Fox's Brian Kilmeade Asks Black Co-host If She Makes Kool-Aid

Did you ever have a boss name Shaniqua? I didn't think so.

My first boss was a Cuban immigrant who barely spoke English. He never graduated high school. He didn't know how to make a bank deposit! Despite these shortfalls, he was an inspiring businessperson and taught me a lot about perseverance and determination to succeed. He simply didn't know the meaning of the word "quit" or "can't" and he was an inspiration.
Did you ever have a boss name Shaniqua? I didn't think so.

My first boss was a Cuban immigrant who barely spoke English. He never graduated high school. He didn't know how to make a bank deposit! Despite these shortfalls, he was an inspiring businessperson and taught me a lot about perseverance and determination to succeed. He simply didn't know the meaning of the word "quit" or "can't" and he was an inspiration.
My father, god rest his soul, worked three jobs and my mother worked so they had money to feed their three children. It's called pride.

There's no pride in taking money for doing nothing. That's called robbery.
You guys are both talking one offs. Sealy and I are talking generally. There are plenty of people that make it out of poverty. The point is that Blacks have a harder path to navigate due to racism. I made it out and for damn sure I experienced a lot of racism.
You guys are both talking one offs. Sealy and I are talking generally. There are plenty of people that make it out of poverty. The point is that Blacks have a harder path to navigate due to racism. I made it out and for damn sure I experienced a lot of racism.

I can believe THAT!

Any white person who talked BS like you do would have his ass fired, kicked and shunned from civilized society.

That you have succeeded can only be because of the racism of low expectations from White Guilt Driven liberals.
You guys are both talking one offs. Sealy and I are talking generally. There are plenty of people that make it out of poverty. The point is that Blacks have a harder path to navigate due to racism. I made it out and for damn sure I experienced a lot of racism.

I can believe THAT!

Any white person who talked BS like you do would have his ass fired, kicked and shunned from civilized society.

That you have succeeded can only be because of the racism of low expectations from White Guilt Driven liberals.
Actually I had to be 10 times better than my white competition which wasnt hard at all. You can talk shit like I do when they are afraid of losing your expertise. However what I say on this forum and what I say or said while I was working for someone else rarely got to that level simply because no white guy would ever have the balls to prompt me.

Harris Faulkner is hot.

I forget, what do we call a female Uncle Tom.
You guys are both talking one offs. Sealy and I are talking generally. There are plenty of people that make it out of poverty. The point is that Blacks have a harder path to navigate due to racism. I made it out and for damn sure I experienced a lot of racism.

I can believe THAT!

Any white person who talked BS like you do would have his ass fired, kicked and shunned from civilized society.

That you have succeeded can only be because of the racism of low expectations from White Guilt Driven liberals.
Actually I had to be 10 times better than my white competition which wasnt hard at all. You can talk shit like I do when they are afraid of losing your expertise. However what I say on this forum and what I say or said while I was working for someone else rarely got to that level simply because no white guy would ever have the balls to prompt me.

I'm sure you're right.

Any white guy would know that in any dispute that Upper Management would be afraid of the lawsuit and bad press that a loud mouthed black like you could produce, and that he would lose, no matter how much of an ass you had been.
You guys are both talking one offs. Sealy and I are talking generally. There are plenty of people that make it out of poverty. The point is that Blacks have a harder path to navigate due to racism. I made it out and for damn sure I experienced a lot of racism.

And again, generally speaking we have anti-discrimination laws that forbid racial discrimination in hiring, in housing, in providing services, etc.

There is no way to ever eliminate all racism. That is never going to happen and it especially isn't going to happen as long as some people remain focused on skin color. Setting up special programs for black people is counter-productive to eliminating racial discrimination... it exacerbates the problem.

