only doing nothing.
I don't mind going to court for a million bucks, do you?

Discrimination is either happening or it's not. If it has happened, there will be no case because there will be a settlement. A good civil rights attorney will take your case pro bono if you have a legitimate case. So I just don't accept that there is this rampant discrimination happening... this isn't 1954. Are people sometimes "prejudiced" against others? Sure... but that gets back to the whole thing about "fairness" and how it's impossible to achieve in a free society.
No I wouldnt mind but thats not the point. The point is that opportunity is not equal for everyone contrary to your claim. .

But opportunity IS equal... it's not always FAIR, but it IS equal.
No opportunity is not equal. If it was then white people wouldnt do things like toss resumes in the garbage with traditionally Black sounding names.
profiling again I see.

Do job-seekers with 'white' names get more callbacks than 'black' names?
Seems like an easy solution. Stop naming your kids Jamaal or Shantiqua. George Jefferson has a much better chance of getting a job.
My company should go out of their way to hire a black because just like the rest of us, they are probably PLENTY qualified to work here. Unfortunately the hiring managers have a bad opinion of black people. Lots of whites do. It is why we came up with AA in the first place. Now you may think the time has passed and racism doesn't exist anymore but you would be wrong.

Again, I don't know anything about your company other than what you're telling me. If they are racially discriminating against qualified black applicants, that's a violation of Federal law and they can have their pants sued off. That's why we came up with Federal anti-discrimination laws and why judges award million-dollar lawsuits for racially discriminating.

Racism certainly still exists, but you don't have many racist human resource directors anymore because their companies were put out of business.
Ben Carson experienced periods of poverty in his youth, and his family intermittently relied on government assistance (primarily food stamps).

And you would think this would be an example liberals held up to show how their programs helped people achieve greatness but they want to use it against him instead. Like we're supposed to know that poor people on food stamps have no right to ever be great! How dare him! lol
No I wouldnt mind but thats not the point. The point is that opportunity is not equal for everyone contrary to your claim. .

But opportunity IS equal... it's not always FAIR, but it IS equal.
No opportunity is not equal. If it was then white people wouldnt do things like toss resumes in the garbage with traditionally Black sounding names.
profiling again I see.

Do job-seekers with 'white' names get more callbacks than 'black' names?
Seems like an easy solution. Stop naming your kids Jamaal or Shantiqua. George Jefferson has a much better chance of getting a job.

That's just a pure racist thing to say. It stereotypes black people. There may be all kinds of reasons certain people don't get callbacks while others do... again, life is not fair sometimes. I disagree with the name thing because I once had a woman working for me named "Shaniqua" and she was the smartest and hardest working employee I had. I wished I had a whole crew of Shaniquas!
I have an uncle who is a civil rights attorney in Atlanta. Get me the names and phone numbers of anyone who is being discriminated against and I'll see to it you get a nice commission on their multi-million dollar settlement, okay?
You should ask your uncle how hard it is to prove a discrimination case short of the person admitting it or being caught in the act. I too have a family member that deals with civil rights cases. The fact that I would have to go to court to get a opportunity is proof its not equal.

I don't mind going to court for a million bucks, do you?

Discrimination is either happening or it's not. If it has happened, there will be no case because there will be a settlement. A good civil rights attorney will take your case pro bono if you have a legitimate case. So I just don't accept that there is this rampant discrimination happening... this isn't 1954. Are people sometimes "prejudiced" against others? Sure... but that gets back to the whole thing about "fairness" and how it's impossible to achieve in a free society.
No I wouldnt mind but thats not the point. The point is that opportunity is not equal for everyone contrary to your claim. .

But opportunity IS equal... it's not always FAIR, but it IS equal.
No opportunity is not equal. If it was then white people wouldnt do things like toss resumes in the garbage with traditionally Black sounding names.
sure it is.
Ben Carson experienced periods of poverty in his youth, and his family intermittently relied on government assistance (primarily food stamps).

And you would think this would be an example liberals held up to show how their programs helped people achieve greatness but they want to use it against him instead. Like we're supposed to know that poor people on food stamps have no right to ever be great! How dare him! lol
No, he doesn't realize the very programs he wants to eliminate are the very programs that helped get him out of poverty.

Just like my Catholic Conservative Republican friend who's against Planned Parenthood and other government programs that help the poor. When he was a kid his dad died, and one of those programs got him a full ride to private school. And he got social security and medicaid because his father died. Today the sob wants to eliminate the very programs that him and his mother took advantage of.

And he got offended when I called him on it. He thought I was attacking his mother when I was attacking him for being a fucking idiot who benefits from a program and then wants to eliminate that very program later in life.

