Fox's Brian Kilmeade Asks Black Co-host If She Makes Kool-Aid

Disagree. We only have equal opportunity in one area. That area is the determination to keep going. No law is going to change the fact that whites own the vast majority resources/jobs and a lot of them discriminate against non whites and especially Black people. That doesnt mean you should just throw up your hands and quit. That just means you keep going until you have conquered that hurdle of discrimination.

I have an uncle who is a civil rights attorney in Atlanta. Get me the names and phone numbers of anyone who is being discriminated against and I'll see to it you get a nice commission on their multi-million dollar settlement, okay?
You should ask your uncle how hard it is to prove a discrimination case short of the person admitting it or being caught in the act. I too have a family member that deals with civil rights cases. The fact that I would have to go to court to get a opportunity is proof its not equal.

I don't mind going to court for a million bucks, do you?

Discrimination is either happening or it's not. If it has happened, there will be no case because there will be a settlement. A good civil rights attorney will take your case pro bono if you have a legitimate case. So I just don't accept that there is this rampant discrimination happening... this isn't 1954. Are people sometimes "prejudiced" against others? Sure... but that gets back to the whole thing about "fairness" and how it's impossible to achieve in a free society.
No I wouldnt mind but thats not the point. The point is that opportunity is not equal for everyone contrary to your claim. .
I feel what you are saying, but just keep in mind that for every 1 of those guys who got lucky and was given $300K, there are hundreds if not thousands who will go their whole lives just eeking out a meager existence.

But I see what you are saying. Not 100% in disagreement with you.

Again, this boils down to motivation and determination. I don't know of ANYONE who was determined and motivated to be successful and never made it. The guy you presented didn't "get lucky" he had people who saw him trying and helped him. If he had been laid up in the projects with his ho and bottle of ripple, I doubt he would have been helped. If he was out there with his pants around his knees and his drawers showing, gang banging with hood rats... I doubt people would have helped him.

People who go their whole lives eking out a meager existence are people who aren't motivated to do more... they are content with where they are or they've convinced themselves they can't do any better. Democrat policies only enable these people and allow them to remain where they are. Which is good for you because you need someone to scrub your toilets. Right?

If you actually think there aren't people denied opportunities solely on the basis of their race (and other factors having nothing to do with their qualifications), you must live in some kind of bubble. Either that or you're under 18 years old.

Incidentally Affirmative Action, which I assume is what you're talking about, began with Richard Nixon.

(/severely offtopic)

Again, I'll make you the same offer... Give me the names and phone numbers of those who have been discriminated against based on race and I'll make sure you get a nice commission off their multi-million dollar settlement. You see, it's a violation of Federal law. So if it is happening, it is in violation of the law and those doing the discriminating are liable.

On AA (wasn't brought up)... I happen to think it was a good idea at the time, much like the labor unions. However, it is no longer beneficial and is actually detrimental. I don't care who's policy it was... doesn't matter. At the time, we had a problem with systemic discrimination. Our father's fathers were racist by today's standards, that's just a fact. That cycle has long since been broken and we no longer have that problem.

Today, programs like AA are detrimental to individual pride and dignity. They serve as an excuse for people to say you didn't really earn what you have. You can't undo it or overcome it. While these type of "helping" programs once may have had a place, they now serve to strip people of their dignity and extinguish their pride. That's certainly not helping anyone.
Disagree. We only have equal opportunity in one area. That area is the determination to keep going. No law is going to change the fact that whites own the vast majority resources/jobs and a lot of them discriminate against non whites and especially Black people. That doesnt mean you should just throw up your hands and quit. That just means you keep going until you have conquered that hurdle of discrimination.

I have an uncle who is a civil rights attorney in Atlanta. Get me the names and phone numbers of anyone who is being discriminated against and I'll see to it you get a nice commission on their multi-million dollar settlement, okay?
You should ask your uncle how hard it is to prove a discrimination case short of the person admitting it or being caught in the act. I too have a family member that deals with civil rights cases. The fact that I would have to go to court to get a opportunity is proof its not equal.

I don't mind going to court for a million bucks, do you?

Discrimination is either happening or it's not. If it has happened, there will be no case because there will be a settlement. A good civil rights attorney will take your case pro bono if you have a legitimate case. So I just don't accept that there is this rampant discrimination happening... this isn't 1954. Are people sometimes "prejudiced" against others? Sure... but that gets back to the whole thing about "fairness" and how it's impossible to achieve in a free society.
No I wouldnt mind but thats not the point. The point is that opportunity is not equal for everyone contrary to your claim. .