Racist SOBs like Lyndon Johnson knew this when they implemented their policies and blacks have been suffering as a result ever since. You don't fix the problem by tilting the tables in favor of the black person, you just make the problem worse and more insidious. Can't you see how it strips you from your pride and dignity as a black man? You poor little stupid and ignorant black person, you can't help your unfortunate condition... here, let me give you something to make it seem more fair!
You guys are both talking one offs. Sealy and I are talking generally. There are plenty of people that make it out of poverty. The point is that Blacks have a harder path to navigate due to racism. I made it out and for damn sure I experienced a lot of racism.

I can believe THAT!

Any white person who talked BS like you do would have his ass fired, kicked and shunned from civilized society.

That you have succeeded can only be because of the racism of low expectations from White Guilt Driven liberals.
Actually I had to be 10 times better than my white competition which wasnt hard at all. You can talk shit like I do when they are afraid of losing your expertise. However what I say on this forum and what I say or said while I was working for someone else rarely got to that level simply because no white guy would ever have the balls to prompt me.

I'm sure you're right.

Any white guy would know that in any dispute that Upper Management would be afraid of the lawsuit and bad press that a loud mouthed black like you could produce, and that he would lose, no matter how much of an ass you had been.
Yes I'm right. However, it wasnt fear of the boss. It was fear of getting their ass kicked. I'm never an ass unless I am provoked. You make racist comments in my prescence and an ass kicking is sure to follow. I made that perfectly clear to my timid white coworkers that were racists.
You guys are both talking one offs. Sealy and I are talking generally. There are plenty of people that make it out of poverty. The point is that Blacks have a harder path to navigate due to racism. I made it out and for damn sure I experienced a lot of racism.

And again, generally speaking we have anti-discrimination laws that forbid racial discrimination in hiring, in housing, in providing services, etc.

There is no way to ever eliminate all racism. That is never going to happen and it especially isn't going to happen as long as some people remain focused on skin color. Setting up special programs for black people is counter-productive to eliminating racial discrimination... it exacerbates the problem.

Racist SOBs like Lyndon Johnson knew this when they implemented their policies and blacks have been suffering as a result ever since. You don't fix the problem by tilting the tables in favor of the black person, you just make the problem worse and more insidious. Can't you see how it strips you from your pride and dignity as a black man? You poor little stupid and ignorant black person, you can't help your unfortunate condition... here, let me give you something to make it seem more fair!
I would say youre right but when you look at it you have to call bullshit. Whites tipped the scales in their favor for over 400 years. Look what they now have. Control of the vast majority of all the institutions, resources, and jobs in the US. So you cant tell me tilting the scales makes the problem worse unless you are saying whites are going to fight to keep Blacks in poverty. Now if upsetting whites is the reason for not having AA again I have to call bullshit. I couldn't care less what they think of me. Theyre simply pions. My dignity is not determined by whites. Its determined by what I think.
I would say youre right but when you look at it you have to call bullshit. Whites tipped the scales in their favor for over 400 years. Look what they now have. Control of the vast majority of all the institutions, resources, and jobs in the US. So you cant tell me tilting the scales makes the problem worse unless you are saying whites are going to fight to keep Blacks in poverty. Now if upsetting whites is the reason for not having AA again I have to call bullshit. I couldn't care less what they think of me. Theyre simply pions. My dignity is not determined by whites. Its determined by what I think.

What difference does past history make? There is not a damn thing in this world that anyone will ever be able to do to erase history!

Some white people DO want to keep you in poverty! They want to pat you on the head and patronize you because you can't help it that you're black. "Here's a program for you because you're incapable of doing for yourself, because we all know you are ignorant and black, and you can't help that! If you had been born with white skin, things would have been different. So here is a little something to make you feel like things are more "fair" while the world around you continues to look down at you because you've got the wrong color skin. You're never going to accomplish anything because you're black and you can't help that... so we'll take care of you by giving you just enough to survive, okay?"