Republicans like to believe they were born in the log cabin they built with their own two hands.
But opportunity IS equal... it's not always FAIR, but it IS equal.
No opportunity is not equal. If it was then white people wouldnt do things like toss resumes in the garbage with traditionally Black sounding names.
profiling again I see.

Do job-seekers with 'white' names get more callbacks than 'black' names?
Seems like an easy solution. Stop naming your kids Jamaal or Shantiqua. George Jefferson has a much better chance of getting a job.

That's just a pure racist thing to say. It stereotypes black people. There may be all kinds of reasons certain people don't get callbacks while others do... again, life is not fair sometimes. I disagree with the name thing because I once had a woman working for me named "Shaniqua" and she was the smartest and hardest working employee I had. I wished I had a whole crew of Shaniquas!
again, it is the intent of the liberlturds to keep the poor poor. just remember that.
But opportunity IS equal... it's not always FAIR, but it IS equal.
No opportunity is not equal. If it was then white people wouldnt do things like toss resumes in the garbage with traditionally Black sounding names.
profiling again I see.

Do job-seekers with 'white' names get more callbacks than 'black' names?
Seems like an easy solution. Stop naming your kids Jamaal or Shantiqua. George Jefferson has a much better chance of getting a job.

That's just a pure racist thing to say. It stereotypes black people. There may be all kinds of reasons certain people don't get callbacks while others do... again, life is not fair sometimes. I disagree with the name thing because I once had a woman working for me named "Shaniqua" and she was the smartest and hardest working employee I had. I wished I had a whole crew of Shaniquas!
Did you ever have a boss name Shaniqua? I didn't think so.
No opportunity is not equal. If it was then white people wouldnt do things like toss resumes in the garbage with traditionally Black sounding names.
profiling again I see.

Do job-seekers with 'white' names get more callbacks than 'black' names?
Seems like an easy solution. Stop naming your kids Jamaal or Shantiqua. George Jefferson has a much better chance of getting a job.

That's just a pure racist thing to say. It stereotypes black people. There may be all kinds of reasons certain people don't get callbacks while others do... again, life is not fair sometimes. I disagree with the name thing because I once had a woman working for me named "Shaniqua" and she was the smartest and hardest working employee I had. I wished I had a whole crew of Shaniquas!
again, it is the intent of the liberlturds to keep the poor poor. just remember that.
So when we argue to give McD and Walmart employees a raise, or when we argue to raise minimum wage, our goal is to keep them below poverty? Got it, fucking dummy. lol
Ben Carson experienced periods of poverty in his youth, and his family intermittently relied on government assistance (primarily food stamps).

And you would think this would be an example liberals held up to show how their programs helped people achieve greatness but they want to use it against him instead. Like we're supposed to know that poor people on food stamps have no right to ever be great! How dare him! lol
No, he doesn't realize the very programs he wants to eliminate are the very programs that helped get him out of poverty.

Just like my Catholic Conservative Republican friend who's against Planned Parenthood and other government programs that help the poor. When he was a kid his dad died, and one of those programs got him a full ride to private school. And he got social security and medicaid because his father died. Today the sob wants to eliminate the very programs that him and his mother took advantage of.

And he got offended when I called him on it. He thought I was attacking his mother when I was attacking him for being a fucking idiot who benefits from a program and then wants to eliminate that very program later in life.

Republicans like to believe they were born in the log cabin they built with their own two hands.
No, he doesn't realize the very programs he wants to eliminate are the very programs that helped get him out of poverty.

No it isn't. That's a foolish comment.
No opportunity is not equal. If it was then white people wouldnt do things like toss resumes in the garbage with traditionally Black sounding names.
profiling again I see.

Do job-seekers with 'white' names get more callbacks than 'black' names?
Seems like an easy solution. Stop naming your kids Jamaal or Shantiqua. George Jefferson has a much better chance of getting a job.

That's just a pure racist thing to say. It stereotypes black people. There may be all kinds of reasons certain people don't get callbacks while others do... again, life is not fair sometimes. I disagree with the name thing because I once had a woman working for me named "Shaniqua" and she was the smartest and hardest working employee I had. I wished I had a whole crew of Shaniquas!
Did you ever have a boss name Shaniqua? I didn't think so.
I wouldn't mind 4 hours a week mandatory work to pay for your welfare. Even if it is picking up trash or licking stamps or sending out emails.

I agree but it should be more than 4 hrs a week, that's not much.

We have to get back to a system where people are motivated. There needs to be some motivation to do better, to improve your condition. Without that, people become lazy and complacent... someone is going to take care of them and they know it. What incentive do they have to do better?