But opportunity IS equal... it's not always FAIR, but it IS equal.
I feel what you are saying, but just keep in mind that for every 1 of those guys who got lucky and was given $300K, there are hundreds if not thousands who will go their whole lives just eeking out a meager existence.

But I see what you are saying. Not 100% in disagreement with you.

Again, this boils down to motivation and determination. I don't know of ANYONE who was determined and motivated to be successful and never made it. The guy you presented didn't "get lucky" he had people who saw him trying and helped him. If he had been laid up in the projects with his ho and bottle of ripple, I doubt he would have been helped. If he was out there with his pants around his knees and his drawers showing, gang banging with hood rats... I doubt people would have helped him.

People who go their whole lives eking out a meager existence are people who aren't motivated to do more... they are content with where they are or they've convinced themselves they can't do any better. Democrat policies only enable these people and allow them to remain where they are. Which is good for you because you need someone to scrub your toilets. Right?
Or they go their whole lives just eking out a meager existence because no better opportunities came along. I know a lot of people who are working and they submit their resume's to better companies and they never get any call backs. A lot of companies only hire someone they know.

Or maybe the person is motivated, hard working, honest, but just isn't that sharp. Maybe they don't present themselves well.

The point I'm trying to make is that trying hard is not a guarantee that you will be successful. A lot of people will try and fail.

And don't forget you might be giving someone who's average this advice and you yourself might be exceptional. Maybe it is true exceptional people who try hard will make it 100% of the time but not everyone is that.
What is your advice to poor people in poor communities?

Stop looking for someone to help you and help yourself. Stop seeing yourself as a victim and strive to achieve your potential. Poor people in poor communities become successful every single day. Get an education, have dedication and pride and never give up. If you follow this advice, 100% of the time, you WILL be successful. You may have setbacks, you may face adversity and challenges... don't give up... don't become a victim... don't expect others to give you things. If you are busting your hump to make it, there will be people along the way who see this and offer you opportunity. You don't need the Democrats or Liberals to tilt tables in your favor. Do it on your own and keep your dignity and pride.
If 100% of the poor people in poor communities took your advice, how many of them do you think would succeed?

Then who would work at Walmart and mcd's?

Seems there are probably lots of poor people who follow your advice and are still poor.

That doesn't mean don't try or give up because not everyone will make it but hopefully you will.

Democrats try to make things fair Republicans say every man for himself and no rules is the best way.
giving people money for doing nothing more than popping out babies is why there is a nation of poor lazy people.

What incentive is there to accomplish anything when someone merely gives you a reward for doing nothing?

Poverty is built by this concept, and to end poverty one would have to stop with the free money. I didn't say stop paying the folks, I'm saying make them earn it. Why is it liberals are against a poor person working for their money?
Because if they are working for their welfare, how are they going to look for a job? That is at least the concept.

Tell Aslepsias what you just said to me. He says poor black people will not stop having kids.
I just posted this to be number 666.

I feel what you are saying, but just keep in mind that for every 1 of those guys who got lucky and was given $300K, there are hundreds if not thousands who will go their whole lives just eeking out a meager existence.

But I see what you are saying. Not 100% in disagreement with you.

Again, this boils down to motivation and determination. I don't know of ANYONE who was determined and motivated to be successful and never made it. The guy you presented didn't "get lucky" he had people who saw him trying and helped him. If he had been laid up in the projects with his ho and bottle of ripple, I doubt he would have been helped. If he was out there with his pants around his knees and his drawers showing, gang banging with hood rats... I doubt people would have helped him.

People who go their whole lives eking out a meager existence are people who aren't motivated to do more... they are content with where they are or they've convinced themselves they can't do any better. Democrat policies only enable these people and allow them to remain where they are. Which is good for you because you need someone to scrub your toilets. Right?

If you actually think there aren't people denied opportunities solely on the basis of their race (and other factors having nothing to do with their qualifications), you must live in some kind of bubble. Either that or you're under 18 years old.

Incidentally Affirmative Action, which I assume is what you're talking about, began with Richard Nixon.

(/severely offtopic)

Again, I'll make you the same offer... Give me the names and phone numbers of those who have been discriminated against based on race and I'll make sure you get a nice commission off their multi-million dollar settlement. You see, it's a violation of Federal law. So if it is happening, it is in violation of the law and those doing the discriminating are liable.