Look, I totally understand your sentiments but the answer is not more government hand outs to minorities. It hasn't helped the black community, it has served to SHACKLE them! Break those chains! Set yourself FREE! You don't need guilty white liberal racists feeding you crumbs out of pity! All that serves to do is destroy your self-esteem and pride. Realize that you have unlimited potential as a human being regardless of your skin color. If people are prejudiced, prove them wrong about you, make an example of yourself. Don't line up to take their handouts, be offended by that! You don't need to be coddled or taken care of, you're a grown ass man!
I would say youre right but when you look at it you have to call bullshit. Whites tipped the scales in their favor for over 400 years. Look what they now have. Control of the vast majority of all the institutions, resources, and jobs in the US. So you cant tell me tilting the scales makes the problem worse unless you are saying whites are going to fight to keep Blacks in poverty. Now if upsetting whites is the reason for not having AA again I have to call bullshit. I couldn't care less what they think of me. Theyre simply pions. My dignity is not determined by whites. Its determined by what I think.

What difference does past history make? There is not a damn thing in this world that anyone will ever be able to do to erase history!

Some white people DO want to keep you in poverty! They want to pat you on the head and patronize you because you can't help it that you're black. "Here's a program for you because you're incapable of doing for yourself, because we all know you are ignorant and black, and you can't help that! If you had been born with white skin, things would have been different. So here is a little something to make you feel like things are more "fair" while the world around you continues to look down at you because you've got the wrong color skin. You're never going to accomplish anything because you're black and you can't help that... so we'll take care of you by giving you just enough to survive, okay?"

Look, I totally understand your sentiments but the answer is not more government hand outs to minorities. It hasn't helped the black community, it has served to SHACKLE them! Break those chains! Set yourself FREE! You don't need guilty white liberal racists feeding you crumbs out of pity! All that serves to do is destroy your self-esteem and pride. Realize that you have unlimited potential as a human being regardless of your skin color. If people are prejudiced, prove them wrong about you, make an example of yourself. Don't line up to take their handouts, be offended by that! You don't need to be coddled or taken care of, you're a grown ass man!
The difference past history makes is that if it was done for whites whats the issue with it being done for Blacks so we can have equity?

I dont care about their motivations even if that was true. I care about the end result which would be employed Black people able to leave behind poverty.

The only thing that has shackled Black people is racism in its many forms. From the covert physiological warfare on the Black people in this country to the overt. Again. AA wouldnt destroy my self esteem. I dont have time for pride and nor do I care what some random white boy thinks.. I'm trying to feed my family and make sure my kids have it better than I did. I'm also not offended because I dont consider them handouts. They still havent compensated my ancestors for their work in generating the wealth that made this country an economic power. Getting AA is not coddling. Its just another option to get ahead in my arsenal should I ever need it. I dont get to keep a job because I'm Black I have to perform on my own merits.
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The difference past history makes is that if it was done for whites whats the issue with it being done for Blacks so we can have equity?

Well you're not ever going to have "equity" in a free society. You think I stand any chance of regaining all the lands white people stole from my Cherokee and Choctaw ancestors? Not gonna happen. Do you think white people are going to submit to being slaves for 400 years so you can feel equity? That's not going to happen dude.

I dont care about their motivations even if that was true. I care about the end result which would be employed Black people able to leave behind poverty.

Well, you've had the democrat policies of the Great Society for how many years now? Still, you have the highest illiteracy rate among any group of people in America. Japanese-Americans have had no such programs and they're doing fine. The programs have not helped blacks leave behind poverty... to the contrary... a study of black progress economically from 1865-1965 shows steady and consistent growth but since 1965 it has been in decline. What has happened? The programs have failed you because they exacerbate the problem... just as the racist POS LBJ knew they would. You've been placated and given little handouts, enough to keep your heads above water, and it has devastated any progress you could have made.

Again. AA wouldnt destroy my self esteem.