That's why I am so opposed to the democrat policies of just handing them a check and patting them on their poor little unfortunately stupid heads. It does not HELP anyone to do that, it enables them... keeps them in their "place" and prevents them from achieving success.
Seems like an easy solution. Stop naming your kids Jamaal or Shantiqua. George Jefferson has a much better chance of getting a job.

That's just a pure racist thing to say. It stereotypes black people. There may be all kinds of reasons certain people don't get callbacks while others do... again, life is not fair sometimes. I disagree with the name thing because I once had a woman working for me named "Shaniqua" and she was the smartest and hardest working employee I had. I wished I had a whole crew of Shaniquas!
again, it is the intent of the liberlturds to keep the poor poor. just remember that.
So when we argue to give McD and Walmart employees a raise, or when we argue to raise minimum wage, our goal is to keep them below poverty? Got it, fucking dummy. lol
how? Why do they work there if they aren't making enough? Why is it Walmart or McD's responsibility to pay for their lifestyle? They pay for the value of the effort. If you wish to make more money, you find a job that pays more money. Walmart and McDs is a job opportunity to spring board to other opportunities.

Edit: That's why mostly high school or college kids work in these jobs. They use them as an interim job to finish their schooling. Mom and dad subsidize their living costs. You all are purely fkn nut jobs.
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No, he doesn't realize the very programs he wants to eliminate are the very programs that helped get him out of poverty.

No... the programs did not help him out of poverty. His hard work and determination helped him out of poverty and off of government assistance.
Did you ever have a boss name Shaniqua? I didn't think so.

Well that's an unfair question for me because there are only a couple of times I've ever had a boss. I decided early on that I was going to be the boss. It hasn't been easy, I had to struggle to make it. But I can assure you of this, Shaniqua is somewhere today being successful because she had that determination. I am positive she is someone's boss.
Stop looking for someone to help you and help yourself. Stop seeing yourself as a victim and strive to achieve your potential. Poor people in poor communities become successful every single day. Get an education, have dedication and pride and never give up. If you follow this advice, 100% of the time, you WILL be successful. You may have setbacks, you may face adversity and challenges... don't give up... don't become a victim... don't expect others to give you things. If you are busting your hump to make it, there will be people along the way who see this and offer you opportunity. You don't need the Democrats or Liberals to tilt tables in your favor. Do it on your own and keep your dignity and pride.
If 100% of the poor people in poor communities took your advice, how many of them do you think would succeed?

Then who would work at Walmart and mcd's?

Seems there are probably lots of poor people who follow your advice and are still poor.

That doesn't mean don't try or give up because not everyone will make it but hopefully you will.

Democrats try to make things fair Republicans say every man for himself and no rules is the best way.
giving people money for doing nothing more than popping out babies is why there is a nation of poor lazy people.

What incentive is there to accomplish anything when someone merely gives you a reward for doing nothing?

Poverty is built by this concept, and to end poverty one would have to stop with the free money. I didn't say stop paying the folks, I'm saying make them earn it. Why is it liberals are against a poor person working for their money?
Because if they are working for their welfare, how are they going to look for a job? That is at least the concept.

Tell Aslepsias what you just said to me. He says poor black people will not stop having kids.
well if they're working for a welfare check, then they don't have 24 x 7 to procreate.
I wouldn't mind 4 hours a week mandatory work to pay for your welfare. Even if it is picking up trash or licking stamps or sending out emails.

Making them work, you would see a lot of lazy ones won't do the work and just stop getting the money. That's fine with me. And if there is work involved, they might just decide to go take the walmart job instead of opting to stay at home and make half what they would make at Walmart only doing nothing.
four hours a week? hahahahaahahahahahaha, what the fk is the difference to doing nothing? holy crap. People who supply them the money work 35 to 60 hours a week. So for nothing they get a salary from these hard working people. And you all lib nuts think it's racist to make them work to get their salary. How fk'd up are you all?
So when we argue to give McD and Walmart employees a raise, or when we argue to raise minimum wage, our goal is to keep them below poverty? Got it, fucking dummy. lol

In essence, YES! It is! You said it yourself but you don't realize it. Who is going to do those jobs? Don't you remember making that point? So you throw a few more dollars to them and they can be content for a while, scrubbing your toilets and doing the work that is beneath you. How is this "helping" them in any way?

I want the minimum wage kept low so that people say... you know what? I'm tired of this bullshit! I want to make more money! I'm going back to school... I'm getting a better job! As long as someone is dangling a carrot on a stick out there, they aren't going to do that... let's stick around the burger joint and maybe we'll get that $15 an hour if we elect Democrats!

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