On AA (wasn't brought up)... I happen to think it was a good idea at the time, much like the labor unions. However, it is no longer beneficial and is actually detrimental. I don't care who's policy it was... doesn't matter. At the time, we had a problem with systemic discrimination. Our father's fathers were racist by today's standards, that's just a fact. That cycle has long since been broken and we no longer have that problem.

Today, programs like AA are detrimental to individual pride and dignity. They serve as an excuse for people to say you didn't really earn what you have. You can't undo it or overcome it. While these type of "helping" programs once may have had a place, they now serve to strip people of their dignity and extinguish their pride. That's certainly not helping anyone.
I wasn't necessarily thinking of cases in the United States there, but certainly they exist, and no I don't walk around with their addresses and phone numbers in my pocket so get off your fantasy horse. I'm just saying quit being naïve or obtuse, whichever applies.

I agree about AA. But don't tell me it doesn't happen.

(/still way offtopic)
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I feel what you are saying, but just keep in mind that for every 1 of those guys who got lucky and was given $300K, there are hundreds if not thousands who will go their whole lives just eeking out a meager existence.

But I see what you are saying. Not 100% in disagreement with you.

Again, this boils down to motivation and determination. I don't know of ANYONE who was determined and motivated to be successful and never made it. The guy you presented didn't "get lucky" he had people who saw him trying and helped him. If he had been laid up in the projects with his ho and bottle of ripple, I doubt he would have been helped. If he was out there with his pants around his knees and his drawers showing, gang banging with hood rats... I doubt people would have helped him.

People who go their whole lives eking out a meager existence are people who aren't motivated to do more... they are content with where they are or they've convinced themselves they can't do any better. Democrat policies only enable these people and allow them to remain where they are. Which is good for you because you need someone to scrub your toilets. Right?

If you actually think there aren't people denied opportunities solely on the basis of their race (and other factors having nothing to do with their qualifications), you must live in some kind of bubble. Either that or you're under 18 years old.

Incidentally Affirmative Action, which I assume is what you're talking about, began with Richard Nixon.

(/severely offtopic)

Again, I'll make you the same offer... Give me the names and phone numbers of those who have been discriminated against based on race and I'll make sure you get a nice commission off their multi-million dollar settlement. You see, it's a violation of Federal law. So if it is happening, it is in violation of the law and those doing the discriminating are liable.

On AA (wasn't brought up)... I happen to think it was a good idea at the time, much like the labor unions. However, it is no longer beneficial and is actually detrimental. I don't care who's policy it was... doesn't matter. At the time, we had a problem with systemic discrimination. Our father's fathers were racist by today's standards, that's just a fact. That cycle has long since been broken and we no longer have that problem.

Today, programs like AA are detrimental to individual pride and dignity. They serve as an excuse for people to say you didn't really earn what you have. You can't undo it or overcome it. While these type of "helping" programs once may have had a place, they now serve to strip people of their dignity and extinguish their pride. That's certainly not helping anyone.
You are wrong thinking we no longer have this problem. I work for a company that has zero minorities. Zero. They should have a least 1 black guy working here just like the GOP has one black guy in their party. We need a token! If every company that doesn't have a black working for them would just hire one each we'd probably solve our black poverty problem. Unfortunately the Big 3 employeed a lot lot blacks but the GOP with NAFTA sent all those jobs to China and Mexico.
I feel what you are saying, but just keep in mind that for every 1 of those guys who got lucky and was given $300K, there are hundreds if not thousands who will go their whole lives just eeking out a meager existence.

But I see what you are saying. Not 100% in disagreement with you.

Again, this boils down to motivation and determination. I don't know of ANYONE who was determined and motivated to be successful and never made it. The guy you presented didn't "get lucky" he had people who saw him trying and helped him. If he had been laid up in the projects with his ho and bottle of ripple, I doubt he would have been helped. If he was out there with his pants around his knees and his drawers showing, gang banging with hood rats... I doubt people would have helped him.

People who go their whole lives eking out a meager existence are people who aren't motivated to do more... they are content with where they are or they've convinced themselves they can't do any better. Democrat policies only enable these people and allow them to remain where they are. Which is good for you because you need someone to scrub your toilets. Right?
Or they go their whole lives just eking out a meager existence because no better opportunities came along. I know a lot of people who are working and they submit their resume's to better companies and they never get any call backs. A lot of companies only hire someone they know.

Or maybe the person is motivated, hard working, honest, but just isn't that sharp. Maybe they don't present themselves well.

The point I'm trying to make is that trying hard is not a guarantee that you will be successful. A lot of people will try and fail.

