Fox's James Rosen Investigated by Justice Dept; Personal E-Mails subpoenad

The part that stands out to me: "They obtained a search warrant." -- Meaning a judge thought there was enough probable cause -- meaning the law was followed, the 4th amendment has not been violated -- what's the big deal?

The reporter isn't being charged with anything -- they'll try to scare him into cooperating witch is perfectly legal but a good lawyer will tell him not to worry. He didn't pay for the info, it was given to him.

The DOJ finding a judge to obtain a search warrant? I'm sure he has a 100 of them in his back pocket for his disposal. Seems more like just showing how heavy handed Holder can be when it comes to the 1st Amendment. Nice try though, Hazel.

So does that mean any time the DOJ obtains a warrant and executes a search they are breaking the Constitution?

You do understand that there were 3 people in the Fox organization, and not just Rosen.
The DOJ better have his ducks in a row and not just out on a fishing expedition like in this situation. It's not going to look to good for him and his "clueless" leader.
Now it seems that this administration didn't stop with the AP. Now it's been expanded to cover some of Fox News reporters.

The Department Of Justice Targeted A Fox News Reporter During A Leak Investigation

From the Post's report:
Reyes wrote that there was evidence Rosen had broken the law, “at the very least, either as an aider, abettor and/or co-conspirator.” That fact distinguishes his case from the probe of the AP, in which the news organization is not the likely target.
Using italics for emphasis, Reyes explained how Rosen allegedly used a “covert communications plan” and quoted from an e-mail exchange between Rosen and Kim that seems to describe a secret system for passing along information. [...]
However, it remains an open question whether it’s ever illegal, given the First Amendment’s protection of press freedom, for a reporter to solicit information. No reporter, including Rosen, has been prosecuted for doing so.

Read more: Fox News Reporter James Rosen Had DoJ Target - Business Insider

Apparently, Rosen had done nothing wrong as no charges or indictments were handed down. Business as usual for the Chicago style administration.
Holder is a piece of work with very dirty hands.

The part that stands out to me: "They obtained a search warrant." -- Meaning a judge thought there was enough probable cause -- meaning the law was followed, the 4th amendment has not been violated -- what's the big deal?

The reporter isn't being charged with anything -- they'll try to scare him into cooperating witch is perfectly legal but a good lawyer will tell him not to worry. He didn't pay for the info, it was given to him.

The DOJ finding a judge to obtain a search warrant? I'm sure he has a 100 of them in his back pocket for his disposal.

That's a pretty far-fetched notion. That 100's of federal judges are corrupt and willing to issue warrants without probable cause. If any judge were to do that, the trial judge would through the case out-- all evidence obtained under the bad warrant would be fruit of the poison tree, therefore inadmissible.

Seems more like just showing how heavy handed Holder can be when it comes to the 1st Amendment. Nice try though, Hazel.

You live in a fantasy world were the entire government, all three branches are in cahoots against us.

You think Holder has "judges in his pockets." LOL -- you've been watching too many Godfather movies.

Again, if a judge issues a bad warrant, the case could be thrown out at trial.

Grow up and get educated on how things work.

In order to prove your idiotic conspiracy theory about judges in pockets, you'd need to show a pattern of particular judges issuing warrants w/o PC.

Step up and prove it, or shut up.
The DOJ finding a judge to obtain a search warrant? I'm sure he has a 100 of them in his back pocket for his disposal. Seems more like just showing how heavy handed Holder can be when it comes to the 1st Amendment. Nice try though, Hazel.

So does that mean any time the DOJ obtains a warrant and executes a search they are breaking the Constitution?

You do understand that there were 3 people in the Fox organization, and not just Rosen.
The DOJ better have his ducks in a row and not just out on a fishing expedition like in this situation. It's not going to look to good for him and his "clueless" leader.

So does that mean any time the DOJ obtains a warrant and executes a search against three people who work for the same company, they are breaking the Constitution?
And you have nothing to argue.

There's an argument?
The DOJ obtained a search warrant, did they not?

What part of "unannounced seizure" did you not comprehend?

Is that illegal?

Like a "no knock" warrant.

What would be the point of telling someone you've obtained a legal warrant to look at their email?

Bottom line -- if this were the Bush DOJ doing this -- all the teabagges around here would be cheering this.

I get how it looks - Obama DOJ vs Fox News, but doesn't the government have an obligation to try to catch employees breaking the law by leaking classified information?
And you have nothing to argue.

There's an argument?
The DOJ obtained a search warrant, did they not?
No, they didn't.

Sorry, are we talking about two different James Rosens?