But it does... doesn't matter if you wanted it to. How can you be truly proud when your accomplishments are tarnished by the stigma of having a special program which enabled your success? It doesn't matter how hard you worked... look at how they are treating Ben Carson... he got food stamps and government assistance... he didn't earn it legitimately. The guilty white liberals give you stuff to placate their guilt and racism. You take it because it's free but you sacrifice your pride and dignity in doing so. It doesn't matter if you WANT to, that's just how it is.
Getting AA is not coddling. Its just another option to get ahead in my arsenal should I ever need it. I dont get to keep a job because I'm Black I have to perform on my own merits.

But that's not how it is viewed by society. As long as AA is there, people will assume you made it because you were given special treatment. Your merits mean nothing. If you've made it without the help of AA, why do you think it's needed? All it does is give people an excuse to dismiss your merits. You would be 1000x better off without it.

I am all in favor of 'equal opportunity' for all. But we cannot ever have "equity" in a free society. There are always going to be things that are unfair, people who are racist, those who discriminate... that's a fact of life and erasing history won't change it, even IF you could erase history, which you can't.
Well you're not ever going to have "equity" in a free society. You think I stand any chance of regaining all the lands white people stole from my Cherokee and Choctaw ancestors? Not gonna happen. Do you think white people are going to submit to being slaves for 400 years so you can feel equity? That's not going to happen dude.

The only way there is never going to be equity is due to racism. I'm not going to just give up because white people want to be racist.

Well, you've had the democrat policies of the Great Society for how many years now? Still, you have the highest illiteracy rate among any group of people in America. Japanese-Americans have had no such programs and they're doing fine. The programs have not helped blacks leave behind poverty... to the contrary... a study of black progress economically from 1865-1965 shows steady and consistent growth but since 1965 it has been in decline. What has happened? The programs have failed you because they exacerbate the problem... just as the racist POS LBJ knew they would. You've been placated and given little handouts, enough to keep your heads above water, and it has devastated any progress you could have made.

Actually NA's have the highest illiteracy rate. Japanese Americans never went through centuries of slavery which set them back both physiologically or economically. The programs do help Blacks leave behind poverty. I know too many stories of Blacks surviving due to these programs and were able to reach adult hood and leave. Ben Carson is a great example..

But it does... doesn't matter if you wanted it to. How can you be truly proud when your accomplishments are tarnished by the stigma of having a special program which enabled your success? It doesn't matter how hard you worked... look at how they are treating Ben Carson... he got food stamps and government assistance... he didn't earn it legitimately. The guilty white liberals give you stuff to placate their guilt and racism. You take it because it's free but you sacrifice your pride and dignity in doing so. It doesn't matter if you WANT to, that's just how it is.

But it doesnt. I dont need to be proud of my accomplishments for starters. I am proud I am able to provide for my kids. Thats way more important. Again the reasons for the assistance matters not one bit to me. I could care less. What matters is that my children are able to reach an environment where they can continue to prosper and pull others out of poverty.
Getting AA is not coddling. Its just another option to get ahead in my arsenal should I ever need it. I dont get to keep a job because I'm Black I have to perform on my own merits.

But that's not how it is viewed by society. As long as AA is there, people will assume you made it because you were given special treatment. Your merits mean nothing. If you've made it without the help of AA, why do you think it's needed? All it does is give people an excuse to dismiss your merits. You would be 1000x better off without it.

I am all in favor of 'equal opportunity' for all. But we cannot ever have "equity" in a free society. There are always going to be things that are unfair, people who are racist, those who discriminate... that's a fact of life and erasing history won't change it, even IF you could erase history, which you can't.
You worry too much about what white society thinks. I dont care. I think its needed because without it whites would go back to hiring only whites.
You worry too much about what white society thinks. I dont care. I think its needed because without it whites would go back to hiring only whites.

Not unless they wanted to have their asses sued off in federal court for violating anti-discrimination laws.
apanese Americans never went through centuries of slavery which set them back both physiologically or economically.

More news for you... Virtually EVERYONE has ancestry who endured slavery or persecution at some point in their history and Japanese-Americans are no different.

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