And don't forget you might be giving someone who's average this advice and you yourself might be exceptional. Maybe it is true exceptional people who try hard will make it 100% of the time but not everyone is that.

So you think opportunities just fall into your lap? You think submitting a resume is all you need to do? Oh well, I tried Boss' advice and it didn't take! You have to keep on trying, try new things, try different approaches, rework your resume, go back to school, etc., etc., etc. A lot of people WILL try and fail, that's when you get back up and try again! 99% of successful people were not successful on their first attempt. Some failed too many times to count.

Average doesn't matter... you're making excuses. You have to believe in yourself, first and foremost... if you think you're average, why the hell would someone else think you're great? You have to present yourself and carry yourself like you're the best thing since sliced bread and anyone would be fortunate to have you working for them. Not only do you have to believe that, you have to convince potential employers of that.

And again, the liberal democrat policies serve to promote this sense of "averageness" you are talking about... we pat them on their heads and say... you can't help it you're stupid and worthless, here's a check!
Disagree. We only have equal opportunity in one area. That area is the determination to keep going. No law is going to change the fact that whites own the vast majority resources/jobs and a lot of them discriminate against non whites and especially Black people. That doesnt mean you should just throw up your hands and quit. That just means you keep going until you have conquered that hurdle of discrimination.

I have an uncle who is a civil rights attorney in Atlanta. Get me the names and phone numbers of anyone who is being discriminated against and I'll see to it you get a nice commission on their multi-million dollar settlement, okay?
You should ask your uncle how hard it is to prove a discrimination case short of the person admitting it or being caught in the act. I too have a family member that deals with civil rights cases. The fact that I would have to go to court to get a opportunity is proof its not equal.

I don't mind going to court for a million bucks, do you?

Discrimination is either happening or it's not. If it has happened, there will be no case because there will be a settlement. A good civil rights attorney will take your case pro bono if you have a legitimate case. So I just don't accept that there is this rampant discrimination happening... this isn't 1954. Are people sometimes "prejudiced" against others? Sure... but that gets back to the whole thing about "fairness" and how it's impossible to achieve in a free society.
No I wouldnt mind but thats not the point. The point is that opportunity is not equal for everyone contrary to your claim. .

But opportunity IS equal... it's not always FAIR, but it IS equal.
No opportunity is not equal. If it was then white people wouldnt do things like toss resumes in the garbage with traditionally Black sounding names.
I feel what you are saying, but just keep in mind that for every 1 of those guys who got lucky and was given $300K, there are hundreds if not thousands who will go their whole lives just eeking out a meager existence.

But I see what you are saying. Not 100% in disagreement with you.

Again, this boils down to motivation and determination. I don't know of ANYONE who was determined and motivated to be successful and never made it. The guy you presented didn't "get lucky" he had people who saw him trying and helped him. If he had been laid up in the projects with his ho and bottle of ripple, I doubt he would have been helped. If he was out there with his pants around his knees and his drawers showing, gang banging with hood rats... I doubt people would have helped him.

People who go their whole lives eking out a meager existence are people who aren't motivated to do more... they are content with where they are or they've convinced themselves they can't do any better. Democrat policies only enable these people and allow them to remain where they are. Which is good for you because you need someone to scrub your toilets. Right?

If you actually think there aren't people denied opportunities solely on the basis of their race (and other factors having nothing to do with their qualifications), you must live in some kind of bubble. Either that or you're under 18 years old.

Incidentally Affirmative Action, which I assume is what you're talking about, began with Richard Nixon.

(/severely offtopic)

Again, I'll make you the same offer... Give me the names and phone numbers of those who have been discriminated against based on race and I'll make sure you get a nice commission off their multi-million dollar settlement. You see, it's a violation of Federal law. So if it is happening, it is in violation of the law and those doing the discriminating are liable.

On AA (wasn't brought up)... I happen to think it was a good idea at the time, much like the labor unions. However, it is no longer beneficial and is actually detrimental. I don't care who's policy it was... doesn't matter. At the time, we had a problem with systemic discrimination. Our father's fathers were racist by today's standards, that's just a fact. That cycle has long since been broken and we no longer have that problem.