A federal judge signed off on the search warrant — agreeing that there was probable cause that Rosen was a co-conspirator.

A rare peek into a Justice Department leak probe - The Washington Post
This is in regards to a 2009 leak probe by the Justice Department into the alleged criminal activity of Fox News justice correspondent James Rosen, after he published stories about North Korea. I surmise that Obama has a very low view of the information gathering methods some reporters use. Freedom of the press? Yeah, you can kiss that goodbye.

Court documents show abundant evidence gathered from Kim’s office computer and phone records, but investigators said they needed to go a step further to build their case, seizing two days’ worth of Rosen’s personal e-mails — and all of his e-mail exchanges with Kim.

Privacy protections limit searching or seizing a reporter’s work, but not when there is evidence that the journalist broke the law against unauthorized leaks. A federal judge signed off on the search warrant — agreeing that there was probable cause that Rosen was a co-conspirator.

A rare peek into a Justice Department leak probe - The Washington Post
He got in trouble for doing his JOB.. The Obama administration is LOSING IT
There's an argument?
The DOJ obtained a search warrant, did they not?

What part of "unannounced seizure" did you not comprehend?

Is that illegal?

Like a "no knock" warrant.

What would be the point of telling someone you've obtained a legal warrant to look at their email?

Bottom line -- if this were the Bush DOJ doing this -- all the teabagges around here would be cheering this.

I get how it looks - Obama DOJ vs Fox News, but doesn't the government have an obligation to try to catch employees breaking the law by leaking classified information?

I knew you guys had a deep seated hatred for free speech and Fox News.. but dayum.


What part of "unannounced seizure" did you not comprehend?

Is that illegal?

Like a "no knock" warrant.

What would be the point of telling someone you've obtained a legal warrant to look at their email?

Bottom line -- if this were the Bush DOJ doing this -- all the teabagges around here would be cheering this.

I get how it looks - Obama DOJ vs Fox News, but doesn't the government have an obligation to try to catch employees breaking the law by leaking classified information?

I knew you guys had a deep seated hatred for free speech and Fox News.. but dayum.



Does the 1st amendment prohibit the Department of Justice from executing a search warrant approved by a judge against a member of the press?
Is that illegal?

Like a "no knock" warrant.

What would be the point of telling someone you've obtained a legal warrant to look at their email?

Bottom line -- if this were the Bush DOJ doing this -- all the teabagges around here would be cheering this.

I get how it looks - Obama DOJ vs Fox News, but doesn't the government have an obligation to try to catch employees breaking the law by leaking classified information?

I knew you guys had a deep seated hatred for free speech and Fox News.. but dayum.



Does the 1st amendment prohibit the Department of Justice from executing a search warrant approved by a judge against a member of the press?

When there are no obvious violations of the law, yes. That's what we call unlawful search and seizure, idiot.
Journalism rarely exists, today the 'News' is all about ratings. "BREAKING NEWS", lol. Attention getting? Not anymore. Remember when the news came in paper and an EXTRA was a rare and generally major event?

cable with 24/7 news channels changed all that. We can blame Ted Turner.

How about holding our government acreditable? Oh yes we can't have that as that would effect the agenda. We're fucked.
I knew you guys had a deep seated hatred for free speech and Fox News.. but dayum.



Does the 1st amendment prohibit the Department of Justice from executing a search warrant approved by a judge against a member of the press?

When there are no obvious violations of the law, yes. Idiot.

So the DOJ is only allowed to investigate "obvious" violations of the law? I've never heard of that. Who decides what is "obvious" ? A judge? Or you? How do you know there were no "obvious" violations?
Why sure, we should only have government-approved news. They know what is best for us.

This is exactly what Obama has in mind as he does this. Silencing anyone that reports the news that isn't approved by the government.

They can do this by declaration. Fox isn't a real news agency. James Rosen isn't a real reporter. The government can do anything they want.

The government can simply declare someone to be anything they want.
Does the 1st amendment prohibit the Department of Justice from executing a search warrant approved by a judge against a member of the press?

When there are no obvious violations of the law, yes. Idiot.

So the DOJ is only allowed to investigate "obvious" violations of the law? I've never heard of that. Who decides what is "obvious" ? A judge? Or you? How do you know there were no "obvious" violations?

Uhh, did Rosen endanger our national security by doing his job? Not really, it was a knee jerk reaction from the DOJ because he happened to be from Fox News.

Stop beating around the bush. THERE WERE NO LAWS BROKEN! Except maybe by the Justice Department. You can't wrap that Liberal brain of yours around the fact that the DOJ actually breached peoples constitutional rights here.. oh wait, you liberals don't like the Constitution. Nevermind.

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