Today, programs like AA are detrimental to individual pride and dignity. They serve as an excuse for people to say you didn't really earn what you have. You can't undo it or overcome it. While these type of "helping" programs once may have had a place, they now serve to strip people of their dignity and extinguish their pride. That's certainly not helping anyone.
You are wrong thinking we no longer have this problem. I work for a company that has zero minorities. Zero. They should have a least 1 black guy working here just like the GOP has one black guy in their party. We need a token! If every company that doesn't have a black working for them would just hire one each we'd probably solve our black poverty problem. Unfortunately the Big 3 employeed a lot lot blacks but the GOP with NAFTA sent all those jobs to China and Mexico.
No you dont need a token. You need a qualified Black person. AA doesnt mean you get hired just because you are Black. You have to be qualified.
I feel what you are saying, but just keep in mind that for every 1 of those guys who got lucky and was given $300K, there are hundreds if not thousands who will go their whole lives just eeking out a meager existence.

But I see what you are saying. Not 100% in disagreement with you.

Again, this boils down to motivation and determination. I don't know of ANYONE who was determined and motivated to be successful and never made it. The guy you presented didn't "get lucky" he had people who saw him trying and helped him. If he had been laid up in the projects with his ho and bottle of ripple, I doubt he would have been helped. If he was out there with his pants around his knees and his drawers showing, gang banging with hood rats... I doubt people would have helped him.

People who go their whole lives eking out a meager existence are people who aren't motivated to do more... they are content with where they are or they've convinced themselves they can't do any better. Democrat policies only enable these people and allow them to remain where they are. Which is good for you because you need someone to scrub your toilets. Right?
Or they go their whole lives just eking out a meager existence because no better opportunities came along. I know a lot of people who are working and they submit their resume's to better companies and they never get any call backs. A lot of companies only hire someone they know.

Or maybe the person is motivated, hard working, honest, but just isn't that sharp. Maybe they don't present themselves well.

The point I'm trying to make is that trying hard is not a guarantee that you will be successful. A lot of people will try and fail.

And don't forget you might be giving someone who's average this advice and you yourself might be exceptional. Maybe it is true exceptional people who try hard will make it 100% of the time but not everyone is that.

So you think opportunities just fall into your lap? You think submitting a resume is all you need to do? Oh well, I tried Boss' advice and it didn't take! You have to keep on trying, try new things, try different approaches, rework your resume, go back to school, etc., etc., etc. A lot of people WILL try and fail, that's when you get back up and try again! 99% of successful people were not successful on their first attempt. Some failed too many times to count.

Average doesn't matter... you're making excuses. You have to believe in yourself, first and foremost... if you think you're average, why the hell would someone else think you're great? You have to present yourself and carry yourself like you're the best thing since sliced bread and anyone would be fortunate to have you working for them. Not only do you have to believe that, you have to convince potential employers of that.

And again, the liberal democrat policies serve to promote this sense of "averageness" you are talking about... we pat them on their heads and say... you can't help it you're stupid and worthless, here's a check!
Take for example all the guys who work for Ford. If conservatives had their way, most of them would be making minimum wage and only the exceptional employees, about 2% of them, would be making a living wage.

You pat them on the head and say if you want a better paycheck, start your own business, go back to school or try a little harder. And its never enough. You point to Bill Gates and say, "look, he made it so can you". In fact you suggest 100% of the people can do what he did if they just keep trying.

And if by patting them on the head and handing them a check means paying them a fair wage for a fair days work, yes, we believe in doing that.
I feel what you are saying, but just keep in mind that for every 1 of those guys who got lucky and was given $300K, there are hundreds if not thousands who will go their whole lives just eeking out a meager existence.

But I see what you are saying. Not 100% in disagreement with you.

Again, this boils down to motivation and determination. I don't know of ANYONE who was determined and motivated to be successful and never made it. The guy you presented didn't "get lucky" he had people who saw him trying and helped him. If he had been laid up in the projects with his ho and bottle of ripple, I doubt he would have been helped. If he was out there with his pants around his knees and his drawers showing, gang banging with hood rats... I doubt people would have helped him.

People who go their whole lives eking out a meager existence are people who aren't motivated to do more... they are content with where they are or they've convinced themselves they can't do any better. Democrat policies only enable these people and allow them to remain where they are. Which is good for you because you need someone to scrub your toilets. Right?

If you actually think there aren't people denied opportunities solely on the basis of their race (and other factors having nothing to do with their qualifications), you must live in some kind of bubble. Either that or you're under 18 years old.

Incidentally Affirmative Action, which I assume is what you're talking about, began with Richard Nixon.

(/severely offtopic)

Again, I'll make you the same offer... Give me the names and phone numbers of those who have been discriminated against based on race and I'll make sure you get a nice commission off their multi-million dollar settlement. You see, it's a violation of Federal law. So if it is happening, it is in violation of the law and those doing the discriminating are liable.

On AA (wasn't brought up)... I happen to think it was a good idea at the time, much like the labor unions. However, it is no longer beneficial and is actually detrimental. I don't care who's policy it was... doesn't matter. At the time, we had a problem with systemic discrimination. Our father's fathers were racist by today's standards, that's just a fact. That cycle has long since been broken and we no longer have that problem.

Today, programs like AA are detrimental to individual pride and dignity. They serve as an excuse for people to say you didn't really earn what you have. You can't undo it or overcome it. While these type of "helping" programs once may have had a place, they now serve to strip people of their dignity and extinguish their pride. That's certainly not helping anyone.
You are wrong thinking we no longer have this problem. I work for a company that has zero minorities. Zero. They should have a least 1 black guy working here just like the GOP has one black guy in their party. We need a token! If every company that doesn't have a black working for them would just hire one each we'd probably solve our black poverty problem. Unfortunately the Big 3 employeed a lot lot blacks but the GOP with NAFTA sent all those jobs to China and Mexico.
No you dont need a token. You need a qualified Black person. AA doesnt mean you get hired just because you are Black. You have to be qualified.
You act like only a rocket scientist can do what we do here at my company. That isn't true. But for some reason, my bosses only seem to be able to find whites they want to hire. I've seen them interview a few blacks but based on their attitudes in the lunch room, I doubt those black people interviewing have a chance in hell of getting hired. This is why we had AA. You guys like to cry that a more qualified white didn't get the job because a less qualified black got the job. Fact is, anyone can do that job. If not they wouldn't be picking by the process of ini mini mini mo.
Because if they are working for their welfare, how are they going to look for a job? That is at least the concept.

The same way people with families and jobs go back to school or work second jobs. There's 24 hours in a day, most people only work 8. There are 168 hours in a week, most people work 40. You have to be willing to put forth the extra effort to be successful, as I said, it's not easy. If it was, everyone would be successful.

Again-- you are making excuses. You have to overcome that. There is always an excuse for why you couldn't do something. People who become successful (for the most part) are those who simply don't find excuses. It's just not part of their vocabulary or thinking.
Again, this boils down to motivation and determination. I don't know of ANYONE who was determined and motivated to be successful and never made it. The guy you presented didn't "get lucky" he had people who saw him trying and helped him. If he had been laid up in the projects with his ho and bottle of ripple, I doubt he would have been helped. If he was out there with his pants around his knees and his drawers showing, gang banging with hood rats... I doubt people would have helped him.

People who go their whole lives eking out a meager existence are people who aren't motivated to do more... they are content with where they are or they've convinced themselves they can't do any better. Democrat policies only enable these people and allow them to remain where they are. Which is good for you because you need someone to scrub your toilets. Right?

If you actually think there aren't people denied opportunities solely on the basis of their race (and other factors having nothing to do with their qualifications), you must live in some kind of bubble. Either that or you're under 18 years old.

Incidentally Affirmative Action, which I assume is what you're talking about, began with Richard Nixon.

(/severely offtopic)

Again, I'll make you the same offer... Give me the names and phone numbers of those who have been discriminated against based on race and I'll make sure you get a nice commission off their multi-million dollar settlement. You see, it's a violation of Federal law. So if it is happening, it is in violation of the law and those doing the discriminating are liable.

On AA (wasn't brought up)... I happen to think it was a good idea at the time, much like the labor unions. However, it is no longer beneficial and is actually detrimental. I don't care who's policy it was... doesn't matter. At the time, we had a problem with systemic discrimination. Our father's fathers were racist by today's standards, that's just a fact. That cycle has long since been broken and we no longer have that problem.

Today, programs like AA are detrimental to individual pride and dignity. They serve as an excuse for people to say you didn't really earn what you have. You can't undo it or overcome it. While these type of "helping" programs once may have had a place, they now serve to strip people of their dignity and extinguish their pride. That's certainly not helping anyone.
You are wrong thinking we no longer have this problem. I work for a company that has zero minorities. Zero. They should have a least 1 black guy working here just like the GOP has one black guy in their party. We need a token! If every company that doesn't have a black working for them would just hire one each we'd probably solve our black poverty problem. Unfortunately the Big 3 employeed a lot lot blacks but the GOP with NAFTA sent all those jobs to China and Mexico.
No you dont need a token. You need a qualified Black person. AA doesnt mean you get hired just because you are Black. You have to be qualified.
You act like only a rocket scientist can do what we do here at my company. That isn't true. But for some reason, my bosses only seem to be able to find whites they want to hire. I've seen them interview a few blacks but based on their attitudes in the lunch room, I doubt those black people interviewing have a chance in hell of getting hired. This is why we had AA. You guys like to cry that a more qualified white didn't get the job because a less qualified black got the job. Fact is, anyone can do that job. If not they wouldn't be picking by the process of ini mini mini mo.
I'm not excusing your job from being discriminatory. I'm just saying you dont need a token. You need somebody that fits the qualifications whatever they may be.
I feel what you are saying, but just keep in mind that for every 1 of those guys who got lucky and was given $300K, there are hundreds if not thousands who will go their whole lives just eeking out a meager existence.

But I see what you are saying. Not 100% in disagreement with you.

Again, this boils down to motivation and determination. I don't know of ANYONE who was determined and motivated to be successful and never made it. The guy you presented didn't "get lucky" he had people who saw him trying and helped him. If he had been laid up in the projects with his ho and bottle of ripple, I doubt he would have been helped. If he was out there with his pants around his knees and his drawers showing, gang banging with hood rats... I doubt people would have helped him.

People who go their whole lives eking out a meager existence are people who aren't motivated to do more... they are content with where they are or they've convinced themselves they can't do any better. Democrat policies only enable these people and allow them to remain where they are. Which is good for you because you need someone to scrub your toilets. Right?
Or they go their whole lives just eking out a meager existence because no better opportunities came along. I know a lot of people who are working and they submit their resume's to better companies and they never get any call backs. A lot of companies only hire someone they know.

Or maybe the person is motivated, hard working, honest, but just isn't that sharp. Maybe they don't present themselves well.

The point I'm trying to make is that trying hard is not a guarantee that you will be successful. A lot of people will try and fail.

And don't forget you might be giving someone who's average this advice and you yourself might be exceptional. Maybe it is true exceptional people who try hard will make it 100% of the time but not everyone is that.

So you think opportunities just fall into your lap? You think submitting a resume is all you need to do? Oh well, I tried Boss' advice and it didn't take! You have to keep on trying, try new things, try different approaches, rework your resume, go back to school, etc., etc., etc. A lot of people WILL try and fail, that's when you get back up and try again! 99% of successful people were not successful on their first attempt. Some failed too many times to count.

Average doesn't matter... you're making excuses. You have to believe in yourself, first and foremost... if you think you're average, why the hell would someone else think you're great? You have to present yourself and carry yourself like you're the best thing since sliced bread and anyone would be fortunate to have you working for them. Not only do you have to believe that, you have to convince potential employers of that.

And again, the liberal democrat policies serve to promote this sense of "averageness" you are talking about... we pat them on their heads and say... you can't help it you're stupid and worthless, here's a check!
Take for example all the guys who work for Ford. If conservatives had their way, most of them would be making minimum wage and only the exceptional employees, about 2% of them, would be making a living wage.

You pat them on the head and say if you want a better paycheck, start your own business, go back to school or try a little harder. And its never enough. You point to Bill Gates and say, "look, he made it so can you". In fact you suggest 100% of the people can do what he did if they just keep trying.

And if by patting them on the head and handing them a check means paying them a fair wage for a fair days work, yes, we believe in doing that.

It's quite ironic that you picked FORD as an example. Henry Ford paid his employees very well for the times. And hey... democrats and labor unions had their way and now all the cars are made in Canada or Japan and the American auto worker is unemployed.

I didn't say 100% of the people can be Bill Gates. I said 100% who take my advice can be successful and I stand by that statement.

And again-- you revert to this 'fairness' bullshit that you need to get over. Life is not fucking fair! It's never going to be 100% fair for everyone across the board... that's not a FREE society...that's Communist China where "fair" translates to $1 a day and a bowl of rice!
Because if they are working for their welfare, how are they going to look for a job? That is at least the concept.

The same way people with families and jobs go back to school or work second jobs. There's 24 hours in a day, most people only work 8. There are 168 hours in a week, most people work 40. You have to be willing to put forth the extra effort to be successful, as I said, it's not easy. If it was, everyone would be successful.

Again-- you are making excuses. You have to overcome that. There is always an excuse for why you couldn't do something. People who become successful (for the most part) are those who simply don't find excuses. It's just not part of their vocabulary or thinking.
I agree. For example, how many poor people smoke a pack of smokes every day. Imagine the fortune they could amass if they saves $7 a day.
Disagree. We only have equal opportunity in one area. That area is the determination to keep going. No law is going to change the fact that whites own the vast majority resources/jobs and a lot of them discriminate against non whites and especially Black people. That doesnt mean you should just throw up your hands and quit. That just means you keep going until you have conquered that hurdle of discrimination.

I have an uncle who is a civil rights attorney in Atlanta. Get me the names and phone numbers of anyone who is being discriminated against and I'll see to it you get a nice commission on their multi-million dollar settlement, okay?
You should ask your uncle how hard it is to prove a discrimination case short of the person admitting it or being caught in the act. I too have a family member that deals with civil rights cases. The fact that I would have to go to court to get a opportunity is proof its not equal.

I don't mind going to court for a million bucks, do you?

Discrimination is either happening or it's not. If it has happened, there will be no case because there will be a settlement. A good civil rights attorney will take your case pro bono if you have a legitimate case. So I just don't accept that there is this rampant discrimination happening... this isn't 1954. Are people sometimes "prejudiced" against others? Sure... but that gets back to the whole thing about "fairness" and how it's impossible to achieve in a free society.
No I wouldnt mind but thats not the point. The point is that opportunity is not equal for everyone contrary to your claim. .
sure it is. Explain how it isn't?
You are wrong thinking we no longer have this problem. I work for a company that has zero minorities. Zero. They should have a least 1 black guy working here just like the GOP has one black guy in their party. We need a token! If every company that doesn't have a black working for them would just hire one each we'd probably solve our black poverty problem. Unfortunately the Big 3 employeed a lot lot blacks but the GOP with NAFTA sent all those jobs to China and Mexico.

What??? You mean you think your company should just hire someone with black skin because black skinned people can't get a job there otherwise? What's the matter with them? Does their skin make them stupid or something?

How would you feel being a "token?" Let's say the national MENSA society decided to adopt you as a "token" even though you're nowhere near MENSA level intelligence? You think you'd be happy there? Would you feel you belonged? Would your fellow Mensans respect you as an equal? Now, maybe it's more "fair" for them to have a token idiot, but you cannot force fairness. It doesn't work.
I have an uncle who is a civil rights attorney in Atlanta. Get me the names and phone numbers of anyone who is being discriminated against and I'll see to it you get a nice commission on their multi-million dollar settlement, okay?
You should ask your uncle how hard it is to prove a discrimination case short of the person admitting it or being caught in the act. I too have a family member that deals with civil rights cases. The fact that I would have to go to court to get a opportunity is proof its not equal.

I don't mind going to court for a million bucks, do you?

Discrimination is either happening or it's not. If it has happened, there will be no case because there will be a settlement. A good civil rights attorney will take your case pro bono if you have a legitimate case. So I just don't accept that there is this rampant discrimination happening... this isn't 1954. Are people sometimes "prejudiced" against others? Sure... but that gets back to the whole thing about "fairness" and how it's impossible to achieve in a free society.
No I wouldnt mind but thats not the point. The point is that opportunity is not equal for everyone contrary to your claim. .

But opportunity IS equal... it's not always FAIR, but it IS equal.
No opportunity is not equal. If it was then white people wouldnt do things like toss resumes in the garbage with traditionally Black sounding names.
profiling again I see.
What is your advice to poor people in poor communities?

Stop looking for someone to help you and help yourself. Stop seeing yourself as a victim and strive to achieve your potential. Poor people in poor communities become successful every single day. Get an education, have dedication and pride and never give up. If you follow this advice, 100% of the time, you WILL be successful. You may have setbacks, you may face adversity and challenges... don't give up... don't become a victim... don't expect others to give you things. If you are busting your hump to make it, there will be people along the way who see this and offer you opportunity. You don't need the Democrats or Liberals to tilt tables in your favor. Do it on your own and keep your dignity and pride.
If 100% of the poor people in poor communities took your advice, how many of them do you think would succeed?

Then who would work at Walmart and mcd's?

Seems there are probably lots of poor people who follow your advice and are still poor.

That doesn't mean don't try or give up because not everyone will make it but hopefully you will.

Democrats try to make things fair Republicans say every man for himself and no rules is the best way.
giving people money for doing nothing more than popping out babies is why there is a nation of poor lazy people.

What incentive is there to accomplish anything when someone merely gives you a reward for doing nothing?

Poverty is built by this concept, and to end poverty one would have to stop with the free money. I didn't say stop paying the folks, I'm saying make them earn it. Why is it liberals are against a poor person working for their money?
Because if they are working for their welfare, how are they going to look for a job? That is at least the concept.

Tell Aslepsias what you just said to me. He says poor black people will not stop having kids.
well if they're working for a welfare check, then they don't have 24 x 7 to procreate.

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